- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
cwm, nkd THANKS! Sigh of relief!!!! ( )
From our DC dj keeper of secrets guy.
Pole dancing championships. It’s amazing! My alter ego! Haha!
Gorgeous pic from Japanese magazine:
In case no one had a chance to read it a couple of weeks back, here’s my son-in-law’s take on vibrato:
I assume what you’re referring to is a vibrato of 6 – 8 oscillations (or pulses) per second. It doesn’t surprise me that someone has actually studied what kind of vibrato is pleasing (or beautiful) to the ear and what isn’t pleasing. (The companies that design today’s electronic MIDI instruments have to take that into consideration when designing sounds.) I’m sure that there are also studies that determine how far the pitch can deviate within the vibrato for the note to sound “pleasing.”
Ultimately, it’s all about the personal aesthetic tastes. If you are going after a tone that sounds “open and beautiful” to most people, then the vocal sound will, most likely, have a vibrato of 6 – 8 oscillations per second.
Singing is like any art form where the aesthetic effects – and the transparent mental, emotional, and physical/mechanical techniques to achieve those aesthetic results – are two distinct things. Ideally, as a professional vocalist, it’s all about achieving a certain aesthetic effects to communicate a song in the most mechanically efficient manner possible. Within that context, “6 – 8 oscillations per second” really doesn’t mean anything; because, as a vocalist that isn’t what you are striving for.
I could go on…
cwm: If I get it, I won’t wear it to school. My students would not relate it to Adam, but they would definitely relate it. The teenage mind does not need many hints.
The Top 16 countdown continues with the second song tied at #10:
A Change is Gonna Come (Idol Finale Live 5/19/09) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKNIoGbP4Lo
Link to the countdown so far:
calgary if you find any video with good sound quality, you can can convert for your ipod using http://www.video2mp3.net/
Good evening, all!
I thought this might go right along with our “Sweet 16” list…
dcglam I saw that earlier and was comparing it to some of out choices.
I have never seen this before and it is the season
I cant believe no SW in the Top 16 yet, I am sure they are coming, I had 2 in my Top 16, but I forgot about the Leno one, awsome. What a slow news day, you can only read so much of the comments on MJ’s about Adam and Queen.
I got a chuckle yesterday on there tho, a certain Yeah Right, made a really snide remark to a poster, and when I was reading the thread back, they were deleted, I hope banned. HeHe. Amazing how even his not top notch fans were so positive about sing some with Queen, and how epic Queen is.
I hope for one or 2 large concerts somewhere huge, he doesnt need to take time away from his now album or single,(if it ever comes out) News soon I hope?? I am bored!
Those 2 guys that play with Queen at the EMA’s…guitar and piano player. I wonder who they are and would love to hear their opinion of Adam’s performance.
luval, I would love to hear what those guys thought about Adam, too.
How about this!
Jim is doing pre-show and backstage at X Factor.
Thanks, nkd! I’m holding Claude Kelly to those words. Don’t want to hear that demo again in any form.
So far x-factor is good. Melanie and Marcus were fine!
The photos that were put together into this montage are some of my favorites. LOVE the image at 1:58 – no apparent rhyme or reason to the selections, so just watch and enjoy (could even turn off the audio, this one is all about the pretty!)
kradamour – 1:58 – definitely! That’s a keeper.
ultimathule, I thought of you when I saw it! I think it was you who liked the sepia picture (when we were still at mj’s) of him in profile with the pout? This made me think of that one so I immediately thought of you.
Would love to get a copy of that pic – read about how to do it, but my computer got messed up and think you need Paint to do it and I don’t have that any more.
Here’s the short interview clip of Jim Cantiello and Claude Kelly.
Love that video, Kradamour. He looked especially delectable at that Moscow concert, and at Ste. Agathe.
Here’s a fun funk jam: Nikka Costa and Prince, two months ago.
Hope we get some good funk on Trespassing, we should – we have Nile, Rico Love, and maybe Nikka too.
And this ADORABLE picture. Adam looks like the cat who caught the mouse:
http://twitpic.com/7q2zrc (the little blond Finnish mouse)
There’s some really great photos in that video kradamour, love the ones from Moscow, makes me want to go back and rewatch the videos from there. Alas no time today, have to go and watch my sons in their rugby finals.
Have never seen Claude Kelly before, he doesn’t look anything how I imagined him.
OT backtracking to the clip of the family finding a snake in their xmas tree, just wanted to say, don’t think its a corn snake like they said, it looks more like a baby Ball python….
(we have a corn snake, and 2 ball pythons)
OMG – this is sooooooo good. I love this fandom!!! NOBODY has fans like Adam’s!
Trailer for Trespassing….
Wow that trailer was great riskylady!
This fandom is the best, albeit a little bored these days! I have seen new old pics and vids, rewatched many many videos, looked at lots of pictures, and listened to or watched the EMA performance every time I see it mentioned. I just have to turn it on again! One day soon, we will have at least one new song!
Kradamour thanks for the new vid. Love the pictures and I think there were a few I hadn’t seen before.
nkd what are you doing up girl???
riskylady thank goodness Adam has such creative fans or we would really be climbing the walls by now. Can’t imagine how ‘dry’ things would have been these past few weeks without the EMA’s/AMAs/M&Ms/ and PR. It seems like a million years ago since Ste Agathe
New/old pic from a photoshoot from 2009.
Drool on that one, now here’s some more. Watch it as a slideshow for large pics.
adamized, I’m always up! What are you doing up?
I am always up too! Watched every Christmas movie on Lifetime and Hallmark channels! Waiting patiently for the new music-I have decided (after watching XFactor tonite), there is no-one like Adam,he is the Whole package-voice,stage presents, looks, personality. Why are we the only ones who know he is so fab???
Hmmmm….really improved. Huh, Claude Kelly? That doesn’t make me feel any better. I’m such a downer!
Seriously, luval, you bring a breath of reality to the hype and I for one am grateful for it.
That vid I posted is actually from last June. It had pics that many of us hadn’t seen before, and a lot of other goodies have been posted that somehow we missed on the first go-round.
As much as I want new music, it has been nice to have the oppy to pick up these tidbits that would have probably been overlooked forever if not for the dry spell. (Looking for a silver lining here!)
Today’s free Christmas download on Amazon is Deck the Halls by Twisted Sister. Had no idea there was a Twisted Sister Christmas Album. Gotta say it’s a little bit WTF for me. Wonder if Eminem has a Christmas CD in the works?
Here’s the link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=tsm_1_tw_s_dm_lvlsrm?docId=1000453281
So I haven’t posted much with RL and travel, but I’ve been lurking, reading, getting excited and saving up for this storm. So much fun to read all of these comments. The queen possibility is a super opportunity for Adam and all of us fans. And i’ts great to think about while refreshing all lsites in hopes of singles news. Really, really Looking forward to the ride with everyone here. Soon!
Hi, fanaround! glad to see you and to know you are ready to flail with us!
LOL, Sauli makes the news on his own! Great picture, too.
He’s at the Finnish consulate independence party.
International news outlets still reporting all over the world about the Queen/Adam collab. Amazing!
I think the buzz has been great for both Adam AND Queen! Adam always generates excitement, so his name is out there, and the articles are also covering Queen’s Extravaganza contest, band, and future tribute tour. I wonder if they ever imagined their performance with Adam would generate this explosion of interest (him not being Gaga and all…)
The Top 16 countdown continues with #9:
Whataya Want From Me (ENERGY Berlin Radio, on Acoustic Live EP) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i8r2qzgccM
Link to the countdown so far:
Eywflyer, that list so far? YUM.
Ha, post ho here (where is everybody?????)
Well, if all the other stuff didn’t drive you over the cuckoo’s nest, this article will do it.
Ron, do you have a source for wholesale straitjackets???
Hi riskylady… I’m sneaking a peek in from work. Love that MTV article and the press with Queen… I have no words. If only it comes true (and in my neighborhood lol)
Yay WWFM Berlin on my list!!!!
Hi GUYS!!!
Just drive by posting and I’m going to bed. It’s after midnight here. I’d worked 6 days this week.
I’m off tomorrow. So I’ll be here to flail and squee with you.
Hope I’ll be waking up with GOOD NEWS tomorrow.
Nighty night!!!
And also I want to drop by to say I love you all here.
And special hello to my rapsista …krads.
“flaw-free radio candy” – now THAT’s what I wanted to hear! Oh, happy day!
Hey, rapsistasif! I’ve missed you but remembered you told us you would be working. Rest up and I’m glad you will be able to play with us tomorrow.
Hoping for something poopworthy tomorrow…
Is there something about me that makes you think I’d be an expert about straightjackets?!??
In spite of outward appearances, I’ve never come in contact with one. Yet.
I only have an “in” if you’re interested in funnels.
That MTV article is filled with all kinds of goodness, riskylady!
Yep I’m with you, ultimathule, about the radio candy part. This is one of my MANY favorite parts from the article.
Coming out of “lurkdom” for a few seconds to say SQUEEEEAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!!!! after hearing all the new from Sony and Adam. Next week!!! Yay!!
Also, love the twitter fest re: Adam caveman protection of Sauli.
I agree, luval — they gave very good performances.
Due to my love of music, I have to admit that I am a sucker for all types of singing competitions (reality shows). I am certainly no expert on the technical aspects of music (pitch, vibrato, etc.) , but I do feel that I am an “expert” as to what I like.
Right now these final 5 X Factor contestants are not wowing me at all. Funny — My husband tells me that I feel this way because they are not Adam. The not funny part is that he is right. IMO, none of these contestants have any kind of an “IT” or “X” Factor. Also my opinion, I don’t believe there has ever been anyone on any of these shows who has had it, except for Mr. Adam F. Lambert.
Also my opinion, I don’t believe there has ever been anyone on any of these shows who have had it, except for Mr. Adam F. Lambert.
I so am in agreement with you. I watch someone else singing…I am always thinking I bet Adam would have done this song so much better. Adam has ruined all other singing competitions for me, but I do not mind in the least.
For XFactor, I think Top 3 will be Melanie, Rachel and Chris, with Chris probably winning due to the tween girls voting. Think Marcus will leave us tonight. I love Melanie’s and Josh’s voices, but are they marketable? Rachel is my fave. She’s such a cutie, so perky and happy!! Chris is not a very good singer, but he’s mostly rapping and I think he’ll do very well commercially. Rap is sooooo popular now. Not my thing, but I’m biased. Adam is my/our “thing”.
LOL, Ron, no, it wasn’t a “straitjacket” connection, but a “wholesale” connection (I figured if your source had funnels in bulk, they might also have straitjackets in bulk) – totally illogical, I know. Duh!
I agree with you 100%, loveroftalent and cher!
Rachel is my favorite as well. I know she won’t win this competition, but she will definitely make a place for herself in the entertainment industry — sitcoms anyone??
Hey, the only thing I look forward to while watching is the possibility of a musical appearance on one of these shows by Adam.
ETA: Yeah, Marcus’s hours (minutes) are numbered.
I’ve been disappointed in X-Factor. Can you imagine if Adam had tried out? Would L.A. have even given him a chance? But how glorious his performances would have been with all of the glitz and effects they are using? The contestants are being swallowed up by the flashing lights, backup singers, dancers, etc. If AFL was performing, we might not even notice all of that stuff.
I think Melanie and Josh have the bests voices, but Rachel would be the closest with “it.” I like to watch her perform as well as listen. She might just win this in spite of Simon.
Ooooh, while waiting for Adam I just received my Alexandra Burke CD from England BECAUSE IT ISN’T AVAILABLE IN THE US AND I HAD TO BUY IT FROM A RESELLER ARE YOU LISTENING, SONY MUSIC???
I posted her “Broken Heels” video a while back, so much fun and so empowering! She won XFactor in 2009. The whole CD is highly recommended…a wonderful voice that was kept front and center on the tracks, just as I hope hope hope for Adam’s new music…
Broken heels: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04waQJkDDhw
Honestly I’m addicted, I keep the window open and watch it half a dozen times a day.
I can see why, Kradamour! She is awesome!!
Too bad that we don’t have anyone here from the US X Factor that even comes close. Sadz….