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Gelly @14gelly 5h5 hours ago
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/zDb2HesojAk?a Adam Lambert’s snapchat story 28/12/16
Yes, she did TLKC, saw it in news reports of Carries death.
She was a gutsy, ballsy broad, so was her mom.
I personally don’t look at her mom’s death as topping Carrie’s. I see a mother whose heart was beyond broken at the death of her beloved daughter.
I feel so tragically sorry for that family. Also, seeing Carrie’s daughter Billie Lourd becoming a comedy star on Scream Queens makes me feel like we’ve had another generation of the family to know.
I cannot fathom the mourning they are doing.
In my car at work early, listening to the radio, a tribute to lost stars…sheesh.
Gelly @14gelly 6h6 hours ago
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/gzNM2-3mNj0?a Adam Lambert’s instagram story, December 28
Adam is watching Carrie Fisher’s one-woman show “Wishful Drinking
Rema Vineyard @remavineyard 9h9 hours ago
@14gelly did you see this?! RT @remavineyard: Guess who has a beautiful pool!!
♎ @MissWoessie 2h2 hours ago
I really love that new school tattoo heart pond/pool thing with the little twinkly fairy lights and fire! ❤️❤️❤️???? and its owner LOL
PHOTOS|Adam Lambert’s new pool? Via stonehurstjk on Instagram.
They could shoot a film in that pool. The nighttime fairy lights built into it are amazing.
Rick Roberts @Rick93Q 11s11 seconds ago
Today’s #stupidfact – If you are allergic to poison ivy, you are also allergic to the skin of mangos.
I don’t actually see Debbie’s death topping her daughter’s. I just think Carrie’s sense of humour would encompass that particular view. Impossible to imagine what her brother and sister must be going through right now.
Adam on Instagram: movie “Mother” Modern day wake: Celebrate their art
I still also love the right side pic here, showcasing his handsomeness and exquisite fashion AND his triumphant little jaunt to the UK to cap the year.
Love Kills IHeart
My prediction: QAL will announce a world tour. Other artists are starting to announce. Bon Jovi, Guns & Roses, etc. etc. Here’s a list http://www.concerts2017.net/rock-concerts-2017.htm
Merrie @Merrie_NY 17h17 hours ago
Adam Lambert – Funny , Cute and Sexy(and Shady) Moments 2016 part 2 https://youtu.be/Jzw74WxF5q8 via @YouTube
So Adam’s pool is a “lounge-around”, fantasy looking, not made for swimming laps.
I think it fits him. Can’t see him as a big swimmer.
I’m sorry if I came off as judgemental, didn’t mean it in any way!!
New tour.
Please please please.
Is there a video of Adam’s pool lights, all I can find are still pics.
I know Carrie might have felt like she lived in her parents shadow but I personally never thought of her as anything other than Carrie Fisher. Didn’t ever really think of her parents when I saw her.
No video that I know of , glambotgram.
Adam…season 8
Security camera at pool?
cocoo @cocooyau Dec 28
*Episo 8:YrEndSeries”We didn’t realize we were makin memories, we just knew we’re having fun”PIX edits @adamlambert https://vimeo.com/197313852
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 3m3 minutes ago
Mr & Mrs Claus – at the #wicked Secret Santa event ! Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BOn4otvDDup/
Mornin’ to everyone. Love the photo of Brian and Anita.
You’re so right about that pool, luval. It’s definitely more for socializing than swimming. Those separators are probably big enough for people to walk along and mix with people in the pool. It looks so dramatic at night.
♐ @adamgasm1982 33m33 minutes ago
mannyabouttown: Adam and Andy the bday boy stop by! https://www.instagram.com/p/BOo2WO1D7Jq/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15803275_241379699632211_2508271530908057600_n.jpg …
Gelly @14gelly 4h4 hours ago
Hello gorgeous
Gelly @14gelly 44m44 minutes ago
travisgoss Happy almost New Year ? @adamlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BOo_UPUAK_T/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14592093_1260553773987970_6887400983110877184_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQxNjY2MDU1MDU2OTQ3MTk1NQ%3D%3D.2 …
Snapchat “Guilty Leisure”
Don’t remember seeing this pic
Gelly @14gelly 5h5 hours ago
Best Concerts of 2016 | Laura Hamlett:
3. @adamlambert | , Paramount Theatre, Denver ” out-of-this-world vocals” http://www.playbackstl.com/best-of/best-of-2016/best-of-2016-music/best-concerts-of-2016-laura-hamlett/ …
When I looked out my window this morning
Not really that bad, though
Hi mils
! Sorry to make you feel bad. I didn’t receive your thoughts as judgmental – just felt that perhaps my words had come across as flippant and wanted to moderate the humour a bit. Much love to you, my dear!
Love the ice and snow during the holiday as long as is really not that bad, luval. It’s been a very pretty Christmas here, too. Picture postcard views everywhere and a new sprinkle of white whenever the dirt starts to creep into view.
It’s gotta stop on January 2nd though.
♎ @heathermarie_87 58m58 minutes ago
Hello Adam dancing in the roped off area ?? via dvx56 https://instagram.com/p/BOo49YBD8Kt/
I didn’t see any flippancy or judgmental-ness!!!
Lol neither did I!! Was going to post a big “?”
Love you ALL!!!
Now if you put a mustache on this pic of Rami Malek I could ALMOST see him as Freddie
Love his hair here
Gelly @14gelly 2m2 minutes ago
another pic jsquaredphotography @adamlambert GLAMOHOLIC not new bt BIG w/o w/m,love it! http://images.krop.com/jsquared-583418b91fe3c75.jpg …
Via jsquaredphotography @adamlambert GLAMOHOLIC, the full photo is new to me. BIG D/L http://images.krop.com/jsquared-583418ba1fe3c76.jpg … http://www.jsquaredphotography.com/#/
Website is ONLINE : http://creativesharka.com/ + new artwork @adamlambert
CityOfVampires @PerkiKat 1h1 hour ago
Remember to vote for #AdamLambert today! Adam Lambert USA http://worldsmostbeautifuls.com/photos/387/
Comment from MJs!
So cool!!!!!!!!
Gelly @14gelly 3m3 minutes ago
Anyone knows the original source of this new photo from last night? https://www.instagram.com/p/BOp3x1RAQ5n/
convo with Shosh (doesn’t really say anything new)
Gelly @14gelly 19m19 minutes ago
“Will all be next year”
Queen included of course
milkywayfairy @milkywayfairy 48s49 seconds ago
benjaminfloyd7441 IG: Adam Lambert!! ❤❤❤ The new singer of Queen! https://www.instagram.com/p/BOqCWggg6rH/
Gelly @14gelly 14m14 minutes ago
Gelly Retweeted Gelly
The pic is already deleted but I have the direct link
Maybe later in his late 40s… he may change his mind when his body does not allow high impact sports anymore… Or maybe he will resort more to hiking …
luval, Adam’s album shown in the movie “Pitch Perfect”, now in this comic book.. Adam is on his way to become a pop icon.
Great to see TLKC around !!