- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
This is long but cute! Can’t imagine being near her at a show!!
Hope Buster @HopeFancyCat10 12h12 hours ago
I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/L0OsQKg9-Io?a QUEEN AND ADAM LAMBERT VLOG!
IslandGirl @islandgirljams 34m34 minutes ago
bryanjaysinger’s video https://instagram.com/p/BXrC0nbhpEO/
liked by Adam
Lol, “what the hell is that? A killer robot monster?” ?#newsoftheworld #queen
lol to your recaps, mils
I finally see an end to these journeys when I use up all my shampoo, makeup, etc that I had packed for the shows. Til next time.
He loves Kesha’s album
I don’t think this was posted. Adam was asked about Trump’s military trans ban.
Here’s their Reader’s Digest version…
Gelly @14gelly 4m4 minutes ago
VIDEO”Aaron Carter about some hot male celebs he’d like to date:Is @adamlambert taken?He’s beautiful” more @ vid
Thanks, AL. Bet there are many more couples that have found each other because of Adam.
So true! And I bet there are some couples who may have separated because of Adam too!
?? @ScorpioBert 11m11 minutes ago
Rare vinyl records worth a fortune :
Estimated price: $6,480
http://www.msn.com/en-us/music/gallery/rare-vinyl-records-worth-a-fortune/ss-AApT0uB?li=BBnb7Kz#image=15 …
Another TooFab mini interview: What is power?
Okay, so I’m in the American Airlines Center, merch lines are outta control, fans are everywhere, the vibe feels like Barclay in Brooklyn. I get to my seat, row 2 off floor, mid to bike/drum end of guitar neck. Excellent vantage point, other side of stage, the side where he tosses the rose usually.
In front of me is a beautiful 16 year old girl with long dark hair, and her dad. She compliments my tiara, and I let her wear it for a pic. She is a major Glambert, I show her our site. She’s Just glowing. Says Adam is the hottest guy on the planet, I just nod, not gonna go there, she’s just a little thing! Dad is a die hard classic rock and Queen fan. Next to them are 3 guys in very chic business suits, from NY. One of them wants to wear my tiara for a pic. I oblige them. Many laughs ensue. People on all sides of me are asking how many shows I’ve seen, where I’m from, etc. Just such friendly music lovers!
The humming and smoke start, the 16 year old is starting to cry she’s so excited. I tell her to hold on, and show Adam smiles. Suddenly, this gorgeous drag queen is in front of us, shaking her money maker and working the crowd with smiles, waves and sass. Her seat is on the aisle on the floor at the end of the guitar. I spy nkd and Texas at the barricade right next to the bike. Then, 4 young ladies fill up row one to the front left of me, beautiful, each and every one of them. Long blonde hair, gorgeous clothes and make up, stunning . Many fans from our hotel are on the floor. Many of what I referred to as SPG’s back in the day. Whatever.
Show starts, crowd goes wild . I can tell right off this one is gonna be great, Adam starts feeding off the energy right off the bat. He’s thrusting and grinding and posing something fierce. Pointing to people on the floor. Points to the drag queen. 16 year old losing it.
Gorgeous gals in front of me are couples who begin making out vigorously.
The show is loud, audience is singing, Adam and Brian are on fire. Then, Adam tosses the rose to…..our nkd!!!! I see her catch it!!! Soooo funny!!!
STL: so over the top magnificent vocally. Then, he f–ing lays on the floor with his legs to the sky.
And Doctor Brian May gets between his legs and leans down. Leans in. And plays the shit outta his axe, and the crowd goes ape shit nuts.
Then comes CLTCL.
WWTLF: Extra dramatic , hits every note, every emotion, just outstanding. The 16 year old is weeping. I have goosebumps.
Love of my life: most lit up of all the shows, stunning to behold.
Don’t want this show to end, but it does. Dallas did them proud.
I gave the 16 year old my tiara. It looked beautiful on her mascara streaked face. Her dad was out of his mind, saying it was the best show he’s ever seen.
Met up with everyone, tried to find somewhere open to go to. Ended up back at the hotel cafe area. Bad pizza and laughs, lots of concert t shirts and fans there.
Then, had to sleep with nkd and the rose. Lol. She posed it in bed on a pillow and tweeted it out. Adam’s DNA in our bed. Lulz!!!!#
So first it was riskylady in Jersey with her Brian May encounter and huggz, now we had the rose.
And we crashed. Out cold.
Next morning, I’m out for my oatmeal, reading stuff. Pics are posted of Adam backstage with the drag queen. Lucky bitch. Lol. and chatting up fans. Met a very nice couple from Oklahoma who are both big fans of Adam’s , but more so after seeing QAL. We had a very nice talk, and I invited them here. Hope they are at least lurking now. Nkd joined me, we met up with the rest of our gang, and continued to chat with fans, cher was working her charm too !!!
Many laughs, plans were plotted for our drive to Houston. I went with nkd in her luxury vehicle. Cher and floridagirl rode with Texaswannaholdem.
I can’t even tell ya’ll how much I enjoyed that ride. Not only to spend more time with nkd, but to see Texas. Now, this northern girl has traveled quite a bit. But, so much was so interesting to me. Lol. A Cowboy Church. The gates everywhere, like every house was a ranch, so many things, just loved it. The statue of Sam Houston, even the trees.
But the thing that made me laugh out loud was the sign warning for ice on the bridge. Lolololol. It’s 98 degrees and 90 percent humidity, and it’s TEXAS. Now, I’m from Wisconsin. Where it actually IS cold. Where we actually have ice on bridges. And WE don’t have signs. That just cracked me up. I could understand a sign warning of armadillos. But ICE? ? Giggling still.
Our ride continues….
Peter, Adam’s keyboardist on TOH tour is now touring with Mariah Carey.
No way he’s having as much fun on her tour ad Adam’s. Crowds are bigger, but that ain’t everything….
This has already been posted but wouldn’t it be wonderful if Adam was in the passenger seat & Brian & Roger popped up in the back?
ADAM LAMBERT DAILY @AdamL_Daily 2h2 hours ago
Billboard’s CarpoolKaraoke Wish List:”Imagine the vocals heights @AdamLambert could have in the capacity of a SUV?” http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7898069/carpool-karaoke-wish-list-james-corden-late-late-show …
New interview
coma berenices @_coma_berenices
Adam Lambert On New Music, ‘American Idol’ Reboot http://toofab.com/videos/0-09bk1qul/#sthash.oli3cj4v.uxfs … via @toofab
sjg66 @sjg66 3h3 hours ago
Oh Sauli !! ??????
Love his hair
Coming Out
Adam Lambert attended Out magazine’s inaugural POWER 50 gala and awards presentation at Goya Studios in Los Angeles.
GORGEOUS SUPER HQ D/L https://www.goweho.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/IMG_1933.jpg …
GoWeho Joins Out Power50 Gala
https://www.goweho.com/goweho-joins-out-power50-at-goya-studios-in-hollywood/15088#OGfw83P1jsFWIBUc.99 …
“Among the attendees @adamlambert”
The second half of 2014, New Years Eve, Jan. and Feb. 2015 were such a honeymoon period for me. I didn’t stop smiling. Joy was my new favorite. My husband took to saying, “who are you, and what have you done with my wife? But I like it!” Little did I know it would get better!
Allira666 @Allira666
Insane and madness, TRULY singer!!! Goodness voice
ISOLATED VOCALS: Adam Lambert – A Change Is Gonna Come
kld, maybe you’ve heard of this. The book “On the Meaning of Adam Lambert”. Talks about professional women who were drawn under his spell, chronicling their obsession and asking themselves “how & why”. It’s very interesting!
Gelly @14gelly 7m7 minutes ago
? @adamlambert ‘s instagram PINK FLAMINGOS IN MY YARD #twofux Sent to me by my buddy @ browncharl https://www.instagram.com/p/BXv7T-Ygczp/
VIDEO|@AdamLambert on Snapchat, hi Pharaoh ??
New music title?
Lilybop @lilybop2010 2m2 minutes ago
?Sauli’s ig story videos
https://instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/15500598_1399859500067716_5841207375700164608_n.mp4 …
https://instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/15292031_1265694033541273_6157431579888058368_n.mp4 …
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Thanks luval! I will check that out.
sistasparkle … Could you check my message to you at the Queen+AL – Summer 2017 Planning Thread (Site Members Only) … Please!
“Love The Enemy” (?) Adam?
Time to start wondering where you will be on 21st August 2017 !
another song?
So far if any of these are true:
Love the Enemy
“Adam Lambert Reveals Rock Star Inspiration for ‘Two Fux’ and What He Thinks of New ‘Idol’ Judge Katy Perry”
Nothing new –
A ring for Adam??
EM.ES @EMES79 2h2 hours ago
Looks like a knuckle duster, luval –
haha, knuckle duster.
Rick RobertsVerified account @Rick93Q 34s35 seconds ago
Today’s #stupidfact – Hawaii’s state fish ? is the humuhumunukunukuapua’a. ?
Been listening to his older music – love his voice on this “Quiet Desperation” demo –
And this – wonderful old clips set to Ferras’s beautiful “Rush” –
The 15 Sexiest Red-Haired Men
By Out.com Editors
Kathy Katz @katzolicious
But they forgot the first one sexiest man red-haired alive, Adam Lambert! @outmagazine
Nile is in the hospital
This might have been posted in the past.
rougeannie024 @AnnieRouge 3h3 hours ago
. @adamlambert ❤
Sistasif – check the QAL planning thread.
Sistasparkle – check the QAL planning thread.
Vittoria♌iwbtly @vittorinaglam 5h5 hours ago
These 3 guys are amazing!! When Trespassing started I had to record it!!! @adamlambert in Rapallo, Italy
Metrosource @MetrosourceMag 23h23 hours ago
This Saturday, Aug 19th @ProjAngelFood.
@MetrosourceMag will be in the house sharing pics & video.
I’d say
Gelly @14gelly 9m9 minutes ago
Adam Lambert Exclusive Interview with CEEK VR! @ceek https://ceek.com/vr-blog/interviews/adam-lambert-exclusive-interview-ceek-vr …
Which one will survive?
Hollywood ReporterVerified account @THR 22m22 minutes ago
Exclusive: CBS Eyes @ScooterBraun Singing Competition Show http://bit.ly/2vBPo1c
Adam Lambert Admits First Queen Shows Were ‘Terrifying’
Read More: Adam Lambert Admits First Queen Shows Were ‘Terrifying’ | http://ultimateclassicrock.com/adam-lambert-joins-queen/?trackback=tsmclip
Not new info, but some new comments – interesting –