- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Have a wonderful year and ..
Dear AL,
Would you mind if I blow you a virtual kiss?
Love, love, love ALL THE BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOS ABOVE. We get to see them in intense forward motion trespass into 2014 … indeed.
Push … push … to 3 million views … Please …
Full Performance of “Marry The Night” from “A Katy or a Gaga” | GLEE (2,981,770 views)
cwm and fellow Sagittarian, Happy Happy Birthday! May this year be good to you and yours, and full of lovely Adam thingses! You are so deserving of the best of the best!

Hope we have room for Sauli’s news as well.
Excerpt from the interview …
What a journey you’ve had!!
Watch videos and translation from these two lovely ladies .. Mia and Tiiggu.
Adam’s new Avi is from this drawing ..
And this is the finished drawing from this artist ..
Adam has many great talented fans.
Another talented fan .. kardamdoll.
I feel like Idaho and Idapimp.
So to push it one more time before I take a break.
Full Performance of “Marry The Night” from “A Katy or a Gaga” | GLEE 2,989,015
Recap up on BleauLive thread.
Happy birthday CWM! You r a lovely and classy lady and I am very honored to be your friend and fellow Glambert.
Moments @saulikoskinen1 @neaojala pic.twitter.com/K25pNRhAbq
There are quite a few celebrities coming out … eg. . Tom Daley and Maria Bellow.
aww, I just watched Tom Daleys video, what a sweet guy.
Adam mention
MTN 3,000,626!!!!

I am honored to know you and consider you a dear friend. May your year be filled with good times and happiness.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 17m
The LA sunset is bringing me so much love right now.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 18m
Colors http://instagram.com/p/hcLcyquNBt/
Avicii – True – #45
That sky must have been spectacular – lots of peeps posting pics (lots of p’s there, too – lol).
Here’s another –
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, cwm – and here’s to many more.
Happy, Happy Birthday, cwm! I guess you got your present early this year (your trip to Carnegie!)
His name is in title – in vid?
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 4m
Tessanne Chin betta SAAAAAAANG
Marc Snetiker @MarcSnetiker 3m
@adamlambert It’s time for her to win already.
YAY ….. I love Tessanne Chin too.
Off Topic … But since Adam tweeted about Tessanne ..
The Voice Performance Recap: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About (Top) Six
by Michael Slezak
Tessanne Chin @Tessanne 40m
“@adamlambert: Tessanne Chin betta SAAAAAAANG” oh my gosh this made my night!!! Many thanks and lots of respect to you!!! Thank you!!!
Kelly Clarkson tweeted her, too.
Apropos nothing – was in kitchen with fifteen-year-old granddaughter – she was walking around and then started singing “American Pie.” Shocked. Got in car and played it all the way home.
Happy to say, EP Glee Katy/Gaga still #66 on iTunes Pop, and Trespassing back since this morning, now at #248. In the Songs category, The Fox is at #148 and In the Groove #221.
Christmas music is throwing the All Genre all wacky.
Sparkle … Do you have any good night sign off for this?
hahahahahahaha – rollin’ here – “mystery,” my foot! lololol
@christy0907 hmmmm, it’s a mystery, we all keep going back to this pic, lol ;D
ulti … She might be a newbie!

LOL ..
Legs! (not quite as good as above iHeart pic, but still nice)
michele @TXsunshine001 6h
@christy0907 This one jumps out to me as well
I bet it does, honey – lol
Tommys legs look really short in that photo next to Adams that ulti just posted.
“jumps out” – (now that’s an interesting thought) – can’t stop laffin’ !
Tommy the Hobbit
HK fan … Is this in Hong Kong?
It’s beautiful!!
Awwww, you guys are the BEST! Thank you SO MUCH for all of the sweet birthday wishes! Really made me smile so big to read through all of your messages and feel the love.
I did have a nice day, thank you. It was a pretty normal day at work, but I had a great pre-birthday weekend with extended family and my sweet hubby took me out for a lovely dinner tonight at our favorite Thai restaurant, and then let me conk out on the couch (with the dog and the cat) when we got home. Whew – such partiers we are!
And yes, sparkle, I definitely got an awesome early birthday present with my trip to NYC and Carnegie Hall!
Anyway, all of your birthday wishes were a delight, so thank you!
CWM-I hope you are having the lovliest of birthdays-29??? Happy, Happy, and many more. Coming to LA to see Adam this weekend??

Its not HK asif…I had heard they were going to Singapore next, so probably there.
Oh cocoglam, I wish I were coming to see Adam at the Trevor Live event this weekend!
The sad irony is that, in fact, I am headed down to LA this weekend to tend to my mother, but I’m not going to be able to make it to the Trevor Live event while I’m there, dagnabit!
I tried to make it work, but I have a big meeting at work I’m in charge of facilitating on Monday at noon, and there’s no way I can stay over Sunday night and make it home in time for that meeting. I even looked into cancelling the meeting, but that wasn’t an option. So, durn it, I’ll be flying home just as Adam turns up the volume at the event. So close and yet so far!
To be honest, though, my mother is so gravely ill that it is emotionally and physically exhausting when I visit her, and it puts me in a completely different headspace as I am 100% focused on her needs while I’m there. To squeeze in going to a fancy dress-up gala fundraiser all by myself in the midst of all that, for a brief Adam appearance, didn’t really feel emotionally right to me anyway, unfortunately.
Are you going to the event, cocoglam? I hope so! Is anyone else from here going to see Adam this coming weekend? I hope we will have ALL representation there!
Thinking often of you and your family cwm, especially during the times that you are not posting.