- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Loved the entire interview. Never realized that RuPaul was such a wise advisor and so grounded. Adam was so open with them and even though we knew most of the information it was great to hear it again in a more intimate setting. I think my favorite part was him singing the snippet from JCSS. Please let the stars align so that he gets to play Judas on the big or small screen.
bringing the interview to this page.
luval that was a great interview. Very candid and funny.
Why can’t I get it to open?
mmmm…I have mixed feelings about that RuPaul interview…on the one hand I loved the fact that we could just listen to him chat, relaxed for an hour..that hasn’t happened for a long time. But I thought Ru spent far too much time on his first album, and hadn’t done his homework on it it seemed…And thought the talk of drink and drugs went on too long too…he made himself sound like a real alki and drug addict..I’m not a prude, far from it, and we all know he drinks and smokes weed..but he made it seem he does it all day everyday, and can’t get through a concert without drinking…….apart from that..great
“Adam Lambert Lists Art Moderne-Inspired Contemporary Above Sunset Strip (EXCLUSIVE)”
This is gonna be long. Here are my thoughts about that interview. I’m paraphrasing most of what he said.
Hk fan, you are right about too much talking about FYE. RuPaul did not do his homework. I mean TP was #1, first gay singer to do that. Am surprised Adam did not deflect from this and talk more about his other 2 albums. He usually does that. Maybe he was intimidated.
Re drink & weed: Yup, too much of that especially on tour. I know he was doing it for the GN tour but the others? Ru “lectures” him that you can’t (shouldn’t) do this when you get older. And weed in other countries? Even if you can find it you shouldn’t do it. I mean Michelle said you don’t want a Midnight Express situation. And she’s right. It’s foolish to even think about it. Sometimes I think A exaggerates how much he drinks or smokes, though.
And he has to keep his throat & voice healthy. I’m starting to think there’s no voice insurance on him. How could an insurance company allow this. He’s very vocal in public that he does indulge.
35 years is not old. But in the music industry it could be. A is right in saying that it could all end. QAL will eventually be over, then what? This interview was done when only the NA tour was announced. Maybe got him thinking again about what is next. I have a feeling he decided to sell his house around that time. Good planning IMO. Says when he’s off for a period of time he feels that there has to be something else. LOL he needs a hobby. Or at least a diversion from the biz. Would love to see him get into designing or something in that field if that’s what he wants. He’s creative. He needs projects.
It must be tough lying in bed thinking about what’s next. The music biz is a mess. Think we knew how little money vocalists make on streaming. You have to write too. It’s pitiful. You can’t get on the radio unless your streaming is in the multi=millions. Touring is the only way. And that’s rough.
That 7 year thing they were talking about is interesting. Ru seems to comfort him at the end saying he’ll always have a job. I really really hope he gets a judging slot somewhere. I think every network will have a singing competition show soon. But I’d hate to see him on a “one & done” show which is probably gonna happen. They can’t all be successful.
But he always surprises us. I forgot that he probably has secrets!
Mils, hate that you can’t open the soundcloud. Would love to get your thoughts on this interview. I’ll see if I can find it somewhere else.
Dr. Brian MayVerified account @DrBrianMay 10h10 hours ago
Dr. Brian May Retweeted Sherry Bagby
Thanks @Lea81S Yes folks I’m signing these books today Thursday at DUCK SOUP in Los Angeles. And tomorrow projecting in 3-D at Disney. Bri
Wow, his house sale made “page six”.
I think he does too luval…
What am I doing wrong?
It opens, I see it.
I click on it.
It shifts to the next one quickly.
Queenie of Norway @QueenieOfNorway
Good luck on the US launch of #QueenIn3D in LA tonight & tomorrow @DrBrianMay & Denis Pellerin
Dovahkiin ? @ThatCuteMidget
That moment when you’ve chosen @adamlambert as a topic for your timeline project for your Music Appreciation class. ?♫?
As far as Adam staying “in the business” look at Dr Bri and guys, Adam could still be out there performing while most of us are gone, sorry some of us. But how can he beat the Queen gig, I wonder. There are a lot of older (not old) singers still performing. We all know he has been overlooked as many have said tho, has to be bothering him, or not. Selling his house tho is a big clue, something is up, there is some reason for that, he is making plenty of money this year with Queen, so I wonder what made him make this decision.
mils you shouldn’t have to click on it. After clicking on the link does music play? That’s the interview coming up shortly. Maybe wait a few seconds to see if it starts.
My take on the house is that he’s experienced ownership of a beautiful one (with dimmers, no doubt), enjoyed it with groups of young friends, but is ready to move on from both. The “goodbye to early thirties” party may have affected him – the realization that no one is immune to aging. He mentioned in the interview that performing is different now than when younger.
As a multi-millionaire, he can do pretty much what he wants. But what he actually wants may be something beyond money – he’s very ambitious – and he could very well want to be more than a solid-C celebrity – how he could make that come about is beyond my ability to determine – no doubt, frustratingly, his, too –
I just hope he continues to make music – that voice (and getting a small taste of it again at PAF) makes me yearn for more.
Great take on the interview, ultimathule.
Waiting to see who won the powerball!
Finally opened it. Installed soundcloud on my phone. Never had to before….I’m so not techie ..
Anyway, listened to the whole thing.
Here’s some thoughts:
Adam is obviously very comfortable with Ru and Michelle. They have a great rapport, and tons in common, from show business to personal issues, to perspectives on the world. They were in sync, and basically were finishing each other’s sentences.
I loved hearing Adam talk for this long, I also appreciated how much they both are actual fans, yes, Ru talked a lot about FYE, but he genuinely loved that album.Michelle sounds more like a Glambert, and gets the JCS, gets the theater past and is spot on.
It was great to hear Adam hope for a movie of it.
The interview was long. Only true fans will stick to it for over an hour. Lots of Ru Paul fans, lots of accolades for the show lately. ..
Great to hear about Sauli, kind of got cut off and talked over about how they are still “friends” and talk all the time. Methinks Sauli truly keeps him grounded and real more than we know….and his friends too. But we know that.
He has insecurities. …of course, we all do….at times this interview sounded like group therapy, Ru still has insecurities. …Adam, even after being loooerved by millions all over the world….
About the drinking and weed. I have no opinion. He sounded grounded about it. It’s real. ..and common. I smoked a bit in the past myself. A little. He’s right about the 35 thing. It’s a turning point.
He’s surrounded by people who drink and smoke ….not uncommon pre and post shows. Not uncommon to do shots to loosen up. It’s all about knowing your limits and not getting drunk and forgetting lyrics. Or becoming addicted. Or ruining your voice.
He’s too smart and too grounded for any of that.
I want him to be healthy, but I also want to experience Dallas with his legs in the air and his loosey goosey dancing. …if it was fueled by a shot of Jack or tequila. ..so be it!!!
I really don’t give a shit.
He’s a grown ass man, who doesn’t give Two Fux !!! He has a mother, and it ain’t me!!!!
I follow this guy because I get a high from his voice, talent and beauty.
To be honest, I would worry more about his spending than I would about his weed use.
Just a great interview, very satisfying for this fan .
Love your take too, mils, but I want him to have a voice for a very long time! He won’t have a voice if “something”
hurts it. I don’t think that’s being motherly…maybe more being selfish on my part.
I’m pretty “selfish” too. I’m just trying to walk the line between that and over protective and mothering.
I do wish he didn’t drink and smoke, but it’s just a wish…
I’m back home from my latest adventure and am glad to have some down time to catch up on everything here and elsewhere. I loved Adam’s George Michael tribute. His voice was stellar (as usual) and he looked gorgeous again. The days of the cherry red hair and shaved sides are behind us…for now.
I listened to the interview with RuPaul this morning. I really enjoyed hearing Adam’s thoughts in such a long interview. It’s interesting that he still has periods of self doubt in spite of his success. (Somewhat like Brian with his recurring demons.) With regard to his use of alcohol and weed, I believe that he is too much of a professional to let that interfere with his work. He has said in other interviews that the physical demands of touring with Queen keep him from doing much partying while on the road. He knows how important it is to take care of himself.
I find it odd that he’s selling his house so soon after putting so much work into it. I wonder what his plan is.
“Dating an Aquarius”
Gonna be me someday but listening to Adam or QAL!
1043 MYfmVerified account @1043MYfm
Officer sees an old woman dancing in a parking lot. So she gets out of her patrol car to dance with her! (VIDEO)
“Queen’s newest member Adam Lambert lists his LA home for $4M”
OMG that “Dating an Aquarius” is hilarious! (rhyme)
I imagine it’s true to some extent!
Someone on twitter said that they wouldn’t tweet or share anything about Adam selling his house because it’s invading his privacy. Wrong!!! That’s how you sell a house. Get the word out there to every possible place. Privacy is out the window on this one.
A sweet thought by this person but that’s how it works.
Gelly @14gelly 9m9 minutes ago
ADAM LAMBERTVerified account @adamlambert 16m16 minutes ago
ADAM LAMBERT Retweeted Sarah Hudson
Gorgeous Sarah!!!! Witchy and Fishy!! Hahaha
. @adamlambert instagram” Check out @SarahHudsonuvs “Songs from the Sea” short film! Witchy and Fishy! Brava.” https://www.instagram.com/p/BYMH9sRgYI7/
The film is on this link
JoJo WrightVerified account @JoJoWright 11m11 minutes ago
Such an honor to meet, hang w/ @QueenWillRock’s @DrBrianMay!!! #BohemianRhapsody #Legend ??? (I’m on the right)
This one has a beautiful little pic of Adam
SOCIALITE LIFEVerified account @socialitelife 16m16 minutes ago
If you have a spare $3.995M, @adamlambert’s LA home could be yours – http://soclfe.it/2wJDWld
Brian looks fantastic!!! From an interview with that DJ JoJo Wright.
Yes, he does, luval – very happy to see that –
Confession. I’ve had that owl viewer for a very long time. I find it hard to see the 3D. I think it’s me (my eyes), but I just can’t figure it out.
Listening to Adam chat and laugh for an hour is such a treat!
And I don’t take him so literally about the drinking or weed. I mean, we’ve never seen him miss or flub a gig, stumble around on stage or even in the many candid club vids. We know he has the odd one or two shots of tequila on stage, but he’s hardly upending a bottle! And if he smokes, he’s managed to stay out of trouble, and I don’t think it’s every day either.
In recent interviews he stressed he can’t party much on tour because he has to save his energy for the stage, get plenty of rest and make sure his voice is in top shape. Even Brian once said he knows when he can party, and when he has to work.
To me, he’s a consummate professional. I’m sure he cares for his voice or he wouldn’t sound so good always.
Still wondering about the mystery of the house sale!!!!
Maybe he’s pondering not just his own age, but that of Brian and Roger too. What happens when they can no longer play/tour?
It’s a big part of his life now. With that voice, he should be able to work for years – not just new music, but a standards album? A rock covers album? A Broadway album? Maybe he’s already working on Plan B.
Ste @_TIDS_
I don’t even remember the last time adam had so much press and this for a charity event w no A lists and now for his house…confused but ?
This is what I’ve always thought…thats why I thought it strange that he went on about it so much and made it sound like he was dependant on it..still love him though
i know we’ve never seen him mess up a gig or seem drunk, even in club videos Risky, my thoughts have not been from a fans perspective, i know he’s a true professional but from a non fan that might happen to listen to the interview…
I too find it odd that he’s selling his house, he seemed to love it so much and has made it perfect for him…I hope its for no sinister reasons, and that he just wants something different..
Ste @_TIDS_ 1m1 minute ago
I see Markus has a new nightclub – go adam so we can have some paps pics lol
About the house, I remember him saying once he doesn’t collect anything, doesn’t have an attachment to stuff (my words). Doesn’t pick up souvenirs from places he’s visited. Even though the house fits him I really think he wants to downsize and won’t miss this house one bit.
Am trying to think of any memories he would have from this house other than it being party central at times. Can’t think of any.
He’s like me I think…my main room has my 2 tv’s, laptop, table & couch. Don’t really need the rest of my house! I’ve moved 25-30 times in my life. I’m ready to move on again! Always seems like a fresh new chapter.
Guess he wants a new fresh play (if he were to do a musical), and not fill in someone’s part. I love that thought. I posted this before and it sounds stupid but I could see a musical based on Bicycle Race. About this guy who rides around town, solving problems, getting into all sorts of situations like peoples’ love lives. Maybe in the end finally meeting his one & only! I mean Broadway has Groundhog Day (which is closing) & other weird ones IMO like Sponge Bob Square pants so why not a dude on a tricycle with a voice like an angel?
I’m remembering interviews where he says he’s a businessman, and to me, a million dollar profit in 3 years on an investment is good business.
Methinks he’s moving up. And maybe in 2 places. LA and London, or even a place in Oz. He loves it there.
About the booze and weed, methinks he was just casual in that interview. Felt free to say anything. I honestly think he drinks frequently, he’s very social, always has a drink in his hand, I’m NOT judging, he just does. As for the weed, I just don’t care.
I just want him to sing me to oblivion every day and every night for as long as I live.
That’s all. I’m not asking for much.
Lol about the bicycle.
Just watching news about Harvey. Be careful nkd. Houston is gonna get storms. …
I can’t bring it here, phone fail, but, the Daily Mail UK story about his house has pics I haven’t seen of parts of the house.
Honestly, how does he ever go out, ???
What with all the places to lounge, sauna, steam, soak, relax, recline.
BTW. I loved the talk about his nose in that interview.
99,3 Duta FM BALI
The Winner #Duta20 @adamlambert – Two Fux cc @WarnerMusicID #MD
@DrBrianMay #Queenin3D
You’re right about the Daily Mail article mils
Bonni Moschetti
?♫♪ @bmoschetti
Jfc! I am at the end of the line for @DrBrianMay lol oh, well blocks long! #Sunset Blvd
PattiHum @PattiHum 10m10 minutes ago
HUNDREDS of people in line for @DrBrianMay ???
Part of a comment on that “Daily Mail” article –
“and you know why he’s selling. I read somewhere that the house is now part of the “stars homes” tour and basically provides minimum privacy.”
True, from that perspective, HK fan. Hopefully the audience of Ru’s blog are pretty liberal lol.