- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Belated ‘Happy Birthday’ wishes to HK fan!

Maybe you’re still celebrating?
Lilybop @lilybop2010
? Elisse’s ig stories. Moving day (to Portland)
video: https://instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/20778992_356500318097690_6341314355488882688_n.mp4 …
Family: https://instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.9792-15/e35/20777599_714600152061543_7042609577791062016_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTU3ODQ5NzIwMzgwOTMzOTEzMw%3D%3D.2 …
TALCvids @TALCvids 7m7 minutes ago
adamlambert’s IG video: @ladygaga was fantastic last night!! #JoanneWorldTour https://instagram.com/p/BXoB-I1gyDg/
Bonni Moschetti?♫♪ @bmoschetti Aug 5
@adamlambert read a lot of the comments after the shows~seems you’ve made countless new fans~they love you! This tour has been spectacular!?
There’s an Out Magazine power 50 event tonight
Gelly @14gelly 22m22 minutes ago
Not sure but ” toofabnewsTooFab will be covering the red carpet ”
and they tagged Adam https://www.instagram.com/p/BXoGcafHBjL/
ADAM LAMBERT DAILY @AdamL_Daily 26m26 minutes ago
INFO|Seems like @AdamLambert will attend @outmagazine’s #Power50 event tonight. Not confirmed yet but ?
TALCvids @TALCvids 11m11 minutes ago
adamlambert’s IG photo: Ugh your voice is sublime @pink !!!!! https://instagram.com/p/BXoM5kdgl2d/
Bonnie McKee has a special announcement tomorrow. Adam just “liked” this IG
I couldn’t open this NYT article
IslandGirl @islandgirljams 27m27 minutes ago
Great editorial on the front row concert experience! @queenwillrock and @adamlambert photo / mention!
The Front Row https://nyti.ms/2vnoN8g
Lilybop @lilybop2010 23m23 minutes ago
?I am skeptical about tonight. Adam is not listed in the OUT Magazine’s Power 50 2017:
TALCvids @TALCvids
screencap of Adam Lambert’s snapchat video
Haven’t seen the video
Out Mag lists Frank Ocean in their LGBTQ power 50, mentioning “since he came out.” Dude never “came out,” just said he had a crush on a guy. Refuses to identify as gay or bi or anything and has never participated in any events.
But left Adam off their list.
MusicTramp @MusicTramp
Why do stars like Adele keep losing their voice?
(very long article but interesting)
Here it is, mid August and I have packed away my glitter; started using my QAL water bottle; and have almost completed reading all the posts from the past shows. I am deeply grateful for those of you who take the time to post and keep the home fires burning. I’m horrible at posting at the best of times and certainly not competent to do so when in the midst of a multi-tour junket running on little sleep and way too much sugar. But now that I am back home and have a bit of time to reflect I’d like to share my thoughts.
I agree with those of you who missed elements of the QAL 2014/2015 tour. I especially felt this during the Toronto concert when Adam’s red hair threw me for a loop. I wanted the dark haired sexy young man who played with the audience and used the chaise as his personal throne. The sound in Toronto was a bit muddled from where I sat and the monitors were unflattering. Though I loved seeing Toronto and spending time with our dear Canadian hosts (Ron and TLKC), and having mmm222, and riskylady and her wonderful hubby as traveling companions, I was very sad regarding my response to the show. I felt like a real failure as a fan and was worried about how I was going to react to the east coast extravaganza coming up in just a couple of weeks. Mmm222 thought maybe I needed my head examined. I thought she might have been right.
Newark – As mentioned in my traveling companions posts, there were 7 of us with guest appearances by Sparkle, and Glambotgram during our east coast marathon. By the Newark show, Adam’s hair was no longer Ronald McDonald red and I, being the shallow Glambert that I am, was able to breathe easier and appreciate the show in it’s full glory. Mmm222, cwm, nkd, and riskylady all outdid themselves in purchasing wonderful tickets. We were close enough to see sweat and funny faces and shared hugs/pats among Roger, Adam, and Brian. Pretty spectacular all in all.
Brooklyn – We stayed in a very hip wellness hotel with workout equipment in the room. Though some of us got up early and did reps, others of us complained that instruments of torture should not be part of someone’s sleep quarters. The hotel was very health conscious serving only what one would consider sensibly apportioned meals (tiny). Mils thankfully knew of a nearby deli (Junior’s) whose portions were more closely aligned to our traditional needs (okay they were huge) and where we happily ate 4 out of our 6 meals. The Barkley Center was in walking distance and we were able to roll ourselves there and back. The crowd in Brooklyn was great. Very loud and responsive. It was wonderful to hear folks get excited about “Two Fux”. Adam was loose and happy and his voice was in top form. We went for our final trip as a group to Junior’s and bid farewell to Luval who would be leaving early in the AM. Mils left the next morning after our final breakfast at Junior’s and then we made our way to the train station. Our Lyft driver serenaded us with “Danny Boy” and flirted shamelessly with riskylady the entire ride.
Philadelphia – I was very excited about going to Philly since I would get to see my Son and DIL who just moved back from the west coast and a very good friend of mine would be joining us for our two day stay and the concert. The last time my friend had seen Adam was with me for the Glam Nation tour in Upper Darby several years ago. I was happy that she quickly got into the swing of things and by the time the concert was over she was a true believer. We had a great day in Philly visiting the historic district and Sparkle met us for dinner before the concert. Our seats were on the floor this time and cwm got a hand swipe. The next morning Nkd left us to return to Texas and it was back to the train station for the rest of us.
DC – our last show. riskylady, cwm, and I sat right next to the barricade on the thrust. Glambotgram and her daughter were right behind us. Her daughter got the most incredible picture of Adam. Hopefully she can post it. Two of my favorite parts of the show are “Love of My Life” and “Under Pressure”. Being so close during those two songs was other worldly. As Radio Gaga started all of us squeezed ourselves up to the barricade in hopes of a hand swipe. We all put our arms out and hoped for the best. None of us were disappointed. We left the show feeling like it could not have been more perfect. We were exhausted and elated and eternally grateful for our experiences.
Cwm and I drove home from mmm222’s house in the wee hours of the morning talking about where we thought Adam’s career may go next. We both recognized that he will always be his own person and that as he matures he will continue to find his own way. I realize that my vision of him may not always match what he chooses for himself and that I may at times be disappointed. No matter what, my connection to both Adam and the dear friends I have made because of Adam are eternally strong. Red hair or not.
Adamized, truer words were never written. Loved spending time with you in Newark and Brooklyn.
When I have time, I’ll recap. It’s been a wild few weeks, 6 shows, travel, work/life balancing, and now kids coming to town. And a vacay coming. Need to recap. ….
Loved the recap, adamized! I agree with you about Toronto- as impressive as the show was, I just wasn’t that connected to it and I worried that QAL had lost a bit of its luster for me. So so happy that I decided to keep looking for a ticket to Philly and that I went. Everything worked out so perfectly, it was unbelievable!! See my recap on the Philly thread.
Eternally strong connections- love that and believe that too!
Happy Belated Birthday, HKfan! Celebrate the whole week!!
Happy Birthday, jlurk! Celebrate in style!!
Love the recap adamized! Thank you!
What a whirlwind last 2 weeks of the tour. 5 shows in 11 days for me. Had a blast with friends. Planes, trains and automobiles! Great food! Sooo much food!
3 hand swipes, a flower and I met Neil Fairclough in Philly.
Real life hits back hard sometimes but it’s great to have these moments shared with wonderful friends!
Happy Birthday HK fan!
Happy Birthday jlurks!
Happy birthday jlurks and HK!!
– Just want to say Happy Birthday to jlurks, and the same to HK (though I know I’m a bit late for you, HK)
I also love the recaps, and read all of them that I can. So, thank you Adamized, for an honest and very entertaining tale of your concert sojourn. It’s really fun when someone has taken the time write a nice long review!
I’ve got a few minutes before real life beckons, but if I don’t get to my recap now…it might be another week or more….
I’ve given thought to my epic 4 weeks of 3 trips with 2 shows each trip.
But first, let’s go back to the tornado of the news of the tour being announced and tix going on sale , like the next day. Or, so it seemed. The torrent of texts, emails, trying to figure out what our lives would look like 8 months out…gah!!!!
Not to mention that at 10 AM on ticket day, I was quite literally landing at La Guardia for my son’s wedding in Queens, to a girl from Brooklyn. Many many thanks to nkd , mlg, and Jojosie for buying my tix to NY, NJ, Chicago and St Paul, in my hour of need. Also nkd and Riskylady, for the hotel bookings. Knowing that you guys all were managing this, while I was at the airport took a huge leap of faith, and my trust was born out. You guys are pros!!! I’m such an OCD control freak, it was hard for me not to be at the keyboard with multiple devices and credit cards!!!
I actually was walking in the terminal and had my mind on QAL, not the wedding. Lolol. Priorities!
In NY, there were many texts and emails about tix, trips, plans and plots. Also James Corden happened. And I saw the QAL commercial on NY TV. Another highlight was hearing from rainbow gal, and having the best chat with her. Discussing her role (huge) in LGBTQ advocacy, and plans for the St Paul show.
After the wedding, when I got back to work, my workberts confirmed that they got excellent seats for Chicago, and plans were afoot.
Then, they turn to me and say “ask us where ELSE we’re going.”
Phoenix and Vegas! !!
They are soooooo in.Gah.
Then…tap…tap….tap. ..yawn…it’s stilllll February, March. ..April. .is it June 23rd yet????…no May. ..finally JUNE…counting days…hard to deal with those two…so excite for them. ..so jelly…
Show day!!! I’m on my cell, plugged in…so late…listening to the stream…texting with nkd, my berts…phone literally heating up…Loving the show…so excited. ..knowing they are there. Just over loaded. And that VOICE. O.M.G.
When they got back to work, serious , I mean serious berting going on.
The torrent of shows, pics, vids, blogging, love the tours, Adam’s, QAL, it’s just such an onslaught of the senses.
Chicago!!!! Rendezvousing with adamaddict100, and mlg, going to a fantastic Italian place in Wicker Park for dinner, my workberts, riskylady and risky hubby, the Duke and dutchess. Riskylady’s gorgeous grandson, a chef in Chicago, then the show!!!!! Trucks trucks trucks! !! Great sign out front. Best sign I saw at any show.
Great seats: floor one off the floor just past the end of the guitar, next to mlg.
After, berting, Queening, and oh, look, there’s Rumour Willis with her entourage…just such a great time.
Then, Adamaddict and I flew to St Paul for the show the next night.
Met up with Jojosie and her daughter at our hotel. Also with rainbow and her friend D. The most fabulous guy from her advocacy work , so out, so proud,such a sweet soul. To say we bonded would be an understatement. He is so gaga for Adam it makes us look like amateurs. Lololol. More on that later.
I forgot about the QUEEN tiaras I brought for everybody in Chicago and St Paul. So sparkly and cute, and a real tiara for Jo. Everybody loved them!!! Lol. Especially D!!!#
Dinner at a pub with everybody and northern spirit, and her friend who we met before in Chicago.
Great seats again. This time row one off floor, even with the bike and drums. The crowd, fueled no doubt by Canadians, was nuts. LOUD. Stomping, singing, fueling Adam’s wails, Adam’s dancing, singing to LOML, making Brian cry.
NEW OUTFITS . DED. Brian tweeted that this was the best audience yet of the tour!!!!
After the show, hotel pub, filled with fans. D was glowing, just beaming . He asked if I had any , erm, interesting pix of Adam. Still wearing his tiara, I’ll never forget this.
I had a few. Then I texted nkd for help.
My phone blew up.
D might have lost consciousness.
His phone is pregnant.
Laces . Did him in . Laces gifs. Need I say more??
Next morning, I don’t know what got into me, but I was up and showered early. Went to the fabulous continental breakfast ( thank you Embassy Suites ), and was chatting up Queen fans. This was by far the friendliest crowd of any show, any city. I used to live in Minneapolis, so I should have expected this, but, really, from the time we checked in, we kept meeting super nice people. Lots of Canadians too. More on this later.
Finally my roomies, adam100, Jo and her daughter, straggled down. Just as I met and chatted up the MOST wonderful gal, Canadian, with her husband and high school aged sons.
They watched THIS happen. Okay, K. Here I go:
She’s a huge fan of Adam’s. Drove to St Paul, after seeing the Edmonton show.
I remark. Oh, so you’re a huge fan of Adam’s? Do you follow him online? Yes. Do you watch concert videos? Yes. I go deeper. Do you listen to livestreams? Yyyesss. Do you follow a blog? Yyyesss. Which one?
Get ready….
Adamlambertlive.org! !!!!!!
I squee.
I say. Omg, then you know me!#
At this point, she’s kinda screaming and hopping, and jumping out of her skin!#
Who are you????
I’m mils.
No lie , she squeees, I squee, we hug. She says I’M a celebrity! !! Me??? Oh muh gawd, we laughed and carried on like kids in a sandbox.
She’s A lurker. I don’t know what to do to get her out of lurking. She’s got talents, makes costumes, acts, and is reading this. We’ve been texting a lot, she’s hilarious.
So, my dear K. Please come out and play. You are worthy!!!!
You have proven that we do have lurkers! And you rock. And were hugging Dr Brian May the night before. It’s your story. You can tell it when you post it!!!
Much fun, then travelling home, uber, plane, drove adam100 home and then home.
10 days until flying to NJ….
Adam and GigiGorgeous at the Out Power 50 gala. YUM.
Happy birthday jlurks! Great fun to see you in LA, dapper as usual.
adamized, mils, loving the recaps!! Will try to finish Newark tomorrow (y’all
made me feel guiltyinspired me!Thank you mils!
More please!
Happy birthday JLurks, sorry to have missed you this time around. Hollywood Bowl sounded very special.
Happy belated birthday HKfan. Here’s to a great year ahead.
Adam looked beyond , simply stunning last night. And Gigi is gorgeous.
Now, where was I?
Oh yes, …10 days until Newark. Yawn, bore.
Real life , work, beach , visiting number 2 son in Chicago , ( there for the summer internship ), and BOOM, I’m packing for NJ and NY.
Went a day early to spend the night with son and daughter in law in Jersey. He picked me up and we drove into Queens and Brooklyn to do some things …drove past Barclay’s and Juniors and Botanical Gardens, took pics and sent to gals from here.
Spent the night with the newlyweds, and their sweetness was contagious. Lovely lovely time. They gave me a lift to the Hilton Penn Station in Newark, said my goodbyes, and….my next QAL journey began!
Met up with adamized, mmm222, cwm, riskylady and nkd. Roomed with riskylady. Rested, chatted, ate, Wonderful Portuguese restaurant with many menu mishaps, but good food and surly service. Just made for more giggles.
Risky had to leave early for the show, she missed most of the restaurant mishaps, but, she has a story to tell. It’s hers to tell.
May I just say that getting her to sleep after the show was a challenge. She was floating around in ecstacy….and a QUEEN tiara.lololol. I just about sang her a lullaby. Lucky for her I didn’t, cuz I crashed mid sentence, just like I did to glambot in Toronto !!!
The Jersey show was a real experience!!! Nkd and I at the barricade at the Bike level. The rest of us right behind us.
Adam’s mom and boyfriend right next/behind us, and a whole row of more of Adam’s relatives and friends from Jersey. The only way to know is that they were all talking to each other. Boyfriend was very very very protective of Leila. I glanced at them once in a while. She was petite and absolutely beautiful in a sundress, kept to herself. Quite romantic with the boyfriend. Who is slim and slick in a Palm Beach country club manner. I know many men like him in appearance. Lol.
What does Adam’s mom do during Brian’s guitar solo?
Checks her phone. It’s like our old jokes last tour. No going to merch for her!!!
So, like I said, I really only glanced at them a few times.
There was more to ogle right in front of me/us!!!
The show from this vantage point was unreal.The close up view of the costumes, the shoes, seeing him sweat, Roger and Brian, Love of My Life. GAH. Even the selfie stick moments. Brian with his hair and arms akimbo, glorious.
Adam Adam Adam Adam.
So happy and Dancy and vocally off the charts. Looking at his mom , eye beams for me. Over and over. Never get over it.
Radio Gaga. Hand swipe. Eye contact.
After the show, chatting up fans, lingering outside Prudential Center seeing guys selling shirts with OUR poster on them. Talked to one of them, and in a very Jersey way, says “I don’t make em lady, I just sell em.”
Yeah. Right. Tell that to the artist whose work has been stolen.
Anyway, traveled to Brooklyn the next day in a ridiculous Uber adventure, but eventually got to the hotel.
Many pics from last night
He still has the fauxhawk hair. Can really see it in this pic
LGBT Hollywood FB 2 photos one is same as their ig , the other one is different , pretty Adam https://www.facebook.com/LGBTHollywood/posts/1397143883710749 …
Gelly @14gelly 9h9 hours ago
He’s wearing these Gucci platforms tonight
(I like them. Sneakers are huge right now for men and women. Maybe not platforms, though lol)
LGBT Hollywood @LGBTHollywood 9h9 hours ago
“Yes. We are recording and mixing now ??
I have a big body of work.”?
@adamlambert @outmagazine #adamlambert
VIDEO 1 TOOFABNEWS IG STORY arriving Looking gorgeous! @adamlambert https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/16835619_468306290212797_6698989795856613376_n.mp4 …
VIDEO 2 TOOFABNEWS IG STORY @adamlambert https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/15496782_1116098985189483_5061685495969349632_n.mp4 …
VIDEO 3 TOOFABNEWS IG STORY @adamlambert “His new music is coming out! ” Hi guys! ” https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/20777106_354975074921022_6529661019449458688_n.mp4 …
Luval My dear luval. I left you out of my NY NJ list of people!! Slaps self hard…..can’t edit post any more. Love you.
Work beckons.
More recaps later….
nickmasc Good vibes with @adamlambert at OUT Magazine’s 2017 Power 50. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXo4j3Rj8NB/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/20687052_234502663738132_7510479074221883392_n.jpg …
VIDEO via gregoryvelvet instagram story “Having a ball on the red carpet with the sexy @adamlambert”
jonathanbierner Just got to interview one of the most #influential men our time. @adamlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BXo5VrHFTBT/
veronicaamccall with @adamlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BXo6WM0BjUY/
Gelly @14gelly 8h8 hours ago
OUT MAGAZINE celebrates out power50 http://www.gettyimages.com/photos/adam-lambert?family=editorial&page=1&phrase=adam%20lambert&sort=newest&excludenudity=true …
Hahhh I see you @adamlambert with the tongue out
https://www.instagram.com/p/BXo7eb0gRCR/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/20759191_1481730761882970_3242797937381605376_n.jpg …
missangelawong We met ✨P E R F E C T I O N ✨ @adamlambert ? You S L A Y! ❤️.. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXo8UU5j8Sr/
Gelly @14gelly 8h8 hours ago
VIDEO @adamlambert instagram story “Go on Justin!!!” https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/17432048_1881285878554353_2294090982259425280_n.mp4 …
Crop of GiGi Gorgeous pic
Gelly @14gelly 7h7 hours ago
thedazdazzler Chatted to him about the 6 shows I saw and ‘it’s Late’. What a lovely bloke! @adamlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BXpDNMGh49H/
Another beautiful arrival video
Adam Lambert arrives at Out Magazine’s ‘Out Power 50’ Gala https://youtu.be/gY7cVsYVnFI via World Monitor TVcrop
Gorgeous! “moniroache @adamlambert looking sexy as ever at tonight’s 2017 OUT Power 50 Awards https://www.instagram.com/p/BXpPofVjB2_/
Kathy Katz @katzolicious 4h4 hours ago
(Super HQ pics) Adam Lambert & More attend Out Magz’s Out Power 50
http://fashionmedia.us/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/FashionMedia_Out-Magazine-Power-50-Gala_1700.jpg …
http://fashionmedia.us/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/FashionMedia_Out-Magazine-Power-50-Gala_1701.jpg …
http://fashionmedia.us/caitlyn-jenner-adam-lambert-attend-magazines-power-50-gala/ …
Must be after party
Rene Juan Quiroz @ReneQuiroz5 3h3 hours ago
@adamlambert hey man thank u ur awesome u made my bday! Stay handsome!
alexthekendoll When you spot @adamlambert in the club ?? https://www.instagram.com/p/BXpiGrNgWFK/
Kathy Katz @katzolicious 5h5 hours ago
speaking of Alisan.. during her IG live, she talked about recording a song w/ Adam written w/ Ferras & wants us to hear it
Can’t wait to hear the rest of your trip, mils!
My recaps

Toronto: Food, great friends & red hair
Uncasville,CT: Loud
Newark: great friends, Portugese restaurant drama
Barclays:great friends, Juniors Cheesecake
One of these days I’ll get around to really telling my stories!
(((Barbls23))) @barbls23 8h8 hours ago
Adam Lambert now #2 on “The Greatest Jewish Singers and Songwriters List’!
Dustin Brooks @divinedustin 14h14 hours ago
@adamlambert only 2 more days till http://Thadapalooza.com . You inspired this event. Please consider attending! #AdamLambert
Rick RobertsVerified account @Rick93Q 26s27 seconds ago
Today’s #stupidfact – Antarctica gets about 44,000 tourists a year . . . that’s up from 5,000 tourists a year in 1990.
Gelly @14gelly 17m17 minutes ago
VIDEO via dillontams instagram story ” Oh Hi Adam Lambert! ”
Thanks for all the birthday wishes….and happy birthday to Jlurks x
Loving the recaps Mils and Adamized…keep them coming
And mils lurker, please come out and join us!!
Was just at my local coffee shop waiting in line to pay … wearing my QAL tee. This elderly man behind me says “how is Adam Lambert with Queen”? Of course that opened up a quick discussion about QAL, traveling, etc. etc. He then says “you should listen to Come to Me, Bend to Me”. I was shocked! He thinks he’s not really a rock singer but hadn’t heard him with Queen. He’s gonna go on youtube when he gets home.
cocoo @cocooyau 9m9 minutes ago
?oops be careful ?@adamlambert Hi ! 8.11.17 #gif
Access Hollywood interview. He loves judging!!
Adam posted this IG
MaRySe ? @snuggle62 3m3 minutes ago
adamlambert’s photo https://instagram.com/p/BXqOVZHA8nr/