- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
LadyNorth…did you notice that gal in the twit pic’s cat is named Brandon Lambert? LOL!
TLKC, thanks, that’s not a shortest way to me to Wembley, but what wouldn’t I do for good company
Maybe I should start to save my bucks for Bali. Found a nice one-bedroom-villa there…
Luval, no I didn’t notice, had to go and look
TLKC, do you think I could be added to the Wembley list? I can even fly in couch
I just went to Tripadvisor and read the reviews for the Mulia Nusa Dua and they are mainly not good! I can’t believe too that you have to pay for wifi in a five star resort.
cato is now on our list. Not to worry, luval, I added Miss Chaos in the first bunch.
I guess Adam and Sauli went first class or on a different plane. It would have been so nice for you to see them at the airport HKFan. So near and yet so far.
I am glad Sauli is with Adam. NYE is an important date on the calendar and it’s so nice to share it with loved ones. I guess the band has no such luxury but they are friends so they will probably put together a pretty good post-show party.
No way you’re flying coach, Oksana! luval and I are winning the lottery and we’re all staying at the Ritz and there will be high tea in the afternoon… it’s gonna be amazing! Added you and my Fab5 road trip team.
The last time we went to Bali we stayed in a 5* resort hotel and we had to pay for wifi, its very normal in Asian hotels, especially places like Thailand, Indonesia, Phillippines etc.
calgary, I just went to the tripadvisor site and read the reviews, and it looks like the first 4 bad reviews are all from the same person. And it seems most of what she is complaining about is again common policy at Indonesian hotels, i.e. limited number of guests per room.
And the verifying the room when going for a swim, we’ve been asked that many times, have never thought of it as a problem, and the not wearing slippers into the restaurant, again many restaurants have a dress code (in Asia slippers are what we call flip flops).
It is a new hotel though so maybe they are having a few teething problems.
Sounds to me as if the hotel has a formal, upscale ambience and that it is very security conscious. Not bad things imho. I guess that complaining guest isn’t up-to-date on the potential for terrorist attacks on luxury hotels in Indonesia.
Terrence and Johnny have found their way to the main thing
Oh HK fan, you’ve been to Bali… I am not a beach person but there’s something tempting in those paradise islands. I hope Adam and Sauli have wonderful time together!
Terrence is soooo handsome! Never appreciated him during GN.
Well oh well. I see that Tommy and Brian got lei’d .
How nice.
And right at the airport too.
It looks like Terrance and I would get along swell. I would go right to the beach and never leave. Oh. Except to see Adam and have one of those tropical drinki-poos.
That resort looks like heaven and paradise. We have about a foot of snow now and slippery roads. But, I’m a beach lover.
So. When will we see any pics of Waldo????
( Swim trunks please ) ( Even the aqua dork ones would be just fine right about now.)
It’s only been about 2 weeks, but, I’m in major Adam withdrawal. Aren’t you all too? It’s been a cavalcade of goodies lately and then—BAM–nothing.
Is there a world clock for teh show yet?
This interesting twitter conversation was on adamquotedaily blog. Shoshanna seems very confident, I wonder what she knows what we don’t know yet – probably a lot
Terrance is such a cutie. I just loved all the screen time he got at Divas. And when we were at the Hawaii shows it was so sweet to him shake his bodacious body right in front of us.
Okay. Off to Costco. It’s not the beach. Dammit.
Thanks Ladynorth. She does sound confident. She loves our guy a lot, and it shows.
mils, so I am not alone with the snow… I don’t like to lay on the beach but I like to sit in the shadow of the trees when sun shines and I could take some drinks too
. I was totally happy after my cold swim dip to the lake this afternoon, BEFORE I saw those pics in Bali
Posters for Adam, made by fans at the airport:
Fans waiting for Adam:
Band arriving: https://twitter.com/Fannaa_/status/284932509488263169/photo/1
Unfortunately for the fans, Adam and Sauli either arrived earlier or left by another VIP gate.
There’s still one hot pic of Terrance
Is that a bath tub in the middle of the room?? Now this post-ho goes to find something else to do.
RE: impatient fans, someone on Adam 24/7 pointed out that a lot of the comments under Ryan Seacrest’s article about Aam’s #1 cd of the year are graceless and show Glamberts in a bad light.
When you think about all the people who might see that article, assume that Adam is top of the heap and then, looking at the comments, find out that he is not doing so well after all, and that, BTW, Adam’s fans don’t like their favourite singer, who gets far too much attention even though he/she “stinks” in comparison.
As frustrated as I am, with radio in particular, I don’t like to stress online, except on this site, which is semi-private and frequented by Glamberts.
Posting resentful or anxious comments under high profile articles and YouTube videos may actually have some negative impact on people that Adam is working hard to reach and impress.
OMG – the bath is in the middle of the Terrance’s room. Where are the candles? Hmmmmmm, Adam’s room must be amazing. I hope Sauli takes some pics of it.
Terrance also posted that pic of Adam’s house. We seem to be getting some interesting glimpses into Adam’s life these days. Calling them Christmas presents.
Off to see Les Miserables.
Thanks for the info, TLKC – went over there and left a more positive post – hope it helps.
Has anyone written to Jim Cantiello to ask him why he didn’t pick Trespassing? I’m really surprised.
TLKC .. Thank you very much for adding me to the Wimbley Wonders crew. It means a lot to me even if it’s my fantasy to go somewhere to see Adam with my beloved friends here. I’m very depressed with my RL right now. Wish I were somewhere else.
Ellessay… my heartfelt virtual hugs and kisses for you.
Thank you very much for helping me realise that my problems are pale compare to others. And we keep on going.
I regret of my retirement too soon now. I was greeted with two deaths and in debt. I’m living without health insurance right now. I got rejected twice by insurance companies. I’m still looking.
Sorry, guys. I’ll try to be bright and sunny or take a break for a while.
Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Calgary…I wouldn’t tweet him. He likes what he likes and although he raved about Trespassing when it came out, obviously he’s changed his mind. Some of his choices are so obscure.
Asif and ellessay so sorry you are going through such tough times. I wish 2013 will bring good things for you.
Dear Ellessay,
I was very moved by your posts last night. I had no idea you’ve gone through and continue to deal with such hardships. You have a wonderful spirit about you though and your positive attitude will take you far. I wish you and your family the very, very best for 2013!
I literally had a dress rehearsal today for New Year’s Eve. Well, not literally because I wasn’t wearing a “dress” but I did have clothes on so I was “dressed”.
TLKC has been kind enough to invite me to her home for dinner where I will also enjoy the company of Northern Spirit and Milkywayfairy. Later we’ll head out to another Glambert friends home for a drink before we all go to a pub to ring in the new year. (I’m suddenly exhausted just thinking about it but … I’ll rally for the occasion)
I don’t know how practical it’s going to be to wear this outfit considering we have 40 feet of snow on the ground! Clunky winter boots are not part of the ensemble!
I should have been born around the turn of the century.
The jacket actully has very long tails but you can’t see them. 
ADAM LAMBERT NYE Concert at Mulia Resort in Bali Indonesia 12-31-12
Hello … Gorgeous … Ron !!!
Whenever I see your photos, Little Prince, comes to my mind.
Have an amazeballs time!!!
Calgary … Thank you very much.
Hope 2013 is an amazeballs year!!!!
2012 VH1 Divas (MTV Asia) Premiere:
Jan 5 6pm (Indonesia) 7pm (Singapore/Hong Kong/Philippines) 8pm (Malaysia) http://www.mtvasia.com/shows/2012-vh1-divas/
RT @llandaff: @adam_events Jan 5: TV , Malaysia. VH1 Divas on MTV Asia at 8pm. Repeated Jan 6, 3pm.
Yikes TLKC!!! Don’t forget to include me on your chartered flight to England. I wouldn’t miss it for anything. I’ve been lurking and posting, especially writing detailed concert recaps, since Season 8, first on MJ’s then here. It’s been great meeting so many of you in person at concerts in the past year.
I’m catching up on the blog today. The last 10 days have been really busy with holiday activities and wonderful visits with family and friends. For those of you having a difficult time this year, I hope that 2013 brings better times. Oh, and mils, congratulations on your new job! Think of all the new coworkers you can bring into the fold.
I can’t wait to see the Adam in Bali videos. What a great way to bring in the New Year!
Awww…Lyndsey Parker …berting hard here.
Great video with lots of Adam time (from 1:48 on)
The guy likes Adam too. YAY !!!
Lyndsey Parker @lyndseyparker
Me on @Studio11LA talking top10 LPs (@frank_ocean @diamondrings @adamlambert @foxyshazam @thedarkness @BeaccchHoussse) http://t.co/e41uLfDg
Saw that on twitter, asif – made me VERY happy.
Definitely had the feeling that she shied away from making Adam #1 – the flak she would have received probably wouldn’t be worth it. 1-1/2 – lol.
Please put me on the list. I have been lurking since season 8 tour at MJ’s then here when you started. I will sit wherever not picky.
Family just left now back to my Adam obsession. I appreciate all of you even though you do not hear from me much it isn’t easy for me to express myself, hopefully I am getting better.
keisha stuck at the airport video
Probably the Divas show, plus all the numerous mentions of Trespassing in year-end lists (too numerous to even mention now, and all around the globe) PLUS the mentions of the #1 live act Queen+Adam here in the US on many sites, are giving Trespassing a nice little ride in the iTunes Pop Top 200
since 12/18.
Call me dumb, but I do not get all the Frank Ocean love. His phrasing is TERRIBLE, songs cliched, sounds like a poor-man’s imitation of Prince without the cleverness of Prince’s lyrics. And I DO NOT believe in his “bi” revelation. No documented male relationship, where are the pics? The outings? Just like I do not believe in Gaga’s either.
I think fans are getting somewhat desperate to find Adam: Kathy Katz https://twitter.com/ItsUNBROKEN_/status/285105086886203392/photo/1
Btw, I am almost to the point of calling the fandom “Audrey,” after the insatiable plant in Little Shop of Horrors. WTF???? What is with the hounding of Adam to provide entertainment 24/7???? We have albums, videos, pics, keeks, articles, all things fans just a few years ago would not have. They would have the album, a few magazine or newspaper interviews and after that ZILCH until another album came out. MAYBE a few live shows or tour in between.
(This is only a mini-rant, people.)
All true, riskylady, but it doesn’t help – lol.
Frank Ocean is over-hyped.
Must say, all those clips that Lyndsey put up are absolutely marvelous. He looked spectacular in all of them. Damn, he’s beautiful on stage.
ulti, I guess I have been hearing Frank Ocean and thinking it was Drake. Not crazy about either of them. Actually Do Not Like.
Oh, luval, we were talking earlier about Shahs of Sunset, and I said I didn’t really like Reza. I wanted to update you on my opinion since I’ve watched several episodes over the past few days. Actually I do like Reza much better than I thought, and I too think he would be someone great to hang out with. Am really looking forward to the new episode tomorrow night on Bravo.
Hah, I posted a couple of posts back that I thought Frank Ocean sounded like Drake. I just went over and googled “compare Drake and Frank Ocean”, there were quite a few entries including the one line below.
Guess I’m a superficial listener, particularly when it comes to a sound I don’t like.
ETA: Just saw that he Ocean made the Forbes 30 under 30 list this year. He must be doing something right.
ETA2: Also just read that he “came out” earlier this year–which in the HipHop world is apparently quite a risky thing to do.
I may have to give this guy another chance. Maybe I’ve just been hearing one or two songs off his album. He’s been a writer for some of the more popular singers (Beyonce, Rihanna, etc.), so there may be more to him than just hype. Dunno…
Back from Costco. Munching on shrimp with cocktail sauce. Help yourselves. It’s right here. And at a good price too! Yummy.
‘Ya know, fellow fans, sometimes I just post things with a humorous intent, for instance, when I ask where Waldo is, or say that we have been spoiled lately with so much stuff, and now am bored. Please, don’t take me seriously.
So, with that in mind, shall we begin to speculate on hair, wardrobe and makeup for the show?
Does anybody think they’ll drop any balls at midnight?
Love Lyndsay.
Disappointed in Cantiello.
Dear Mils, I was not referring to you or even us on this blog – our questing is gentle and pretty rhetorical. I was really referring to fans on Twitter, that CONSTANTLY exhort Adam to have Twitter parties, etc. and constantly pester Shoshanna for details about coming events, etc. I think even Adam got tired about being questioned about the US Trespassing tour in his last couple of interviews. If you look at this year’s schedule, he did quite a few performances in the US, at radio shows, casinos, etc. Not a tour, but a lot of shows. Seems like lots of followers on Twitter don’t really “follow” closely enough even to know when he is performing near them.