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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Thank you, rs and mils, then to me it makes sense that it was Eber’s response to Adam’s Hanukkah vid. Even though maybe phonetically spelled?? Or maybe during earlier family times that he shared traditions with Leila that was his funny adaptation (my Dad always said Garcia, but we all knew he meant Gracias lol).
I do think Adam was trying to gently remind fans of what he has often said, that he doesn’t celebrate Christmas, but many replied with a Christmas greeting anyway which I find a little
strange. Just IMHO.
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 29m29 minutes ago
Making that list – checkin it twice – gonna find out who’s Naughty or Boring.
Luval, who was in that pic?
Little gift from Brian
eta: I could benefit from a couple of his suggestions!
Randy Rainbow @RandyRainbow 6h6 hours ago
While spending time with loved ones today, please take a moment to remember that Ralphie from A Christmas Story is now a hot daddy.
From Brian’s soapbox. Wonder what this is all about?
Fucking 2016
RIP George Michael
And there’s still a week left in 2016
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 7s8 seconds ago
George ? George Michael ? No … it cannot be. Beyond sad. #RIPGeorgeMichael Bri
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 39s40 seconds ago
No words. RIP George. Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BOdcJq1jtMm/
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 3m3 minutes ago
RIP @GeorgeMichael ?
BrianMayCom @brianmaycom 3m3 minutes ago
#BRIsSOAPBOX: “GEORGE… … … Bri” @DrBrianMay #GeorgeMichael READ MORE: http://www.brianmay.com/brian/brianssb/brianssbdec16.html#18 …
Ellen DeGeneres @TheEllenShow 19m19 minutes ago
I just heard about my friend @GeorgeMichael’s death. He was such a brilliant talent. I’m so sad.
Duran Duran @duranduran 44m44 minutes ago
2016 – loss of another talented soul. All our love and sympathy to @GeorgeMichael’s family.
Robbie Williams @robbiewilliams 1m1 minute ago
Oh God no …I love you George …Rest In Peace x
George Takei @GeorgeTakei 38m38 minutes ago
Rest with the glittering stars, George Michael. You’ve found your Freedom, your Faith. It was your Last Christmas, and we shall miss you.
Queen @QueenWillRock 4m4 minutes ago
George Michael: 1963 – 2016.
ABC News @ABC 22m22 minutes ago
Elton John on the death of George Michael: “I am in deep shock. I have lost a beloved friend…” http://abcn.ws/2hpAc1U
wow, was really not expecting to wake up to the news of george Michael passing away…so shocked
Loved him.
Gorgeous, sexy, talented. Troubled, sick with pneumonia several times the last few years.
Hollywood Reporter @THR 34s35 seconds ago
George Michael died of heart failure, manager says
George Michael rehearsing for “Somebody to Love”. Bowie in the background. Watch a man blow a rehearsal room away. (with Brian too )
I personally don’t own any George Michael music. But he was a legend in British soul/pop and I respect that. The fact that he was only 53 is very sad.
eta: Take that back. I have a Wham album.
Full obituary
Didn’t Adam cover George Michael in a tv show recently ? Here is the video, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9mQOI6APSaA . Last August 2016. It was the song ” Faith”
Adam’s much beloved version of I can’t make you love me was a cover of George Michaels cover of Bonnie Raitt’s song.
Nile was just with him on the 23rd.
Many more connections for our guy to him.
Adam still incredibly looks like him in so many ways.
True.. first thing I thought about when I saw Adam’s TOH-look, was George Michael.
♎ @heathermarie_87 2h2 hours ago
Adams latest snapchat
Gelly @14gelly 3h3 hours ago
jovancarrington C h r i s t m a s C h e e r ? ? w/ my boys! @adamlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BOenFmvjZbO/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15625279_1273980445999658_581737321490022400_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQxMzczOTI0MjA1MjIyODgxNA%3D%3D.2 …
Dancing in his house
Gelly @14gelly 5h5 hours ago
Adam Lambert on terrancespencer ig stories, 2 stories, December 25 2016 https://youtu.be/ftlE7qrM79Y via @YouTube
Gelly @14gelly 6h6 hours ago
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/dbMJslBDfrI?a Adam Lambert’s snapchat 12/25/16 (2 snaps)
@ScorpioBert 2m2 minutes ago
Adam singing Faith -> 10 cover versions from 2016 as good as the original http://www.digitalspy.com/music/feature/a808535/10-of-the-best-cover-versions-from-2016-that-are-as-good-as-the-original/ … via @DigitalSpy
@ScorpioBert 4m4 minutes ago
cheynehauk IG https://www.instagram.com/p/BOebjxMAmT3/
DL https://scontent-ord1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s750x750/sh0.08/e35/15539043_1295632210506881_233915704330420224_n.jpg …
IG of three pop stars
Happy holidays, all! Adam making a political statement:
Jim David @ComicJimDavid 46m46 minutes ago
.@adamlambert, the torch is now passed to you. You have big shoes to fill. You can do it. #ripgeorgemichael
Not sure I agree with this. Adam is his own person. Other than the slight resemblance I don’t really see too many similarities. Their voices are really different with Adam having a much bigger range & so much more powerful. IMO. And Adam brings his own shoes.

Adam is cut from a most rare cloth.
There is no way, he could be compared to anyone. People try hard to compare him, to the ‘Kings of Rock and Roll.’ Maybe that is because, he reminds them of iconic artist’s, that are held in the highest esteem?
Happy Joyous Holiday’s to ALL!
Mostly lurking these day’s. Hoping everyone is embracing this magical week. The time between Christmas, Hanukah, etc., and New Year’s, that can be that slice of time that holds, ‘the spirit of the season’.
Happy New Year!

I feel we are in for another year of surprises and thrill’s.
Every new year is a gift, hopefully filled with thrilling and precious moments!
Totally agree with the above.
That being said, I am feeling really sad about George . Knowing he was working on more music and a bio, at least is something to look forward to.
When Adam covered Faith this year, I found myself falling into George again,he was somebody I always liked.
Gelly @14gelly 11m11 minutes ago
George Michael Was Editing Documentary http://www.showbiz411.com/2016/12/26/george-michael-was-editing-documentary-about-his-career-has-one-unreleased-album-that-is-something … via @showbiz411 “Grammy tribute. I’m sure Adam Lambert is rehearsing already”
Adam “liked” this IG
At work today, I was chatting with a younger nurse about how 2016 has sucked for losing celebrities, started talking music, and she mentioned Queen and losing Freddie.
She brought up Adam, how he’s so talented, such range, she’d love for Queen to be writing some new music with him.
The kicker is that she had no idea how much of a fan I am!! Hilarious, so I steered her to STL Toronto 2.
She’ll let me know what she thinks…
We talked Bowie, Prince, and even Robin Williams. So much iconic loss.
Even watching the video of STL with George Michael, with Bowie looking on, for the Freddie tribute. The overlap is unreal.
Luval, who was that pic you posted the other day. ?
Like how Adam won AI again –
Does anybody else think it’s odd that it takes the death of an icon for Adam’s name to pop up in USA media so much???
Randy Rainbow @RandyRainbow 6h6 hours ago
While spending time with loved ones today, please take a moment to remember that Ralphie from A Christmas Story is now a hot daddy.
♐ @adamgasm1982 28s29 seconds ago
adamlambert: Woah. (Captured by @ courtneyact )
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15534866_1935215800041143_699934765641367552_n.jpg …
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 16m16 minutes ago
Dedicated to one of my first pop idols. You will be missed sir.
I re=posted at 8:33p who that was in the pic
“George Michael talks about Freddie Mercury”
RIP @georgemofficial
David Wild @Wildaboutmusic
No one could replace #GeorgeMichael, but glad we honored him this summer on #GreatestHits thanks to @adamlambert.