After a very eventful past month for Adam and his fans, December has arrived. Adam enjoyed quite a bit of publicity during November, including an epic performance with Queen at the EMAs, a Rolling Stone interview, a mentoring appearance on Majors & Minors, and his return to the AMA stage (unfortunately only as a presenter this time around). Still no new music for us to enjoy with our holiday feasts, but all the signs currently point to the lead single from Adam’s new album being released in January.

Update 7 PM 12/14: as per Adam’s tweets today, “Better Than I Know Myself”, the lead single from his new album “Trespassing”, will be released on Tuesday, December 20th!

Enjoy the chat during this last month of 2011!


2,429 Responses to December 2011 Chat

  1. cwm says:

    Oh and “flaw-free radio candy”?? I love candy. I WANT CANDY!!! *grabby hands*

  2. ultimathule says:

    On AQD there’s a pic of an Adam-deleted tweet – anyone see it or know what it means?

  3. cwm says:

    Yeah, ultima, I saw Adam’s tweet before he deleted it. He was simply re-tweeting MTV’s tweet about their Buzzworthy article on “Trespassing.”

    There was certainly nothing controversial about it, so I’m guessing that the deletion was a mistake or a Twitter hiccup.

  4. ultimathule says:

    Thanks, cwm – always looking for info about the single. Was wondering if it had anything to do with a world-wide release.

  5. Calgary says:

    Here’s the Queen tour story:
    “2012 will see the launch of “The Queen Extravaganza Tour,” a grand touring production booked by powerhouse agency CAA that will celebrate the music of Queen. Coming on board to ensure the touring show will match the design and excitement of Queen at its best will be such rock tour heavyweights as stage designer Mark Fisher (U2, AC/DC, Muse, The Rolling Stones, Cirque de Soleil) and lighting designer Rob Sinclair (Adele, Vampire Weekend, Goldfrapp, Peter Gabriel).

    Taylor will oversee this royal road show, taking the role of producer and music director, with Brian May involved later in the production, but Taylor’s most important role, however, was leading the judges, Spike Edney (Queen’s keyboard player since the mid 80’s and Trip Khalaf (Queen’s eternal sound engineer) in hand picking the musicians that will be featured on the tour. And after 11 weeks of reviewing online auditions and weighing votes from Queen fans around the world, Taylor is ready to announce the line-up.

    “As the audition videos began posting, we could see right away that the caliber of talent was very high,” says Taylor. “But when I got into the studio with the final 25 musicians, I realized that these guys are seriously good players. They went way beyond my expectations. It was an incredibly difficult decision to choose the final line-up. I wish I could’ve kept them all, but in the end, I’m very happy with this group of exceptional musicians.”
    To see the whole thing, including the chosen musicians, – and yes, Marc Martel won – go here

  6. ultimathule says:

    Does anyone here have an interest in seeing a Queen Extravaganza performance? I simply don’t. An imitation – superb as it may be – just doesn’t grab me. The only exception is a performer like Adam who reinterprets the music for a 21st century audience.

  7. Miss Chaos says:

    luval I am hoping I am wrong about the whole WWFM thing, but it is what Adam said way back when about Album 2. Not that anything is wrong with that, but I thought we were getting NEW music, not a repeat of the last single. I know he had a pretty big hit with it, but I wanted something different, and it doesnt look good. I hope it is great and adds up to all the hype. TSMGO will be hard to beat in my book, I hope this new song can be that good.
    Oh on XFactor, what a mess that show is, I hope Adam isnt performing on it. Needs to stay far far away, even if he opens with his new single, I dont care.Yawn, tired-maybe more good news tomorrow.
    And thank god for not fronting, touring with Queen, just one great performance with them somewhere will do fine.

  8. cher says:

    Does anyone here have an interest in seeing a Queen Extravaganza performance? I simply don’t. An imitation – superb as it may be – just doesn’t grab me. The only exception is a performer like Adam who reinterprets the music for a 21st century audience.

    Hi UT! I’d go to see what they sound like. I love Queen songs! That might be the closest we ever get to the real Queen ’cause I’m thinking that if Adam does a few shows with Queen, it’s gonna be dayum hard to get those tickets or too dayum expensive!! Cry
    I’ve seen the Abba Tribute group and they’re not too shabby.
    All these oldies remind me of the good old days of my youth. Grin

  9. jlurksacto says:

    it’s gonna be dayum hard to get those tickets or too dayum expensive!!

    And probably in Europe. Prius doesn’t do atlantic ocean road trips too well.

  10. HK fan says:

    ultimathule, I went to see a Queen tribute band a few years ago here in HK (admittedly we thought we were going to see the Queen based stage show, which we did see at a later date), and it was really great fun, the lead singer looked very like Freddie, and sounded great. The audience was singing and dancing along, a good fun evening with great music and songs. My then 9 and 13 year olds came, they liked and listened to queen at the time, so knew all the words, they thought it was great too.

  11. asifclueless says:

    Good morning Everybody !!!

    How are you all today?

    Today I woke up feeling good. Feeling happy, excited and a little nervous.

    I have a feeling that Adam’s storm is coming.

    We’ve been waiting for such a long time patiently.

    BRING IT ON !!! I’M READY!!!!

    Smile Big Smile Grin Frown Big Frown Neutral Smile Big Smile Grin ROTFL

    Heart ADAM Heart Listening to Music Music Note

  12. asifclueless says:

    Hi HK fan.

    It’s good to see your beautiful flower avi.

    How is your son who needs special care? Hope he is doing fine.
    I really admire your parenting. I have only one child and I had complained a lot. Shame!!!
    But now I’m very proud of her. Not a spoiled brat at all.

    Sorry !!! Off topic here because I miss her so much. Gotta call her this weekend.

    Heart ADAM Heart Listening to Music Heart

  13. cher says:

    And probably in Europe. Prius doesn’t do atlantic ocean road trips too well.

    Jlurksacto, can’t the Prius piggyback on Ron’s broomstick?
    Would save a lot of fuel. Smile

  14. asifclueless says:

    Jlurksacto, can’t the Prius piggyback on Ron’s broomstick?
    Would save a lot of fuel. Smile


    What a sight!!! Mary Poppin + Harry Potter

    Heart ADAM Heart Listening to Music

  15. rs says:

    Morning asif, This Adam storm has been brewing for such a long time it should have Broken Open by now and Soaked us all with with tons and tons of music and joy and glitter that we can drown ourselves in. As you can see I am getting just the teeniest bit impatient. But I will wait…pulling my hair out… Struggle Hypnotized Sweat Dance Clap Bye Waving Waiting Peace Rose Music Note Thunder Rain

  16. asifclueless says:

    Morning rs. How are you doing?

    Love your emoticons !!! Heart

    They are telling how we feel that we’re still Down in the Rabbit Hole with Fever and are sleepwalkers waiting to listening to new Music Again.

    Adam is a Surefire Winner who has a Master Plan in teasing us.
    He’d better give us every inch of his love …oh.. I mean he’d better give us a Whole Lotta Love.

    I just pretended to be patient. Cool

    Heart ADAM Heart Listening to Music

  17. glambotgram says:

    rs, asif you two are cracking me up this morning I guess you know me Better Than I Know Myself (couldn’t resist) Grin

  18. rs says:

    touche, glambotgram , that is the one we are waiting for.

    (is there an emoticon for foot tapping?)

  19. adamized says:

    Morning friends! I hope I’m wrong but my guess is we are going to have to wait for another week. If it isn’t this Friday, I bet it won’t be until next Friday. The longer this goes on the higher everyone’s expectations. That’s making me really nervous.

    asif I have a “singleton” as well and though I don’t consider my son spoiled I do wish he was more of a natural helper. Why do you have to remind someone that when the dishwasher is done washing it is time to put the dishes away, geeishhhh…

    I didn’t watch xfactor and by the sounds of it I made the right choice.

    Love you guys!

  20. asifclueless says:

    glambotgram, you’re cracking me up more. Laugh Grin

    I’ll go back to read page 9~ where I left off, to catch up. BBL

    Heart ADAM Heart

  21. cwm says:

    Here’s another example – from the German press – of why Adam needed to say what he said over twitter. The meme has really started to get spread around that Adam has agreed (or is in negotiations) to be Queen’s new frontman:

    In the “MTV Europe Music Awards” in Belfast Queen rocked the stage with Adam Lambert and could often do so in the future together. As the website »,” reports Adam Lambert could soon be the new frontman of British rock band. The runner up in the American version of “Germany seeks the superstar” was in intensive talks with the Queen.

    I do like the picture, though!

    original article in German:

    google translated:

    I love all of the positive attention and credibility that this has brought for Adam, but it’s crazy the way the media take an original quote, distort the interpretation of it, and run away with possibilities.

    You know, it’s funny. In Adam’s promo tour for FYE, he was asked a bazillion questions about whether or not he had been invited to front for Queen. And here we are with the release of Trespassing, he’s going to get asked about having been invited to front Queen all over again.

  22. asifclueless says:


    Your son’s dishwasher thing reminds me of my daughter.

    When it comes to wash big pots and pans by hands, she would heave and hove, “It’s too heavey. I’m tired.”

    My DH and I would look at each other and smile. Here is a girl who goes a hundred miles per hour nonstop. She was a great swimmer, a pitcher, a la crosse player, …and more. But pots and pans are too much for her to handle. She’ll do it but with some resistance. KIDS !!!! Rolls Eyes

    Heart ADAM Heart

  23. asifclueless says:

    Thanks …cwm .. for the link and the article.
    Love the photo they created.

    Adam did the right thing with his twitter to correct the rumour.

    Heart ADAM Heart Listening to Music

  24. loveroftalent says:

    I love all of the positive attention and credibility that this has brought for Adam, but it’s crazy the way the media take an original quote, distort the interpretation of it, and run away with possibilities.

    You know, it’s funny. In Adam’s promo tour for FYE, he was asked a bazillion questions about whether or not he had been invited to front for Queen. And here we are with the release of Trespassing, he’s going to get asked about having been invited to front Queen all over again.

    I never thought for a minute Adam would be touring with them, but I still think and hope he does a couple of special performances with them…

    Is today the day we get the new single. I just want to hear it already. I don’t think it is Adam’s decision on when to release it.

  25. asifclueless says:

    Oh…Gosh…I’m sobbing right now.

    Just watched GMA, Jonah Mowry and his family.
    I watched his youtube last week and cried my eyes out, and now…again. Good gets better. He is happier now.

    Whats goin on ? Jonah Mowry

  26. luval says:

    Only IMO of course I “felt” what I thought was the tone of Adam’s tweet. Obviously I was in the minority! Reading all the posts I totally see what he was saying and agree to an extent. That’s the problem with blogs and posts. In person it would have sounded completely different.

    Can’t wait to get home and watch Jonah’s appearance on YouTube, asif.

  27. rs says:

    asif, thanks for giving the heads up about the GMA with Jonah Mowry. I also cried when I saw his original video last week. I found the GMA link. Here it is.

  28. HK fan says:

    aww, thanks asif, thats sweet of you to ask. He’s doing fine thanks, we had a 21st party for him a couple of weeks ago, thought we’d have to cancel the day before as he was really sick with chest problems, the doctor was going to hospitalise him, but a shock treatment of steroids, nebulisers etc did the trick. So he had a lovely party, was very bright and smiley, and seemed to enjoy having everyone there. And our friends all clubbed together to pay for a new wheelchair for him, so it all got a bit emotional at times…

    back on topic, still hoping to see Adam do at least a couple more performances with Queen. They went together so well. Agree that his tweet could be taken the wrong way, thats the trouble with writing, you can never convey the tone very well.

  29. riskylady says:

    I was almost afraid to google Adam this morning, expecting an overreaction to his tweet, but instead (except for Gather and Examiner, the usual suspects) he was virtually ignored. LOL. Maybe they’ll catch up in a couple of days, but somehow I doubt the correction will travel around the world twice like the original snowball.
    Because, maybe the single will hit, and all other news will just fade into the background.
    Whatever is going on, I would love to have some of Adam’s karma right now! Clap Clap Clap

  30. renataademelo says:

    Hey guys long time no see! It´s been a while since my last post. My working hours never seem to be over! I can´t wait for my vacation! Israel, Paris, Berlim and Verona in march/12! It´s gonna be a fun ride!

    Anyway, just passing by to say that I love Adam, miss you guys and I´m super excited about the news to come!

  31. eywflyer says:

    The Top 16 countdown continues with #8:

    Sleepwalker (Brisbane 10/22/10)

    Link to the countdown so far:

  32. riskylady says:
  33. luval says:

    Not on my list but wow what a great Brisbane SW performance.

  34. luval says:

    riskylady…great article…another weight on Adam’s shoulders. Of course it’s only us and the industry people who read blogs like this.

    My God, the hype for the single (and album). There is no way in the world (IMO) that the actual single can come close. That is why I’ve set my expectations so low. Don’t want to be disappointed. But as several people have said previously, it’s not what I like. It’s about the millions of people that hear the song, like it and buy it!

    There was something I think on ADQ that FYE is still slowly selling. It may hit a million in the U.S. after all. (some day)

    This is cute:

    Gloria from ADQ is getting a little irked (in a kidding sort of way) about everyone claiming they heard the song but can’t say the date. I just wish they would STFU!!. I guess I could just ignore but it’s like a car wreck. You have to look!

  35. asifclueless says:

    It’s already any day-ish already.


    Say something ….about your new music, PLEASE.
    Stop torturing us.


    Heart ADAM Heart Music Note Listening to Music

  36. asifclueless says:

    Hi renataademelo. Glad to see you again.
    Yes, it’s been a while since your last post. I guess since you hosted the last GNT concerts in LA. Dec. 15-16. 2010.

    Have a great trip in March. Trespassing album will be out by then.

    Heart ADAM Heart

  37. asifclueless says:

    luval ..How is your Top 16 doing?

    We must have picked the songs from the same list.
    So far I got 3 songs matched.

    The Sleepwalker I chose was the one from Leno.
    Hope it will show up.

    And Boy!!!! The Adam Fandom has gone crazy …

    Squiggles621 Becca

    adam if i dont get single news tomorrow, im kidnapping the finn


  38. riskylady says:

    Haha, luval, that video is cute. I would add another image: A picture of Rip Van Winkle leaning on a tree trunk, staring vacantly at an iPod…….

    ETA: Hmmmm, asif, that’s a bad idea?????

  39. adamized says:

    Hi renataademelo It has been a long time. You have probably used the past several months wisely. If I recall you decided to focus on RL men for awhile. Hope it was fun! Your trip sounds great.

  40. asifclueless says:

    Another one

    Kris coppinger @Cbodina

    @adamlambert DUDE WAKE UP!!!!!! Isn’t this ish day!!!!!???? Roll your hot ass out of that bed & tweet us!!!!


  41. luval says:

    asif.. 3 so far from my list (maybe 4, not sure of one). I have Leno SW too. I think it ranked high.

  42. Kradamour says:

    Loving the tweets to Adam…! and the fan vid about waiting…but as entertaining as that all is, um, it isn’t enough.

    And today I realized something. The only place I will hear that Adam’s new single is out is here (or on another fan site, but I only come here). It won’t be a headline in the paper tomorrow morning, or on the evening news. Something that is so huge to us isn’t even a dot on the radar outside the fandom. It was a sobering thought.

    Okay back to our regularly scheduled wailing and anticipation!!! I’ll quote you, sistasif: Heart ADAM Heart

  43. asifclueless says:

    luval…only 3 for me and 2 are close.

    1. Purple Haze/WLL (Colonge) is my #17 which I didn’t submit.
    Actually it could be #17 for the Top 16 list too, because it tied with Crazy (Arts 4 Life)
    2. #12 Feeling Good (Idol Studio), I chose Idol Live instead.

    But, my list matched 7 songs from a short clip of Adam’s Best Vocals somebody posted the other day. So, I guess I go for vocals more than from the tour because I’ve been to only one GNT concert.

    Heart ADAM Heart Listening to Music Music Note

  44. asifclueless says:

    Hi … Heart sistakrads Heart

    You came in at the I’m signing out. Gotta work tomorrow. Frown

    Please squee and flail for me too if the GOOD NEWS comes out.

    I don’t know if I can fall asleep tonight. I might get up to check in here for a few times.

    Adam… What have you done to my life?

    G’Night All.
    Squee and flail a little longer for me … will you?


    Heart ADAM Heart

  45. Miss Chaos says:

    I had SW Brisbane number 6, so that was close I guess, I also had SW Moscow, at 13.

    I guess we all sit here and twiddle our thumbs till this single Decish comes out. Or we can all abandon the computer and go shopping, and forget about it, what do you this Adam would have us do. Too bad I dont twitter, that one about kidnapping the Finn is just too funny.

  46. luval says:

    haha Miss Chaos…twiddling our thumbs. Here’s a guy who I’m sure is waiting for Adam’s music.

    At least we have Sundance channel tonight 8pm EST.

  47. Kradamour says:

    While we are waiting…communist Chinese version of Bad Romance.

    Presented For Our Entertainment!
    No further comment necessary. Rolls Eyes

  48. sparkle says:

    Thanks, Kradamour – quite amusing!
    Asif – Thanks for responding to my post (back on 12/2).
    No, I’m not Sparkles, but I agree that her recaps were very funny. Sparkle is a nickname my husband gave me when we were dating (with sparkle is engraved inside his wedding ring). I live in Pennsylvania. What city and country do you live in?

  49. Miss Chaos says:

    I can actually twiddle pretty fast, how bout everyone else, faster than the guy in the video, lol

  50. Calgary says:

    At least we have Sundance channel tonight 8pm EST.

    I hope it gets posted on YT as we don’t get that channel.
    Need some more Adam!

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