After a very eventful past month for Adam and his fans, December has arrived. Adam enjoyed quite a bit of publicity during November, including an epic performance with Queen at the EMAs, a Rolling Stone interview, a mentoring appearance on Majors & Minors, and his return to the AMA stage (unfortunately only as a presenter this time around). Still no new music for us to enjoy with our holiday feasts, but all the signs currently point to the lead single from Adam’s new album being released in January.

Update 7 PM 12/14: as per Adam’s tweets today, “Better Than I Know Myself”, the lead single from his new album “Trespassing”, will be released on Tuesday, December 20th!

Enjoy the chat during this last month of 2011!


2,429 Responses to December 2011 Chat

  1. Oksana2000 says:

    Eywflyer, check your mail on ALF. Smile

  2. dcglam says:

    I have seen many advertisements in my area for the Coldplay concert that is scheduled for July at the Verizon Center in DC.
    I’m just thinking and wondering if Adam’s next tour will actually end up being scheduled for next fall and beyond.

  3. Kradamour says:

    I’m just thinking and wondering if Adam’s next tour will actually end up being scheduled for next fall and beyond.

    That would fit the time fram for FYe/GlamNation. I am thinking that spring snd summer will be promotion, vids, a few singles to build energy/fan base.
    GN began in June after a November album release, right? So bump it all up a couple of months or so. Maybe start touring about Labor Day.

  4. milwlovesadam says:

    Time will tell about the tour. I’m not holding my breath. The bigger questions would be which size venues he’ll be playing, if he’ll do as many shows in the states, and just how many international dates he’ll have. I’m wondering if he’ll be playing South America, more in Canada, and he’ll be all over Europe.

    Of course, selfishly, I want him to be playing my town again. And, I’m planning a big trip around Labor Day for two weeks. It would be just my luck if he were coming to Milw then!!! RS and MR, I’m coming to your area of the world!!

    Back to the venues, I’m kinda thinking he’ll be doing the same size theaters, maybe two shows in some cities. Most cities have nothing in between 2,000-4,000 seat theaters and arenas.

  5. milwlovesadam says:

    Maybe he’ll start the tour in Europe and end in the States.

    I just hope he still does M&G’s. And that they are managed better, sales, #’s per fan, sales/announcements for M&G’s coordinated with ticket sales, etc.

  6. Calgary says:

    Was there any conversation about “Get Over It” – a bit of a demo, supposedly, that’s on YT? I don’t remember seeing any. But if it’s an example of what his new stuff is like, I’m a bit bummed – it is so overproduced you can hardly hear his voice.

  7. milwlovesadam says:

    Calgary, the consensus about demos here and other places is that demos are just that, demos. And sound totally different when done for realz.

    On another topic, everybody who hasn’t done so, must check out Home Planet tonight. Sooooo funny and true.

  8. luval says:

    Mils, that Home Planet is one of the funniest ever! Don’t think it applies to me, though. Smile

  9. Kradamour says:

    mils, my life is too busy right now and I always appreciate it when you remind us to go check out what chunkey is up to. LOVE that site!
    (Loved the “three wise men” thread, too.)
    Girl is brill.i.ant. Smile

  10. Hi everyone! How is everyone tonight?!?! Everyone ready for the holidays?

  11. asifclueless says:

    glamberthaf28 ..I’m fine, thank you, and how about you?
    It’s very nice of you who always asks how everybody is. Rose

    And YES, I’m so ready for the holidays because I’ll have 2 weeks off to stan Adam full time.
    And I’ll be here, my lovely place, with my lovely Glamily.

    Heart ADAM Heart

  12. ultimathule says:

    “HE’S AT THE FUCKING ZOO??!!!?” Oh, pick me off the floor – so damn funny. Probably went to see “I Bought a Zoo,” too (oooo – it rhymes).

    Hey, BB – you’re the only animal I’m interested in – lol.

  13. asifclueless says:

    sistakrads…THIS IS SERIOUS video is cute.

    mils … thanks for the homeplanet site. Chunkey is always hilarious. And this one she is outdid herself.


  14. asifclueless says:

    Yeah …ultima …And BB brings out my animal instinct.

  15. asifclueless says:

    cwm says:
    12/12/2011 at 12:39 pm

    Brian May effuses again. I love what he said about working with Adam. When asked about highlights of the past year:

    “The MTV Awards was a highlight, I gotta say, working with Adam Lambert properly was a thrill, he is a wonderful singer, a great performer I think. That was a highlight for me.”

    I especially loved how he emphasized the word “thrill” in the audio of the interview. Good to know that we fans aren’t the only ones who get a thrill out of Adam’s performances! Smile

    Thanks … cwm.



  16. asifclueless says:

    BBL…I’ve gotta go. WORK!!!! I’ll be back in 8 hours.

    I’ll leave you with this hilarious video.

    Heart ADAM Heart Listening to Music

  17. Kradamour says:

    This is kinda cool…something else to entertain us during the premath (hey, if there is an aftermath there must also be a premath):—2012

  18. asifclueless says:
  19. hi asif I’m doing great! been done with holiday shopping for about two weeks now. And just got some blue highlights in my hair just like Adam Grin I get a couple days off for the holidays so that’s good. I was looking around to see if there was any like new years eve parties around the area for glamberts but haven’t found any yet! still looking Smile

  20. Kradamour says:

    insomniac19 insomniac19
    @adamlambert New Year’s Resolution idea for you: Work a little harder at the nakedness. Love, your adoring fans. Wink

    I love this girl. Whenever I need a smile, I follow her tweets for a while… Heart Smile

  21. ultimathule says:

    Can feel an unusual calm inhabiting my soul after reading Brian’s (and Roger’s) comments. These two magnificent musicians are praising Adam in ways that I’ve only dreamt about. So happy.

  22. ultimathule says:

    Funny – always felt Adam would wind up with a European, especially a Scandinavian (that “ride in on a ship” helped, I’m sure) – especially, as it seemed to me, he was more relaxed and himself there.

    There are two interviews both from, I believe, his time in Scandinavia. One was with a beautiful young woman across a table from him where, when they got up, he put on her jacket/scarf?

    The other was also with women – two of them – both beautiful – where they got him to sing for them. Charming.

    Anyone got them? Thanks.

  23. ultimathule says:

    Found one – Bella and Tyra

  24. ulti I think the other one you may be speaking of is the tillate interview…i don’t have the link but i think that’s the one you want


    There’s the link…not sure if that’s the one you’re looking for Smile

  26. ultimathule says:

    Oh, you lovely, glamberthaf28 – love this blog – ask, and you shall receive. This is one of the few times that I sensed his attraction to a woman – very interesting.

  27. ulti glad i could help ya out! Smile Too bad we couldn’t ask for the New Single Release Date tweet and get it huh?

  28. ultimathule says:

    Oh – there’s a single coming out? Has Adam hit the dictionary for the word, “soon,” yet”

  29. riskylady says:

    Here’s why I think Brian just loved having Adam perform his song TSMGO – in FULL voice (not falsetto) original key…a very short clip with Brian explaining about the song (which he wrote):

    If you remember that range chart I posted some time ago,
    Adam’s full voice range is somewhat higher than Freddie’s.
    I just LOOOOVE the praise Brian and Roger give Adam. They have so much cred in the business – this surely has to help him in the UK.

  30. cwm says:

    Look! It’s the press release!

    I feel so happy now. Grin LOLOL

  31. adamized says:

    cwm how funny and so true!!!!

    Adam definitely appreciates a pretty lady. Do you remember how flirty he was with the young pretty interviewer in Long Island when he was on the idol tour? As he says “sexy is sexy”

    Off to work. Have a good day everyone.

  32. Ron says:

    Good Morning!

    I’m not completely awake as I sip on my first cup of coffee. Yawn

    Just found this on Twitter:

    HaleyCornish Haley Cornish
    @KyleDavidPierce HOW MANY DAYS?!
    9 hours ago
    in reply to ↑
    Kyle David Pierce

    @KyleDavidPierce Kyle David Pierce
    @HaleyCornish When I spoke with him on Saturday @adamlambert said 10 days… He was really excited!!

    This would mean the single dropping on December 20th which makes more sense. Aren’t all Singles/CD’s/DVD’s released on a Tuesday?

    Let me have more coffee and try to answer my own question. Smile I do know that DVD’s are always released on a Tuesday.

  33. luval says:

    Hi Ron!

    At work but sneaking a peak. That makes sense about the Tuesday release. He’ll be back from China by then I would think. Maybe surprise them there with “a little treat”.

  34. loveroftalent says:

    @riskyladyThanks for posting that link of Brian May talking about TSMGO. Certainly explains why he was so thrilled with the EMA performance. I love the love Brian May and Roger Taylor have for Adam.. They admire his vocal abilities, plus they seem to really like him as a person, which really means alot.

    So 10 days for the release…can’t wait..we should have an advent calendar counting down the day. So excited.

    I don’t post alot but want to thank all of you for your great posts. Always very interesting, informative and funny.

    Have a great day!!!

  35. loveroftalent says:

    Sorry about the my post being bold. I just meant to have riskylady in bold.

  36. Ron says:

    Hi luval!!

    Hi L.O.T. Wink

    So 10 days for the release…can’t wait

    That would be 10 days beginning this past Saturday leaving only 7 more days to go until we finally hear this Single. The next time we turn around, it’ll be next Tuesday. Big Smile

  37. eywflyer says:

    The Top 16 countdown continues with the second of two songs tied at #4:

    Sleepwalker (Leno 3/2/10) – no video available (please post the link if you find one)

    Link to the countdown so far:

  38. ms0712 says:

    Adam Lambert at audition in San Francisco for American Idol unaired interview footage from that day.

    Love what the interviewer said about Adam! He said that Adam has a stage presence in real life and that you feel cool next to him. Tell us something we don’t know!

  39. rs says:

    mils, I would love to see you when you come. When is Labor Day? I will be in Ireland and Scotland for a few weeks during the second half of August and will be home at the beginning of September. cher and riskylady have my email details, or write to me on the fan site (but let me know since I never go there) and I will give you all the info.

  40. Ceddies says:

    Hi rs, I wanted to give you a belated “thank you” for the information you gave me about my computer back before we went to Ste. Agathe. I was having problems with downloading videos into RealPlayer and a few other issues. I had tried everything that anyone had told me to try and nothing worked. I finally took it into the shop before I went to Ste. Agathe. It turned out to be that that current updated version of Firefox had shut down lots of plugins, etc., due to incompatibility. I still can’t do all of the things I was able to do before. But I can live without that, I guess.

    Just wanted you to know that I did appreciate your suggestions and those of everyone else. Sorry for the delay in thanking you. Pain

    ETA: I so rarely use the emoticons that I forgot they would disappear when I edited my comment.

  41. ultimathule says:

    I love that interview, ms0712 – Adam’s personality must just be off the charts. Can’t learn that – born that way – lol.

    There’s a similar interview April 2010 – Global News Vancouver after Red Robinson. The owner of the theater spoke at length about him – intelligent, great talent, will be around, etc. Very enthusiastic. Adam looked gorgeous in the clips. So great to hear these experienced people recognizing his potential.

  42. rs says:

    Hi ceddies, I didn’t know if you had seen my suggestion, since you had so many other things going on in your life at the time and just after that you came on so rarely. I just knew how frustrated I was when I couldn’t download from realplayer and I even wrote to the help site (I got suggestions about it months later. Later my computer guy found that it was something so simple as the add on being turned off. I am glad your computer problems are solved, for the most part anyway. So can you download from realplayer now? It really is the easiest way.

  43. dcglam says:

    Leno Sleepwalker…..

    Probably #2 on my list — just LOVE it!!

  44. luval says:

    Don’t know how they know when but according to a tweet on AQD china Adam fans plan on meeting him at the airport.

  45. Oksana2000 says:

    Eywflyer, please check your mail on AdamLambertFansite.Thanks!

  46. asifclueless says:

    YAY…\O/ …Sleepwalker (Leno 3/2/10)

    I need 2 more songs to get 50% correct. And I’m sure that
    TSMGO/Queen and WLL (FS) will be up there.

    Heart Better Than I Know Myself Heart

  47. asifclueless says:

    GQ did it again.

    The Year in Style, 2011 Edition

    6. Adam Lambert in Hollywood, California, April.
    If you wear make-up, do not grow a mustache.

    Then tweets

    GQfashion GQ Fashion

    Rules of Street Style: If you have testosterone problems, a mustache doesn’t always help. @adamlambert

    There is a war on twitter right now between Glamberts and GQ.

    And GLAAD picked it up and tweeted!
    They are demanding an apology!

    .@GQfashion Being gay is not a “testosterone problem” – Apologize to @adamlambert & the gay community. #LGBT

    Do you think Adam knows about this?

  48. Kradamour says:

    OMG sisasif…that GC nonsense is just…well…nonsense. No No No
    Makes me sad when these stupid little sh*itstorms pop up in Adam’s wake.
    Thanks for bringing it to our attention, though.

    ceddies, I use the most current firefox and I love downloadhelper. Couldn’t be easier, one click and you’re done.

  49. asifclueless says:

    Hi sistakrads.
    I guess Adam is asleep now. I wish he didn’t have to deal with this hurtful thing.

    Since GLAAD already addressed it, it will be picked up by media, Adam could just wait for the apology.

  50. asifclueless says:

    900 posts already … and it’s only December 13.
    One more week-ish, we’ll hear the single. …YAY…\O/..

    Heart Better Than I Know Myself Heart

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