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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Sheryl @sh3rylt 7m7 minutes ago
Y’all #Broken is out on SG iTunes! gooo buy it!! <33333 https://itunes.apple.com/sg/album/broken-feat.-adam-lambert/id1138111184?i=1138111576 …
cocoo @cocooyau 11h11 hours ago
VidEdit @adamlambert profile pic on #RockyHorror fr his tweet yesterday music fr @RockyHorrorFOX promo clip 8/10/16
Tiro @Tirozash 3m3 minutes ago
“Broken” by @Tritonal & @JenauxMusic with @adamlambert now released on Google Play Market in Australia
PattiHume @PattiHum 30s30 seconds ago
Listened to preview on NZ iTunes 4 times! @adamlambert voice is killing me in this song! The lyrics are A+! 13 hrs! @Tritonal @JenauxMusic
Here it is…full song…on sale tomorrow
Listened a couple of times. I hear bits of Katy Perry song & Can’t Go Home. At about 2:20 same line/notes as her Teenage Dream song. “You make me feel like…….” Just my opinion. And of course Can’t Go Home Caribbean jingle stuff.
eta: Can’t say that I dislike it but as usual it will take a bit of listening.
Love it –
mmyy9 @mmyy9 4m4 minutes ago
mmyy9 Retweeted mmyy9
now #64 in Dance on iTunes Japan
HousesOfCandy @HousesOfCandy
@adamlambert Lower register in Broken is bomb!! Love it. o/ So good.
Definitely –
Beginning sounds like every other EDM song and I also heard Teenage Dream in there. Adam’s voice is beautiful as usual, can’t say the song is for me though.
His voice is out of this world, but song isn’t for me. I’m not exactly the target demographic though. Snerk.
Crop –
YT down –
Youtube is blocked now.
Doesn’t really sound like an EDM song to me. Nobody was jumping up & down in that Buffalo video. Maybe they’d have to re-mix it or is it re-mixed already? lol
Feel better that I’m not the only one who’s not connecting with it. If it wasn’t Adam singing, I’d never buy it.
Here’s the audio…Same as youtube but no butterfly lol
Not really about Adam but Linda Thompson has a new book out about her life with Elvis, Bruce Jenner & David Foster. It sounds very interesting. Couple of things she says:
About Elvis: He was so magnificent that after he’d fallen asleep I used to lie awake with my face drawn up close to his and memorize every pore”
He had a face lift at 40.
“To this day, he’s the best entertainer I’ve ever seen”.
Hmmmmm. wonder if she’s on twitter. Will have to ask if she’s heard of AFL..
(have the book on hold at the library)
Glambert Nation @GlambertNation
.@adamlambert THIS is how you announce the release of a new single. Just sayin’. ? ? ?
hahahaha on that announcement on single release!
I’m liking the song the more I listen except for the Katy Perry part & the musical interlude
Song makes me happy –
Vulnerability and strength @Tritonal @adamlambert Soon! #Broken
I really like the song! I’m not keen on all of the electronic sounds, but like ulti, it makes me happy!
Broken lyrics
Studio w/ our boy @jenauxmusic and its FIYAH!
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic
Broken – Tritonal & Jenaux feat @adamlambert is now available on Google Play in Sweden (can’t find it on iTunes yet)
Princess Diana ♔ @GlamDianee
#NowPlaying Broken (feat. Adam Lambert) by Tritonal & Jenaux
I can’t see the “Welcome To The Show” Official Video anymore.
Just a black vertical line?
It seems that the code that is being used to embed videos is no longer functioning properly. I checked the concert threads and all the embedded videos are just a black bar now too. I’m not sure why after all this time the embedded video code is now not working. Hopefully it is just temporary. I fixed the issue here by editing the code but it will be a lot of work to do that for all the concert threads.
How do you find “Broken” on iTunes, Amazon, and Spotify? Haven’t been able to – thx!
Thanks AL for clarifying this issue. No worries, but just wondered?

ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
“Right when we met, you made me forget that my heart was ever Broken”
This speaks volumes. The heart is fragile, when it comes to being ‘broken’. But, it’s so enlightening when you meet another that opens it up again.
Adam is so in touch with his feelings, and is unafraid to share it with us all.
Hadas @Glambert4everAL
Very nice review –
Got my Broken from iTunes!!!
Back in the old 852….need to go back many pages to catch up though, although I kept up with the comments i haven’t been able to open many links on my phone, and those I could were really small…..haven’t heard the new song yet, or seen faith on a screen bigger than a coupe of inches!!
Netmeg99❤️ @Netmeg99_
WoW #Broken is now #46 on itunes dance chart…it w
Spotify playlist –
#ALAlwayz @ALAlwayz
#Broken on fire! Now #40 Top Songs Dance U.S. @iTunes!!!! @Tritonal @JenauxMusic @adamlambert ????????????????
Debbie @damanley2
@adamlambert When I heard the first 15 seconds of #Broken I was hooked!
Goosebumps!!! Absolutely luv this song!! ?????
Lovely German fansite –
Adam Lambert Fans @adam_lambert_ok
Lyrics To “Broken” Feat. Adam Lambert by Tritonal & Jenaux (Genius Lyrics Website)
Adam Lambert Finland @Finnberts
#Broken #3 Dance chart @iTunes #Finland
I stumbled upon this interview, from by gone days. I don’t recall seeing this, but it was so fun looking back.