- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
LOL! This is a Hoot.
Melbourne playground is open for your posting pleasure!
I suppose that this is the best we could expect from Freddie’s personal assistant who is intimately involved with a Queen tribute band:
Read more: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/freddie-mercurys-former-pa-talks-queen-tribute-band-20140829-109pbc.html#ixzz3BlbKGLUl
nkd I absolutely adore that picture of Adam and Jared. I followed Jared for awhile on Twitter post Academy Awards. Thought he was adorable, talented, and he loves his Mom (sound like anyone else we know). Stopped following him because most of his posts were the same self promotion for his music, etc.
I loved Adam’s hair, clothes, everything that night. Thanks for posting.
I don’t remember which thread included the conversation about emergency throat care, but I went googling and found this article which I found very interesting, especially the part about the effects on the voice of grueling travel, to which Adam is no stranger:
I was frankly astonished by how many sites (most of them the websites of voice coaches) almost casually recommend steroid use, including injections into the vocal cords, for occasional relief of a concert-onset problem.

Hi mils. For whatever reason, I’d accidentally overlooked responding to these in my earlier reply post. Whenever you check in again… Couple of thoughts FWIW:
Some things can be hard to consider, understand & contemplate when not involved in the industry. I think it’s good that you’re going with what the most comfortable is with this. Going with assuming there’s no need to resort to any method is probably the best way to go with these things about Adam, imo.
Happens quite a bit with touring singers. Skilled MD’s and qualified med. professionals are involved. Mid-Show, even. Thousands waiting. Major celebrities watching. It’s nothing special or new.
The higher level of performer… the more contingencies are planned for and the more arrangements are made.
In general, singers and their managers know ahead of time before the show when they are dealing with vocal region concerns. And they, with their management, prepare before a show and arrange the appropriate MD. & medical professionals to be available and on hand for the possibilities of what they may need.
Pretty standard modus operandi.
As for Celine… She hasn’t used her voice more than other concert/recording singers on her level. The very nature of touring and the wear on the cords and muscles causes overuse – no matter who the singer or person is. The cords & muscles can only take a certain amount of use before inflamed responses. Standard concert touring goes beyond that for every touring artist. Cords are no respect of persons.
Vocal rest, (& whispers only if signs of vocal fatigue), hydration, no second or first hand smoke & no alcohol reign supreme. Doesn’t prevent all, but regular part of the overall touring program for a concert singer. Celine is known for being quite diligent in those areas… even to the point of total silence for several days at a time during tours. From what I understand, Dion protects her voice.
When Brian stated, “no assists” he was referring to QAL not using pre-recorded voice overs ‘assistance’, nor stacking for vocals and instruments. QAL is 100% live.
I think it’s likely that’s the ‘no assist’ reference he made in his interviews. Though, I agree with the wisdom we should be cautious about easily misunderstood convo falling into wrong hands, regardless.
Hope your time in vacation mode is starting out smoothly & beautifully!
Hope you’re feeling better, too.
In the absence of definite proof that Adam has resorted to “the big gun”, we are ALL speculating, smalls. As such, none of us can assume that a person who doesn’t buy our POV is “going with what makes them feel comfortable” as opposed to being objective. Mils comments make as much sense to me as yours, though I don’t care one way or the other.
IMHO jury is out on this matter and none of us has the wherewithal to bring it in.
I think ALL of us should go with makes us comfortable in this circumstance, TLKC.
It’s a good thing.
Positive default – thinking & assuming the best is what makes us the most comfortable; especially involving Adam & involving things we don’t totally know or understand. We all want that, imo, and I think it’s something we do well here.
. It’s a great thing.
I also think mils is quite good at steering things positively & thinking the best.
Going with that comfortability in our care and admiration of Adam & defaulting there is the best way I think, and leads to positive objectivity, imo. These things are part of what makes this site a wonderful place.
Thanks TLKC.
Before I go.
I’m not going to argue with you smalls. .
I’m not here on this fun and gentle blog to argue.
However, no voice coach or speech therapist would ever advise anybody with vocal strain or any vocal condition to whisper.
Whispering is the hardest thing you can do to your voice. It strains even healthy vocal cords.
BTW: A chord is a musical term. A cord is an anatomical term.
I’m done. And I am NOT enjoying this.
I’ll be back afterward to catch up and play nice in our sandbox.
Therein lies the superior understanding of speech therapists to many singing coaches in music, mils.
(They’ve frequently recommended, in possible injury to the cords, a very soft whisper… no breath forced or harsh …no coughing or clearing throat. No talking is best.) We’ve been doing possible injury to our singing voices for years.
Speech therapists have saved a number of singers.
I recall discussions that took place between two speech therapists and one of my vocal coaches in past years. He learned a lot from them.
Everything posted by me has been intended positively and argue free.
I hope it always translates that way.
No reason that I can see for anyone to not enjoy time here in this wonderful place.
It’s okay, mils!
It’s all good.
(Even when my spell check misses misspellings, my auto correct puts in the wrong word and I’m typing quickly – which can happen a lot.)
Can’t speak for everyone, but I think most people understand that singers can have vocal issues, and the types of treatment they may seek. But I don’t think disagreeing about a specific situation is the same as being in denial i.e. “comfortable”.
We have several more upcoming concerts. I would be very happy if we just move on and enjoy them. Adam is a big boy, has been taking care of his voice for years however he feels necessary.
risky, I meant that thinking/assuming the best and positive with regard to Adam’s situations is a good thing for us to continue to do because there are always things we don’t understand and some of the possibilities in the industry are difficult to grapple with emotionally because we care for Adam so much…and so defaulting to the positive is a much more comfortable and enjoyable place.
Hence, it’s good to go where we are most comfortable.
That’s all I meant. Nothing that we haven’t said here before between us.
I hope that all makes sense.
hugs to all.
All righty then. I had to come back before I left to smooth things out. All is OK. I promise.
To me, voice coaches serve a huge role in helping performers to achieve their best voice. They are often performers themselves and know a lot. That being said, the difference between a speech pathologist and a voice coach is like that between a physical trainer and a physical therapist. One has a little knowledge of body mechanics, and is likely a body builder or sports enthusiast or gym-a-holic. Whereas a physical therapist is a highly trained medical professional who focuses on safe rehab.
I have personally seen many people who had harm done to their voices by voice coaches. And my PT colleagues have seen many people who have been injured by the techniques of a physical trainer.
Now, I am sure that there are many voice coaches out there who really know their stuff, and I am sure that there are many physical trainers out there who do as well.
However, I am also sure that somebody of Adam’s caliber has access to experts. If, and I say if, he needed backstage help at any time on this tour, I am sure it was available to him.
However, I just haven’t heard the need for it. His shows have been flawless and live. IMHO.
And, in terms of my use of the word “assists” in reference to what Brian has said, I don’t think most people out there have the sophistication to discern the difference between talk about backing tracks and talk about assisting a voice. To them, it’s all the same. An assist is an assist.
That’s why I am concerned about this convo going elsewhere, and being picked up and mis-interpreted.
That’s all folks. Hubby is honking the horn, vacay awaits.
OK, I made a comment at the very beginning of this looooong topic and I will make one that I can’t overlook at the end. Of course we are all fans and love Adam and “think the best and positive with regard to Adam’s situations”, but mils comments were based on her extensive professional knowledge as a speech pathologist and not as an emotional fan. Nuff said. I totally agree with risky. Let’s enjoy the few concerts left to this epic tour and let Adam and his people take care of his voice for us.
Yes, I agree. Both mils and I have extensive professional experience and knowledge in specific areas and we were both commenting from that place.
I think TLKC has a good point. A speech pathologist (unassociated with Adam) will not be able to say with confidence about Adam receiving any interventive treatments or not… nor even a trained singer (unassociated with Adam) from the industry itself, having experienced as touring singer some of the same concert situations and familiar with industry methods/inner workings will even be able to say with irrefutable confidence either. None of us can. Adam knows & that’s good enough for me.
I will assume the best about his cords & health… and that’s a good place to be.
Having said that, I’d love to move on… call it a wrap, think the very best of each other and our intent, and let’s enjoy our Guy!
Checking out the concert this AM as I type this….
Adam tweets
He likes this one better (GaGa)
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert · 6s
(Better view) @ladygaga @QueenWillRock Another One Bites the Dust! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=567464336691484&id=100002837693817 …
He’ll be posting his favorites from the tour. I will put on the correct threads too.
People are bugging shosh
Happy he’ll be posting his favs, luval – think that’ll mean those where he feels his vocals are good – like that – makes it easier to figure out which ones to save on my iPod. (Sometimes I just copy the audio so I can really concentrate on his voice and not be distracted by “other” things – lol.)
Love that “BAM” pic – kickin’ ass, baby –
Oh my…Adam out at a restaurant in Sydney. Stunning. (before haircut lol)
This surprises me. I would have bet that there would be a few European concerts with an appropriate end to the tour in London.
What’s the general feeling or speculation about when the album will be released? Winter or Spring?
I suppose it depends on how much of it he’s completed and how much more there is to go.
I’m hoping of course for sooner rather than later.
Vivienn ♔ @GlambertHU 3m
http://adamfans.net/2014/08/29/adam-lambert-mindenkinek-ennyi-mufajban-allja-meg-helyet …
So I wrote an article about how much music genres @adamlambert did over the years. I found 31 so far…
Vivienn ♔ @GlambertHU 6m
It always makes me so mad when someone says Adam just an American Idol alum. Well no. He tried to break into the showbiz like for 10 years
Say it!
Hi Ron!
I’m thinking they may pick up this tour next year. But what do I know?!!!
I wish the album was almost ready, but knowing Adam, he’s been on tour with Queen all this time and now probably has a new direction for the album!

I LOVE it!
Thanks mlg for your gorgeous work, once again!
Soonish Ron. Soonish.
As to the tour, I agree with nkd I think they may be working out dates for Europe and UK for next year. But it will have to work around Adam’s #3
(Kitty Baroque)
Great UP recording S1 – put on that thread, too
“Brian and I never expected to do all of this again, it’s been unbelievable.
“It’s great, except this time we’re actually getting good reviews.”
nkd and glambotgram!
Ah yes, the now infamous “-ish”.
As far as the tour continuing, I was remembering Brian saying they’ve received “so many” offers and that they’d perhaps want to keep the momentum going.
I would think though that everyone involved is very tired at this point and would welcome, if somewhat reluctantly, seeing it come to a close.
The album. If I was releasing a new CD, I would give full attention to getting it out when it would be eligible for Grammy consideration. I can’t know if Adam thinks along those same lines. After his experience with “Trespassing”, maybe it doesn’t matter to him.
To me, it wasn’t a question of if “Trespassing”/Adam was going to be nominated but instead it was a question of how many nominations it was going to get. Oh, well …
I have to laugh at myself … the album isn’t even finished yet and I’m already thinking about awards!
MJ always announces tour dates and always refers QAL as Adam Lambert & Queen instead of the other way around. Comments are very positive on every thread..
Isn’t the Grammy deadline date usually the end of September?
So probably not for this upcoming Grammys unless he were to have a single ready to go that could be up for consideration.
Tour scarfs in Melbourne! I want one!
hmmmm….might be able to make one.
Yes, you’re exactly right nkd.
I found this somewhere:
For the 57th Annual GRAMMY Awards, albums must be released between Oct. 1, 2013 and Sept. 30, 2014.
I need to say this and then let it go.
I don’t intend to ever tell anyone what to post and don’t mean to now. However, I’m feeling really uncomfortable with the “voice” talk on here in the past days. It feels irresponsible to speculate and make assumptions based on low quality audio.
I am no expert in these matters, other than listening to Adam’s voice for over 5 years, but as the better quality videos have come in, he sounds great, IMO. I don’t hear any concerning voice issues and certainly nothing that should lead us to this type of speculation.
We love to speculate about things here, but mostly in a fun, light-hearted manner.
This has been a little much for me.
Back to the shallow end now, I will wade in quietly.
Ohhh, I want one of those scarves!
I love it! How can we get one?
I am researching that now! So far no luck but still looking.
why don’t you tweet Kateimelb? She will respond.
Was just going to post, Calgary!!! I did tweet her and she answered me immediately. The scarves were part of their VIP package but other than that, she doesn’t know where they come from.
Avicii had a show last night! Instagram vid of the closing. Guess which song?
Katie Purvis @katiemelb 1m
Last night I dreamt I was in heaven & angels @adamlambert @DrBrianMay @OfficialRMT were singing to me … Oh wait, that was REAL. #QAL
Bold fail. Haven’t done that in a bit.
Gossip shows and NBC news say Joan Rivers is in serious condition but still unconscious. Said they are keeping her in this state to get her condition under control.
Thanks for your well-thought out post, nkd. I couldn’t agree with you more.
I’d rather have the scarf than the gold t-shirt… wahhhhhh!!!
lol me too. Maybe they had the scarf in Melbourne because it’s winter-ish there. Isn’t it?
Probably so, luval. But the fact that I bought 2 t-shirts at the two shows I went to didn’t add value to the VIP shirt I received after the show, lol! That scarf is so cute… Must.Have.One.
September would be the perfect time to release LMD as a single in the States! After the Queen tour remind people of the other things he sings and keep his name out there
You should try emailing @daintygroup who is responsible for the AUS/NZ tour. They probably put the VIP package together. If that doesn’t work , there is always Brian May. He seems open to helping fans out.