- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Intro -IIHY -NL
Well, it looks as though my duet search party and I need to take a RL break for a while. BBL….
Ulti,you have a way with words. Lunatic,LOL!
In latest daily thread there is no mention of Adam,yet 90 percent of comments are about Hennessy show. It shows that peeps don’t give a shit what MJ is writing about.JMO.
Thanks …dcglam for all the goodies.
I’m gonna sit back, have my first cup of coffee and enjoy the fierce and firey Adam.
Hope the duet of AUGGMY show up soon.
What a glory note from Fever!!!
Yup, Oksana – Adam’s one of the very few who draws substantial hits to her blog. Put up a thread of one of KC’s covers and lucky if get half dozen posts – same with the banal CU.
Wonderful way to inject new life into IIHY with that new intro!! Y-A-Y!
WOW at the 1:33 mark: So I got my boots OOOO-OOOO-OOO-OON.
That’s not showing off … that’s showing what he can do unlike anyone else … and I love when he does that kind of thing!
I’ll have to figure out how to do a sound bite from when he starts IIHY and then continue for a few seconds into the song. Just that bit. Great!
Can’t imagine you being deleted on any site luval so I checked out 11/30 Headlines. Not a pleasant place for an Adam fan. I go there a couple of times a week but I haven’t submitted or “liked” a single comment since my Twitter conversation with MJ a couple of months ago and I never will again.
The only thing that would get me back as a poster is Adam becoming an Idol judge.
But that would be after I had spent 3 hours over here drooling and sharing with my buds.
rs is right. There is something magical about the fact that we get together from all over the globe to watch our BB and share our thoughts and feelings; not to mention our lives. No other site could ever accomodate or develop the sense of community and caring that we have.
If you got it, flaunt it – with you, Ron. Roll over lesser mortals – and like Paula said – leave them in the rear view mirror.
OMG Ron! The whole concert was so wonderful, I forgot about the way he opened! It was the way I think he should open all of his shows. It’s a clarion call and a call to action. Here we go!
Loved it.
It was awesome (pace Oksana
Great professional photos from Hennessy
http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/6f05b725gw1dzfu4du9ifj.jpg … http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/6f05b725gw1dzfuaxfm57j.jpg …
I thought I remembered all of Paula’s wonderful compliments to Adam on Idol. I must have missed or forgotten that one.
Perfect! Love it: “leave them in the rear view mirror”.
If you like fan’s videos with all the bat shit screaming from these young Chinese Glamberts these are for your entertainment.
The quality of the videos is not good but the feeling of love for Adam is AWESOME!!!
ETA : Forgot to mention -the action of GB … Great!!!!
Exactly, TLKC!! I couldn’t agree more.
Grab the audience by the throat right away and, in so doing, you’re also telling them, “Wait. You liked that? This is just the beginning. I haven’t even started yet”.
Awww … the BB is sick.
alidol @glam_alidol
adam cancelled media interviews tomorrow bc he feels sick
Come home Baby for Mils’ soup.
Oh WOW….That IIHY into is just the bestest!!! He has to keep that or something similar when he non-tours here!!
He has 6 days to recover.
It’s the “pull-you in and project-it-out at the same time” thing which his earlier music director mentioned. A rare skill and only a few can do that really well.
Not gonna go into it right now but I’ve been thinking a lot about Adam in comparison to Freddie and Michael Jackson. He doesn’t have that Nureyev-like concentration that Freddie and Michael Jackson have YET. Maybe this entrance is the start of the “you WILL look at me” magnetism that only a very few artists ever achieve. Even Madonna doesn’t have that – her performances are ensemble. And Elton John has it but only when he’s at his piano. Bono is part of a band but he def has it sometimes and he’s gets this smirk when he knows that everyone is in the palm of his hand.
Adam has spent his whole life sharing a stage and reacting to other people. He could develop what Freddie had but he’s a sharer. He has the capacity to draw all eyes only to him and him only. Anyone who’s seen him live knows that. It’s a comin’
Am listening to the audience videos right now. I love them.
I think it’s funny that the runway is fenced in. Maybe some entertainers have fallen off or have been dragged off. lol
As usual, Adam shouts out for other artists.
Listening to Solange’s new EP! This is so throwback and tasty. Yummy beats and warm, sexy vocals. Takin me back to some 90s R&b. #werk
luval … You crack me up … “when he non-tours here!!”
Poor Adam .. since when he has left the US for his non-tour Global Tour ..late October or early November? I was busy with RL back then. Has he gone back to LA yet?
Poor Sauli, too.
Hope they have some sex skypes already.
Did I say that? Shame .. shame .. shame… Head to the corner.
Maybe he’s just resting his voice – that was quite a workout in Shanghai.
Ron – Paula said it after his Top36 performance of “Satisfaction.”
GBR covers Trespassing
I want to cry. They really really love Adam!!!
Whew! Just checked my fridge for soup ingredients:
Chicken. Carrots. Celery. Parsnip. Onions. Seasoning. And my top secret ingredient so famously shared a couple of years ago and nearly got me banned “over there” for talking about soup not celebrities and how dare I when Adam was sick and left the stage to clear his throat and I so nicely volunteered to make him my soup?
Sweet potato.
Yes. A sweet potato. In chicken soup. Try it. It’s awesome. Toss it in in chunks. It disappears as the soup cooks. It deepens the broth flavor.
{{{ leaves to make soup }}}
Feel better BB. Rest that throat. It has to travel back to the states and get ready to be a Diva and at the Beacon.
Well, if those were the Vajayjays, then for once the sound was mixed right. You could hear Adam. Not them. And their arm movements were better. Things just keep getting slicker and slicker. Non-tour my ass!
That’s exactly what I was thinking, mils. Didn’t even notice the girls were there because you could not hear them. I don’t like how Johnny poses on stage. That’s only for the star.
Yah, Mils, I was the one discussing the Chicken Soup recipe, and we caught hell for it, didnt we. I left a sarcastic post about The Chinese Glamberts not knowing he isnt a Super Star over here, with a wink, Lover of Talent didnt get it I think, It was in reference to the non threads about Adam. I havent posted over there in a year or so, maybe she didnt get that I was trying to make a point about Adam not being good enough to have threads, as the other Stars that get their own threads when they burb
@Miss ChaosI’m sorry. No I didn’t get at first…Now I get what you were doing…Sorry again, I am having a slow day…Lack of sleep…
Thats ok Hon, I am still smiling over here!!!
@Miss ChaosThanks for understanding and @asifcluelessThanks for the vid….Super hot performance by both of them…
What a great show!
Poor bb is sick. I hope he gets better before having to fly home, that would be miserable.
Love that Chinese glamberts vid. What was with the cds though?
Love Are You Gonna Go My Way duet so much.
If you click the back arrow top left (my laptop, though), it will play back. I do it again and again and again …
Yup. The thread for today is dead and the thread from yesterday is alive with Adam love. Saw your post Miss Chaos. I feel like getting snarky too. I haven’t been on her naughty list for a long time. I did have to log on today. Maybe because some posts that I “liked” yesterday were deleted. Oh my. Whatever will the world come to?
AYGGMY? OMG. Can that boy RAWK it out!!!!! Love love love it!
Woohoo! Toast at last!!!
nkd, I loved those CDs! Made me laugh out loud!
Made me laugh too mils. Looked Katy Perry’ish.
YouTube version AUGGMW
Miss Chaos, I responded to you “over there.”
Hope you like it.
I saw, I responded to someone else, I am trying to bring the point of this closer to home so to speak.
So I still can’t warm up to Are You Going To Go My Way.
I can’t hear any melody, just shouting. But I did like the duet & Tommy’s guitar riffs. Aurea is so tiny she was like a little cute ant next to Adam. And Adam’s wail was to die for.
Think Adam said the gal was Lee Hi – if so, think she’s called something like the Asian Adele – anyhow, have a hit song of hers – “1,2,3,4” – like it a lot.
See it’s not Lee Hi, but Aurea – will check her out.
Comment says she’s Portuguese.
Found one song “Busy (for Me)” on iTunes – if it’s the same Aurea it’s a great track – dl’d it – recommend.
Had to go check MJs and thought she will not like to see that Adam has hijacked another couple of threads.
Miss Chaos, I had to do a double take at your post, and then decided that you were too big of a fan to mean that in an ugly way and had to just be kidding. In that light, I thought it was pretty funny and ironic.
I wonder how the US will welcome Adam back after the event with Cyndi Lauper and the VH1 Divas show. How many will even know he left the country for a while? Of course, with us Glamberts, it’s like he never left because we get such great videos and articles about him when he’s overseas. I’m glad they think he’s an “international superstar.”
I love his new look with the beard. Maybe it’s just that time of the year. My husband has his annual beard on too. It’s like living with two men–the sexy bearded on, and the equally sexy clean-shaved one. Now if I could just get him to do something different with his hair…LOL.
With Adam, I feel like I’m tumbling further and further down the rabbit hole. I agree with those who do not like Johnny’s dancing and posing on stage. Terrance was always a bit more understated, and very sexy. Johnny is acting more like the ugly stereotypes that some think about gays, and right now while Adam is building his fanbase, he doesn’t need anything that will alienate the male portion of the audience. Adam is building the right kind of image–he’s the kind of guy that men can envy and want to be: hot, sexy, talented and yet safe, because they know that no matter how much their women want him, he doesn’t want them…except as fans!
I just checked the other blog’s daily news thread. Not a word about Adam, the breaking news is Mario Lopez wedding.
I rest my case.
Glamberts already hijacked the comment section. Good.
I know Johnny is Adam’s long time friend, but he reminds me of the type of dancer that Adam once said he didn’t want. It’s the look at me, look at me, face, face, that Adam said he saw so much of in LA.
IMO, when you are accompanying a solo act, it is to accentuate that artist, not to bring constant attention to yourself.
And that’s the problem I have with him.
Agree, nkd.
@StellaGlambert: Better quality and sound of Adam Lambert & Aurea duet!!<3 http://t.co/NmCt7489
You just said it perfectly, nkd.
Fascinating and remarkable front page article in today’s paper. I thought the family was very brave to do this. I hope it helps people.
nkd, you nailed it.
Another good quality and different angle of AYGGMW video
AUREA & ADAM LAMBERT – ‘Are You Gonna Go My Way’ – LIVE IN SHANGHAI 2012
Lovin’ that duet – even more excited now that he’ll probably be doing duets on Divas – monumental!