- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Agree, ultimathule. Think it was made to be open even without the chain closing. That’s probably why showbizspy thought he gained weight!. If they saw him in person they’d know he was skinny as a rail.
firstimerob…check a couple of pages back here . AL posted something about 2 new threads. One for tonight’s show and one for Tuesday at Winstar. He’ll probably post them later…along with “dinner links”!.
Adam on right
ultimathle, was going to mention I love Dave Barry! Always look forward to his end of the year columns. Also around Christmas he lists the strangest gifts too! Love that.
Adam’s name is listed here, but don’t know what’s going on.
Couple of minutes in is Glee, part of MTN, puppet, LMD ?
Some Hungarian music awards. Music Daily Hungary. Nothing huge. He has won 2 so far. Up for 6.
Won. Best live show Queen+Adam and biggest OMG moment Adam and Demi join Glee
Just won #3 for best collab with Avicii and Nile
If anyone is interested..voting Avril L. & Adam tied.
Adam Lambert Help @AdamLambertHelp 1m
Via @MusicDailyHU BEST COLLAB OF THE YEAR #MusicDailyAwards @Avicii ft @adamlambert and @nilerodgers – LMD pic.twitter.com/8endHkzOXE
luval Not been around much figured I missed it somewhere thanks.
So he’s won 3 out of 6, aely – Best Live, OMG, and Collab?
Just won # 4. Fashion icon. Fun to watch! Good winning video packages. He beat out Levine, JT and some of the 1D boys. LOL.
Yes, Ulti, it is on now
Male Fashion Icon – love that retrospective – clear winner there – lol.
They just posted they will re run the music awards tomorrow.
Yay! Won award # 5. Male Artist of the year. What a great video they put together.
They love Adam and Demi. She won a bunch too.
Lost best fans. Glamberts were #3.
So he won 5 out of 6? Guess the #6 was the fan army. Came in #3?
Would like to see this again – his segments were really terrific!
Adam has never been to Hungary, right? Nice retrospective just shown of him.
Adam story for the day:
On Friday at work my new baby Glambert ( who, by the way, I need to stop referring to as “My new baby Glambert, because she is Full On Real Deal by now, but, I digress )told me she bought her family some new techy thingy gizmo for Christmas ( I have no idea what she bought. My brain literally hears “techno thingy gizmo ” whenever people talk about such stuff.)
Anyway, she hooked this cord to that cable to this techy thingy, and what did their family BLAST all through the house as selection #1?? Trespassing.
Causing daughter ( age 17 ) to come bursting out of her she-cave, and scream “””OMG OMG that’s Runnin!! I freaking love that song!! And so do all my girlfriends!! They all have to come over and listen to this!!! “”(( Thanks mom may have been included.)
I have two take-away moments from this:
1) Proud of my Glambert friend and her husband. He really likes Adam too.
2) I need a techno thingy gizmo class. I really do.
#sick of being a dinosaur.
Male Artist of the YEAR – love this one!
Take away moment from above post #3 ) Adam needs to perform Runnin LIVE.
Should we start a petition???
Need a YT of Adam segments to DL.
Here’s one! Best Male Artist
mils I am predicting right now that he will sing Runnin live. Maybe not tonight or Tuesday but sometime! 2014 just a couple of days away. Glee, new label announcement hopefully, queen, new music.
Once he gets all this stuff squared away he MUST have a tour of some sort! And incorporate songs from every album. And not just WWFM either. I’ll take a little Sleepwalker if you don’t mind. LOL.
He’s young but he’s had a long life in music. He could today do a Vegas show right from 10 years old to present, (have a little actor Adam for the 10yr old part) and every feather in between. I know it’s a crazy thought but hey, why not? Yes I hear you all laughing at me. I will laugh along with you.
He gets an actual award….Cool!
That award is beautiful.
Best collaboration segment
That award is beautiful, luval – so happy for him.
Looks like all these Lee Cherry prints will not be for sale in 2014. i didn’t even recognize Tommy in that “dandy” pic.
Do we know anybody going tonight?
Here are all of the video clips from all his wins
Aren’t those pics from Sutan’s projects?
This is funny!
If any of you go to mj’s she has Idol spoilers every day. I am going to avoid them like the plague if I can. I’d hate to say to myself “there isn’t one person here I’d vote for”, although it’s probably gonna happen eventually.
Hey, mils here’s a great Hungarian vid of “Runnin'”
That is a pretty good video. People are SO talented. I still like the Disney princess video set to Runnin. It is so cute. My niece LOVES that one. It is short but the detail is amazing.
Yes, ceddies is going!
Yes, aely, always thought that Disney vid was terrific – girls here loved it, too. Gonna go watch it again.
Crazy riddle: What do the Hungarians and the Chinese have in common?
Answer: Adam Lambert
About Runnin’, I’ve been doing my own small campaign by tweeting Brian, Adam and Tommy….now we’ll see if there was any impact at all (
). Some others picked it up and/or retweeted.
Interesting back and forth about Adam’s newer look.
FRA-JEE-LAY @chunkeymonkey81 1m
My guess, they are trying to like ~rebrand him in anticipation of era 4. Get the word out he’s evolved. No more makeup no more “glam”
FRA-JEE-LAY @chunkeymonkey81
Era three not four lollll
Melinda @melirose89 Protected Tweets 5m
Ppl are overanalyzing everything waaaaay too damn much
Probably true
With 2104 coming up in a few days that means a new monthly thread and, of course, a new feature photo.
Any suggestions that you feel would be perfect to launch the new year?
A January 2014 pic poses an interesting challenge, AL – looking forward to the suggestions.
My suggestions: 1) The BOOGIE tuxedo pic with feet crossed! 2)Feature prominently the Huading award pic with him holding both, the plaque and the statuette (?) and 3) also feature the fabulous GAGGLE pic – an unintended high fashion shoot scene lol! (He is now officially a fashion icon, per Hungary.)
A very appealing piece of fan art
Would appreciate very much if peeps would put up links to the suggestions – need help to remember!
We haven’t had eyes for a while
Pretty much any of these:
or this:
or this:
GAGGLE – http://instagram.com/p/iGFnofuNNn/#
BOOGIE – http://instagram.com/p/h4YqF4ONBF/#
Huading Award – http://awiderbridge.org/adam-lambert-wins-two-awards-and-features-on-billboard-list/ (Israeli Gay site)
Oh, thanks AL! This is the official pic of Huading, but I couldn’t find any other link.
The new thread for the concert at the Hard Rock Casino in Biloxi is up.
It’s about 4 hours to the showtime of 8 PM CST though.
Check the thread for the World clock, twitter list and dinner link.
Thanks, AL – coming to conclusion would never be able to pick out the ONE – sure I’ll be happy with whatever photo (or photos) chosen. All great.