- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
What do I think of his curtains Ultimathule. Looks cute I guess. Doubt if he’ll ever go on stage with that do. I think he just got out of the shower and was playing around with that mop and decided to IG himself.
1h1 hour ago
19 Perfect Destinations To Welcome Fall https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestravelguide/2018/08/17/19-perfect-destinations-to-welcome-fall/#5c4d80b58ebd … via @Forbes < Las Vegas: Before the band’s highly anticipated biopic hits theaters this November, don’t miss the chance to see @QueenWillRock and @adamlambert live at Las Vegas’ Park Theater #TheCrownJewels ?
6h6 hours ago
??L i n o favorited this question
10h10 hours ago
Adam Lambert’s IG story photo (with his new do)
Looks like it’s lasting more than 15 minutes, luval –
Rhapsody in blue?
Well, maybe a half hour.
Time for some beauty on my TL…have an awesome day everyone! ?❤ #GFG #AdamLambert #QAL
I love it that he listens to older music. Destinys Child Emotion although it’s actually a Bee Gee’s song. New haircut (or new do). This is from one year ago today.
3m3 minutes ago
? Adam Lambert’s 8/19/17 flipped Snapchats via @katzolicious
Adam liked this instagram. Never thought I’d say this but I’m intrigued with Ariana Grande’s voice. It’s gotten better as she grows up. Not quite as nasally.
30m30 minutes ago
Verified account @adamlambert
6s6 seconds ago
Let’s support people affected by Natural Disasters with #CallforCode and use technology for good on #WorldHumanitarianDay!! Show your support for @UNHumanRights & @RedCross in their efforts to help the most vulnerable among us. Get involved at http://callforcode.org/act
The “DroneAid” vid with Pedro Cruz is great – self-taught programmer – smart guy with terrific ideas –
Yes, it is, ultimathule.
58m58 minutes ago
TV time: https://www.etonline.com/showfinder
Stream time: 7:30-8:00pm EDT
Stream clock: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Adam+Lambert+on+Entertainment+Tonight&iso=20180820T1930&p1=179&am=30 …
Stream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/adam-lambert-rocks …
More info: http://www.adamlambertmedia.com/index.php/event/televised-entertainment-tonight-2/ …
16h16 hours ago
Call For Code facebook
“Thank you @adamlambert for supporting #CallforCode! By promoting #WorldHumanitarianDay you bring attention to the great work of United Nations Human Rights & American Red Cross as they help people around the world.#CallforCode https://www.facebook.com/callforcode/posts/448562432319283 …
Honestly, I still don’t have any idea what the “code” is.
The Point – 106.1 FM
50m50 minutes ago
Enter to Win a Flyaway to See Queen and Adam Lambert LIVE in Las Vegas!!! Register for your chance to to win this exclusive getaway and see Queen + Adam Lambert – THE CROWN JEWELS at Park Theater at Park MGM in Las Vegas! Click the link below: http://thepointfm.net
7h7 hours ago
shoshannastone: VEGAS!!!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BmscjRRAMZy/
https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/c2e56d6d77c33f856bb0234dfa4ad36a/5C186EAA/t51.2885-15/e35/39285620_448546998992731_594609033533456384_n.jpg …
(Source: https://twitter.com/adamsmadams/status/1030993281109262336 …)
ET written article/interview with fotos
8m8 minutes ago
Adam Lambert Explains Why Rami Malek Is the Perfect Freddie Mercury for ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ (Exclusive) | Entertainment Tonight
Steven Tyler still wears black nail polish
wow…where did this picture come from? Don’t remember it.
Vocal Coach Reacts to Adam Lambert’s Best Live Vocals
(maybe I posted this before lol)
9h9 hours ago
After 11 days and almost 40.000 diamonds later my Diamond painting of @adamlambert is finaly finished ❤ and I can say, i’m very proud of it ? hope you guys retweet as much as you can❤ #dedication
#adamlambert #fanart
wow, that picture is pretty amazing, made from little gems…
Hi all…back in the 852 as we say, so hopefully can play catch up on the month of august..
Guess Adam wasn’t on ET tonight
3m3 minutes ago
No, they definitely moved him to another night. I just got finished watching and he wasn’t mentioned on tonight’s show.
Looks like it will be “later this week”
Thanks for that pic at 217.
Methinks its from TOH promo in UK era.
From 2015 Billboard photo shoot…
Thanks for the information on that beautiful photo!
Doubt if ET is going to air Adam’s portion. Tonight will be all about the VMA’s.
Speaking about the VMA’s, I thought that the opening with Shawn Mendes was the most boring opening in the history of this show. Who’s idea was that? And for him to present JLO with her award was ridiculous. He has the energy of a snail. Shawn may be a nice person but the worst presenter of all time. Adam would have done a brilliant job in both instances.
5h5 hours ago
From @adamlambert instagram “I ♥️u Freddie” https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmu8t4UBS9V/?hl=en&taken-by=adamlambert …
Verified account @adamlambert
7h7 hours ago
@ddlovato Happy Birthday ?
They used such a nice picture –
“Adam Lambert on Why Rami Malek Is Perfect For Freddie Mercury Role In ‘Bohemian Rhapsody'”
Dr. Brian May
Verified account @DrBrianMay
1h1 hour ago
Ever closer to the launch of ——– Bohemian Rhapsody the Movie !!! Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmv2cLcBiHm/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=13netzbzkpaq0 …
Hi HK fan!
What is 852?
Sorry … I’m clueless.
Thanks all for all those gorgeous photos.
Can’t wait for the Vegas gigs soon. I’m attending the last two shows, Sept 21&22.

I’ll try to give the fantastic reports and recaps. But it will be a week later because I won’t be home right away. There are many friends to visit in Vegas.
But for sure what happens at the QAL Vegas won’t stay in Vegas.
I’ll spill.
Excited for the new setlist, clothes, boots and hair.
I’ve heard that Denise Webster was a lovely UK Glambert who was visiting NYC and got stabbed to death.
Very sad. R.I.P
Verified account @adamlambert
22m22 minutes ago
My thoughts are with the family and friends of Denise Webster. Heavy hearted.
(She was a Glambert who was recently murdered in New York while on vacation with her husband. It’s a very strange incident)
The Lambrits
It is with sadness that we’ve just found out Denise Webster ( a Glambert ) has died. Murdered in New York on holiday She regularly posted on FB. A lovely lady & fan of Adam’s
— The Lambrits
This is one of newspaper reports. It’s Denise – so sad and awful
Hey asif! I’ll be there, too (at least on the 22nd), and also won’t be back right away to share recaps of the production – and of course the vocals – plus impressions of the audience and the venue. But promise to do right this time (sort of skated on that last San Jose show…)’
I also wondered what “852” means. Let us know HK, so we can be dialed in!
ETA, just saw the news about Denise Webster. It does cut close to home when you think she was a Glambert. Can only imagine what her family is going through.
Dancy Georgia
4m4 minutes ago
I have 1 Queen + Adam Lambert in Las Vegas ticket for sell! Friday September 7th, Sec 304 Row E, my cost $227.
Lara Roostalu
Husband pays tribute to wife stabbed to death by stranger in New York
https://dailym.ai/2nWFXFf via @MailOnline
852 is Hong Kong’s area code.
♥ Adam Lambert is ♔
17s17 seconds ago
Replying to @adamlambert
Thank you, Adam…your kind heart is a gift. Her family and friends are understandably devastated and your words mean the world to them.???
Thanks luval for the phonesplain of 825.
Hi Tothebeat! Hope to meet you at our gathering dinner before the concert.
Adam Lambert on Mario: I’m listening to ON With Mario Daily Podcast ♫ @iHeartRadio
Not sure when Adam’s part comes on
(just a couple of minutes in)
Adam Lambert AUDIO interview On With Mario, August 16 (4:54 min)
HI asif! I’d love to come to the pre-concert gathering.
Can you tell me how to find out where it is? Haven’t looked at the planning site for a couple of hours, so maybe somebody posted it? Or maybe I just missed it?
Also, thanks so much for posting that audio interview with Mario..I can’t help but think Adam’s speaking voice has lowered as he’s gotten older. Still has that beautiful, rich golden tone, even when he’s just talking!
Well done Luval
Yes 852 is the dialling code for HK….Its just something many expats say when they return…back in the good old 852!!!
32s33 seconds ago
VIDEO from amtommyenglish. instagram stories
@adamlambert in the studio! VOICE!!