After a very eventful past month for Adam and his fans, December has arrived. Adam enjoyed quite a bit of publicity during November, including an epic performance with Queen at the EMAs, a Rolling Stone interview, a mentoring appearance on Majors & Minors, and his return to the AMA stage (unfortunately only as a presenter this time around). Still no new music for us to enjoy with our holiday feasts, but all the signs currently point to the lead single from Adam’s new album being released in January.

Update 7 PM 12/14: as per Adam’s tweets today, “Better Than I Know Myself”, the lead single from his new album “Trespassing”, will be released on Tuesday, December 20th!

Enjoy the chat during this last month of 2011!


2,429 Responses to December 2011 Chat

  1. nkd says:

    Not Christina talking to Adam.

    GreatWhiteB Great White Buffalo
    They were there separately, they talked for a while, they laughed, they cried, the picture is not them together, just Adam

  2. cwm says:

    Another sighting tonight:

    GreatWhiteB Great White Buffalo
    In a bar with Christina Aguilera AND Adam Lambert- they’re both so pretty.

    GreatWhiteB Great White Buffalo!/GreatWhiteB/status/143947428448579584/photo/1

    GreatWhiteB Great White Buffalo
    They were there separately, they talked for a while, they laughed, they cried, the picture is not them together, just Adam

    ETA: Oops, sorry. I guess I hadn’t refreshed my page and didn’t realize nekkid had already posted this!

  3. luval says:

    Ugh…christina a. Glad I didn’t have to start my day looking at that.

    No Sauli? Must have been a business get together.

  4. glambotgram says:

    Feelin Good made my list but it was the Live version I voted for. It was the stairs that did me in.

    X=tina Sick I am not wanting a collab there, I think she is going down the Whitney road, her voice anyway, and has sounded horrible the last few times I have heard her.

  5. luval says:

    Glambotgram…so agree with you about xtina.

    Doesn’t Adam look 12 years old with that haircut?

  6. glambotgram says:

    luval says:

    Doesn’t Adam look 12 years old with that haircut?

    Yes he does look younger but beautiful.

  7. ultimathule says:

    Agree – NO Xtina, please.

    Love that pic – talking as usual – lol.

    Is his hair on his forehead a bit? That usually makes him look even younger. Likee.

  8. riskylady says:

    Belated hi, Ron!

    Ron says:
    12/05/2011 at 11:12 pm
    Big dot.

    LOL big dot? Instead of your usual dot? Getting quite eloquent, aren’t we!

    Well, I’ll start retweeting those male fans, so you can have a look-see. The last two were interesting. One I believe is a 17-yr old with designer talents, and the other a sports reporter, very cute. Twitter is the devil, but it is also an amazing world of fun.

  9. riskylady says:

    Btw, in that picture of Adam out last night, just to the left of Adam over the shoulder of the guy, do I spy just the top of Sauli’s forehead? Sure looks like it….

  10. mieps says:

    That’s what I thought, Riskylady, but if it is, he really blends into the picture on the wall.
    So… now I’m not sure IDK

  11. riskylady says:

    LOL, mieps. Great minds…and keen powers of observation!
    ETA: With magnifying glass, definitely think it is a forehead and Sauli’s blond hair. The line of the forehead has just a slight slant, not aligned with the picture frame.
    ETA2: I know, I need help.
    Was reading over at MJs about the album predictions, and it just came to me: One thing that excites me about Adam’s album – not just the single – is how he crafts things. I think overall he made great eclectic song choices on FYE, even in the crunch of the Idol tour, etc. It’s a very listenable album, songs I have grown to love and some I just like, but never boring. And he really seems to care about giving entertainment to his audience, not just “being a star, making money.” From what we’ve heard about the other songs, I’m just over the moon – think it will be a great listen!!! Shady, Trespassing, Outlaws of Love – BRING IT!!
    I love that old interview posted above with Alice back in 2009, 4th Idol show, where he doesn’t seem aware yet of the power and beauty of his voice, just can’t believe it.
    Think he is now becoming aware, finally.

  12. luval says:

    Riskylady you’re getting as bad as me with the magnifying glass. Lol! I still don’t see him. I thought the tweets might mention “Adam’s cute boyfriend” but none of them did.

  13. ultimathule says:

    OMG – magnifying glasses – we are soooooooo far gone, babes. lol

  14. riskylady says:

    Hypnotized Shame Evil Grin

  15. ultimathule says:

    Love the evil grin – (cackle)

  16. riskylady says:

    OOO. MMM. GGG. The dark side of Sauli….

  17. nkd says:
  18. nkd says:

    I think that looks like Sauli’s forehead in the pic from last night also.

    That Lee Cherry pic of Sauli is um…hot! What a doll!

  19. jlurksacto says:

    Okay, gotta watch. Too funny:

  20. nkd says:
  21. riskylady says:

    Hahahaha, the biggest LOL ever!

    AnthonyPerkins_Anthony Perkins
    @adamlambert it was still an honour to meet u last night! and FYI, had no clue he was ur boyfriend! thanks for not giving me a black eye lol
    16 minutes ago

    ETA: {{Vindicated}}

  22. nkd says:

    That’s funny jlurksacto! Laugh

  23. luval says:

    Haha riskylady! Yes you are! You are amazing!

  24. ultimathule says:

    riskylady – that Anthony Perkins, the actor? or somebody else. And – lol – what did AP do? Inquiring minds want to know!

  25. ultimathule says:

    Just some doofuss trying to make himself important. Said he was scared – lol.

  26. ultimathule says:

    Great vid, jlurksacto – enjoyed that.

  27. riskylady says:

    Ultima, I think he was hitting on Sauli.
    Lots of fun replies on Twitter:

    izla_zandzIzla Zandz
    Adam smiled a languorous smile. ‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he said, idly toying with pommel of his dagger. His rival backed away.

    I wonder if Sauli got a spanking last night! gawwwwww

    14gellygelly lambrianidou
    OMG Why is this so hot to me?!/AnthonyPerk…
    29 minutes ago FavoriteRetweetReply

  28. ultimathule says:

    These tweets are so much fun – gawd – woulda have loved to be a fly on the wall at that “confrontation.”

  29. riskylady says:


    laa95Laura Anderson

    @AnthonyPerkins_ What did Adam do? :L I take it not punch you … #Excellenttastebtw Wink
    32 minutes ago

    in reply to @laa95 ↑
    @AnthonyPerkins_Anthony Perkins
    @laa95 it was close! i think i accidentally touched his hand or something then Adam came and told me to back off

    “or something” …….oh, yeah….!!!

  30. mieps says:

    Yay Riskylady, I only thought it, but you were sure!

  31. nkd says:

    Adam was being possessive!
    These are additional tweets after the one riskylady posted.

    ohiomaryc all you feel is love
    @AnthonyPerkins_ aww you had your eye on Sauli huh? squeeee he is a cutie, and then again so is Adam, whew!

    Anthony Perkins
    @ohiomaryc yeah. and Adam didnt like that…at all! Smile

    @AnthonyPerkins_ @adamlambert you have excellent taste!!!!

    AnthonyPerkins_ Anthony Perkins
    @darpf @adamlambert i know! haha

    coconutghost007 coconutghost007bert
    @AnthonyPerkins_ lol ur tweet cracks me up!!

    Anthony Perkins
    @coconutghost007 it wasnt fun! i was scared…

    ohiomaryc all you feel is love
    @AnthonyPerkins_ oh boy, I cant help but smile over this. Adam is a doll though… so saweet Smile

    AnthonyPerkins_ Anthony Perkins
    @ohiomaryc NOT when it comes to a stranger having a chat with his boo obviously!

    laa95 Laura Anderson
    @AnthonyPerkins_ What did Adam do? :L I take it not punch you … #Excellenttastebtw Wink

    Anthony Perkins
    @laa95 it was close! i think i accidentally touched his hand or something then Adam came and told me to back off

    TrueGlambert3 TrueGlambert3
    @AnthonyPerkins_ Did he say “back off he’s mine!”?? Don’t worry, Adam doesn’t bite Smile

    AnthonyPerkins_ Anthony Perkins
    @TrueGlambert3 something like that lol. at first i thought he was kidding WELL…he wasnt.

    Auntbert_ Josephine
    @AnthonyPerkins_ LOL. If I was @adamlambert, I would not give you black eyes but a dirty mean look is a MUST! Haha, you sound so sweet.

    Anthony Perkins
    @Auntbert_ i got that too! thank u Smile

    ETA Sorry duplicated some of what riskylady already posted.

  32. nkd says:

    This is the guys twitter bio. Not the actor!

    Anthony Perkins
    @AnthonyPerkins_ LA
    If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise. ~Johann von Goethe /You know what they say: You can’t teach a gay dog straight tricks!

  33. ultimathule says:

    As someone posted: “passing the popcorn”

    Love it.

  34. ultimathule says:

    The live version of Fan Fic.

  35. nkd says:
  36. ultimathule says:

    Such a super diversion while waiting for the damn Press Release. More info, please.

  37. nkd says:

    I love this from the MTV article!

    Even before he was a household name, Glambert still brought the SMIZE backstage at “American Idol” in 2009. Lovin’ that pants zipper, Lambert. It demurely says, “HEY, LOOK AT ME.”

    This was under the picture from ROF night!

  38. nkd says:

    Beehoneybunny Bee Honey
    @AnthonyPerkins_ …and what did the bf say? Your story is a bit strange I mean how odd to react so to 2 people just talking?

    AnthonyPerkins_ Anthony Perkins
    @Beehoneybunny i was flirting with him

    Klaudia SmithLambert
    @AnthonyPerkins_ what did Adam say?Grin “back off, he’s my boyfriend” or what? umm

    AnthonyPerkins_ Anthony Perkins
    @klaudiaSlambert asked his boyfriend if we knew each other i cant remember the exact words!

  39. ultimathule says:

    Getting better all the time. Sorry, Adam, I’m lovin’ it. (We deserve this delightful interruption after waiting and waiting and waiting for the damn single.)

  40. eywflyer says:

    The Top 16 countdown continues with the first song tied at #10:

    Purple Haze/Whole Lotta Love (Amsterdam 11/20/10)

    Link to the countdown so far:

  41. nkd says:

    That one was not on my list, even though it was really hottt!
    I opted to just put one PH/WLL on the list and opted for Cologne.

  42. jlurksacto says:
  43. nkd says:

    This guy just keeps it going!

    baileylambert12 Bay Smile
    @AnthonyPerkins_ Hahaha you have awesome taste if you had your eye on Sauli

    Anthony Perkins
    @baileylambert12 lucky adam Smile

    Cbodina Kris coppinger
    @AnthonyPerkins_ you better watch him, he’s protective of his baby! :”)

    AnthonyPerkins_ Anthony Perkins
    @Cbodina i learned my lesson lol!

  44. jlurksacto says:

    From the Adommy shippers:

    @WordsCanLie Maybe it was just T… don’t assume things…

    @Nady_81 @WordsCanLie It might’ve not been who you are assuming it was… js

    @WordsCanLie Maybe it wasn’t who you think it was…

  45. ultimathule says:

    “LOL – deja vu” – Perkins’s tweet after seeing the pic that jlurksacto just posted.

  46. mieps says:

    Hmmm, I don’t know, he could scare me away after the first (possibly pleasant) surprise is over.

    And are those Adommy shippers for real?

  47. dcglam says:

    It is so much fun coming home to all of you each evening. The tweets regarding Adam, Sauli, and Anthony are hilarious! At first I was thinking how in the world could anybody be skeered of Adam?!?! But then I took a look at jlurks pic.
    Yup, Fierce Adam can be intimidating!! Really Angry

  48. riskylady says:

    Nkd, thank you! It’s good to see the “big picture” so to speak. And the funniest thing is, in the middle of all this, Adam tweets:

    @adamlambertAdam Lambert
    Randomly met @TheRealXtina for the first time last night. She was lovely. #alwaysafan

    And we’re like, sir, you are not going to distract us from the real news from last night!

  49. dcglam says:

    LOL, riskylady!!!

  50. luval says:

    Nkd…not on my list!! LOL

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