
Adam starts off August down under in Australia and New Zealand as he continues his global promotion for his new album. TV performances on The Voice and the Today Show are followed by a show in New Zealand. Adam then heads back to the US where he will headline the iHeart WSOBV concert. The ESKA music awards is next along with some other European promo stops before he heads (most likely) to England to reconnect with Brian and Roger for rehearsals for their South American concerts in September. And who knows what else will happen between the scheduled events!

Enjoy the chat!

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


1,845 Responses to August 2015 Chat

  1. skaschep says:
  2. luval says:


    nick nolton ‏@nicknolton 3h3 hours ago

    i’ve scrolled through so many photos of adam lambert trying to prove he’s had forehead width-fillers, that i’ve fallen in love with him

  3. luval says:

    Brought over the GT link from previous page. The audience screams when he pulls up his collar. He did it twice

  4. TLKC says:
  5. luval says:

    TLKC, I would say filler (collagen or other…Juviderm is another.) for lines in your forehead although botox works the same by ridding forehead lines.

  6. TLKC says:

    The Voice performance is really good! The graphics and lighting catch the mood of the song perfectly. The audience clapping really adds something. They started that on the Late Late Show, didn’t they?

  7. luval says:

    Noëlle ♐ ‏@adamgasm1982 1h1 hour ago

    Adam on OZ TV tomorrow morning:
    – The Today Show (5:30am-9am)
    – Sunrise (6am-9am)
    – Mornings (9am-11:30am)
    – Studio 10 (8:30am-11am)

    So this means tonight EDT, right?

  8. luval says:
  9. luval says:

    Adam signing autographs at the audience

  10. Kradamour says:

    Cait, just saw your post re your bf’s mom.
    As someone posted above, many of us have been and are struggling with issues related to aging parents and elders, and there are no best answers, we just do the best we can. My mother passed away in January after five years of increasing needs, and I was her only family within literally a thousand miles, so basically all decision making and everything else fell to me. Intellectually, I know that I did the best I could, but in my heart I feel that I failed her and should have done more: more outings, more visits. Should have found a way for her to continue to drive. Should have…
    To put this in perspective, I visited my mother every day, hired and managed help, handled all of her finances, did all transportation, did all shopping, finally moved her into assisted living, continued to visit daily or almost daily…I quit my job to do these things…but one’s heart and brain are rarely aligned and so of course I am only remembering the outing that wasn’t taken, not the ones that were. I am actually seeing a mental health counselor to work through this and it is helping.
    So getting back to your situation…I suggest that you think about starting a relationship with a professional now, while your shock and helplessness are fresh. It is so overwhelming at the time, that a little bit of objective perspective can make a huge difference. I wish that I had taken that advice 5 years ago, it would have spared considerable angst now. I am a pretty take-charge individual, and thought I could just power my way through, but these situations – as too many of us know – are so heartbreaking and complicated.
    Sending you warm and positive thoughts, chérie.

  11. Kradamour says:

    So…I clicked on one of TLKC‘s links for the forehead width filler and ended up at “Cranial vault remodeling”. WTF? People stay up nights worrying that their foreheads and lower face are not in proportion!?! This is actually a thing!?! And it is a thing for which you will have CRANIAL SURGERY!?!?!

  12. luval says:

    Just noticed the white mic & stand but no cord! yay! (It’ll probably return some day, though).

    May have started on the Corden show, TLKC although it was GMA. But I think people are just used to the song now & the beat.

  13. luval says:

    This is cute. Adam backstage before singing (from periscope)

  14. skaschep says:

    He did it! TOH and GT #1 now in Australia!

    Buy #TheOriginalHigh ‏@TrespassingAL
    Wow! @adamlambert’s ‘Ghost Town’ has just dragged down 1D’s ‘Drag Me Down’ from #1 to #2 on the Australian iTunes Chart!
    #GhostTown Grin

  15. luval says:

    Miachihu ‏@Miachihu 13m13 minutes ago

    Short article about Adam in “10 Commandments” at Finnish RadioNova website, August 2, 2015. Translation at AIE
    0 retweets 0 favorites

  16. luval says:
  17. luval says:

    Susie Fierce ‏@SusieFierce 5m5 minutes ago

    \/// RT @Ala4afam: I think this is his first Double #1….single and album. o/

    I want that to happen here!

  18. TLKC says:

    Shosh tweeting, too!

    shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone · 4m4 minutes ago
    Go Australia! #GhostTown is number 1 on iTunes and so is #TheOriginalHigh !!!
    Yayyyyyy @adamlambert

  19. ultimathule says:

    So much fun on @thevoiceau tonight. #GhostTown

    Great pic –

  20. ultimathule says:

    Trippin on Acid Rain w @IsThatJessieJ backstage at @thevoiceAU


  21. luval says:

    Gelly ‏@14gelly 9m9 minutes ago

    Oh Hugh Jackman was at the audience tonight

  22. ultimathule says:
  23. ultimathule says:
  24. ultimathule says:
  25. ultimathule says:

    Official.MarieRock @RockCritique
    I heard @adamlambert song “Ghost Town” this evening & all I can say is I’m heading to the store to buy the Album! Totally epic!

  26. luval says:

    Saturday Night Online didn’t get any GT spins last night. Don’t believe Open House Party either. Not sure what this means other than people are just tired of all this.

    eta of course I mean voting, etc.

    Still streaming, though.

  27. luval says:
  28. rs says:

    I was just channel surfing and I saw that the movie 2012 was almost over so I turned it on. The credits has just appeared and I am listening to Time For Miracles right now!(without having to watch the whole movie!) I love hearing Adam on my TVClapDance Jump

  29. skaschep says:

    luval On SNOL GT was in one of the Twittamixes. That also counts for a spin. I myself heard GT right at the start of SNOL on the ustream, but that was an add by iHeart and it could be they played it only on the ustream and not on the show.

  30. luval says:

    Thanks, skaschep

    Conversation with Shoshanna

    shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone 1h1 hour ago

    Go Australia! #GhostTown is number 1 on iTunes and so is #TheOriginalHigh !!!
    Yayyyyyy @adamlambert
    193 retweets 111 favorites
    ~Megs Koskibert~ ‏@IDontNeedAMap82 1h1 hour ago

    @shoshannastone FANTASTIC!!! SO PROUD OF @adamlambert!!!! NOW it’s time America get’s there butts in gear, don’t you think Shosh??
    1 retweet 1 favorite
    cwm122 retweeted
    shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone 1h1 hour ago

    @IDontNeedAMap82 America just takes longer! All is good Smile

  31. luval says:

    Gelly ‏@14gelly 54s55 seconds ago

    New Interview Adam Lambert: ‘The Music Industry Is Finally Starting To Realise Being Gay Doesn’t Matter – … via @Yahoo

  32. luval says:
  33. luval says:

    blakkrrox ‏@blakkrrox 2h2 hours ago

    I love how organic Adam’s Aussie success is. Even though core fans assist a bit, Adam is genuinely adored and respected across the country.

  34. luval says:
  35. luval says:

    “They’ve” taken down the GT video but here is vimeo with his interaction with the contestants & GT. Gosh he’s got to get a mentoring or judging gig!

  36. TLKC says:

    YAY to Shoshanna’s “It takes time”. They are tracking GT very carefully and with 17 adds last week Adam is hardly out for the count.

    IMHO, a few people took an understandable break this week; 17 ADDS sounded very promising in terms of casual listeners hopping onto the Adam train.

    NVM, tomorrow starts a whole new week.

  37. luval says:

    Here’s the stream for The Today show in Australia. It goes black when there are commercials on. he’ll be on for interview & music later.

  38. luval says:

    Where’s Adam…Melbourne? The immigration workers are on strike at the airport. Good luck Adam!

    eta: It’s Sydney where they’re on strike

  39. glambotgram says:

    Mic cord was back for Today performance.

    Also for Sunrise performance, Long coat on Sunrise and he said disconnected twice instead of disaffected. LOL

  40. asifclueless says:
  41. asifclueless says:

    Gelly ‏@14gelly

    Oz Today stream recording:

    via @blakkrrox

  42. asifclueless says:

    Adam is On air now.

  43. asifclueless says:

    iTunes Charts Aus @iTunesChartsAus

    ‘Ghost Town’ by @adamlambert replaces ‘Drag Me Down’ by @onedirection at No.1 in the Australian Song Chart #itunes

    Retweeted by ADAM LAMBERT

  44. asifclueless says:

    Gelly ‏

    Studio 10 coming

    8 minutes

  45. glambotgram says:

    On that Stav and Abby show ( the ones that hung up on him before) They said the Glamberts are fierce, and said we hated on them for a few days.

    Adam said””They are my squad. They will protect me..””

    at the end thsy told him to give a shoutout to his Glamberts

    He said “Oh we love each other, we know this” OMG I love that, made me tear up a little. Cry Big Smile Heart

  46. asifclueless says:

    2015-08-03 Adam Lambert performing Ghost Town on Sunrise [Australia]


  47. luval says:

    Love the Sunrise GT, the long coat, the 2 “disconnected’s” lol.

  48. asifclueless says:

    2015-08-03 Adam Lambert on The Today Show – Interview & Ghost Town [Australia]

  49. ultimathule says:

    Just a small take with the interview this morning @adamlambert

  50. ultimathule says:

    What’s better than the No.1 single on iTunes, @adamlambert? The No.1 ALBUM too!

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