- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Look who I met up with tonight, my friend @adamlambert.
Crop –
WhAt an amazing and nice person! Yes this @adamlambert @ The Abbey Food & Bar – West Hollywood
Loving on our man. Friends forever. #sisters #vivalavida #sassysix #mygirlsplusmyguy
Original pic –
Nope, sorry ulti, not true. That’s not Jerod Leto. It’s Jonathan Fairchild, according to his instagram account:
Wow, I kept hoping the VMA’s would get better but no such luck! I kept turning the sound off on the announcing and the singing! I think it was possibly the worst awards show I have ever seen. Jimmy Fallon is giving the award for Video of the Year to Beyoncé and I didn’t even think that was funny. One good thing, while I was not watching the VMA’s I was watching Adam on my laptop. Some of those pics from Greece are amazing! I also love the one with the eyes for September.
Didn’t think so, cwm –
Saw tweeter saying she saw Adam on the corner of SMB in WeHo tonight talking to some people and that he looked beyond gorgeous –
Cleaned up edit…YW! ♥
this is all that matters :’)
I agree about the VMAs. Awful. I started to watch and couldn’t stand it anymore after just a few minutes.
Hits And Beats @Hits_And_Beats 59m59 minutes ago Manhattan, NY
#HNBWeeklyTop30 : Congrats @AdamLambert #WelcomeToTheShow Holds #1 For 8 Weeks In A Row. http://bit.ly/2bZEAj4
I love that pic with him and the girls, they all look so beautiful and relaxed and happy….enjoyed reading that old newspaper article too..hadn’t seen that one before.
Nica @Nica575 11m11 minutes ago
Still on page 4 of Playbill! @adamlambert This time Metropolitan Opera #Macy’s #americanicon
Aleks @aleks_kv 14m14 minutes ago
Terrance at a club, Trespassing blasting from the speakers! Nice
) T. Spencer’s snapchat story … https://youtu.be/1P6nUhAtlc0 via @YouTube
DILAMBERT @dianik_bg Aug 26
Between 200,000 and a quarter million #Asian fans will enjoy the
Queen + #AdamLambert #QALAsianTour2016
I only caught part of beginning number with Allessia Cara and that kid Troy Sivan. She was ok but diction lacking, but majorly disappointed with him after so much hype. Hard to understand plus really ordinary voice…
To me it’s telling that Beyoncé got all those awards, Rihanna got some and FOUR performances, and they gave Kanye FOUR minutes to spout off. Really? His video was semi-porn. Most of the dancing was just sex to music. The sameness of it all=boring. Glad Adam wasn’t there. The bar has been laid on the floor for that award show. IMHO.
@adamlambert dark and light …
I was quite intrigued with Beyonce’s performance, although I think she covered the entire album.
The rest, not so much.
(on Seven Seas of Rhye)
OT…guess everyone’s heard this
NBC Chicago Verified account
#BREAKING: Gene Wilder, star of “Willy Wonka,” dies at 83, family says http://nbcchi.com/ZI2Mxx1
riskylady agree with your whole post.
When @steveaoki drops my remix of Can’t Go Home at Tomorrowland! It’s out now:
Like this – bought from iTunes – there’s a second remix also available from Crystal Lake –
Oh. Gene Wilder. From my town, went to school with lots of my parent’s friends. Born days apart from my dad. One family friend dated him.
Loooooerved his movies. We quote lines from his movies all the time in our house.
That Seven Seas vocal includes Brian and Roger, and, IMHO, that high falsetto is Roger. He did the high high stuff on Bo Rap too.
Gelly @14gelly 5m5 minutes ago
Hello gorgeous https://www.instagram.com/p/BJtSInkDDHZ/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13687226_1769173163360555_429463794_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMyNzc5NzIyMjIxNzg4ODIxNw%3D%3D.2 …
So he was watching the VMA’s. The comment “gagging on Beyonce & Britney Spears”…is that a good thing or were they mocking them?
Andrea @powderpuffnails 36m36 minutes ago
I was at the Duran Duran concert last night – Nile & Chic opened for them – Before the show started , they played SHADY!!!!!
Gelly @14gelly 29s29 seconds ago
Skingraft marks a decade with a hometown runway show
http://www.latimes.com/fashion/la-ig-skingraft-turns-10-20160829-snap-story.html …
Adam Lambert mention
#SundayFunday @revolverweho is getting a #TeamRhea invasion! 3PM-9PM #DJRheaLitre spins your fav beats while u drink $2 Vodka Cocktails!
Crop –
FWIW my little McNab dog is named Shady, as I have said on here a few times, I smile so much when I see her name mentioned. Shes a fast little dog in agility, and we just started Barn Hunt, where she got her Novice title over the weekend, by hunting rats in a tube in a course buried in straw. Just a little silly information, lol.
Always enjoy hearing about your dogs, Miss Chaos.
The last waning crescent Moon of August 2016. She rose into view at last. So exquisitely delicate and sharp – no photo can really do her justice. Not perfect but still a thrill to this ol’ man. About 6am. Taken with iPhone hand-held to the eyepiece of a 12″ Newtonian telescope on a Dobsonian mount (no relation !). Astronomical New Moon is tomorrow. That means we can’t see it ! Happy Tuesday folks. Bri
Want a sneak peek at your next generation of superstars?
#xfactorau. Coming soon to @channel7.
Full body crop
face close up
mmmm, whats he hiding behind his back in that pic luval posted???
HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY … LadyNorth!!!
May all your wishes and dreams come true!!!
Love this face close-up.
Haha ! Everyone’s is asking this. I’m thinking one of those electronic cigarettes but who knows. Maybe nothing. And did you realize he deleted the instagram? Luckily people saved it.
Gelly @14gelly 33s33 seconds ago
Adam’s snapchat pic. Nice print Adam
Gorgeous Golden Adam to look at again!
PFISTER Cathie @cathiepfister
Sur @AVRadio (18h40)
http://player.streamlicensing.com/160?l=&stream_ ….
YAY!!! XFACTOR AU soon …
MusicTramp @MusicTramp
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yavN28OXbQ4&sns=tw …
via @youtube. Came up on my Memories. Good times.
I didn’t realize Spike’s in this. Roger is the producer.
Roger Taylor Retweeted
Queen Extravaganza @QueenExtrava Aug 24
QUEX: The Band…Marc Martel – Vocals – Read more @ http://www.queenextravaganza.com/the-band/marc-martel-vocals-piano/ …
Rocky Horror on FOX Verified account
Bless our soul! @adamlambert is going to light up the screen as Eddie in #RockyHorror! #TransformationTuesday
I met Adam & Ru

OMFG @adamlambert !!!!!!!!!
RT @tattoojo : ADAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM https://www.facebook.com/TheRockyHorrorPictureShowOfficial/videos/pcb.1545208055505308/1545204605505653/?type=3&theater … …
eta: I don’t get sound on either of these
Aww..sniff…Brian May made this little boy happy
And Shosh says –
TALCvids @TALCvids 1m1 minute ago
? RT @adamlambert_pic: My rip: 2016-08-30 Adam Lambert on Snapchat https://youtu.be/GoCt7HsWQOY | DL 640p http://bit.ly/2bQ70Pc