After a very eventful past month for Adam and his fans, December has arrived. Adam enjoyed quite a bit of publicity during November, including an epic performance with Queen at the EMAs, a Rolling Stone interview, a mentoring appearance on Majors & Minors, and his return to the AMA stage (unfortunately only as a presenter this time around). Still no new music for us to enjoy with our holiday feasts, but all the signs currently point to the lead single from Adam’s new album being released in January.

Update 7 PM 12/14: as per Adam’s tweets today, “Better Than I Know Myself”, the lead single from his new album “Trespassing”, will be released on Tuesday, December 20th!

Enjoy the chat during this last month of 2011!


2,429 Responses to December 2011 Chat

  1. nkd says:

    First thing I noted is that he heard it over the phone. It’s probably not going to sound the best this way. Not mentioning the title is weird. I suppose midtempo vs. uptempo is subjective.
    The release info is consistent with what we’ve been hearing this weekend however, which is GOOD!!!

  2. luval says:

    hmmm..Toby Knapp is not flailing much. Finally a different bit of hype.Everything Adam does can’t be for everyone. Personally I decided a long time ago not to blindly love everything he does. Like cwm says I want it to be a huge hit and the album to sell millions. I just don’t want to hear “I waited all this time for THIS?”

  3. nkd says:

    I had Feeling Good – studio on my list at #12!
    Thank you eywflyer for doing this, it’s fun!

  4. eywflyer says:

    I hope this is not going to be another last minute change of the lead single as we had last time around when FYE was abruptly pushed ahead of WWFM (at Adam’s insistence so I heard). We all know how that worked out.

    I don’t find Toby’s somewhat lukewarm review of the song to be especially encouraging:

    radio types will say that we need a listen or two before we decide where it should live on stations across the country

    The timing of this supposed release during the depths of the Christmas freeze would be strange, and challenging for quick airplay gains.

    I also find it odd that Adam has not said/tweeted one word about the single recently. As aware of Twitter trends as Adam usually is, we can be pretty sure that he’s aware of the rumors calling for an imminent release.

  5. nkd says:

    So true luval, everyone is not going to flail over Adam’s new music. I just hope that enough people do!

  6. Miss Chaos says:

    And here we are full circle, way back when Adam said his Album will be along the lines of WWFM, not if IIHY. Well for months we have heard how the album and first single is a mind blowing single, get ready to dance, lalalala, (fingers in ears) (shaking head) now we are back to the single is more along the lines of WWFM, and they need to hear it a few times to see if they want to spin it?????? ( do you hear that noise)?? That’s my head spinning around in circles! WTF Teeth Teeth

  7. luval says:

    I think it’s going to sound just like the demo. Frown

    I had studio Feeling Good on my list!

  8. nkd says:

    An interview with Roger Taylor. Last question and answer.

    Wrapping up, what are the thoughts about any potential Queen shows in the future?

    Well actually, we did a thing for MTV Europe – the VMA Awards, about two weeks ago. We did three or four songs at the end of the show with Adam Lambert, who has really matured and has become an incredible performer. I think Brian and I will very possibly be doing something with Adam, because he’s really great. His range is unequaled, I think, and his stage presence is really quite something these days. He’s a phenomenal performer and it went very well, so that was very interesting, actually. We would hope to be doing something with Adam at some point.

  9. nkd says:

    I don’t think it’s going to sound just like the demo luval. I think the main melody will remain, but I don’t think Adam would be excited about something that sounds just like that demo. However, that melody line stays in my head. I’m excited to hear it! Big Smile

  10. luval says:

    nkd, I’ll bet you a penny that it will sound like the demo. Smile Smile Smile

    Every demo I’ve heard sounds like the final song. Except, you know, with more production. So we’ll see. If I don’t like it, you know I’ll still buy it even though I said I don’t follow him blindly. I’ll regain my sight momentarily.

  11. eywflyer says:

    The ALFC site seems to have been all but abandoned by ground-ctrl staff or even moderators. Speculation is ongoing there that the transition from 19E to Adam’s new management may be causing these problems. People are quite unhappy after paying for memberships in 2010 then having to renew in 2011.

    I also wonder if there are still questions about rights to Adam’s current/future music due to the lawsuit that may be contributing to the apparent confusion regarding this possible new single.

  12. cwm says:

    Toby is busy clarifying why he couldn’t name the song:

    tkradio toby knapp
    @mmadamimadamm i think adam or fans may know the title of the single, but the label isn’t gonna confirm b/c they’re doing their ‘thing’

    Lou_XOXO Luis Rivera
    @tkradio but Sony music has already established that the first single will be Better Than I Know Myself along with Adam Lambert Himself?!??

    @tkradio toby knapp
    @Lou_XOXO let me ask them that right now. i know adam prob tweeted it. i think the person i was on with just couldnt ‘confirm’ name

    So there may not actually be any confusion after all. Just Toby not realizing that it was ok to say.

  13. luval says:

    I really feel bad about the fan club site. I thought it was going to grow and be huge. Adam was so enthused about it at the beginning. I just think he’s moved on. I can’t see it re-energized again. Hope I’m wrong.

  14. cwm says:

    I LOVED what Roger Taylor had to say about Adam and the likelihood of future collaborations! Woohoo!! That is awesome!

  15. cwm says:

    Ok, confusion clarified. Toby has confirmed that it is BTIKM after all:

    tkradio toby knapp
    @jazzytag lol king riccitelli confirms title as tweeted by adam… standbty for more i’m on aim w/ him


    and… rca local promo staffs playing single for radio this week. will be a priority getting close to xmas…

    @coconutghost007 clairification – 2 support the single . small promo run in feb. more to follow.

    Ok, new confusion. Why wait until Feb for the single’s promo tour?

  16. luval says:

    brain freeze. What is WDYWFM that Toby mentioned?


  17. ms0712 says:
  18. nkd says:

    luval says:
    12/05/2011 at 4:26 pm
    brain freeze. What is WDYWFM that Toby mentioned?

    WWFM! He just used too many letters!

  19. luval says:

    thanks nkd! Just realized that myself!

  20. nkd says:

    I think that promo tour must be for the album and the single. The timing seems right for album talk if it is to be released in March.
    This information is going through too many channels to get to us! Come on Adam and RCA. Geez!

  21. cwm says:

    Re: Feb for the single promo tour — it just occurred to me that Adam will probably be in the UK/Europe in Jan, so that means Feb in the US.

    And that will coincide nicely for run-up to the album. Smile

  22. luval says:

    All this is too much for my mind. I’m tuning out right now!!! Just give me the damn song and let me decide!!

  23. ultimathule says:

    Didn’t get the impression that Toby, the DJ, was talking about spins, but about where the track should be placed on radio.

  24. dcglam says:

    It sure does seem as though our buddy, Glamazon, and DJ Toby are listening to two different songs. As nkd mentioned upthread, tempo (as well as music as a whole) can be very subjective. What one person considers midtempo can very well be considered uptempo to another’s ears.

    Toby is making a lot of sense to me. I can totally see Adam and his team going with a midtempo type of song like WWFM for his first single off this new album. Hey, why not? WWFM became very radio friendly — I still hear it quite frequently on various stations in DC. Then, of course, there is that Grammy nomination. As a whole, it was a very successful single. Assuming that BTIKM will be at least equally successful, they will most likely go with something more dance clubby for the second single. BTW, I love the fact that Toby mentions Adam’s vocals as being out there on this single.
    That is my favorite part. Big Smile

  25. dcglam says:

    All this is too much for my mind. I’m tuning out right now!!! Just give me the damn song and let me decide!!

    Just LOVE this, luval!!

  26. Calgary says:

    ms0712 Thank you for that link. I had never seen her interview before and loved it!

    As far as his music goes, I don’t even care when the first single comes out. I am so stuck on The Show Must Go On, it’s pitiful. Today I read the Wikipedia piece on the song and how it was written and produced and it is sooo poignant. Listening to Adam’s and Freddie’s versions will keep me happy for quite a while.

    I just wish I could figure out how to get the audio off that director’s cut.

  27. HK fan says:

    mmm, plot thickens, there are a few comments on MJ’s that this DJ Toby isn’t the biggest fan of Adams (prefers Kris), which would explain why he isn’t flailing as much as others…

  28. Kradamour says:

    All this is too much for my mind. I’m tuning out right now!!! Just give me the damn song and let me decide!!

    Totally, luval.
    And re the change of management/demise or at least decline of fansite…wonder if that will mean we don’t get our Paris photo makeup? Maybe you were right when you said it would never happen. Frown
    No matter, in the greater scheme of things.

  29. luval says:

    Kradamour, hi… Yup, I don’t think we’ll ever get our Paris make-up pics. Thanks, Neil.

    Something doesn’t seem right. Nothing from Adam. Maybe the song has changed. All this back and forth. Makes me a bit nervous.

  30. turquoisewaters says:

    Oh the agony, the confusion, the anticipation….
    This should be a wild couple of months. My usual strategy is: prepare for a catastropy and then be pleasantly surprised if it turns out better. Of course I want it to turn out MUCH better.

  31. luval says:

    So if we don’t have the single Friday we at least have Adam on the Sundance Channel for his On The Line episode 8pm EST.

  32. dcglam says:

    HK fan says:
    12/05/2011 at 6:29 pm
    mmm, plot thickens, there are a few comments on MJ’s that this DJ Toby isn’t the biggest fan of Adams (prefers Kris), which would explain why he isn’t flailing as much as others…

    This may very well be, but I’m willing to give Mr. DJ Toby the benefit of the doubt here. First of all, it is way too bad that both Adam’s and Kris’s second album are due out around the same time. This will, no doubt, cause controversy over at MJ’s and elsewhere. Secondly, I have read Toby’s blog regarding Kris’s new album, and I don’t notice any “flailing” there either. In my opinion, he is trying his best to remain as objective as much as possible, at least in print.

    I think that luval has the best idea. I’m definitely down for all of us making the final decision as to yay or nay…… Wink

  33. riskylady says:

    Some more info from MJs:

    About the single:

    LeytonB Leyton Bracegirdle:
    @Zenber1 A.MAZING!!!!! You won’t be dissapointed! Couple of funk tracks, some amazing uptempos and a killer midtempo

    Ha, I was just about to post this. Yes, that’s the supposed author of the London Times article that got pushed up to December. Promo in the UK and the US are seemingly being launched simultaneously (along with other countries too).

    cybilspider: Adam Lambert called on the spiPhone tonight. From his Hollywood home. AHHH-EEEK! This spider’s favourite pop star

    cybilspider: adamlambert You are the spiders favourite pop star. We LOVE you. You are our BIG TIP for 2012. How big only you can say!

    ^Lisa Verrico, Entertainment journalist from the The Times in London. Must be about the article coming soon.

  34. Ron says:

    I think a lot of us are … I am! … grasping at any and all information we can possibly learn about the single/CD. Of course. But, it seems to me that we have too MUCH information. Too many cooks stirring the pot! Instead of each tweet providing clarity, they make things more confusing by producing five different questions as to what might be the meaning behind it. Confused

    It doesn’t matter to me. It doesn’t matter if I personally like or dislike the single/CD. If it’s mid-tempo, up-tempo or NO-tempo … Adam simply reciting the lyrics Big Smile … just as long as it sells, and is a Monster Hit, is my only concern and hope. Yes

    Out of curiousity, how long has it been since Adam started recording this CD? It feels as though it’s been two years in the making. Big Smile

  35. milwlovesadam says:

    LOL RON:I would buy and listen to anything Adam “recited” at this point. We are just soooooo ready for this song and CD to drop.

    Can. Not . Wait.



  36. riskylady says:

    Wow, seeing more and more male fans for Adam on Twitter. I think the Queen gig did a lot, too, to get him more male fans. The most recent one is a Detroit sports reporter.

    Calgary, I’m still addicted to the EMA performance too. It’s my nightcap, my morningcap, and my all-day-cap – just can’t get enough. It sounds better every time.
    So, I want more Queen! So many GREAT songs for his voice!!!

  37. ultimathule says:

    Ron’s so right – our concern and hope – a Monster Hit! Everything else is gravy.

  38. Ron says:

    Hi riskylady! Kiss

    riskylady says:
    12/05/2011 at 9:42 pm
    Wow, seeing more and more male fans for Adam on Twitter.

    Shock Really? My ears are suddenly all a twitter. Big Smile

  39. Hey how is everyone tonight?! It’s craziness with all the news of the album and single and promos, it’s hard to keep up with it all. Hope that some of the rumors are true that we will have the single before Christmas *crosses fingers* Smile

  40. Kradamour says:

    insomniac19 insomniac19
    I am going to shit full size horses when we get this song!

    Now THAT’S the poop! Smile

  41. Kradamour says:

    Can’t decide if this is cute, creepy, or just too weird. Adam has a very complex and many-faceted fandom…

  42. ultimathule says:

    That’s just cute, Kradamour – especially when you would expect it to be the other way around.

  43. Ron says:

    Big dot. Big Smile

  44. ultimathule says:

    I would like to float on the sound of his beautiful voice.

  45. cher says:

    I am also totally addicted to that Queen/Adam EMA performance. I have to listen to it several times a day and night. Grin
    Here’s my fave part. I could listen to this 4ever!!!! And maybe I will. I seem to have company here. ROTFL

  46. ultimathule says:

    I’m with you, cher – that part is absolutely THRILLING!!!! – you can see his glorious face in the jumbotrons. Those in the audience who didn’t know him before this performance must have been bowled over by his voice and his beauty. Well, they know him now!

  47. cher says:

    Yeah UT! BB looks hawt on that jumbotron!!
    Lookie here. Someone sat next to his table at dinner 2night and said he is hawt!! Like we didn’t already know this! In Love

    Tweets about ADAM LAMBERT by comedian @Maggie_Klaus:
    Just had a delish dinner with friends at #Malo in Silverlake & sat next to @AdamLambert and his party. Squeal! He’s way hotter in person!
    @StardustLambert Margaritas on the rocks, skinny black jeans, HIGH hair, sexy eye makeup. HOT!
    Deets: @AdamLambert had margaritas on the rocks, HIGH hair, black skinny jeans, gorgeous eye makeup, shoulder-padded blazer. Smiles a lot.
    You all have excellent taste in singers! @adamLambert was very easy on the eyes in person and we both LOVE #Malo in Silverlake!
    @wutismylf I’m no longer there. That’s why I didn’t take any photos. Total respect of privacy. I agree.!/Maggie_Klaus/status/143929987106488321

  48. nkd says:

    @GreatWhiteB Great White Buffalo
    In a bar with Christina Aguilera AND Adam Lambert- they’re both so pretty.

  49. nkd says:

    Here’s a pic, I think from tonight.

    That’s possibly Christina A.

  50. rs says:

    Here’s a pic, I think from tonight.

    That’s possibly Christina A.

    So maybe they are talking about doing a duet together Question

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