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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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I’m interested in the art hanging behind Pharoah. Is it one of Freddie’s drawings?
I think Alice Cooper would have made a better Pontius Pilate. And if James Corden is really in it, he’d play a good Herod (who is a bit more “portly”).
Here is my brother as Judas in a local production of JCS. Several years ago.
MusicTramp @MusicTramp
9m9 minutes ago
saulikoskinen’s photo https://instagram.com/p/Bc8fta7Arf1/
25s25 seconds ago
VIDEO|Pharaoh looking/waiting for Adam ❤ from Sauli Instagram stories.
What a sweet dog –
VIDEO|Aww Adam and Sauli are making gift bags with food for homeless people ❤ (? Sauli via Instagram stories, thanks @itsmeansku for the translation)
I love that Sauli instagrams a lot a gives us a glimpse into what he is doing but I wish he would quit that back and forth video thing, drives me crazy!
WARNING: if you have to work today, don’t watch this. Also, mils, prepare the corner for extra bodies! Especially yours lol!
PS if you’re on Instagram, follow her! Her edits are AMAZING!
?️? @OZzeeGal
2h2 hours ago
Adam ‘n Sauli on Terrance’s IG story: “Merry Christmas” ?
Oooh la la!!
Now that’s a corner worthy waker upper if I ever saw one!!
May need to watch a few more times.
Just a few.
This is almost like a blog rather than a review
Eber made is IG account private.
Lilybop @lilybop2010
3m3 minutes ago
? Sauli is lip syncing. His ig story 7 hours ago, Flipped
Elise FoleyVerified account @elisefoley
6m6 minutes ago
Happy shortest day of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was thinking the same thing, glambotgram. Don’t even want to watch it. Maybe that’s what he’s going for.
If I were singing in Adam’s kitchen, I’d be smiling too!
? Adam was mentioned on TV last night.
Lilybop @lilybop2010
? Every day I check #JesusChristSuperstarLive IMDB for the cast listing. On @PageSixTV last night @JohnFugelsang said everyone wants @AdamLambert to be Judas @EWagmeister said Adam’s name always comes up re those live musicals. @BevySmith said John Legend could become an EGOT.
Doesn’t matter what religion you follow, if any…this is cute.
Marc Platt is one of the producers of JCS. He is also producing the movie Wicked for 2019.
Gelly @14gelly
1m1 minute ago
stretchyman These fools!!!! Christmas Cocktails….LOTS of Christmas cocktails. @ terrancespencer @adamlambert ”
The real reason your packages are delayed
Gelly @14gelly
2m2 minutes ago
Cosmic Ears “A big Cosmic Ears welcome to @adamlambert who has recently made the switch to our custom in ear monitors!” He looks so good with the blue sweater! The photo is HUGE SUPER HQ open to see it! Direct Link https://scontent.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/25542361_1556708847716969_6074989355931549735_o.jpg?oh=f5d48fccdf3e4f7cd62f74ff6e1549ef&oe=5AB9BFAB&dl …
Source https://www.facebook.com/cosmicears/photos/a.403761096345089.93950.193447217376479/1556708847716969/?type=3&theater …
Of course he is!
Obaby @ObabyGraf
3m3 minutes ago
Adam left a comment on Elisse’s post https://instagram.com/p/Bc-Vkvenj3c/
A 2019 arena tour of Jesus Christ Superstar is planned.
Here is pagesixtv news talking about Adam
We see this every year but it’s still fun
Lilybop @lilybop2010
5m5 minutes ago
✨?✨?✨ Sauli’s ig story 20 min ago
https://instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/06c5011403868f54053fe7dfb44fbcef/5A3D9EF5/t58.9793-16/16829576_704366433092055_7649398234935889740_n.mp4 …
Alan @ajbates86
19m19 minutes ago
@DrBrianMay @adamlambert thank you for allowing those of us of the younger generation to be a part of Queen history. Since finding my dad’s Queen LPs in the early 90s and thinking I’d never get to see a Queen show, you have made dreams come true.
I thought Sauli was in a car
Lilybop @lilybop2010
26m26 minutes ago
Sauli’s IG story 38 min ago. “Omg”
back and forth, back and forth, back and forth
Lilybop @lilybop2010
3m3 minutes ago
Sauli’s ig story 4 min ago
Mexican vegan, a margarita, and a chair massage?
Where Can I sign up for this???
Is Adam taking these pics, or is he busy signing contracts for the role he was born to sing???
Michelle Visage wants Adam to be Judas
I love this picture
?? Adorable Pharaoh on Sauli’s IG story
I am 100% dying right now, and then Adam’s hand comes in to pet him at the last second, and look at that smile on Sauli’s face as Adam films him, ??❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
luna @I4Adam2
Oh I noticed the love in his eyes!
Boy do I hope Adam has a good chance at the Judas role in JCS. That would be so affirming for him!
Luval, so cool that your brother performed this exact role.
I expect you saw it at least once. Didn’t know you had a musical family. Of course, I may have missed a post here and there…
@stretchyman @terrancespencer @saulikoskinen
Lilybop @lilybop2010
?✨? Dinner at Home.
Sauli IG STORY X X ??
44s44 seconds ago
Adam just favorited this tweet where they are talking about him saying that everyone wants Adam to play Judas, gahhhh https://twitter.com/PageSixTV/status/943617533160062977 …
I’m thinking that if an announcement will come, it won’t be until at least Tuesday. After the holiday news cycle.
Kιℓℓεr Quεεn
14h14 hours ago
They are more precious than gold. Those play a huge part of what makes him an amazing singer❤️
9m9 minutes ago
WarnerBrosSWE IG Story
” Adam Lambert wishing everyone Happy Holidays and Happy New Years to all of Warner Music followers in Sweden”
DL https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/b8abaaaacadeff910a1dc63b493aed27/5A3EB5C6/t50.12441-16/25515564_314788665704526_6668123566707310592_n.mp4 …
Makes me nervous when Pharaoh is off leash
42s43 seconds ago
VIDEO Sauli ig story , with Pharaoh hiking. Run Pharaoh run!
I agree it would be amazing if he played Judas, but how would he fit in rehearsals if its at Easter?? won’t he be touring down in Oz and NZ?
Verified account @AttitudeMag
9h9 hours ago
The Voice US bombarded with complaints after airing drag performance during season finale:
https://attitude.co.uk/article/16682/the-voice-us-bombarded-with-complaints-after-airing-drag-performance-during-season-finale-1/ …
Well, I , for one , LOVED the drag performance. The voices and performances were excellent. As usual, if you don’t like something, change the channel. One performance in how many years, and people just stop watching because of it??? Give me a break.
Sooo sick of those closed minded yahoos dispensing morality about entertainment.
Hk fan, QAL is until March 6th, 2018. JCS is live on April 1st. I would hope that it would be enough time for rehearsals. If they really want him they’ll work with him & fit it in. I’m still keeping a Debbie Downer attitude on whether he’ll get it.
That’s just the way I am!
Maybe they are afraid he will out shine their Legend star. He will outshine anyone which is his downfall. Everyone is so closed minded. I hate that he is liking all the stuff about the show and they have announced a lot of the people on it, but why keep Adam a secret or in suspense, or is he in already and hes slowly letting on that he is. He really needs to be on this show.