- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Already 31 December 2016 here… Thank you AL, luval, ultimathule for your passion and commitment !! Thank you all ALL’s for the internet pleasure that you gave me through all your postings here !! And finally meeting one of you in real life ..yeay HK fan??? Have a great 2017 !!!
Gelly @14gelly 5m5 minutes ago
very pretty –
calypsojete Last night with @adamlambert after my #tigerheat performance https://www.instagram.com/p/BOqQoyLjRX4/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15624624_1681473202145584_915116269303234560_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQxNzAxODIwNDE2NTU3NjE4NA%3D%3D.2 …
Thanks Axxxel for your well wishes for a Happy New Year!

Your sunny posts are always so heartfelt.
I got the biggest kick out of your QAL concert report’s, before and then after. So happy you got to meet HK fan.
I wish we could all meet some day, but will take what ever comes my way.
Again, a Happy New Year to you!!! May it be filled with much more Adam magic!!!
Snippet of Lay Me Down from TOH tour
Happy New Year!
???Some good things happened in 2016 ? @adamlambert dance edit from several vids12/8/15 Wilkes-Barre Show #AdamLambert (Vids from TALCvids❤)
I agree
Viviana Nagel @viviannagel
Call…..A….. Glambulance…..Now…?
OMG in that video ulti posted at 12:23 am, Adam sure enjoys swinging his… *hips* … In those loosey goosey trousers! What song was that, anyone know?
riskylady, looks like that was from Shady
Can’t forget that show. Several of us were there and I was chuckling at his pajamas.
☕ @creativesharka 2h2 hours ago
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 #adamlambert #fanart
2016 was bad but the dogs were good.
Gotta say, I love the dancing vid from Wilkes-Barre!
That was a fun concert. Wilkes-Barre concerts are always great. “Glambert mecca,” I think he called it!
Happy New Year everyone! Sure hope 2017 is kind to all of us.
New music and some concerts please!
Solo, QAL, I don’t care. Just gimme!
And good health for ALL!
Happy New year ALL….8.30 jan 1st here so well into it x
Happy New Year HK fan and Axxxel! I see you’re already there!

And same to all the rest ALLers! Here’s hoping we have lots of Adam and QAL and other yet-to-come goodies plus some together time to fill our hearts!
No resolution’s except moving forward, with continued healthily choices.
A must staple, is for much more Adam happenings. Can’t wait for new’s for upcoming new music, tours, etc.
Also, Adam’s upcoming birthday too!

Wondering what kind of celebration he will have this year?
Happy New Year, Everyone.

Happy New Year!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017, … to all of my beloved ALLers!!!
May your new year filled with JOY, LOVE, LAUGHTERS, HAPPINESS, GOOD HEALTH, MIGHTY WEALTH for our getting together for Queen and Adam.
Thank you very much … EVERYBODY for all of your well wishes. I’m grateful and appreciate this site, all the regulars and the drop-Byers (sp? heh) who keep this place alive.
My resolution is going to be here more often and post my gibberish posts every day.
On December 7, I could have been gone from this earth for good. The staff from my hotel found me non-responsive and called the ambulance to the near by hospital. I didn’t know or remember anything about the ambulance or the hospital until the next day. So I was in ICU for 5 days and in private room for another 5 days.
I’m OK now and in Chiang Mai, a beautiful city … already celebrated New Year with family and friends. I’m 12 hours ahead of the US East Cost time.
OK enough for all the bad news of last year. I thought November 8th was the saddest day but didn’t know what was waiting for me ahead. On the 19th Dec. I had a little hope but that was also crushed. For a second I wished I went back to sleep for 4 years. Haha…
Sorry to ramble and talk of the taboo subject here.
Hope you all won’t mind me when I get back to the States and post nonsense things that I used to do a few years back.
This time I’ll try to go to our Queen and Adam concerts and our reunion as many as I can. I’d like to host and provide a place for you to stay at my house if there are concerts near by Kansas. Please keep in mind. I love to entertain. The Canadians and people from overseas like HK fan, Axxxel, LadyNorth, KIWI and others, I can pick you up at the airport also.
Ok bye for now.
I am just stopping by to wish you ALL a wonderful 2017. I have been absent here most of the time. It was not an easy year to be honest I hear you asif), but I hope 2017 will see me at an Adam concert again. You guys here are always a delight, and I want to thank you all for that.

ahhh, asif, thanks for the kind words and your enthusiasm for future Adam events. I have always loved your “gibberish posts” So glad you are alright, it must be such an amazing and hopeful feeling to have survived something so critical.
Happy New Year to all ALLers!!!
Happy healthy and music filled and joyous New Year to all my ALL friends!!
So glad to hear you are okay now asif, please stay well.I have a feeling we will have the opportunity to travel and see each other this year.
Hoping for music and Adam.
Just got back from a New Years party, gonna watch the ball drop and get some some sleep.
See you all next year!!!