- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Adam posted his IG of the bar video
Brian takes a selfie with the poster
BoRhap movie related
???????? @iMenageTrois
Adam’s hair is at the perfect length right now & the way he styled it last night which means he’s going to cut it soon sigh
The pics from the Abbey – lol – no longer the boy I signed up with almost ten years ago – a true metamorphosis –
I’m 5 and I’m laughing at where the ? is
Replying to @_TIDS_
I screamed
@samsmithworld @iamparsonjames
???VE this pic!!! ???
He posted a picture with SS
haha – let the good times roll, luval
In other words, he looks mature.

11m11 minutes ago
Why is there no recognition of @adamlambert as a superb singer/songwriter in the U.K? No radio play, a few interviews (wrong questions anyway)here and there that if it wasn’t for #glamberts, we wouldn’t have seen or heard about. It should be about great music not nationality
Sauli Koskinen Info
2h2 hours ago
Sauli Koskinen Info Retweeted sjg66
Aw, Sauli showing us his childhood stomping grounds and the outdoor gym he tested and liked. And then having a glass of wine downstairs from his apartment in Helsinki
Difference – he was pretty in 2008 – he’s handsome in 2018 – been wonderful fun watching the change –
Murray Swanby is with Nick Mascardo and Dan Yates.
We warned you!!
Adam Lambert Sam Smith Brynn Taylor Nick Mascardo Dan Yates Diego Sans #TOUCH #ChapelWeho
Natalie Mansour Of course! the one night I don’t go!!! lol
2h2 hours ago
From Daniel Gold – NYC dancer, choreographer, and teacher. “Kicked off the weekend teaching this diddy to @adamlambert in class today! Back at @ stepsonbroadway 2 times tomorrow! ”
@adamlambert’s SHADY. I LOVE THIS SONG https://www.instagram.com/p/BmBrf7pFucm/?hl=en&taken-by=djpgold …
Ain’t that the truth! Am saving this pic for September nomination.
From January – but still Fing TRUE!
“Don’t be fooled into thinking that what he does is easy just bc he makes it look that way. If it were easy, then everyone would be able to do it. Personally I haven’t came across anyone like Adam.
Adam’s new look is sexy but I like the young Adam. The beard and the mustache are too long and too dark for me.
The sexy chest!
I prefer this …..
….. to this …..
An eye-opening article on the music business
7h7 hours ago
I have 1 extra ticket for Queen+Adam Lambert Sep. 19 at Park Theater, Las Vegas. Sec 303, Row B. At my cost $227. @Adam_Tickets
Here come the tomatoes, Asif
That is one of the sexiest pics I have ever seen of Adam! What a gorgeous man
I love tomatoes … luval!
I’ll put them in my salad. If they are rotten I’ll make tomato paste.
I just don’t like his long and dark beard. Such a waste of gorgeous face. Scruffs are OK.
That pic exudes a quiet confidence – always attractive –
Great catching up with @adamlambert last night… now if I could only have kept his glasses
No tomatoes from me Asif. I don’t like the current look at all, scruff is nice yes. But this long dark beard .. not nice and not semy, sadz?
In the UK at the moment and having phone troubles so can’t reply much
New photo from the other night
5h5 hours ago
NEW PHOTO “willithier85 At church. @ thechapelweho @adamlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BmDHNIDg1E7/?taken-at=1034129817 …
6h6 hours ago
NEW PHOTO From smrussyruss
instagram stories @adamlambert @samsmithworld
Tomato free, magiclady!
On twitter some people are talking about the current Adam look and the older Adam look. It’s split about 50/50. I think it’s the newer fans that like the old emo look, since they are new to stanning him. He is really beautiful in these older pictures. I’ve seen a few fan arts with that look. And many will agree with that black beard…just too long & thick for him& what we’re used to.
This scruff is nice
And personally I think he’s prepping for a bit part in Hair live…getting into that hippie look.
16h16 hours ago
“xulaguyGreat catching up with @adamlambert last night… now if I could only have kept his glasses” https://www.instagram.com/p/BmB5FOtnmyJ/?taken-at=1034129817 …
Verified account @adamlambert
6h6 hours ago
Nut Up Buttercup
On the meaning of this tweet people are thinking it might have something to do with the show Orange is the New Black. But who knows. Urban dictionary doesn’t help much.
Kyle Griffin
Verified account @kylegriffin1
10h10 hours ago
Rejected by his parents, gay valedictorian Seth Owen’s former teacher and mentor set up a GoFundMe page to help cover his tuition costs to attend Georgetown. After hearing the news, Georgetown decided to offer Owen a full scholarship.
#datenight #adamlambert #samsmith #losangeles
I’m on my way where you at????????
Very intresting Washington Post article on Johnny Mathis – he has so many of the qualities I associate with Adam – superb musicality among them –
“Johnny Mathis, the voice of the ’50s, was always ahead of his time. Now he’s ready to talk about it.”
P l a y m o b i l (bring on the ‘teases’!)
Great article on Johnny Mathis, ultimathule. Have always loved his Christmas songs. “Do You Hear What I Hear”, “Oh Holy Night”…so many others.
Clayton Davis
Verified account @AwardsCircuit
CIRCUIT QUESTION: If you were FORCED to assign a director and cast the lead roles in your FAVORITE FILM OF ALL-TIME, who would you choose?
Danny Ashkenasi
44m44 minutes ago
Danny Ashkenasi Retweeted Clayton Davis
Film: Cabaret….
nope, won’t do it, can’t make me…. second favorite:
Film: Amadeus
Leads: Timothy Chalemet – Mozart Steve Carrell – Salieri
Director: Spike Jonze
3rd fave: Jesus Christ Superstar
Leads: Adam Lambert – Judas Jake Shears – Jesus
Dir: John Cameron Mitchell
I’m weighing in here on Adam’s look then and now. The first photo that asif posted was from the GMA’s in Central Park in 6/15. I was there and have to say that he was breathtakingly gorgeous that day. The recent picture from the Abbey is smolderingly sexy…perfect in every way except for the longish dark beard. I much prefer a shorter beard in his natural color, but as we all know, he could change it anytime. Personally, I like his more mature natural look now as compared to his heavily made up look from 10 years ago.
“We’ve all had fiancés die. Nut up, Buttercup.”
From Orange is the New Black, one of Adam’s fave shows.
I’ve weighed in on the beard before, but agree with mmm222. But at certain moments, the overall look seems ok.
Like here. https://www.instagram.com/p/BmD_pmtgYsU/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=14bmfrq8tngdk
But that pic is just soooo sexy. I do like that he keeps evolving, is never just ho-hum the same. He’s exciting. Alive. As he said to a fan on Instagram: “This is what I want to do with my face now.”
And I’m pretty sure the new album will be: This is the music I want to do now. He’s dismissed his label, changed management.
Like the girl in this article, https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/i-saw-people-i-really-trusted-turn-into-monsters-2/, Adam can and loves to sing many genres and labels can’t handle that. I love it.
He’s hiking
25m25 minutes ago
VIDEO ROTATED from @adamlambert instagram stories
Adam’s being a freckled redhead would seem to indicate lighter facial hair, etc. In the opinion of my Allers here, does he color his hair and beard that dark?
Yes he does.
Just too much beard.
When he starts to look like Dave Navarro, is when I cringe.
I’m ready for tomatoes.
unsteady ? @CrazyGlambert17
i mean the ship is real
cynthia frost/nixon @sydneyjanexo
I just remembered Sam wore an Adam Lambert shirt to the club last night
He has to color it (to match his hair on top). When he goes more natural, so does he stache & beard as we’ve seen in the past.
1m1 minute ago
☀️?☀️ “high above the sign today. thx to ms @adamlambert for finally showing me the way up! Parson James iamparsonjames ig story
I love Adam, always will, but this current look just turns me off. I can’t really put my finger on it but I think 70’s lothario. I understand what people mean on Twitter when they say “porn star”.
It’s like he is trying too hard, glasses too big, beard too dark and too long, shirt unbuttoned too far. (Can’t believe I just said that) It seems to be the whole combination.
I will step behind the tomato screen with Asif and HKfan. I have a tomato juicer Asifclueless.
Here’s what I was talking about…fan art with his old look.
♥ Adam Lambert is ♔
NEW FAN ART POSTED IN Adam Lambert Fan Art – Volume 17, 29.07.18Artist: @ laura__crazydreamer IG ??? #adamlambert