- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
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- AL’s Games
Winter is ending there and we are heading into that season so I would think that a scarf would be needed even more here now!

Something warm to wrap ourselves in as we wait for a new album and/or more tour news…
I’d suggest you get in touch with Kiwi for the scarves! As I recall, Kradamour has her email address.
Maybe she can pick them up for you and mail them?
Of course, I shouldn’t be volunteering Kiwi‘s services!
It’s just a thought.
Thank you, nkd. That sounds really good!
Fun & light-hearted…… For me, the best place to be and stay.
That’s exactly what I was trying to say earlier … and you said it much better.
Thank you.
That’s one reason why this is a comfortable and positive place.
I regret mentioning anything that helped foster a climate of anything other than good things for Adam and good things for this group here. Little did I know that things I meant in good faith, good fun and meant for positive means would lead anywhere negative or difficult for anyone here.
Didn’t know the impact ….. and that’s not my desire in any way shape or form.
I was genuinely coming from a good-natured, innocent place… but I don’t plan on anything like that again. Whew.
Thank you for what you said, and the kindness with which you did so.
Happy to move forward with you.
(ahhhhh… back to the shallow end.
Just posted Now I’m Here on Melbourne thread.
Hi Ron! I got the impression from Katie’s tweet that they were only available if you bought a VIP package for the show. If kiwi posts here after her show I will ask her about the scarves.
Just went back a page and saw your post, AL. I’ll give @daintygroup a jingle.
Oh! I see. I thought the scarves were available as regular merchandise along with T-shirts and key chains.
Well, if I know you girls – and I do! – by hook or by crook, you’re all going to get one.
Dear rs,
Dabnabbit, why are we (Adam fans) the only ones out there with common sense? OK, I admit, we may be a wee teeny bit biased, but not so much that we’re mistaken about the ‘hit’ possibilities of “Lay Me Down” as the next single.
I hope they ‘make it so’……….
Hi, angelowal. Just hearing that snippet of LMD I wantit here so bad but I’m afraid it missed the boat. Unless, of course, Avicii decides to extend the life of”True” into another year. Can’t remember if he said anything about working on his next album.
Miss you, luval, and you’re probably right. Don’t you wish that sometimes you could be a fly on the wall at one of those record execs’ meetings? I have a feeling that they really don’t have a clue about what to go with these days – it’s a tough and rapidly evolving world out there for the music biz…….glad I don’t own any shares in those companies
OK, so if I can’t have LMD as a single, can I have one of those Aussie VIP package scarves
Lay Me Down
Lay Me Down
Lay Me Down 
QAL scarf
QAL scarf 
QAL scarf
It is up to Avicii but, if he’s not releasing a new CD, he should seriously follow through with a US release of LMD. Of course, we have all bought it by now but, hey! I’m prepared to drop by my sister’s place and buy it for her on iTunes. Not a fan of the gifting because I am pretty sure it’s not counted the same way as a personal purchase.
LMD would be the perfect Fall 2014 fill-in while the CD3 is chillin’
3 hours ago
Sometimes me and @adamlambert have deep conversations that I have to read off my hand or I’ll forget how to form sentences. All while almost being run over by a garbage truck. SOS!
Stream for tomorrow
Twitter list
World clock
New post –
Ha, nkd, you’re funny
Seriously, those QAL scarves were in the VIP package?! I thought they were made by a fan. I want one. It’s damn cold here in the winter and we could put them to good use. Maybe if they appear in the UK in January, it will be part of a UK VIP package. They had better have online ordering.
Sweet Lay Me Down Scarf Dreams, ALL!!
As I create my “Sweet Dreams” message tonight, I come up with an absolutely brilliant marking idea for Avicii – Lay Me Down Scarves!!
nkd – thank you for your perfect post at 6:23 pm today!
I want a QAL scarf first sparkle. Can you structure that as a “two-for-one” sale?. If necessary, I will agree to a “buy one and get the second at 50% off”.
G’night. See y’all at 6:00 a.m.
Okay some of you.
6:00 a.m.-ish.
Scarves…I would keep an eye on ebay. VIP stuff often appears there to help peeps pay for the ticket, or because a fan went to more than one concert and got more than one swag package.

New thread for the second Melbourne concert is up. Dinner or breakfast is included!
After a very busy week in RL, I’m late to the party here. Been able to keep up in lurkdom, but no time or brain cells left over for posting.
Thanks everyone for bringing everything here, and a big special thanks to AL and eywflyer for doing such a spectacular job running the threads!
As I said on the Melbourne 1 thread, it’s wonderful to see that the boys are still slaying their audiences show after show and leaving fans panting, emotionally spent, and deliriously joyful in their wake. I honestly don’t know how they do it, but I guess that’s why they’re rock stars and not me.
What gets me is how many times I’ve seen people comment afterwards that it was the best night of their life, or best night ever, or most fun they’ve had in a long time, that sort of thing. And Adam, Bri, Roger, and the rest of the band and crew are the ones making those awesome memories for people night after night, show after show. I wonder what it’s like to know that every night, you are helping someone have the best night of their lives. Wow.
Happy belated Birthday Kradamour and Lady North!
And happy holiday weekend to everyone, and special good thoughts to those of you who are traveling this weekend for a little R&R. Safe and fun travels to ALL of you!
Hi cwm
You are here! I keep looking at tonight’s thread and there haven’t been any posts except for the first three. I guessed that everyone is catching up on their sleep before the concert.
I’m so late to the party and you’ve all traversed through quite a bit of terrain since the Gaga discussion, but I just wanted to say that I thought the duet with Lady Gaga in Sydney was full of win. Sure, she was a little wild and a little crazy and a little bit of a hot mess, which kept it from being as good as it could have been. But Adam did a spectacular job carrying her forward and providing the structure to the song. He was such an HBIC with her, but simultaneously very generous with her as well. I think the new vid that just got posted to youtube from facebook today and that Adam tweeted out (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt87cHr6H90&feature=youtu.be) really gives a good sense of it and it wasn’t as much of a trainwreck as originally thought. Besides, we have dozens of perfect Adam performances of AOBTD from all the other shows. This one was special in that it was crazy and spontaneous and wild and rockin’ and isn’t likely to ever happen again, so the Sydney audience got a special treat. The funnest part to me was that Adam was obviously over-the-moon thrilled to be able to duet with Gaga and he knows he excelled; his recent tweets “geeking out” about it were adorable. And in turn, Gaga was thrilled to be onstage with Queen, her major musical influences, which probably gave her a good psychic boost during a rough patch for her. And Bri and Rog clearly like and respect her, so were happy to share their stage with her. And Q+AL got a very positive media cycle out of the whole “epic collaboration” thing, with due attention to Adam. Win-win-win-win!
(I too hope it doesn’t end up on the DVD, though!) 
Ok, just wanted to share my thoughts. Carry on, and I’ll try to catch up!
Hi rs! Yes I am here! Except… except that I’m about to go to bed. Sorry! But it’s 2:20am right now and I gotta hit the hay. These Aussie shows are just at a killer time for me – 3:00am – 5:30am. Just can’t do it and still function in real life. Sorry to leave you!
First thing I do when I wake up, though, is check twitter to see all of the fabulous reactions that people are having in their joyous post-show delirium. It’s a very happy way to start the day.
Just dropping this off before I go. Lovely to see the Queen fans becoming Adam fans.
That “bam!” Photo that Adam tweeted made me think of that very early magazine cover at the end of Idol. Would love if someone did them side-by-side.

(Actually, would be amazed if it hasn’t already been done, this fandom is reliably obsessed…)
I just read an article that says Sting is charging people 208UK to pick grapes for him at his villa in Tuscany. (This isn’t some up-scale version of berry picking. You don’t get to keep the grapes):
I used to be crazy about Sting back-in-day but this is too stupid for me.
QUESTION: How much would you pay to pick grapes in Adam’s villa in Tuscany? And why?
TLKC LOL. I don’t think I would do it, unless Adam stood there talking to me while I picked them.
Well TLKC I was trying to come up with a slightly dirty response full of innuendo but at the end of the day I am just too much of a prude.
So, my answer is, the amount I would pay would be in direct relationship to how close I could get to Adam. If he was out there picking grapes with me, I’m sure I would pay a hefty sum. If he was not on the villa, but we could take a tour, I’d be willing to pay something. If it was just picking without a tour or Adam, zero.
cwm Thank you for posting the vid of ABTD with Gaga. It actually was so much better than I had imagined and the other vids I had tried watching. I agree that it showed the fun of the entire performance and the interactions. This taught me a valuable lesson to keep trying other vids before rushing to an opinion. THANK YOU!!!!!.
Ha ha! I already left a naughty comment about Sting on the original article but I specified Sting circa 1978; in all likelihood a very good year. Where’s mils when you need her?
OK, on a scale:
If Adam were guaranteed to come by and squeeze a few beside you?
If Adam were to walk you through his wine cellar – 10 at a time? Personal tour?
If Adam were to stand on the terrace of his villa and wave or shout encouragement? If he were to sing to you while you were picking? If he were to take personal requests?
If, at the end of the day, you were invited to dinner, included in a tasting menu curated by Adam, each course perfectly paired with select wines from the vineyard? If Adam were there? If he was seated at YOUR table? If 50 of your best Glambert friends were sitting at other tables and had to watch?
If you got a bottle? If Adam took a swig of that bottle before you left? (Well you’d have to drink it all pretty quickly…)
Not sure which show she is talking about. I won’t be able to “be there” at any more shows because of work.
Is Catzmadam talking about the exiting motorcade? It will take 20 seconds? We might be in the wrong thread, luval.
I posted great close up Bohemian Rhapsody on Melbourne 2 thread . A must see with this happy fan!
Good thing Adam is safe in Australia!
What would Adam be squeezing? I might just mortgage the house for this

I just love that we get pictures from Adam Lambert Armenia’s page and research articles about his many genres performed from Adam Lambert Hungary !!! Worldwide star (and he did this with his own extensive touring!)
Adam just passed 350k followers on Instagram and that gorgeous foto of him at the restaurant in Sydney is close to getting the most likes, closing on 27k. (Excluding the Robin Williams collage which isn’t of Adam.)
Hehheh this is priceless! King of the double entendre…
Well, grapes of course, glambotgram.
Whatever else might you want him to squeeze?
Damn look at the hair un this pic. stood outside his hotel for 48 hours lol Deducated
The hair, the hair, the hair.
Anyhow, gotta get over to that Sydney restaurant pic and “like” it! Was so mesmerized I forgot.
Not sure how much I would pay but I am sure that many fans would do so if he also held a concert at the end of the day or even serenaded us while we picked. The VIP tickets would include the chance to feed him grapes while he is stretched out on his chaise longue in his Killer Queen outfit. And then everyone pops the wine and champagne corks for real and has a Dionysian feast and party!

Okay so maybe not the last part…
I am sure that sparkle will be wanting the number of comments in this thread to be at least 3000 so better get chatty! But with about 1 day and 10 hours left and 50 comments short, I am positive that we can manage that!