- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Something coming???
♈️ Aries Heart Retweeted
Seth Faber @SLFaber 15h15 hours ago
New @JenauxMusic in 10 days. New @Audien in 17.
An example of @jenauxMusic
This must be the new dance stuff Adam mentioned in an interview talking about what’s coming.
Aug 12 and 19….two?
Gelly @14gelly 23s24 seconds ago
OMG RT @BeZa_here
Adam Lambert as Eddie
http://www.people.com/people/gallery/0,,21022290_30520552,00.html …
VERY nice, luval!
Looks like Adam!
That could be his hair if he wouldn’t shave the sides!
These PEOPLE links don’t work –
The GALLERY works through this twitter link –
Gelly @14gelly 14m14 minutes ago
If they’re premiering it at Cannes at such an important event they have high hopes for this remake
I noticed that about the link, ultimathule.
Right from his closet.
Gawd how I looooerveee himmm .
This link works
Where’s nkd? I need each piece of clothing and accessory inventoried
Was at my local Farmer’s Market today wearing my GN tee. Not one of the gaudy ones. Just the black one with “Adam Lambert Glam Nation Tour” on the front and “A” on the back with dates. Walking around I hear “Adam Lambert”! I turned around and it was this young guy & he gave me the thumbs up! So I returned the gesture. Couldn’t talk to him, though cause he was with his friend trying to hawk something I didn’t want.
Almost the same hair as “one of Hollywood’s hottest gay guys”
IG with Adam/Alisan now has 67,573 views. I think that’s the highest he’s ever had.
This network used to be called Palladia
Eddies side by side
Criteria for being in the pit tomorrow night
ChasingTheOriginalHi @iMJulianM6 5h5 hours ago
#glamberts Adam will be @ the live taping of Greatest Hits tomorrow right? I’ll be in the pit to watch bae perform??
Rehearsing now for @greatesthitsabc & singing his heart out, @adamlambert. See for yourself tomorrow!#GreatestHits
Ricky Minor was also involved in the Diva’s show in which Adam MC’d and sang. And now Ricky is involved in Greatest Hits. It is a small world.
Hmm maybe a second song?
George Michael – Faith + lyrics
George Michael – Careless Whisper (Official Video)
Hi all….haven’t been posting much, but lurking everyday….love the pic as Eddie.
Will not be around much for the next week as off on holiday tomorrow for 8 days, so keep the home fires burning for me
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
D/L 5 pics
http://www.allaccessphotoagency.com/albums/EXCLUSIVE%20Adam%20Lambert%20Leaves%20The%20Nice%20Guy/Adam-Lambert_080416-251bA.JPG …
http://www.allaccessphotoagency.com/albums/EXCLUSIVE%20Adam%20Lambert%20Leaves%20The%20Nice%20Guy/Adam-Lambert_080416-251A.JPG …
http://www.allaccessphotoagency.com/albums/EXCLUSIVE%20Adam%20Lambert%20Leaves%20The%20Nice%20Guy/Adam-Lambert_080416-252A.JPG …
http://www.allaccessphotoagency.com/albums/EXCLUSIVE%20Adam%20Lambert%20Leaves%20The%20Nice%20Guy/Adam-Lambert_080416-253A.JPG …
http://www.allaccessphotoagency.com/albums/EXCLUSIVE%20Adam%20Lambert%20Leaves%20The%20Nice%20Guy/Adam-Lambert_080416-254bA.JPG …
Click on them for a huge closeup. Nice Guys club. So nice to see his sides growing out…for now.
OT do you see the cat?
Adam’s snap..Marcus Molinari
Sauli’s snap…
Here’s what he’s saying
The huge stage for tonight
Gelly @14gelly 4h4 hours ago
The stage daniih22 Almost show time!!! #greatesthits https://www.instagram.com/p/BIrhqn4jHQy/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13739561_265172757199987_1790191745_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMwOTI4ODE4MTI1ODgxMDQxOA%3D%3D.2 …
My bet is Adam will do a mash-up of Faith & Careless Whispers.
Another rehearsal pic
Rio Olympics: Ryan Seacrest Talks Security Concerns, Late Night Show and ‘American Idol’s’ Future
Always “Adam” no matter what he does!
cocoo @cocooyau 10h10 hours ago
This is Eddie’s loll @adamlambert #RHPS
Still curious and wondering, if we’ll hear “Welcome To The Show,” during the Olympics? Crossing everything.

Laverne Cox @Lavernecox 19h19 hours ago
look at everyone rockyhorrorfox #RockyHorror
regrann from h5rre11 – I can’t wait for Rocky… https://www.instagram.com/p/BIqma2RAkWj/
lol “stuns”? Maybe stunnning.
SweetLeaf @Glambert4371 3m3 minutes ago
ohh Wow! I love seeing @adamlambert at the top of Yahoo Entertainment news today! ??????
Just tons of media on the Eddie picture. MJ has a thread up too.
I’m home from my vacation camping and hiking in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California and am caught up on all the posts. Finally, we get to see a photo of Adam as Eddie. Wow! He looks perfect, better than I ever imagined. I can’t wait to see him in the movie. But…much to my dismay, I found out that RHPS is showing on TV on 10/20. I’ll be visiting a good friend in Paris in October and won’t return until 10/23. I suspect that Adam’s part will be on YouTube shortly after the show airs, but I really want to see the whole movie. There must be some way that I can access it from France or from home when I return. But I will miss out on a viewing party with our local ALLers. Speaking of that, adamized, glambotgram and I are having a viewing party for the Greatest Hits show tonight. I hope Adam does more than one song or at least a mash up as luval suggested. But in any case, it will be fun to sit around and spend the evening berting with like minded friends.
Luval– I found the cat in the photo almost right away. But would you expect any less from a cat lover like me?
(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗) Adam Lambert performs “Faith” tonight. Hoping for a second song, too. #GreatestHits pics via David Wild
I spent 10 minutes looking at his furry legs ?
Wowza! His car