- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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If anyone is interested in suggesting QAL for the halftime show at 2015 superbowl….I sent them a message.
Done. Thanks luval.
That’s funny luval – Mr.ret has been saying for months that they will do the Super Bowl. Remains to be seen!
Thanks luval , just nominated QAL for Super Bowl halftime
Let’s make this happen!
There are only 7 listings of QAL DVDs/CDs.
The seller on ebay from Argentina has 59 listings. Besides
Queen + Adam, Eric Clapton, Iron Maiden, Jeff Beck, Paul
McCartney, The Rolling Stones, Toto, and Yes. All copies of
someone else’s work.
You are welcome all! I sent them Radio GaGa video (with hands clapping) & WWTLF. Decided not to send couch or fringe pics.
You’ll probably all get this same return mail from them.
jlurksacto…seems like the e-bay situation is long gone out of control like a runaway train.
Perhaps if ebay gets enough complaints, the seller from
Argentina will be banned.
I wanted to send We Will Rock You and We Are the Champions but didn’t take the time to find a non-leopard suit and crown video. Those two songs are perfect for drunk football massive stadium crowds.
I plugged Queen and Adam also. Let’s see what happens. Didn’t send any vids and luval you’re right. It’d be perfect for the crowd. What about the iHeart vid? Gonna go look now.
So sad about Michael Johns – really liked him on Idol and was always interested in hearing news of how he was doing. Always felt that he and David Cook had some small part in Adam going on Idol. Wonder if Adam ever saw the Bo Rhap audition.
I’ve been saying that Q&A will be the Super Bowl halftime show for a couple of years now. With the success of this tour, Queen has to be on their short list already. They’ve had the Rolling Stones and The Who, two older British bands, perform. Other than Katy Perry or Rihanna, I can’t think of anyone else. Maybe someone that’s a judge on the Voice or Idol. But I don’t see how they could pass up the chance to hear WWRY and WATC live – football stadium anthems!!
Sweet Sensational Superbowl Superstar Dreams, ALL!!
Yes, just got my response from The Arizona Super Bowl Host Committee.
I’ve seen KISS very involved with football in some way this year, and thought, OH NO not them at half-time!
At the On The Run Tour – Beyonce and JayZ
Hello, and happy Saturday, Allers!
(Sunday for you East-coasters)
OMG. All these videos and clips you guys have been presenting me with – Wow! Way to help a gal out. hehehe
Some of them I have taken in before..in my own “research” over time… and, I must say, It’s been a pure delight revisiting those; especially within the context of my interactions with you all.
Others you’ve presented to me have been new to me and I have felt as though I’ve been in wonder of new colors I haven’t seen before in the facets of an exquisite diamond. Like taking a fresh look at a beloved treasure over & over and getting the “giddys” each time. I’ve been having a BALL over here, thanks to you guys!
I believe time left on my Glambert training wheels has progressed to a speed bike after these babys you guys have posted (and ones I’ve come across while the digging in).
As for my reactions and assessments…Where do I even begin!?
There’s SO much to comment on. So much material and “nuance-y” business associated with this delicious man’s (yes, I said delicious) performances that it’s stupefying.
One has to digest him in bits and pieces…otherwise his dripping sensuality and overwhelming talent just rolls you over like a steamroller.
He is just plain CRAZY sexy. Seriously. The Rock My Town ‘Whole Lotta Love’ ….mils & luval & nkd … Holy beyond Moley.
I was left mouth gaping, turning the air conditioning down and….. Speechless.
What could possibly be said? Really!!??
I’m close to tears about how unbelievably talented he is. Simply dumbfounded.
(He is basically sex personified, yes… but so much more).
It brings a lump to my throat because WE get to witness this once in a lifetime artist, in our time, so endowed (in various ways ;D) with such extraordinary talent and charisma make history here…. a National treasure.
He will become an international Icon. I’m sure of it.
This only confirms to me what I witnessed and sensed about him all those years ago on Idol. He sets progressive precedents and then even shatters the ones
he sets!
Mils….An eyebeam moment WILL solidify my initiation, I believe.
It simply must happen.
Mils & glambot…. I checked out the Napa videos. Oooh! Can we just say Uhmmmmazing? Yes, He literally sizzles – that Boy.
(you’ll have to excuse me; as I’ve gotten a little bit worked up over here. haha.) LOVED each one.
And, if we may be a little transparent. Am I the only one who had a challenging time NOT focusing on the lower split of his shirt as it, um… played a bit of peekaboo in this video? And … the… pants… well.
(As a small aside, I will claim his shirt as one of my Favs on him. This silk one. Beautiful…how it flows and moves with him in this Napa video):
AND Mils, mils…. That “Teeth” video. Good grief. Now, you’re Absolutely right.
You DID warn me. (though sipping ice water just wasn’t enough…had to just pour it over my head. ;D…)
Luval…. I have seen Adam’s high school graduation video before and have, again, been amazed at his GIFT. Thank you for posting it for me. I felt quite proud of him… even though it’s old and even though I wasn’t even there.
On that video you posted of “Come to Me, Bend to Me”. Listening to that… It’s almost like when the clouds open up after a refreshing rain storm (smells sweet, fresh) and heaven’s sunshine comes through. How’s that for dramatic? (lol)
Yet, how else to describe!? Pure BEAUTY. I have taken voice lessons for years and was involved in musicals and theater in my time… But, Adam is (was) heads & shoulders above the best that I came across and is out there today at a
tender 22 yrs.
His manner of delivery was quite mature for his age and the clear brilliancy of this voice, so ethereal and so clean…. the lilts, the flowing scales…
Frankly, make a babbling brook sound like a gong. It’s stunning!!
Thank you, luval for this little gem.
Now then, Ron…
Firstly, I think your avatar for me is perfect.
How clever! Thank you for finding it for me.
You’re a lovely man. (This I know and I haven’t even met you, yet.)
My question is: how do I embed an avatar on this site?
I have tried to figure it out.
Is this an AL inquiry?
Secondly: The video you posted of that stripped down Adam performance of
‘Crazy’ at Upright…
I had watched a different one a while back (the one in the brown earth tones outfit at the Cabaret)… ah, but This ONE.
Oh my freaking goodness. It’s just plain power-packed, mind-blowing, Adam-sings his-beautiful-face-off, premium talented, unadulterated-by-production, pure yummy goodness.
I agree with you… the power and clean lines of his voice come through in this one.
What a treat, Ron – thank you.
Ulti…my oh my… my new AL friend. The video you posted. “Sexy as hell”. Scorcher!! Whew & whew.
Umm…at 16 seconds… is what we see here what I think I’m seeing!?
Nkd, You also attended magic Red Pants Winstar!!! How cool is that!? We could have walked right by each other – who knows?
I think it’s pretty darn cute when Boy knows what he’s doing. It’s even darn cuter when Boy DOESN’T know what he’s doing, and he does it anyway.
Now, If you guys wouldn’t mind indulging me for just a moment… I’d like to recap a bit on what additional things I’ve learned in this latest little journey of Adam discovery you’ve inspired me to (I’m such a good lil’ student ).
Also reconfirmations of what I’ve already thought for some time, but now KNOW:
– That Adam really feels – to the soul – his performances. His songs become his message – not just a “show” for scream factor. We see his soul come through.
And, that’s a Beautiful thing.
– That Adam has always been, well… authentically HIMSELF. Waayyy before Idol and even before his latter theater productions. And, even now.
It seems many artists haven’t remained that way under half the pressures Adam has faced like a champ. It may not be ALL of him (family & close friends would know) but… Him, nonetheless. I admire that inner strength to bare himself like this.
It’s no persona. It’s authentic The Man.
– Though he KNOWS what he is doing when he gets us all “hot & bothered”, frenzied and the like… He genuinely is not fully aware of just WHY he is so HOT and well… so “bothering”. It’s very cute, really.
There’s a healthy measure of self-deprecating innocence and humility about him that makes me just want to give him a hug.
(come on now… you know you want to give him that hug, too ;D)
More to his human-ness & relatability.
NOW then! This brings me to My OWN presentations for your input.
This one is a beaut that is probably familiar to you wonderful people but, new to me, and it highlights Adam’s power to completely captivate an audience with his sheer vocal talent & he keeps them in his palm with his power-house rock edge. It also speaks to me as I do love the song… it’s pulsing intensity.
And, unfortunately, I can relate to the lyrics.
The cool thing about that is… Adam makes you forget the sad reasons you do relate and just makes you very glad you can. LOVE this:
AND then there is this Gem:
I consider this outfit one of my personal pre-QAL favs of The Man attire.
Gorgeous and beyond the Hot! The outfit… the jewelry… the brilliant performance… the song… those unbelievable (and teasingly naughty) moves… classic ADAM.
Take your heart medicine, if it applies. Take some if it doesn’t apply.
WHITE-HOT nostalgia…
So, finally…. on to my OTHER little tidbits.
Ok, how to handle this subject delicately? This happened accidentally, actually….
You see, What I DIDN’T know … was while I was so innocently (;D) digging around in this hallowed ground of Adam discovery… I’d stumbled upon the existence of quite the err, “underground” sub-culture of Adam videos that are frankly, SO… shall we say… “gratuitous” … so far in the corner… that they are a sub corner of the sub corner. Lol. Adam porn, basically… Ahem.
(IE: up-close & lengthy videos squarely, literally, and ONLY GB focused. Lower-half only throughout the entire videos. Lawd, he’s mercilessly objectified in them. Lol).
Though it’s likely you seasoned veteran Adomites have prob. stumbled across such fanfare & keep these Adam adulating “underground” vids on the down-low… I’ll admit I actually found my relatively Adam-virginal eyes peeking through my fingers. …
OK, having shared THAT… I’ll get to my query.
Among them I found a couple of videos (tamer versions) that have begged a question or two. So, I present these to you only, and I repeat only for the purposes of satisfying my um,…wonderings. ;D
(And it’s right here that I’ll pass the buck: If I go to the corner on this…
You can be assured that you all created a monster here. ).
My first two entries are THESE. *gulp*…. *ahem* :
Aptly labeled “Dirty”. Do Prepare yourselves.. Aye Yi Yi…
– So, what happened here at 3:16? Anybody know which performance this is?
(Um. wow)
And again here? I won’t…uh, I can’t… post the title (I may as well carve my initials in some back corner table of the back corner if I do).
At 26 seconds. Same performance, I think.
(Whoa Nelly….)
Forgive me, as I hope it doesn’t offend anyone.
I dislike the music choice…
What performance is this? Anyone happen to go to this one?
Now that the NA tour is over I’m going thru AL withdrawal…been watching the same videos over and over, I miss the thrusting , the couch, the insane vocals , the sexy eyes, the glambulge ….I’m having PTAS(post traumatic Adam syndrome) Hurry up 8/14 cuz I need a fix!
luval says:
08/02/2014 at 10:02 pm
Got it done! Thank you, luval
I got Brian May.
Wow. This is incredibly sad. What a talented man he was and great addition to the music world. Heart really goes out to his family and friends…
floridagirl says:
08/02/2014 at 11:06 pm
Hi floridagirl !
I think iHeart video would be an excellent choice. You might wan to send them the entire segment, if you can.
Love all your musings Smalls! What a read to wake up to, and I very much agree with your take on Adam himself, behind the voice. It is a big part of why we love him so much. And by the way, thanks for the London GNT Fever video. Brings back great memories. I was in the first row balcony with riskylady for that epic show!
Oh my smalls! You have done some digging!!!
I too love the shirt from Napa. One of my all time faves on him.
That would be Fever from Oslo.
And all of these vids, underground corner seeking and otherwise, have been posted and perused!
This is why we now have a very elaborate corner!
I am totally enjoying your discoveries and reactions! It’s fun going back through what is now earlier videos and living those moments again with you. What a time, what a ride it was!
Hi Toni B! Right there with you.
Hi nkd. I bow to your memory. I see everything as it comes, but everything just melds in my mind and except for some stand-outs can’t remember what came from where.
I’m still in shock over this news.
Hi rs.
That Oslo Fever will forever be bookmarked in my mind!
As we know now, that was 2 nights after he met Sauli in Helsinki. Hmmmm!
High Five nkd. I too remembered the Oslo Fever right off the bat. But of course I had to rewatch it first. The whole Denmark/Sweden/Norway/Finland leg of the tour was very charged. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roYpC7I6Y2c
Haha turquoisewaters!
Now, how many times might we have watched that?!!
Ah! Was just coming here to post the Oslo Fever vid for you, smalls, but turquoisewaters beat me to it. nkd and turquoise are exactly right – that is Fever from Oslo. And I, too, knew exactly what performance that was in an instant as soon as I saw the clip. That Olso Fever performance is on the first page of the Annals of Memorable Adam Performances. LOL
And yep, we’ve seen (repeatedly), dissected, and discussed all of those awesome videos you’re posting, so no need to be shy or reticent about saying things “out loud” here. Goodness, that’s why we have such an large, elaborate, beautifully decorated, and well-supplied corner!
It’s fun re-discovering all of Adam’s treasures with you!
That’s so shocking and sad about Michael Johns. He was very talented, and seemed like a genuinely nice guy. He was much too young.
Here’s a complete download for the Merriweather show (Columbia, MD) in multi-cam.
I have posted this on the Merriweather thread as well.
rs says:
08/03/2014 at 2:07 am
Thank you much, rs!
Happy to help you revisit those memories with London Fever.
My, my… you were THERE. Has to be simply unforgettable!
nkd says:
08/03/2014 at 2:18 am
Aw, Nkd! Thank you
Lol, As you can imagine, I’ve been rather enjoying my “excavations”.
So pleased that you all can relate with my “processing” this ALLer pre-chartered territory.
And I feel the same way. It feels great sharing these moments here. With you all. xoxo
Thank you, turquoise for letting me know the source of that clip.
(that apparently lives in the hallows of Glambert infamy).
Your memory is lightening quick!
And your ‘no comment’ had me chuckling… (*knowing look*) … ;D
smalls, for an avatar…
go to http://en.gravatar.com/
sign up (top righthand corner) with email and password
allow to connect to WordPress
then upload an image and link it to the email address that you use here
confirm and you’re done
The avatar will appear here eventually after refreshing
Aaaaaaah I love this gif! So lovely.
It was! In addition to the concert (front row balcony seats thanks to risky’s birthday M&G and early entry)we spent a week in freezing snowy glorious London (that was the first time I took her to a museum,lol), and the evening after the concert we met Suz who had been videoing the whole tour for all of us and took her out for dinner and to see Billy Elliot. Being a California girl it was the first time she had ever experienced snow falling in real time! Fabulous end to a fabulous tour!
smalls – I just read your “How I Became a Fan of the MAN” story on the Glambert thread. What a delight! I left a comment for you there, but also wanted to tell you here what a fun read that was and how much of a kindred spirit you are.
rs – Just wanted to let you know that I’ve been thinking about you and am holding you in my heart and my thoughts – as well as everybody else in your corner of the world, that you all may be safe and find peace and security.
cwm says:
08/03/2014 at 3:04 am
Thank you very much, cwm!
And earn it’s way squarely on the first page, it has … this Oslo performance.
Yesssss indeed
Very kind of you to appease my guilty little tinges over indulging (a bit enthusiastically, I might add) in Adam’s jaw-dropping “offerings”, lol.
And I agree, what fun!
PS, cwm… What warm, sweet comments regarding my Glambert Thread story. Thank you!
I found this interesting and rather beautiful quote about kindred spirits the other day. Id say yes… this is what we all share here. Here it is:
Kindred Spirits are two (or more) people that make a special connection by sharing a bond that has joined them by the means of an experience that has drawn them together on a higher level of consciousness . . . a bond is then reached because an understanding of what the other(s) had been through where they feel others may not truly understand. Through this they have become kindred spirits.
Thanks cwm
AL says:
08/03/2014 at 4:15 am
Hey AL! Thank you very much for the link and instructions.
I’m trying it right now….