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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Watching the show
Son number 2 home
I turned it on for the last 45 min
When Amanda Seyfried announced Adam
” Did you know he was gonna be on?”
STILL doesn’t know me.
How brilliant perfect gorgeous was he?
Loved when the earpiece was a goner, he really let loose.
Alex @akalexander5050
@adamlambert impeccable performance than has left a mark on each listener’s heart! Your emotional version of ‘Believe’ consumed me! Thank You!
shinan govani @shinangovani
A stand-up-and-listen moment: @adamlambert doing his take on BELIEVE in this Cher tribute. #KCHonors #KennedyCenterHonors
Tom ford @Tomford66427083
Replying to @adamlambert @cher @cyndilauper
One of the most memorable performances I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing. Adam’s talent is without question the best around. I’m proud to be a part of your LBGTQ community. You do us all proud!
Beautiful @adamlambert (and thank you to his management!!!) On our TV singing is where he belongs!!!!
❄️ Frankie Le(oh hole-y night) Bennett @FrankieLBennett
I wish I hadn’t come out so I could discover I was gay watching @cher watching @adamlambert sing the holy hell out of Believe. #KennedyCenterHonors
CloreenBaconskin @CloreenBacNSkin
OMG….Adam Lambert KILLED at the Kennedy Honors tonight w/ his tribute to Cher. “Believe” was so good it made Cher cry & he got a Standing O. So of course cue the stans of the Struggle Idols.
Xof @xof1013
Holy F’ing SHIT!!! Not only did @adamlambert make @cher weep during her own tribute, but he got a jaw-dropped audience standing on their feet INSTANTLY! That man … WOW!!!! #kchonors
Andrew Werner @AndrewWerner
Omg @adamlambert you were incredible handsome! #KCHonors
Scott R Snyder @scottrs73
@cyndilauper @adamlambert WOW just WOW to both of you. You did @cher proud. What a tribute! Thank all 3 of you for the gift you have given us!
Gary Quadros @garyq1
@adamlambert really brought it in his tribute to @cher #KCHonors #beleive Love this!
Replying to @ChiChiFrita
I wasn’t just smiling inside. Seeing everyone from Hamilton having the same look of awe I do when watching @adamlambert was EVERYTHING! #KCHonors
Rosetta_MicDrop ;D @RedRoseQueen1
ME TOO! Adam Lambert is trending! The RESPECT from the entertainment world tonight is CLEARLY VISIBLE! Cher was in tears; the cast/creators/writers of Hamilton were even looking a bit gobsmacked by that VOICE! Standing “O”, OMG! *tears* My musician hubby got goosebumps! ??????
I’m sitting here grinning like a chessycat ❤️??
haha – me, too –
Replying to @kencen @adamlambert @cher
Incredible vocals as ALWAYS! The best reaction to Adam’s performance of ‘Believe’ was from Cher herself. Especially at the moment he hit that high note giving to all, the jaw dropping goose bumps effect!
Marsha Brady @amnesiablonde
Listening to @adamlambert sing “Believe” at the Kennedy Center Honors in tribute to @cher was more than I could handle. I’m sobbing over how powerful he sung that beautiful song. Wow. Just wow.
❤️❤️❤️ #adamlambert #KennedyCenterHonors #Believe #Vid
Michigan Lefty @Music0723
Replying to @DangerGirl6 @RunPeek @cher
@adamlambert Should release ‘Do you believe in love?’. It was “incredibly beautiful”. I say absolute hit.
Debbi Olson @olson_debbi
@41st_the this was one of the very best Kennedy Center Honors shows! @adamlambert singing @cher was absolutely amazing!
Luke Easton @3ku1
Cool little breakdown in the chorus too. Where he brought it back and showed off his falsetto and lower register. Reminded me of his CIGC performance on Idol. When he showed the emotion in the song. Hopefully see a bit of soul in A4
mssupersonic @JaclynYocum2
Adam Lambert sang that song like the love of his life just left him before he walked on stage. He was amazing BRAVO #KCHonors #KennedyCenterHonors
Emilie @PerusingMusic
I have to admit it always gets my attention and I get a little excited when an artist throws his ear piece over his shoulder while singing. You know that something is coming you might as well stand up for. @adamlambert #KennedyCenterHonors
PattiHum @PattiHum
Love seeing @adamlambert still trending an hour later! Woo Hoo! Proud #Glambert!
Trevor Scott @TrevorScottATX
Welp. I think one of the most special things I’ve seen this year is @adamlambert’s tribute to @cher at the @kencen honors. That was incredible. #KCHonors
Believe by @adamlambert his voice is unmatched. Such talent. What a performance. RT @kencen: Thanks for tuning into tonight’s #KCHonors broadcast!
What was your favorite moment?
I’ll Wake Up Now & Live ?️? @Selu_Peace
Adam Lambert Nails Cher’s “Believe” At Kennedy Center Honors & Fans Are Beyond Impressed
Ben @nycbenben
@adamlambert performing a gorgeous rendition of Believe at #KennedyCenterHonors even made @cher get emotional. That takes an impressive voice!
Susan Mortimer @GypsyBeachLover
I want to listen to #adamlambert ‘s #cher cover over and over. #kennedycenterhonors #amazing
I don’t know anything about it…the story or the music…only know the name because I’ve seen it mentioned on here
brian lipton @bsl1436
I already knew this, but @adamlambert is one of the greatest voices of our era. His rendition of “Believe” at #KennedyCenterHonors was UNBELIEVABLE! Only eight months until I see him again with #Queen.
Troy @tmcadams_troy
Replying to @kencen @adamlambert @cher
Young man has a killer voice..
winston morrison @winniecm
Replying to @filmadept @SusieFierce @adamlambert
I know. I’m still having chills from it an hour later. Magnificent.
Ivanna D. @IvannaDrpic
Adam Lambert is one sexy bitch ? #KennedyCenterHonors
Alex @akalexander5050
It is rare when an artist can vocally stir emotions with just the sound of his or her pitch be it low or high. Adam Lambert is that artist! Heart gripping!!
Adam Lambert “Believe”
So beautiful –
IndependentVoters @IndependentVo12
#KennedyCenterHonors BRAVO Adam Lambert. What a great rendition of Cher’s Great Hit. It was unbelievable!
HELL TO THE YEAH! @adamlambert is LITERALLY the BEST MALE VOCALIST ALIVE. Any other position is automatically INVALID! ✊✊?✊?
Karen Manak @karen_manak
@adamlambert ROCKED KCH with Believe. LOVED IT!! Not a dry eye in our house!
poppdlockk12 @poppdlockk12
I like to watch faces when @adamlambert sings for this type of wide-ranging audience. I like to see expressions of patient curiosity morph into smiles and nods of approval when he opens up full-throttle. I like to see standing ovations when he steals hearts.
Jeremy Richardson @jackmc9984
I’d like to purchase every possible medium of that @adamlambert cover of Believe. Absolutely incredible. @cher #KCHonors
The Kennedy Center
Now, @AdamLambert & @CyndiLauper unite to play us out with—what else?—”I Got You Babe!” ? #KCHonors
Sean Franklin @seanmfranklin
Wow! Did y’all see @adamlambert’s tribute to @cher?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IT9hQimw5U&feature=youtu.be#Phenomenal #KCHonors #Believe youtu.be/9IT9hQimw5U
AUDIO: Mp3 DL – Adam Lambert – Believe – KCH 2018-12-26
I’ll Wake Up Now & Live ?️? @Selu_Peace
“This Beautiful Rendition Of Cher’s ‘Believe’ Is Adam Lambert’s Gift To Us All” youtu.be/BgJSid_2xG0 “To recognize Cher at the 2018 Kennedy Center Honors, @adamlambert wows the crowd with his version of her iconic pop hit ‘Believe'”
Cher tweets:
Cher @cher
Tried 2 write Feelings About Adam Lambert Singing
Believe In Words,but Cant seem 2.When Your senses are Overwhelmed All Can you feel with your ❤️.
I Was Shocked AND Over The MOON When Cindi (Lauper) came out Rocking the house.
Shocked Because SHE TOLD ME SHE WAS IN LA,
What a fantastic performance. Incredible rendition of “Believe” Sniff. Needs to be released on itunes. Just wow!
They just showed Adam on GMA. Singing and Cher’s tweet about Adam. Sooo well deserved. And a little about Cindi Lauper. They do like Adam over there.
As Amazing as we Adam fans have come to expect! To get such accolades from Cher and our own cher is truly special!!
So upset that I forgot to tape this performance! Hoping for a replay performance.
Searched Xfinity and can play for free anytime!!?❤️???