- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Anyone see The Voice finale last night? Kiss sang with Sundance Head (the winner)…exactly 2 songs they sung with Adam at AI finale. Sad Alison didn’t perform yet they had on Jordan Smith, the winner from 2 years ago.
Gelly @14gelly 16m16 minutes ago
LOL that’s great
14 Reasons Why We’ll Never Fall Out Of Love With Adam Lambert
http://www.andpop.com/2016/12/14/14-reasons-well-never-fall-love-adam-lambert/?utm_content=buffer1bf57&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer …
lol I’m only 72%
? @liveyoung31 27m27 minutes ago
I got: 100%! Maximum Pop!: What % Adam Lambert are you? http://www.maximumpop.co.uk/adam-lambert-percent-quiz/?pb_traffic_source=twitter … via @play_buzz
This Billboard article has much more detail on the Bowie tributes. Maybe Adam will FINALLY be invited to sing – after all, he was singing Bowie back when no one even mentioned him…Bowie medley at ALL the AI tour stops. Maybe the NYC and or LA shows. Also, very surprised no mention of Nile here!
Only 3 questions.. no wonder i am also 72 %
luval that was a fun act with Kiss with a bit more emphasis in guitarplay because the Voice finalist plays the guitar… When I watch the video I just hear Adam’s voice in my mind, saying why he was wearing platform boots as well…
Why I will keep on falling in love with Adam… 1) His smile, 2) His voice, 3) His perseverance…
lol, Axxxel….I was thinking that Sundance should be wearing them too.
Adam’s twitter followers are finally 2.6M. Was stuck at 2.5M for the longest time
I’m 100% Lambert!
Hope the Bowie song is a clue. I’d love to hear him sing Space Oddity.
Today’s Xmas countdown, so cute.
Fun watch, the 22 minute encore at the last TOH concert in Munich this year, crazy good call and response, some naughtiness, and the thank you signs plus tequila-fueled Adam, always entertaining.
Great sound and steady video!
Miachihu @Miachihu 4h4 hours ago
20161215 Adam’s snapchat (2 clips) on YouTube
He’s in NYC
♐ @adamgasm1982 4h4 hours ago
joshstoffregen: Breaking news alert: I’m potentially dating @ adamlambert…#flamingsaddles https://www.instagram.com/p/BOBp8ErlkwW/
https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15538653_1177418875640954_4040389856923222016_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNTU4OTAwNjgxODEwMjI5NA%3D%3D.2?dl=1 …
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 2h2 hours ago
This is brilliant ! Hats are off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_5sUcMpFXk … Bri
I was channel surfing last night when I came across a 2015 documentary called Rags to Rhapsody. It was made in honor of 40 years since the release of BoRhap and was mostly made up of interviews with the members of Queen about the beginnings of the band and the making of BoRhap. It was wonderful, with both early and recent interviews and lots of music. It is so funny, I wasn’t a big Queen fan until Adam started singing with them so his is the voice I know for the songs. When I hear Freddie singing them it sounds different, almost like a cover, lol.
I learned why Queen love Japan so much. When they first went there they got a fantastic reception and were treated for the first time like Rock Gods. At that time they weren’t that known or popular in England. At the end of the show they even showed Adam singing BoRhap. Brian said that “Adam is well capable of singing it all, but everybody wants to see Freddie sing a piece if it. It was nice to design a way where Freddie would do a verse and Adam would do a verse..”
It was a great program. Has anyone seen it? I thought that I had seem most of the shows about Adam or Queen, but I never heard of this. I looked for it on YouTube but couldn’t find it.
Dang it.
Adam’s always in NYC when I’m not.
And always in places I’d likely not be, or never heard of.
Hi rs, I remember seeing bits of it, not the whole thing, maybe USA you tube?? Maybe promo bits?
Thanks for the congrats about my son . I’ll try to send you an email about it soon.
It’s so odd, many of us have posted about the mixed up Queen voices in our heads.
I’ve been a Queen /Freddie fan since the first time I heard and saw BoRhap on TV, either on Midnight Special or Bandstand, I remember being in my aunts kitchen, and seeing it on the little tv on the counter at a cousin sleepover, I was 14 or 15 years old.
That iconic video was playing, and that song!## like nothing before or since. And Freddie’s voice, and persona, just jumped off the screen.
Now, when I hear Queen on the radio, which seems like almost every day, our rock radio loves Queen here, my brain needs to register who is singing, so used to Adam, loving them both,, Freddie’s voice with a natural lower register, and such range and power. AND Adam, so magnificent,
I just feel blessed to have both of these voices in my life.
Miachihu @Miachihu 9m9 minutes ago
Gorgeous Sauli! https://www.instagram.com/p/BOCyAnTg8Sy/
Adam should try and attend this tonight
He seems to be asking for a kiss, isn’t he? ??
☀️?☀️ Just going for a night walk, as you do…..?
Adam Lambert in NYC last night
shellstar79 @shelleyn79 43m43 minutes ago
My video of @saaraaalto and @adamlambert at the #xfactor on saturday #lateposting
I really like the fan videos
December 15, 2016
Christmas countdown
This is fun –
“32 Questions From Pop Songs Answered With Actual Data”
4. Where would a spaceman be if he travelled a year at light speed? (Queen, “‘39”)
MTV Viihde @MTVViihde
Adam Lambert vihjaa yhteistyöstä Saara Aallon kanssa: “Meillä oli todella hauskaa y
Miachihu @Miachihu
LOLOL Now Adam is an Idols winner even in Finland! “Idols winner Adam Lambert enters the stage” ???
ani_tt_a @ani_tt_a
So Adam liked Sauli’s gorgeous photo. ?
Gelly @14gelly 31m31 minutes ago
Hello . Bar hopping
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15535370_222348808207607_195904887278534656_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNTk2NTI1NDQzMzAzNzQ2NQ%3D%3D.2 …
A crop, of course –
@lilybop2010 Lilybop Retweeted Lilybop
? Adam Lambert was at Ritz Bar And Lounge, New York last night
#ritzbarandlounge #nyc #nycnightlife #nycgaynightlife#gay #gayboy #gaynyc #gayandproud
#23. “Broken” by Tritonal & DJ Jenaux feat. Adam Lambert
Adam.Lambert is ♔ @FoxVegas 30m30 minutes ago
From jay_koby’s IG ~ I can’t believe I got to meet this guy! Thanks for… https://www.instagram.com/p/BODN-8XDR9j/?taken-by=jay_koby …
Scroll down for the quiz. I missed one
Maximum Pop! @maximumpop 38m38 minutes ago
QUIZ: Are these @SelenaGomez or @AdamLambert lyrics? http://www.maximumpop.co.uk/quiz-the-vamps-or-little-mix-lyrics/ …
I missed one too, Luval…number 6..bad fan!!
Where has December went
WOW Natalie and Amalia looking just beautiful, with comments from Isaiah AND Adam. Cute convo.
I’m happy…2 of my kids currently winging their way home for the holidays, one from UK one from US…and hopefully the Netherlands one will arrive in a few days…it will be the first time all 7 of us will have been together for several years..
Rami Malek on playing Freddie, on Jimmy Kimmel.
That’s lovely, HK fan.
I still don’t see Rami Malek playing Freddie. Hope I’m proven wrong.
.@adamlambert @RockyHorrorFOX I made this #Eddie doll? #Adamdoll #TheRockyHorrorPictureShow ??
Sweet comment from BBC Music abt Adam on Red Carpet.t
So happy for you HK fan !!!

Saw a gorgeous show tonight! @ParamourBway is so glam and romantic! Great performances from @rubylewla @jeremykushnier #ParamourBway
Awww, Adam in good company at the show!
Have a wonderful family filled holiday season HK Fan! And that goes to everyone here at ALL!
He’s so serious looking. Tired, sad or fierce??
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
juliogaggia HAPPY #BDAY to me. #omgaggia https://www.instagram.com/p/BOEkByylr5a/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14582312_862847003857697_1262754693222760448_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNjQwNzQzNjU3NjE0NDk4Ng%3D%3D.2 …