- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Hmm, the roll-out is turning out to be interesting! I was also thinking “international” means london and china is not an obvious choice, but I agree, if it’s a private well-paying gig, go for it. And Asia loves Adam (I live in Asia but not China). And I don’t think Adam will have any comfort challenges in Shanghai. I’ve been there many times. It has traditional chinese neighborhoods, some very quaint old buildings from colonial (particularly french) eras, and then a massive, glittering, futuristic development of financial and entertainment complexes. It also has a big bar and club scene. Appropriately glittery!
nkd, I don’t know how much Adam got paid for the F1 gig, but 250K sounds about right. No idea how much he might be getting for Amway (if this rumor is true), but I hope its a good amount to go all the way to China and be possibly unavailable for U.S. radio promo such as Ryan Seacrest or Z100 when the single drops (if it is really happening next week).
Dropping a new single so close to Christmas would be a very puzzling move IMO. I suppose they figure they can get a jump on airplay once the Christmas freeze thaws out, but quick airplay gains will probably be hard to achieve during the first couple of weeks around Christmas.
If this Amway/China gig is happening, I’d be really surprised if we get any videos until days/weeks later, if at all.
eywflyer…even the top radio station around here is playing Christmas music in between LMFAO! I think we’ll get videos eventually. Like I mentioned in the Ford gig with Kris, it took awhile but some showed up.
ultimathule, I am loving your mirthful posts lol…
Adam is full of surprises…we know we can’t expect the expected.
A week before Christmas.
Of course. Hell, why didn’t we think of that?
It seems that this may be a fairly common event for the organization. Sting performed at one of its conferences just a couple of years ago (“He crooned for a hefty paycheck”). This man can sell out arenas, so I would say that Adam is considered right along with the top dogs.
It all makes me very happy for him!
TeeHee. I’m wondering what the Amway gift bag will be?
Pot holders?
Plastic containers?
A towel?
One of those awful whole palettes of gaudy eyeshadows?
They’ll probably include a shaver.
Omg…Adam’s eyes. And he just towered above everyone. Probably had his medges on. Couldn’t see his feet.
And again…those eyes…….
I have confidence in Adam and his management team that they would not schedule this gig so far away unless there is some business angle that we may not be aware of and/or big $$ associated with it. Like you, eywflyer, I would hope and expect for all of this to be totally worthwhile on all levels for Adam.
luval – I want what you’re havin’
He had his zipper medges on luval, and the pants he wore at Ste Agathe. I’m thinking this was taped on his trip to NYC right after Canada. The hair was the same!
NO – the pants from Red Robinson – I’ve NEVER seen their equal. St. Agathe were too “what’s the word for it? – discreet?” Let’s debate this extremely important matter at length.
dcglam, hopefully this is a big $$$ event! Adam knows he will need significant cash either in hand or fronted from RCA to fund the next tour, and RCA has probably already fronted quite a significant dollar amount for the album production.
Adam probably didn’t pocket as much from the GNT as you might think, the gross was likely around $6.4 million (excluding merchandise, M&G income, and appearance fees for gigs such as Formula 1), but I believe that the theaters/clubs in which he played many of the dates generally keep a significant chunk of the gross. Then there were travel costs, equipment, costumes, the band/dancers/crew salaries to pay, all from Adam’s cut of the gross. I’m guessing that Adam had been advanced money from RCA on the royalties from FYE which he used to fund the tour, so there was that to pay back as well. I don’t think Adam is broke by any means, but I’m sure he could use the $$ that Amway has to be paying him.
ETA: thinking about it more, Adam likely was paid an appearance fee for all of the shows that were not officially GNT dates. That would include everything listed under the “Non-Tour Gigs” menu, such as K-FEST, Toronto, Quebec, the baseball game, Musikfest, etc. Add Moscow and Ste Agathe to that list this year, and now perhaps Amway as well.
ultimathule, I wasn’t predicting or wanting, I was merely reporting what I saw! He had on the pants from Ste Agathe in the “All On the Line” appearance!
I’m not planning to run any kind of separate thread for this Amway event (if it happens), since there aren’t likely to be many (if any) tweets, and any videos we get will probably be significantly delayed. If anyone finds videos or pix please post them in the chat thread, if we can eventually piece together the setlist and get some videos I may create an entry under “Non-Tour Gigs”.
And you were there, chérie, up close and pretty personal with a clear view of them there pants…
Sounds like a good plan, eywflyer. I love that you are so organized and think ahead for these things.
Hmmm…I hereby make you an honorary Virgo!
Amway sells eyeliner, just sayin’
Lol – never saw the Zee thing – hope something shows up. Was just elaborating on my fav outfit of all time. Tell me about Zee – how long it was, what was said, any details you can remember. (This second bottle is really doing its job.)
Hope Adam knows how much fun we are having with the Amway gig…
Lovin’ it, Kradamour
The appearance on the Joe Zee thing this evening was basically the clips that we have seen already. I’m sure complete clips will show up soon!
Yes, ultimathule, the second bottle seems to be kicking in!
I did see those Ste Agathe pants up close, I was there!
ETA I love these new emoticons. One day I will have a complete story using only smileys and pics!
Not much screen time for our boy, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers.
Heck, there’s never enough screen time for BB!! Needing more more more!!
What a hoot!
Hey – went back to look at the Agathe pants – they can’t hold a candle to the RR ones. I want them bronzed.
Well, Adam, I’ve seen pics/vids of you loaded, and one discreetly partying au natural, but “naked all the time” – not quite there yet. Are you planning a surprise for your fans? Maybe a video for your single?
ETA Well of course there is this one!
and this
This is an incredibly touching tribute to Leila and moms.
Some of the funny tweets following Adam’s retweet.
Ok, too much nekkid on one page!
Okay, nkd…. Huge tears over here just streaming down my face. What a beautiful video!
My son was recently married. I remember he and I spending literally hours selecting the song for us to dance to at his wedding. Wow — this would have been perfect!!
This Naked thing is getting out of hand! Check this out from twitter!!
I’m a pool of bwaaaaahhhh after looking at that youtube, nkd, and love Westlife – a sucker for young, beautiful boy bands – so ephemeral that youth and beauty – as it will be for Adam. Thank the universe I’ll probably be gone before that happens. And “If I Let You Go” is also one of my favorite vids from WL. It, too, is redolent of the transience of so much that is beautiful.
LOL, cher!!
It seems I’ve seen that pic somewhere before…..
Dunno, cher, more like “in” hand. But from what we have observed, that hand would have to be a bit larger to … um… contain the … um… well, you all know what I mean.
Either that or this pic is someone’s castration fantasy.
(Who’s over there in the corner, these days? I think you better scootch over to make room for me! )
ultimathule, that’s a lot of eloquence for the second bottle! Beautifully said, chérie.
Hey, cher, that left hand is definitely in the wrong place. Got a better one?
What are we going to occupy ourselves with until the 18th. Any suggestions?
Bloody annoying that I care so much.
Maybe tomorrow I’ll wake up feeling differently.
Fat chance.
I’m taking my bottle and leaving the building. Love to all. Lee
Part 1 of the program earlier tonight
Ut, you crack me up! Krad, back in your corner!! I only expect comments that those from Mils, so behave!!
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ-QebGGHmY
Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtMpIBI1EkE
sorry they’re not so good but nothing better yet
The Top 16 countdown continues with #7:
Come to Me, Bend to Me (Brigadoon 2004) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJYyqzUr6jU
Link to the countdown so far:
Thanks eywflyer. I’m liking the looks of the top 16 list so far. Of the 11 songs revealed at this point, 8 are on my list, so that’s a 72% hit rate for me so far. And I’m feelin’ good about those remaining 6 slots.
Somebody asked last night about a time zone converter. This is the super helpful tool I use:
For the current time anywhere in the world, go to the “Extended World Clock” link under Current Time.
To determine the time in your time zone for a future date in a different time zone (or the equivalent time in any set of different time zones), go to the “Time Zone Converter” or “Meeting Planner” links under Time Zone Calculators.
So, for example, an 8:00pm show in Shanghai would be at 7:00am Eastern time and 4:00am Pacific time in the morning that same day.
As long as Adam doesn’t pay for sex while he is in China, it looks as though he is good to go. Oh my…..
cwm, that’s a really good time converter, thanks.
I’d love an app for my phone, though. Anybody know one for webOS phones (Palm pre or pixi)?
I think it’s amazing (and cool) that our 7th fave performance is of a song Adam performed years ago, even with all of the awesomeness that he has provided since.
More info….
This is similar to events the worldwide company I worked for used to have for Great Performers every year. Last one I attended, 200 of us from all over the world were treated to a week in Barcelona with spouse/guest, at the Hotel Arts (Ritz Carlton). We toured wineries, castles, monasteries..and Barcelona itself. It was wonderful.
Adam was booked for this event back in April. So, perhaps the label just thought it was a good day for the single release, and for pre-Christmas and post-Christmas sales. Back in April, they probably thought both the single and the album would be out by now. I hope he makes BIG bucks, but also, he’s in one of the world’s biggest markets. I frequently see him mentioned on Chinese entertainment/gossip sites in my google searches, so they are aware of him.
Operation Platinum/Gold
The link if interested in gifting CD/DVDs
Twitter for connecting people to gift/receive. This will be great for gifting the new single especially for those young fans without credit cards.
Swoon! Look at this face! The eyes!
This is so beautiful and sad at the same time…..I find myself missing Sauli too now!