- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Oh asif, that must have been awful and scary, to be away from home, in a different world of health care, and so sick. I’m so glad you are on the mend, please get better soon.
Have some Pho. It’ll work wonders for you. I was introduced to it in Hawaii on our trip to see Adam in 2010, and seek it out ever since. You are in the land of Pho. Yummo.
I’m making my chicken soup and matzo balls today for the first night of Hanukkah, you can have a bowl anytime.
BONUS CHIBI (requested)
Out last night
Gelly @14gelly 6h6 hours ago
itakepicz Nothing extraordinary, just bumped into @adamlambert ❤?? https://www.instagram.com/p/BOZFEXsB67l/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15623959_242423502837661_4219137247502401536_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQxMjE4MjI0ODcwMjU4NjU5Nw%3D%3D.2 …
This pic is darker but seems clearer
7_tohid look who is here @adamlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BOZEetOD4AD/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15539020_607761816097296_102153757025894400_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQxMjE3OTY2MDQ4MTk4NjU2Mw%3D%3D.2 …
Most likely not gonna be too many posts today or tomorrow
Merry Christmas – Happy Holidays to all my great Allers!
asif take care & see you in 2017
IslandGirl @islandgirljams 17h17 hours ago
It’s @adamlambert ! In ‘The Hollywood Reporter’s 100 Best Photos of 2016’ http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/gallery/oprah-oj-hollywood-reporters-100-best-photos-2016-957723/14-clive-davis-and-his-grammy-allstars … via @thr
OT furry friends
luval, thank you for posting this picture. This is the Adam look I absolutely love. Just perfect in my eyes.
asif, glad you are on the mend. Mils recommendation re the pho sounds like a good plan.
HKfan, enjoy your family. It is wonderful to have everyone together and very hard when then leave.
Mils, a belated congratulation on your Son’s marriage.
Happy holidays everyone and here is hoping for a more harmonious 2017.
Wow… Air Canada is generous & in the holiday spirit
Adam is in #15 pic with Clive Davis all stars.
Good morning and happy holidays to everyone. So sorry to have become an infrequent poster but full time work and real life have become a great deal more demanding in the past year.
Please take care asif. Here’s hoping that you fully recover and are able to continue your travelling ways. Perhaps you can make it all the way up to Canada sometime in the coming year?
Congratulations on your son’s marriage mils. Wishing the young couple (and you) all the best.
It must be hard to see your kids spread out so far and wide across the planet, HK fan. Here’s hoping you and your family make many memories together before everyone wings their way back to school and work.
Thank-you to everyone who posted info and videos for Adam’s X Factor stint. I especially appreciated the encapsulated “all Adam” videos – watched every one. He’s the best judge any contestant could have. Maybe this will turn into something more.
Feeling so guilty about coming here regularly to pick up the skinny on Adam and not having much to give back at all but I love you guys!
Thank-you to all the regular posters for keeping this place so lively and full of fun.
I’m off for a whole week so you’ll have to put up with my morning missives for the next few days.
To luval, ulti and AL: you guys are champion posters and mainstays.

To nkd, adamized, rs, riskylady and all the regulars – much love and thanks for keeping the faith in Adam.
Its now officially the 25th here, so happy Christmas to all those that celebrate xx
So sorry to hear of your health problems asif, take care x
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 1h1 hour ago
Shocked and so sad to hear of the passing of Rick Parfitt. Hard to find words. You truly joyfully rocked our world. RIP dear buddy. Bri
This guy
Hi tlkc! So nice to hear from you.
Mrslambertghosttown @mrsdorkbert3 23h23 hours ago
Sorry momma bear the tree needed a real star at the top ??? @adamlambert
OvationImpact @ovationimpact 6m6 minutes ago
OvationImpact Retweeted Lilybop
The best moment EVER… still brings a smile to my face!
Why wouldn’t he.
Sauli look-a-like
MaRySe @snuggle62 9h9 hours ago
Adam on IG started following http://instagram.com/bohmdog
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 1h1 hour ago
To YOU ! Bri X https://www.instagram.com/p/BOaI8PLjbmc/
Happy holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all! So lovely to hear from asif, TLKC – it’s been a while! asif, hope your recovery is strong!

Praying that 2017 brings lots of goodies, we sure need them. Maybe an Adam tour with a location for an ALLer reunion?
This is a good one!
Echoing this, rs
Hi TLKC, missed you around here, send love to our Canadian friends, Ron, and more.
Just reading to the end of the posts before I add my bit, but risky said everything I wanted to say, and said it best!!
He’s out by his pool
Holiday message from Adam and the others from XFactor AU
Here’s the youtube of that XFactor Au message (no Iggy ….lol)
Here’s Alisan Porter on Good Day LA singing an original song. So horrible that her album is so delayed getting released.
?Happy Chrismukkah Day @adamlambert ! *New Sounds and ppl you worked with in yr 2016 ?ILU!! Looking forward to 2017
Adam tweets – sets the record straight
WOW Ellen’s 12 Days of Christmas by Adam. I think his voice has def matured since then, more lower register and texture.
Happy Hannukah and Merry Christmas and Kwanzaa Greetings to everyone here!
Thanks so much for the happy reprise of Ellen’s 12 Days of Christmas, riskylady.
Thinking of all of you today and hoping for the best in 2017 on all fronts. At least we know that Adam is going to have a new cd which somehow brings everyone out of the woodwork and firing on all cylinders. It will be so great to have something to push for.
Thinking of you today rs as well. Take good care my dear. I was on the phone with Ron yesterday and will pass on your thoughts when we get together later this week. He had health problems for the first part of the year but is definitely on the mend and busy redecorating his new home.
When I posted yesterday, I missed more than a few people who are often in my thoughts. Don’t know if they are lurking but how are Cher and mmm222? (I do see that mmm222 has been enjoying retirement and can’t wait to join her in that particular “best time of life”).
I’m in for the ALLER’s reunion, riskylady. Miss everyone so much!
Roger Taylor @OfficialRMT 5h5 hours ago
Christmas Greetings! See you all on the other side for a busy 2017…
Miles Tougeaux @milestougeaux 9h9 hours ago
@adamlambert vitzi vanu!!
rs, mils, what does vitzi vanu mean? I’m seeing a lot of different opinions which not sure about!
TLKC, nice to hear how you’re doing. Miss you Canadians! We’ve had such GREAT times there. I was saddened that Adam didn’t take TOH tour up there – I suppose he had some constraints he couldn’t overcome.
From Roger’s tweet I gather there will be lots going on!
Goodness risky, it is such a bad transliteration that I had to go to Google to see what it could possibly mean. It is “V’tziva nu”, “and He commanded us”. It is part of the prayer you say when you light the Chanukah candles:
Blessed are You, Lord our G‑d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Chanukah light.
The first part is the same for many prayers and they just change the end, what you are commanded to do. It is even in the prayer at Baptism, taken from the original Hebrew.
I don’t know what Eber was trying to say to Adam, maybe a family joke, or a reminder about Channuka.
A joyful Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you !!!
asifclueless… get well soon… maybe the universe wants you to enjoy the tropical weather a bit longer
HK fan enjoy your precious moments at your familygathering.
rs Happy holidays ! Thanks for the interesting explanation. Hope you and your family are well.
luval, ultimathule and AL , may the Force be with you to keep ALL alive. I do read and lurk the postings very often… Thank you for your postings..
milwlovesadam, sorry to read about your health issue a while ago. Thank goodness the good fortune to your son is a good compensation.
Thanks axxxel, it’s all behind me, on to a better and brighter new year. Starting with a NYC wedding in early February.
Agree rs, the vitzi vanu is two words of the blessing, maybe Eber likes the poetic alliteration of two v words side by side.
Anyone want to guess who this is?
Thanks Axxxel, and a Happy Holiday Season to you, too.
And Happy Holidays to all my dear ALLers. People keep asking when my next trip will be and I have no answer. Hopefully there will be a chance for an ALL Get-together so I can plan another trip.
mils, it is actually one word in Hebrew and the division to two words was what confused me.
Rs, right. But sometimes when transliterated, the division into syllables looks like words. …