After a very eventful past month for Adam and his fans, December has arrived. Adam enjoyed quite a bit of publicity during November, including an epic performance with Queen at the EMAs, a Rolling Stone interview, a mentoring appearance on Majors & Minors, and his return to the AMA stage (unfortunately only as a presenter this time around). Still no new music for us to enjoy with our holiday feasts, but all the signs currently point to the lead single from Adam’s new album being released in January.

Update 7 PM 12/14: as per Adam’s tweets today, “Better Than I Know Myself”, the lead single from his new album “Trespassing”, will be released on Tuesday, December 20th!

Enjoy the chat during this last month of 2011!


2,429 Responses to December 2011 Chat

  1. Ron says:

    ADAM FANS… here’s what I know, and since RCA didn’t bring a press release today, as I expected they would, you can take it for what it is – a gathering of things heard from different sources over the last two weeks…

    I’m hearing the single release date in the US to radio is 12/18. It coincides with – I’m told – an overseas date that Lambert will be performing at. Perhaps a fan can dig into this and let me know the specifics on this performance, etc.

    I also he’s dropping the album via iTUNES on 12/20, with wide release to follow, but am not certain that won’t change.

    With label marketing plans, things are always subject to change. Especially release dates. I’m not sure the people I know are at 100 percent on what’s going to happen, and they’re all out of pocket today at JINGLE BALL in New York City…

    That being said, if what I’ve gathered is true, then that means we’re t-minus NINE days til US radio gets the single!

    Read more:

    This is from Toby Knapp

    ETA: He’s amended “dropping the Album on iTUNES” to “dropping the Single on iTUNES”.

  2. Miss Chaos says:

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^WTH?????? Laugh Kiss ROTFL In Love Giggle Eek! Clap Clap Handshake High Five! Hug Left Hug Right Blowing Kisses Kissing

  3. nkd says:

    bani @bani_ Close
    OK, the info is out so I’ll let you what I know too. Adam will go to Shanghai and perform for Amway event on 19th.

  4. HK fan says:

    Is that a private event???? HK to Shanghai is only a short flight!!!

  5. nkd says:

    It appears to be a private Amway event. Annual convention perhaps?

  6. luval says:

    Ron and nkd…you guys are sleuths in getting information!

    OK, here we go again. What is the time difference between here and Shanghai? Smile

  7. HK fan says:


    HK is 8 hours ahead of the UK at the moment if that helps…

  8. nkd says:

    It’s -13 hours ET. So what time is it? Confused

  9. Kradamour says:

    We all need to download an app with international time converter.
    We need an advanced degree in all sorts of things to be an Adam fan… Rolls Eyes

  10. luval says:

    Nkd…that’s too hard! You figure it out and let me know! Smile

  11. Miss Chaos says:

    An Amway event? Please Cry Sleepy Tremble Drink

  12. ultimathule says:

    I’m crackin’ up here – Shanghai – Amway – does Sauli need some plastic containers for the kitchen? I’m on the floor, babes!!!!! Maybe a new vacuum? lolololol

  13. nkd says:

    So if he performs about 9pm Shanghai time, which I have no idea what time this would be scheduled, it would be 21:00. So -13 would be 8:00am. I don’t know if we’ll get any coverage of this though.

  14. Kradamour says:

    ultimathule says:
    12/09/2011 at 7:29 pm

    I’m crackin’ up here – Shanghai – Amway – does Sauli need some plastic containers for the kitchen? I’m on the floor, babes!!!!! Maybe a new vacuum? lolololol

    IKR? Wink
    But there is lots of $$$ for those gigs, and it gives him an oppy to play his single live and get a response from…um…fans in other places.

  15. luval says:

    I couldn’t find anything on Amway’s website for December 19th. They did open a cosmetics division there in 2001!

  16. ultimathule says:

    Will Adam be the new face of Amway?

  17. nkd says:

    Miss Chaos says:
    12/09/2011 at 7:28 pm
    An Amway event? Please

    That was my first reaction too, but it was mentioned on twitter that Amway sponsored Tina Turner’s tour a few years back. Some $$$ for the tour would be great. Plus he could make a lot of money on this event!

  18. ultimathule says:

    I caaaaannnnn’ttttt stop laughing! Help me out here, pleaaaasssseeee.

  19. luval says:

    So nkd, is that 8am your time? or is it the next day? LOL! I am pathetic!

  20. milwlovesadam says:

    Hi. I’ve been away most of the week, but lurked many times. Just biding my time, listening to the crickets chirping….

    Where are people getting Shanghai from? I would have predicted London or Germany. Oh well.

    I have Sundance, looking forward to tonight. It’ll pop up in several places, as does everything Adam. Don’t worry Calgary.

  21. ultimathule says:

    Who cares what time it’s on – it’ll be on youtube in, like, three seconds.

  22. luval says:

    ultimathule, that’s right… the new face of Amway which covers everything from makeup to laundry detergent!

  23. ultimathule says:

    I’m opening another bottle for sure.

  24. nkd says:

    December 10, 2011
    Great! Amway conference in Shanghai live – Adam! (December 18)
    Subject: Information haunt Adam
    In April members of Amway Japan blog , and “guest entertainment was announced this year’s LS Adam Lambert” American Idol “♪ BIG NAME is currently very popular in America from the debut” with the announcement that, ” Really? “What was felt, seems to be true! ! ! Found by searching Makutsu. Information about the Shanghai Grand Banquet and Entertainment 2011 Leadership Achievement Seminar vigorous and growing city in the world, we offer the finest entertainment appropriate to Shanghai. Last year, World Tour “Glam Nation Tour” engulfed in a tide of enthusiasm貴公子sexy in the world, “Adam Lambert” appeared in the Grand Banquet. In Japan, full sightseeing tour sold out in October 2010, Adam has recently caused a sensation across Japan, and enjoy the powerful live only in our showcase. Adam Lambert-Adam Lambert- Idol audition shows are aired in the U.S. American “American Idol” season 8 at rest to the final, sensational debut. Performance of the Adam-red rock, such as Kiss and singing ability and versatility to cover up masterpieces Zeppelin, which consists of arranging some sense, his debut album of the year 2009 “For Your Entertainment” to the next month have been released are , the top three ranking in Billboard. Grammy Awards held in February and nominated for best performance artist, has already proven its power all over the world, does not stop its momentum.

  25. HK fan says:

    I know, Amway seems a bit strange, but playing in China would be fairly huge, Pretty sure Adam isn’t the normal ‘type’ of star they have playing there.

  26. luval says:

    Remember that Ford convention with Kris and Adam? That seemed to take a bit of time for vids to show up.

  27. ultimathule says:

    well, luval, I know Adam is versatile, but I was interested in areas other than the kitchen.

  28. nkd says:

    There is a livestream for tonight. It’s listed on adamquotedaily.

    International UStream at 9:30 PM EST

  29. glambotgram says:

    Shanghai is 13 hours ahead of EST.

    When Adam is performing somewhere in the world and I want to keep track of it I add a clock to my clock in the taskbar.

    If you left click on the time, then click (change time and date settings), a window will open up and then click (additional clocks), check (show this clock) and choose UTC +08:00, then click OK.

    Then when you hover over your time in the taskbar both clocks will show.

  30. ultimathule says:

    nkd – I think I’d have a better chance of understanding it in Japanese. lol

  31. nkd says:

    luval says:
    12/09/2011 at 7:35 pm
    So nkd, is that 8am your time? or is it the next day? LOL! I am pathetic!

    That’s 8 am your time luval, I think! 7 am my time. I got no clue which day! Laugh Dazed

  32. nkd says:

    ultimathule says:
    12/09/2011 at 7:45 pm
    nkd – I think I’d have a better chance of understanding it in Japanese. lol


  33. luval says:

    Thanks nkd. Sounds right. Whatever the heck day it is!

    eta: just went to 24/7. They say December 18th! LOL

  34. ultimathule says:

    I’ve just ordered my Rosetta Stone of Japanese – actually know some Chinese from living in Taiwan – I’m all set for the new era of ASIA/ADAM. Who’s into sushi?

  35. nkd says:

    Thank you glambotgram for the clock info!

  36. luval says:

    Sundance soon (cannot seem to remember the name of the show).

    Any guesses on how much he would make for this gig? I’m thinking 250 to 500 thousand. Is that too much?

  37. glambotgram says:

    You are welcome nkd my clock says it is now 9:00am in Shanghai.

    Hello mils good to “see” you, you are missed around here.

  38. luval says:

    Hey…no Adam on yet… 9:30pm…another 1 1/2 hr. Stinkers.

  39. milwlovesadam says:

    How much will he get paid in China???

    I’m laughing here. My brother is teaching in China, has been for a couple of years. He’s considered a “professor.” He gets paid a salary…and he gets an apartment with a futon, a single burner for cooking, a wok, a rice steamer, a Chinese computer with Chinese internet, a bicycle…and a 50 pound sack of rice!! Not to mention a “bathroom” down the hall shared with several other “professors”, risky food and dysentery!!

    I hope Adam gets treated better than my professor!!

  40. ultimathule says:

    A Sunday? Why?

  41. nkd says:

    Any guesses on how much he would make for this gig? I’m thinking 250 to 500 thousand. Is that too much?

    I don’t think that’s too much. Word is he was paid 200-250 thousand for the F1 gig in Singapore. Does eywflyer have the numbers on that?

  42. milwlovesadam says:

    Thanks glambotgram!

  43. luval says:

    I have a friend who worked for Kodak in China for 3 years. He made pretty good bucks and was treated royally! Sorry about your professor, mils. dysentery and no private bathroom. YIKES!!

  44. milwlovesadam says:

    So, the countdown begins. 9 days to go…..

  45. nkd says:

    Let’s just all consider that we have heard nothing of this from Adam, not the release date or this Shanghai thing. However, I wouldn’t expect him to mention this private event.

  46. milwlovesadam says:

    luval, my brother’s descriptions of the, um, sanitary, conditions in the cities he has worked in are quite interesting and rather nauseating!!

    In one city, he describes that everybody eats out, all the time, little restaurants, street food, etc. And they would rank them according to how sick they would get from eating there. Literally. They would eat during the week at the “just a little sick” or “medium” sick places, and save the high risk places for the weekend, so had time to recover before work on Monday. No lie here!!

    He got dysentery in Vietnam, and one time in China. They gave him herbal remedies, he was soooooo sick. And the internet was of no help to him there. So, between our internet, our cell phones, and calling a local doctor for advice, we were able to direct him to a hospital with western medicine, he got his antibiotics and was better pronto!

    What were they giving him? You may ask? I’ll tell you. Big capsules filled with a grey powder. Our research revealed that they were clay capsules. That’s right, they gave him CLAY. And lots of it.

    They wanted to make him sh*t bricks!!!! True story. Sad, but true.

  47. luval says:

    mils…tell him to come back! Just kidding. He must really love what he does to stay there.

  48. milwlovesadam says:

    luval, he just loves teaching in China. Not to mention all the attention from the ladies!!

    This is his 3rd year, and he just signed up for another. Always in a different province. He has so many stories. China is like a different world.

  49. Calgary says:

    ultimathule says:
    12/09/2011 at 7:42 pm

    well, luval, I know Adam is versatile, but I was interested in areas other than the kitchen.


  50. glambotgram says:

    OMG mils he must really love it. I guess if you are bound up with clay you can’t have diarrhea anymore. Shock

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