- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Gelly @14gelly 5h5 hours ago
I love reading such comments “THE NICEST GUY!” in capital letters
<3 https://www.facebook.com/flamingsaddles/photos/a.212091762188561.51282.202780666453004/1244839215580472/?type=3&theater …
Fuse fb These celebs are using their platform for change. Adam Lambert https://www.facebook.com/Fuse/posts/10155525688080278 …
Is this politically correct? lol
“Adam Lambert & Queen ElfYourself – Feliz Navidad”
Ogata Photography on FB – new/old Adam Lambert in RS https://www.facebook.com/OGATA-photography-1741762986067983/ … https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/13320562_1742991232611825_424181221737646526_o.jpg?oh=b949f16e3fa46d1c8bbd01e16b560910&oe=58DD517A … Source: http://bit.ly/2i0NBdm
That youtube is a hoot, ultimathule!
Hi, luval! Any more snow?
Love these boots! So sleek and glam and sexy!
Hope he buys them!!!
Haven’t been here all day! Adam’s still in hiding.
No more snow, ultmathule but just cold!!!!
December 21, 2016
wow…Sharka’s quick on the draw with that last pic
Love that fun, hot and sexy 2016 video that was posted a day or 2 ago…quite a few things I’d forgotten or not seen before.
❤❤❤ @adamlambert liked and commented @creativesharka’s chibi on her IG.
Hahahaha. I’m a size 44
Remember B.C.Jean? She co-wrote Outlaws of Love with Adam and Rune Westberg. She has a great voice.
or on youtube
#omgaggia #adamlambert #Ei8hter
(Can’t remember if posted already)
TALCvids @TALCvids 2h2 hours ago
?? adamlambert’s photo https://instagram.com/p/BOUEPQADkMt/
From NYC
juliogaggia IG https://www.instagram.com/p/BOTNZqclMBN/ DL https://scontent-ord1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15535311_989002737910322_4108194054653607936_n.jpg …
Books on Bowie if interested –
Don’t look at this IG from Sauli that Adam “liked” if you can’t stand the sight of blood. It’s when he sliced his finger open
Those Bowie books look great but that link tells just about everything that’s in the books without buying them!
David Bowie Official @DavidBowieReal 20m20 minutes ago
Go here for details and broadcast times of 11 different Bowie-related programmes on BBC TV and Radio in January: http://smarturl.it/DBatBEEB2017
Mariana @_swoosh14 25m25 minutes ago
6 gay artists you need to pay attention to in 2017
http://www.thegayuk.com/6-gay-artists-you-need-to-pay-attention-to-in-2017/ … #adamlambert
Sauli’s hair is short!!
Dec 22 Xmas countdown by Sharka
http://adamlambertmtt.com/viewtopic.php?t=115&start=360 … Rock in Rio, Brazil 2015/09/18
My other Adam calendar
@adamlambert love you so much baby ?
Wouldn’t mind having one of these –
The photo at 830 AM had me and my workberts in a lather at lunch time.
This calendar.
After all these years
Really love that calendar..wonder where she got it??
Adam left a lovely year recap and message for us this morning on his blog on the fan site. I think he wants to revive it and gear up for era 4. Only 11 replies so far, would be nice to have more!
Now, another comment…
Wonder if he actually wrote that himself…
Clarification.I meant that I wrote a comment there too.
Omg, that calendar. Those pics. Just, GASP. Still. Now. Better and better. Honestly. THUD.
Aw look who’s dating “-the pair met while filming the Rocky Horror Picture Show-”
Gelly @14gelly 7m7 minutes ago
Saara Alto opens up about her sexuality
“Adam and I have been tweeting and sending some ig messages to each other”
Gelly @14gelly 1h1 hour ago
. @adamlambert’s new twitter header. New photo, it’s from when he was in Syndey Australia! Gorgeous!
D/L https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/46576295/1482489814/1500×500 …
carter#TeamAdam ?
❤️ @_AOStarlighter_ 6h6 hours ago
TOP 10 Male Singers – voted 4 @adamlambert http://www.thetoptens.com/male-singers/ http://www.thetoptens.com/male-singers/#.WFzeA3alezQ.twitter …
0 replies 5 retweets 0 likes
My membership in the fan-club has run out so I can’t access Adam’s message. Can someone please copy and post it here. Thanks so much.
(I wonder if he wrote this)
It’s Been Awhile!! Checking In….
Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 9:42 AM By: Adam
What. A. Year. Looking back on 2016, I am so thankful for all the highs (original ) and lows. Kicking off the new year in Asia.. and spending the first part of the year taking the tour to Australia, New Zealand, UAE, Europe and the US. Seeing lots of you around the world was one of the best ways to kick off 2016.
After TOH Tour wrapped, I jumped into rehearsals with the one and only Queen. We kicked off the summer tour in Portugal and it was a whirlwind of unforgettable shows, beautiful cities and even more beautiful crowds.
The second half of the year I got to get back into some TV action… I had a blast joining Iggy, Mel B and Guy as a judge on X Factor Australia.. So much talent!!! Couldn’t have been more proud of Isaiah for taking home the win! (By the way, if you haven’t listened to his music yet, what are you waiting for?!?)
Oh and who could forget Rocky Horror Picture Show?
So I’m wondering… what was your favorite memory of 2016? Or memories? Share em below…
Thank you for your part in making 2016 a memorable one, to say the least. Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday season, and get ready for 2017!!!
Thanks luval
Just so great –
?Whole panorama view of new @adamlambert twitter banner and his message to fans?Adam ILU ?and ty @14gelly ! 12.23.2016
What is that song, ultimathule?
☕ @creativesharka 2h2 hours ago
December 23, 2016
#adamlambert #fanart
SHΛRKΛ☕ @creativesharka 2h2 hours agoDecember 23, 2016Countdown@adamlambert#adamlambert #fanart
BrianMayCom @brianmaycom 33m33 minutes ago
#HappyChristmas Thanks for brilliant support in 2016. Wish you all good things for 2017. From: @DrBrianMay’s website http://www.BrianMay.com
Adele’s “I Miss You” – when the lights go out –
Like Adam better –
@ScorpioBert 5h5 hours ago
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54456010e4b084b339350ee1/544587cce4b026d1c3c79b81/57001ea2c2ea518775370939/1459625711387/?format=2500w …
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54456010e4b084b339350ee1/544587cce4b026d1c3c79b81/57001d3407eaa0a58ec20c76/1459625431676/?format=2500w …
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54456010e4b084b339350ee1/544587cce4b026d1c3c79b81/57001df760b5e92eb8626905/1459625578383/?format=2500w …
source: http://www.stevefanellraw.com/entertaiment/
Link to Dec 23rd Sharka countdown.
hey AL Here’s that gif I asked you to make.
♎️ @tinapglambert 3h3 hours ago
HAPPY HOLIDAYS #Glamberts & @adamlambert I love that gif ???you’re hilarious Adam…thank you for being just the way you are…LYSM
Hmmmm…Adele…”hello” is the only song I’m familiar with of hers. Might be others but can’t think of them now.
This is a great picture
marisa @marisa_965 3m3 minutes ago
Happy holidays, everyone! And merry Christmas to those who celebrate it… Love you all.
I’m travelling in Thailand right now. I’ll write more later in Mid January.
I had serious health problem while on vaca here. Just got out of the hospital … was in ICU for 5 days and 5 days more at the hospital.
Everything seems OK now but I’ll take it easy and will follow up when I get back to the States.
Later …

Asif, please take care of yourself!! Luv ya and hope everything is better for you soon.
Happy Holidays to everybody!! So many holidays all together this year, so, trim a tree, eat some latkes, light a menorah, just enjoy time with family and friends, share a good meal.
And shop the sales. My favorite thang!!

I went through some serious health stuff this fall, but, honestly, the diversion of music and lurking here helped. Of course friends and family and real life, but, the light, the joy, the music (QAL was winding down in Asia)really helped.
As this year is winding down, I am grateful for so much, one of the items on my list is this place.