- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
“Ta Da!”
(thank you again, Ron
cwm says:
08/03/2014 at 4:21 am
Aaaaaaah I love this gif! So lovely.
yes! on the Glitter Tribe NZ page we were trying to work out what they said. General agreement on Adam saying “are you all right”. That was about as far as we got. Anyone know a lip reader?
Perfect avatar asmallworld
Thanks, Kiwi. Yours is beautiful, btw
The closest I can ascertain of the GIF is:
“Are you alright?”
Followed with maybe:
“Don’t feel bad.”
Lovely avatar smalls!
Good morning all. Yup the iheart Las Vegas would be great to send to the Super Bowl committee but how do I cut out the Fun guy?
Good morning! Yup, the iheart Las Vegas show would be great to send to the Super Bowl committee. But how do I cut out the Fun guy?
Would be ironic if that’s who they end up choosing.
Although I think some of the performances have been recorded separately. It gives a taste of many of Queen songs but the complete WWRY and WATC.
Good morning! I put my dibs in for Super Bowl as well. Like sparkle, I’ve had hopes of it for a couple of years now (4 actually). This might be the year when we can actually sit back and watch other people bid for them hee hee! I don’t know if we need to submit videos or not but it certainly makes sense. I might send something from this tour. One with good sound and a hyper-happy crowd. Luckily, we have lots to choose from.
Terribly sad about Michael Johns’s death. AI7 was the first season I watched. He had actually exited by the time I tuned in but he was such a card on the tour and in the TV interviews that he really stood out. His bond with Carly Smithson and David Cook was obvious for many months after their tour. So young and so talented. RIP.
Hi cher! It was your chutzpah we needed, not your linguistic skills. I did find out, about three-quarters of the way through, that M spoke Chinese but she obviously hadn’t mastered the art of all-you-can-eat dim sum. She mentioned going to dim sum with you and riskylady so I figured that you would either have known the rules or been able to talk your way out of the situation.
As it is we wimped our way out, which did work, so no worries!
That video of I Might be Crazy with Kris and Alison has all kinds of energy. It’s my favourite. Love the moment where they are all jumping up and down. Kris’s guitarist has the most amazing grin on his face towards then end, as he realizes that he is in the middle of an epic musical moment.
Adam was at the Beyonce concert last night
IG from him
Pictures with fans and friends(after concert)
LOL smalls I have been tripping down memory lane along with you, all I can say is
AHH THE LACES, I miss them
(and mils will be right there with me she sort of has a thing for the laces!!
can’t wait for A3 because watching these videos proves he has been way too tame lately. I miss me some down and dirty, raunchy, sexy Adam!!!
Ok on my way to the corner now, taking videos with me
Hi smalls!
You’re very welcome! I’m happy that you liked the photo enough to use it and navigated what can at times be rough waters to put it in place.
The way that you’ve presented and offered yourself here as “a small world” and the two hands presenting and offering “a small world” go … well … hand in hand!
The beauty and eloquence of your posts is reflected in the beautiful shade of blue in the photo that, at a glance, will now be connected and associated with all of your posts.
You’re a most welcome addition to this little online family and I hope that you continue to enjoy yourself here as much as we enjoy having you here.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, someone’s knocking on the door.
It must be The Schmaltz Police.
double post.
from the NZ article, one of his best lines ever ILHSFM
Just saw the ad on AMC about Kiss & football & their new reality show. ugh. Gene Simmons is such a phony.
smalls said
Love this! So true! Especially for our BB.
I was on twitter yesterday and someone kindly posted a vid of WLL “crotch view only”. Though this was far from my favorite version it did get me to go back and do some reminiscing of past shows. This led me down the path to revisit some of my favorite WLL vids. Here’s one from Amsterdam that if I recall some found a little too graphic and some found very sexy. Enjoy
***waving from Oslo ***
I’m stuck in the laces and I can’t get out.
(((( looks around, hmmm, it’s been a long time. Kinda nice in here…. ))))
Boy does love his laces. Even when he ripped a pair and so callously kept performing. No respect for the laces. He should have just removed them and let a fan repair them lickety split.
He has worn his laces on Glamnation, for Queen and for one-offs.
He must have a dozen pairs.
Those laces got road-tested.
Those laces had serious werk to do.
Those laces had to contain precious cargo.
Those laces came slighty undone a few times.
Those laces had a feather stuck precariously to them, causing us to conduct serious research as to how long it would stay “there.”
Those laces had two different fabrics. One of which was the “preferred” fabric , as it ,erm, seeemed to give our boy more , erm, room to play.
Oh. The laces.
It’s been too long since we’ve seen ’em.
Been stuck in the Dragon Attack and Love Kills pants.
Not that I’m complaining. Nope.
Especially not about the Chicago white pants. Nope.
No complaints here. Not at all.
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
On The Run Backstage w @OGSkyWalker @LoveMrSpencer @JovanCarrington and @jskystyle and his tShirts… instagram.com/p/rOnkZjONNb/
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
terrancespencer’s photo i.instagram.com/p/rOoe0NoMoq/
Toronto 1 widescreen –
Houston gifs – very nice –
Oh My, oh My, Oh My,
wipes brow, picks self up off of the floor, fans self
, gathers thoughts
……Amsterdam Purple Haze and Whole Lotta Love… Whew. Haven’t seen that one in a while.
It epitomizes everything that is Adam; the voice, the sexiness, the funny dorky looks he gives us right after the sexiest parts to let us know that he isn’t taking himself that seriously, and we shouldn’t either. Watching this video raised some musings in my mind (always a dangerous thing). If Adam’s career finally does explode to megastar proportions as a result of his fronting Queen, as some are predicting, will he start censoring his performances to be more “family friendly” to play to a wider audience? I know that the GNT started out as family friendly, according to Adam, but as it went on, he let himself go, to our delight, of course. Female recording artists seem to be able to be as sexy and outrageous as they want to be, but men haven’t been allowed that privilege recently. I know that the Amsterdam performance was in Europe and Adam wouldn’t have put on a show like that in the States. I suppose that I should relax and trust Adam to know what kind of performance to put on where. He won’t be the same next time he plays MSG (with his own music) as he will when he playing a smaller, more intimate venue for his hardcore fans. We had just better make sure that we are there!
I think one of these is from Amsterdam and did I hear someone has a fondness for laces?
ulti, I just popped in after a LONG hiatus and found your post at 11:54 and gotta say the past few years just came rushing back all at once!

Damn. Amazing second gif, very organic…would like to see that in slow motion to better appreciate the, um, development.
Some of you may remember that I expressed ‘meh’ thoughts about Queen(actually, it has been so long since I posted that you may not even remember me, regardless of what I may or may not have expressed…)and wasn’t sure I even wanted to go to a QAL concert.
BUT how to resist? RL has kept me very close to home and has made it impossible to be away for more than a few days, but Merriweather Post is only a few hours away and such a lovely venue…didn’t realize until reading some posts here last night that it was the only plein air concert of the tour.
PLUS my Maryland glamberts were there, and how to miss a gathering of adamized, mmm333, nkd (honorary Maryland glambert) plus cwm and rs?
PLUS I thought that froggie could join us, since she has family nearby.
Done. Tickets bought.
So I went to the QAL concert and Merriweather Post is just as wonderful as I remember from high school.
BUT before then was a terrific dinner gathering chez mmm333, with delicious everything (cwm brought the best chocolates…) and after dinner entertainment in the form of a spewing contest. I won’t say anything more than that about that but I am famously unreceptive to slapstick humor. Have to grudgingly give props to cwm for her performance, though, she was pretty awesome. And mmm333 was simply fearless.
Best about dinner, though, was meeting rs for the first time. So charming!
I stayed over with adamized and the next morning we went to brunch at Reynold’s Tavern in Annapolis…I used to live around the corner so it was interesting to see what had changed in this almost 400 year old city. (Um, not much.) So excited for froggie (fwachdr) to meet the Maryland peeps! mmm333 brought her daughter and glambotgram was there with her granddaughter, it was lovely, and rs sweetly distributed keepsakes of infinity string bracelets and hamsa keyrings. I will treasure my hamsa – a friend brought me one from Jerusalem many years ago and it was lost in a move, I have missed it. So thank you to rs!
After lunch, everyone but froggie and me scooted to get ready for standing in line for the GA pit places. (Froggie and I know our limits and we were comfortably seated for the concert. Well, we had seats, but our derrières were rarely in them.) Froggie met up with her sisters and I went shopping, scored a great big-brimmed hat and remembered the time I was at a concert behind some woman in a big-brimmed hat…nope, not gonna do that to anyone but happy to have the hat!
So then I had a pretty unusual and pretty wonderful experience. At Sears. Yes.
On way to concert, stopped at mall for a visit to the food court (they have a good mediterranean fast casual place). Had to go through Sears to get there. Noticed a young woman walking down a corridor who looked very out of place: black lace stockings, tight black mini, sheer blouse and big hair – on a Sunday afternoon in Sears in Annapolis MD.
So I went on and stopped at a sale table in the jewelry department (yes, Sears sells jewelry but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone…still, a sale sign is a sale sign and I did find a pretty little ring that was worth the price at over half off) and the young lady was at my shoulder asking me if she could assist me.
I turned to thank and hand her the ring for purchase…and she had a 5 o’clock shadow and had pretty clearly been born a male. Trans or cross-dresser, not relevant. She was charming and very helpful, and I just thought about how very far we have come as a society when a young trans person can be hired by SEARS, the bastion of middle-America, and simply be who she is while she performs her duties.
Then I went on to the concert and it was WONDERFUL! both to be there and to share it with Froggie. Loved loved loved Killer Queen as Adam so theatrically performed it! Loved Jimmie Crack Corn and his adorkableness! Big smiles all around…and I know my Merriweather and that whole tri-county two city area…those peeps are all about their hard rock, and I was a little nervous about Adam’s reception by a crowd that knows its Queen…as you read in the reviews and recaps, they/we LOVED him!
I was sad to miss ulti – and even sadder to learn that SOMEWHERE in that audience was my sistasif but I didn’t know where…but sistasif, I am so glad that you were able to come to my lovely state of Maryland, even if we were not able to meet. I blew you a kiss and hoped that it would land near you!
RL is still pretty challenging but I think my mother is finally settled in her assisted living facility, it was a very rough transition for us all, but gives me a lot more freedom and frees up a lot of time that has been devoted to her many needs. I’ve missed y’all!

and it was so good to ‘see’ everyone when I clicked on!
Might go back and try to read old posts from the past few months, but will more likely just pick up and go on from here unless there is something earth-shattering that I missed.
Have enjoyed the recent posts about the good old days.
Oh, another interesting tidbit – a local friend went away to another state for a family reunion, and her friend there (for their whole adult lives) was talking about the Queen concerts, and that she had been to every single one of them on this tour (can you imagine???). My friend said that she had heard something about that (from me, of course), and was surprised that her old friend had that much interest in Queen. Anyway, her interest was Adam, and it turned out to be Q3 from MJs (and now Adamtopia)! My friend had no idea of this alter ego until then, but has a very high opinion of her friend Q3 and is thinking that she should give a listen to this Adam Lambert guy.
If it is possible to be a post-ho with only one but very long post, I am, so I’ll sign off now!
rs exactly!
It’s funny. Watching the shenanigans on the Amsterdam vid now feels different than it did then. Though I was in the “OMG this is really sexy” camp, I still worried that it would negatively impact Adam’s acceptance in the US.
Now, two years later, I can breathe a bit easier and know that Adam has learned to use his personality and talent in many different ways. He is a sexy “top” and an alluring “bottom” and a charming sweet faced dork all rolled into one beautiful package. I think we will probably get less of the uninhibited anything goes but I pray it still pops up then and again.

How fun that I was posting at the same time as Kradamour. Welcome back sweetie!
Hah, adamized, perfect timing!

Loved the last line of your post at 1:10.
That whole paragraph, actually, but the last line was wonderful, and loved the visual aid.
kradamour: it is so very nice to see your avatar again. I am glad you were able to go to the Merriweather concert, and that it was such a wonderful experience.
angelowal: it think the first one is from the last Glamnation show in LA (WLL), the second one I’m not sure. Fever. But would require more research.
adamized: you visual aid reminds me of that rose incident in one of the Tokyo shows. Remember?
So happy to finally meet you, too, Kradamour. I saw how pleased you were to get the hamsa key chain, but I had no idea how meaningful it was for you. I am so glad that I had it to give to you. Keep it close
Merryweather was special. Met glabotgram and fwachdr at our lovely lunch and while we didn’t get a chance to talk, P brought asif over to the fence and we were able to wave excitedly and throw kisses before the concert.
And yes,cwm is the champion water spewer with mmm222 coming in a close second, and I have the photos to prove it.
Kradamour – so good to see you here! And thanks for the lovely recap of your Merriweather experience. I’m so glad you had such a good time! On a few occasions during the show, I thought of you and wondered how you were liking it.
And I was so grateful to be able to re-connect with you again! Wonderful time was had by all.
And thanks kradamour and rs for the props on my water spewing skills that I didn’t even know I had! Adam has broadened my horizons in so many ways. LOL
And my dear adamized – I love your post at 1:10. Could not agree with you more! And your visual aid was PERFECT.
Actually, when I watched that Amsterdam WLL video (another one on page 1 of the Annals of Memorable Adam Performances), it struck me as so raw and in-the-moment. Adam was clearly inspired by the uninhibited anything-goes spirit of Amsterdam and at times during that performance it seemed like he had so much…ummm… ~energy~ that he wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself, so he just ~expressed~ it. Much to our delight and occasional worry of course! LOL He’s come a long way since then, and although he is more likely to
harnesschannel it now, I definitely think we’ll continue to see that uninhibited ~energy~ pop up from time to time.Krad’s back!
–Krads!! Nice to see you popping in!!
-angelowal: Thanks for taking care of me. Ahem. OMG. That second pic. I remember dissecting it, ogling, drooling, and inspecting every inch of it. ** wipes a tear ** those were the days my friend…
Amsterdam: So many forces were at work for that show, he had just met and , erm, yeah, with Sauli, it was the city, the theater was so gorgeous, the audience was sooo into him, and, he was toking and smoking, and it was giving him quite a buzz, he sexed it up waay up, with Tommy, and just kept going, he was so loosey goosey, and then just laughed at himself. Love that performance so much. (I don’t miss his mic deep throat antics though. Best leave that in the past. IMHO ).
Kradamour, good to see you here again!
Tokyo rose! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-ZAhL32LdU
It’s amazing how it doesn’t take us long at all to find these gems!
Hi kradamour. Very happy to hear you enjoyed Queen & Adam Lambert show in Merriweather. I do remember your “meh” thoughts about Queen. The Tour of a Lifetime. And glad to hear things have settled down at home too. Love seeing your avitar.
I sure as Hell hope so
Actually, I think that sometimes he just can’t help it

Ron, luval, and nkd: A week ago at this time we were on Yonge Street in Toronto, exploring Ron’s neighborhood. So beautiful. What a nice memory. Miss you guys.
OMG, the Tokyo rose!! nkd. You ‘da bomb girl.
Quite the stroll down memory lane we are taking today.
It’s smalls’ fault.
Consider it her induction ceremony.
When I visited Amsterdam on a work trip a few months after Adam’s performance there, I made sure to visit that venue so that I could pay it my respects. LOL
Leave it to you mils, to give us , ‘Lore of the Laces’.
I am in stitches here, almost spewed my tea! OMG girl, you
are the epitomy of comedic awesomeness!
Aaaw, twilight. Thanks. I’d blush if I even knew how to anymore.
I really wish we had better audio of that Tokyo Rose WLL. His voice was unreal there. Especially that interlude near the drums. I remember us going gaga over that.
I’m hoping that our Asian Glamberts remember us with Queen.
I think I’ve made this “confession” before. Never cared for WLL except on American Idol.
Thanks adamized for bringing this video to the forefront.
While I was glued to this performance, I realizes that in this performance Adam had no filter. It was raw, and unbridled. Just think, if you were there, and experienced this ‘LIVE’! It would have been a wild! That crowd went crazy!

mieps was there live, and was seated in the upper balcony, with great view. She probably already shared in a re-cap long ago, but what a unbelievable concert to have experienced!! While in Vancouver,B.C., I asked her about the Amsterdam concert? It was a wild night for sure, and the audience was totally in to it! Crazy!!!
New picture from last night.
I remember chatting with mieps during her dinner here last fall, just briefly, about what shows she had seen. She said the Amsterdam GN, and my eyes bugged out. Mieps is so sweet, so reserved, and she actually preferred not to talk just fan stuff, and get to know each other instead. However, we did chat about that show. She was so lucky.
It is only natural, and very healthy, after the months of anticipation before the QAL tour and the adrenaline high that the tour gave us, to keep our spirits up by reminiscing and revisiting Adam’s greatest moments. It is keeping us from going into post QAL depression and withdrawal. In addition to that, it is reminding us that, while Adam is the perfect singer to front Queen, when it is over and he returns to his own solo career, he is one fine, fabulous, funny, gorgeous, goofy, sexy, sensual, outrageous, multitalented, multi-octave, singer in his own right!
Thank you smalls for, however unwittingly, providing us with this remedy for our post QAL blues

He sure does love that hat…
But,..But …luval, what about Fantasy Springs? He had hair then!
Loved his lower register, mixed with his higher unbridled wails in that performance. Adam never sang it like that again. Must have been Zac on the keys, that provided the old school feel to it. Reminded me of Jim Morrison, just a tad. Old school trance-able feel, and oozing with pure sex appeal! Ensnaring the audience in an invisible net, for total domination.