- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
According to policy, all patients are treated the same, no matter what illness they have. I’m talking about how they are treated. In a human way. Going the extra mile, doing the unasked, being kind, above and beyond.
Yes, most of my patients with HIV/AIDS are drug users, street, runaways, uninsured. Most end up on Medicaid, which covers treatment. Unfortunately, by the time they get on Medicaid, are in full blown AIDS. They have lived a hard life, and it shows.
I still maintain that if society would accept it when people come out, if families didn’t turn their backs on their own children, then, there would be less runaways, less drug users, less risky life styles, and less HIV/AIDS.
The “post-gay ” concept sounds so utopian. But, I do agree with it. Orientation just shouldn’t matter. It’s not a choice. It’s in the genes, it’s who you are.
True, in my health care world, I have never seen a “shower guy.” But, in my real life, my out nephew could have been. He was gorgeous and healthy. Tragically lost this year, as many of you know. Not to HIV/AIDS. Too bad, with his sense of humor, he would have been all over this campaign.
MT @ovationimpact: “@ConeyIslandKiss: check out ticket prices for Queen and @adamlambert. TURNS OUT I DONT HAVE A SPARE £2,000.” What???$$$
lots of info –
Adam is out and about in London.
pics of Great Hall – very nice
Does his hair look darker now to you, luval?
Gotta go. Sorry about being political. I’ll delete my posts if wanted.
Yes his hair looks very dark! Love it. The “grease” made it look thinner but that down hair in that out and about photo looks very full and thick.
Voted, asif – VERY interesting comments there – spent some time reading them – this is only the very beginning of this guitar showdown – right now Brian’s ahead about 100 votes or so.
Here we go QAL on XFactor on AXS TV
Thanks … ulti.
I haven’t read any comments yet.
RIGHT NOW, the moment you (and we) have been waiting for… @QueenWillRock with @adamlambert #UKintheUSA
I understand everything you said, mils, I just don’t see how taking a shower, even a bath, has anything to do with having HIV or not. You can be clean as a whistle and still have it. Or not have it. Being clean aka washed doesn’t have any relevance to me. Or erase people’s misconceptions, or “dirty minds” as he puts it.
Also, “dirty minds” has a completely different association than suspecting people of being HIV positive.
Just think some other concept might be more effective. This looks like a lazy spinoff of the ice-bucket thingy.
I have no idea if these work over here.
9 possible ustreams to watch Queen + Adam Lambert on New Year Concert in London, BBC One:
Sweet New Year’s Eve in London Dreams, ALL!!
Good Night ALL!!!
Sweet Adam Dreams!!!
Hope sistasparkle has a better sign off than this basic one.
Just watched the X-factor show – so incredible to see Adam on my 60″ TV screen!! Amazing and it was great to see Simon smiling like a proud papa when the performance was over.
OOOOps … sistasparkle posted it while I was typing.
Sweet New Year’s Eve in London Dreams!!!
LOL – sistasif – I was typing it as you were making your comment. We must be on the same telepathic wavelength or something!
We’re sympatico – there’s double proof!!!
Wishing CWM a very happy birthday today. A bit early for your time zone but definitely my time zone says it is!! Sorry for aging you a bit prematurely!

Hi cher! Nice to see you posting here! Will never forget meeting you in Toronto – definitely one of the highlights of the trip for me!
Apropos an earlier discussion, Sam Smith on Ellen talking about coming out at 4, being a role model, etc.
I would probably say, nice voice, but it doesn’t touch me in the way that Adam does…..and then get on with my day. I certainly wouldn’t waste my time writing comments on the internet. My time is valuable and I use it for things that are important to me, like berting AFL and keeping up with my friends on ALL.
and finally:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CWM! Consider Sunday’s performance a personal birthday gift from Adam and the boys to you (to be shared with riskylady)
Have a wonderful day, and may this coming year bring you joy, health, music, and enough balance in rl that you can get here often to play with us!

Hiya Sparkle!! It’s nice that you think meeting me was one of the highlights of your Toronto trip!
I am very flattered! Loved meeting you and hubby also! Our pre and post concert get togethers and that concert made a most memorable trip even better. 
cwm, a very Happy Birthday to you, and what a wonderful gift we received from QAL!! May you have a good year and great concert in Kraków!!

Saw this on Yahoo! First American press that I have see about the NYE show
Awww thanks cher, rs, and riskylady! That’s very sweet of you! And yes, I agree that Adam and the guys gave me a delightful early birthday present with their fabulous X-Factor UK performance of my very favorite Queen song.
When Adam nails a high-stakes performance like that, it just makes me indescribably happy for him (and us). And then to get the fantastic news of their huge NYE gig was icing on an already very yummy birthday cake! 
Happy to share this wonderful cake with you, riskylady, my fellow Sagittarian!
Haha I can’t believe how many hours it took me to keep up/catch up with all of the chatter and tweets and articles there were about a 5-minute performance of one song and an announcement about a NYE gig! Soooo much excitement! It made this fan’s heart very very happy.
THR just posted this a short time ago, which is actually the source article for the Yahoo article that rs posted, so the story is making some inroads into US media.
My dear AL – can I make an outrageous birthday request?
Can we have Adam’s recent selfie posted at the top of the thread as one of the thumbnails? That would make this birthday girl very happy.
I’m liking the first one that he posted, but flipped so that it’s properly oriented… this one:
Gaaaah I love the long curls!
And as long as we’re talking about great pics, here’s a very nice one of Adam with Bri:
I am not happy! Didn’t realize the XFactor episode had technical
Oh well thanks to the vid up top I am not as miserable.
problems and didn’t know it was gonna be rebroadcast at 11pm and my dvr didn’t record it!! Sadz!!
On a happy note, kinkykiedis and her sister got great seats for the NYE event at Westminster so we will have a full report and if she is allowed to she will vid it.
Late night musings…
You know, something somebody said in a comment the other day really struck a chord with me. It was a comment in response to Roger’s appearance on that Loose Women show. One of the hostesses jokingly asked Roger if they were coming onto the X-Factor show to shop for a new frontman (since they had found Adam on AI), and Roger laughed and shot back, “No. The position is filled.”
In a comment, someone agreed, “the position is filled,” in reference to herself. And I couldn’t agree more. The position of singer whose voice deeply touches my heart and soul, whose music brings me joy and all colors of emotions, whose stage presence and performance skills exhilarate me, whose courage inspires me, whose personality charms me, and whose beauty leaves me breathless. Yep, the position is filled. Permanantly.
Here’s a soundcloud of the STL XFactor performance.
Great news about kinkykiedis and the NYE tix, cher! How wonderful for her!!
Yeah CWM I believe Adam will be the last frontman for Queen with Brian and Roger. The position is closed,
filled, stuffed, not open….permanently!
cwm you always put into words so eloquently what I am thinking in my heart
(and I was just going to write about what great news that kinkykiedis is going to the NYE show!
CWM-Wanted to wish you a Very Happy Bday. Have a lovely day, and I guess you already received your Fab gift from Adam. Wish we could go to Hansens and get you a cupcake!

Haha thanks cocoglam! I was just thinking about you today and what fun we had before the Q+AL show at the LA Forum,
stalkingchecking out Adam’s haunts in West Hollywood and eating cupcakes! That was so fun and such a treat!Thanks for your kind words, rs. I just know that I searched for a long time for someone who would sing me music that I really loved with a voice that I really loved. When Adam came into my world, I knew instantly that I had found what I’d been looking for.
[cue the lyrics to Map…
Nice picture
Happy birthday cwm x
Would just like to add that I really don’t want to see a pic of naked Adam in the shower……sometimes less is more…tantalizing with the odd glimpse of flesh is far more sexy…
p.s when I first typed this I put nkd instead of naked
Nice comment by Queen fan
I love those opening piano notes on STL and then Adam with his high “woo oo oo”.