- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
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- AL’s Games
“Tritonal – Painting With Dreams (Signed) [CD] [Album]”
“global superstar” – love that –
GlobalMoms Challenge @GlobalMomsChall 2m2 minutes ago
. @alisanporter dedicates “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” to the children of #Aleppo. #ShareHumanity
Alisan sounds so good – would love to have the entire song –
TALCvids @TALCvids
Eight albums make a reappearance in the Top 40 this week: … Queen’s Greatest Hits (#33)
ADAM LAMBERT retweeted
Sam Sparro @samsparro
Out everywhere now!
ADAM LAMBERT retweeted
Steve Aoki @steveaoki
After three years of shooting this, My documentary #IllSleepWhenImDead is finally available on @netflix! Enjoy!
Adam’s foto, full moon in Mykonos
Italian Stallions, his Instagram
Wow – that’s a beautiful pic, riskylady –
“Queen + Adam Lambert set for Thailand debut”
Sort of a rehash –
.@LoveMrSpencer ‘s snapchat right now
Camche Studio
13 hours ago
Zachary Lagrandeur – The Original High
What a fun night! Zach was at it again this time singing an Adam Lambert song. Awesome.
(It’s OK – not a fan of his falsetto)
Arleen Stamp @nyhome
@adamlambert Thanks to generous Glamberts your #TOH album photo will hang in Artemis Lighthouse/Black Rock City at BURNING MAN #FullCircle
is all I have to say, especially at the end. Reminds me of Gokey’s Dream On.
Already 1 million streams on #Broken!
Hi, luval!
Slow here for the weekend –
“Olympics Rio Margarita Mamun WWRY Rhythmic Gymnastics 19082016”
“Has Adam Lambert Healed His Heart In ‘Broken?'”
Most horrible version of WWRY I’ve ever heard! And that TOH – eek is appropriate, luval!
Going to Spotify now for ear cleansing!!
@ dianik_bg
IslandGirl @islandgirljams
?Omg look what @needacoke found- is this our Adam in Debbie DoesDallas musical? 2007 and name “Adam” in the credits
“Debbie does Dallas – The Musical – Boys Opening”
Simone @skaschep
Congrats with #50 in the Global @Spotify Viral Chart for #Broken ? by @Tritonal & @JenauxMusic ft. @adamlambert pic.twitter.com/JUIsetFG5n
That’s Eddie on the mood board…looks rad ?
William Ivey Long’s Stunning Costume Designs from Nine, Hairspray, and More
Photographs by JONATHAN BECKER
The six-time Tony Award winner has worked on everything from the musical Chicago to next month’s TV remake of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Artist Pub Group @artistpg
The new single from @Tritonal & @JenauxMusic “Broken” (feat. @adamlambert), co-written by @madisonemiko, out now!
More of the same –
PattiHume @PattiHum
Just thinking, in between albums, we’ve gotten 3 new songs, a video, a leaked demo, & soon a movie! Life is good in Adam Lambert Land
Oh My!!
@ScorpioBert 4m4 minutes ago
Guilio Scar IG White Dinner
DL https://scontent-ord1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13703226_927966570665959_173014338_n.jpg …
eta: He must have cut sleeves off of a white shirt he had….crafty that he is.
eta: sides growing out!
Yeah, quite ultimathule. Last gasp of summer for many people.
When’s his vacay over??!!
He looks gorgeous in white!
melting the camera yet again”
Love the comments –
Crop –
I’ve always loved white or black themed parties. Used to throw some myself back in the day. Once we rented a small theater, decorated it all in white, almost everyone wore white. Takes work but so much fun!
Man In Magenta Wig
Saw the first 25 minutes of the #RockyHorror remake. Laverne Cox is INCREDIBLE as Frank!!
I am still a bit hesitant about Laverne Cox as Frank n Furter. Tim Curry’s character is just stuck in my head as a man in drag whereas Laverne has big boobs! So Frank is a woman? Am confused about this.
luval (Disclaimer: I’m not a fan of the original, saw it years ago, barely remember, so if this is sacriligous, forgive me!) IMHO I reason it this way: It’s 2016, Frank n Furter no longer stuck dressing like a woman, he just bloody became one.

OR he’s still a guy, in very believable drag.
Works either way for me lol. Some people in comments are really tied in knots over this.
coma berenices @_coma_berenices 2m2 minutes ago
Gustavo Reid – Saliendo de playa Elia me tope con Adam… | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157204061155567&set=a.10153478335985567.1073741827.798405566&type=3 …
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xla1/v/t1.0-9/14045952_10157204061155567_7617851979798875327_n.jpg?oh=91dccad8aa640225a6c4b52ace0a3352&oe=585AED5D&__gda__=1482561419_7acb736ecfb0cba8ed627b0ca28e736b&dl=0 …
Well, riskylady, what you said could be a possibility. This movie or whatever they’re calling it now is certainly not for everyone. I couldn’t figure it out years ago! The fun was in being in the audience, yelling at the screen and throwing stuff.
Am hoping for at least a small-ish audience and not a total bomb.
BeZa @BeZa_here 2m2 minutes ago
@14gelly @_coma_berenices + Ascension Beach Party Mykonos via https://www.facebook.com/eric.vonkuersteiner/posts/10209112192575438 …
Gelly remembers where she saw that leather thing on his wrist
Gelly @14gelly 1m1 minute ago
He was wearing it during WAG Tour, this is from HK , and now he wore it on his arm, so cool
He cut the sleeves of his KTZ shirt
REVIEW: Tritonal & Jenaux feat. Adam Lambert – Broken out on Enhanced recordings
“Tritonal once again return to the forefront of electronic music with their latest release, an absolute knockout entitled ‘Broken’ featuring the imperious, multi-platinum selling voice of international superstar Adam Lambert, and prodigious talent Jenaux, in the latest track taken from Tritonal’s imminent album ‘Painting With Dreams’.
“Combining together in ‘Broken’, Tritonal, Jenaux & Adam Lambert create a strikingly innovative modern production, with breathtaking vocal hooks and instrumental drops so emphatic that this will surely be a stand out record of the summer.”
Gave it a 10.0 –
I knew it…about the KTZ shirt! Just couldn’t find the original pic. lol love him and his cut-off sleeves.
Posted this again – he’s looked exceptionally beautiful during this wonderful vacation
ETA – Have always been intrigued by the shape of his eyes — slightly narrow and slanted – with Romanian blood could have slavic/mongol influence? – Leila’s eyes are completely different, though, as are Eber’s. Don’t remember seeing any great pictures of his grandparents – just a group pic when he was young. A throwback?
That KTZ shirt looks much better with the sleeves cut off…
Riskylady…I’ve only seen the original Rocky Horror once all the way through, wasn’t a fan at all. i’m really looking forward to the remake though, hopefully it will change my mind about it. It looks fun, bold with great costumes.
#tbt Adam as American football player in Debbie Does Dallas ?
Love his long hair in these photo’s.
I can’t see that any of those is Adam on that Debbie does Dallas video, none of them look or sound like him, and in the pictures we’ve seen of him his hair is blonde (they’re all dark), and his shirt number is 12, which isn’t in the video…