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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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I love it.??
( sorry for spam?? )
Gelly @14gelly 13h13 hours ago
According to T ritonal we’re gonna listen to the new song in a week or so
Billboard with Adam’s name on it
Thanks, ultimathule. I have to laugh at myself because my least favorite songs are the “Broken” songs. Broken Open, Broken English. Maybe there’s another one?
Robyn @lovingadam_13 12h12 hours ago
Literally the most perfectly constructed face i’ve ever seen
Hi, luval – boy’s looking young and beautiful in these snapchats/IG’s – good to see –
P.S. Have to agree about those two “Broken” songs –
There was nothing about his look or performance that reminded me of GM – think deliberate?
Yes, I think deliberate. I was not wanting to hear all the comparisons & I haven’t heard one yet. Does this mean he’ll grow his scruff back now?
ulti did you post this? 30 second radio edit sample
I never have thought there was any GM vibe. Elvis yes, but not GM.
Really liking Tritonal’s “Broken” so far –
“aesthetically pleasing” – so true – everything about him –
I think this a new pic with the New Edition guys
He’s taller than most of them.
Not one bad comment on mj’s thread about the show last night.
5 out of 5 stars
Gelly Retweeted
Deby Laumann @Deby_ 21m21 minutes ago
.@adamlambert on skystone’s SC.
I like the sound of that broken song….and.think its great that hes getting to be the featured artist on songs..its never done pit bull any harm
. Loved his look on faith, he did the best he could with it. Will have to wait to see it on a screen bigger than 2 inches though
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LREA2nTHfiY&feature=youtu.beGelly @14gelly 2m2 minutes ago
Adam and Sky https://youtu.be/LREA2nTHfiY via SJG 66
Sky looks familiar.
Is that a look inside Adam’s house????
And his dirty feet? ?
Or boot stained feet?
I’d say dirty feet. Just like the rest of us humans.
I was that dog when I saw Adam and Sky.
Video of new song BROKEN
You can Shazam it
I like the song!
I like Adam’s decor!
Aww Sauli’s doggie!
Like the people before me … Broken songs are my least fav.
But I like this Broken one. Can’t wait to buy it on the 12th.
nkd … Can you pet and comfort me?

“@Inpirationals: Tribal children see an iPad for the first time ”
2 hours of the musical: “The Ten Commandments” that Val, Adam and Alisan Porter starred.
The video quality is not HD but it’s decent. (480p)
Great shot of Adam in mid-dance!
I love the “broken” songs! They are among my very favourites, especially acoustic live.
Adam’s latest crazy snapchat!
Oh WOW!!! 1 minute of gorgeous Adam. It’s a year ago.
Don’t miss this!
1 year ago Zoom @adamlambert SANG it ??? 8.5.15 iHeart youtu.be/MJayIE-RuR0 #adamlambert #diary #sing
“Adam Lambert performs a George Michael classic and restores Faith in music”
Channel 7 @Channel7
We can’t wait for @adamlambert on @thexfactorau – here’s a sneak peek!
That XF promo is one of the best I’ve ever seen. It showcases Adam’s looks, articulation, empathy, excitement…just everything that a judge should be showing.
Listened to Broken again. I like it up until the EDM music plays. In fact in sounds like Aoki’s Can’t Go Home to me…that Caribbean dance sound. But as usual I’ll support him when it comes out on the 12th.
eta: the only EDM song he’s been connected with that I’ve ever liked is Lay Me Down. Always said Oh My Ra could have been released in today’s EDM scene. I love that one.
.@adamlambert @QueenWillRock fans: Isle of Wight Festival highlights airing on MTV Live tonight 9-11 pm ET
XFactor promo on youtube
Wow, that guy never ceases to amaze me. I didn’t like George Michael’s ‘Faith’ but I loved Adam’s!
Oh hell no
Agreed luval.
However, he is someone who does big projects, and loves our guy, so hopefully this will lead to more work for Adam.