- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Ron, I remember when they did him on 360 after the Emmy’s , when he was sooooo gorgeous,she was saying, OMG, he’s sooooo gorgeous, and then quickly, reverted to a snide remark, because that’s what they do on her shows.
However, her basic instinct, as a fan and female, was to kinda groan a bit, say how freaking beautiful he was, and then, catch herself.
I have always loved her for that.
Picture of Melbourne arene
Hi dear mils
I just found the Joan/Adam “Fashion Police” clip on YouTube:
Kiwi … Have a fantastic time!
Can’t wait for your recaps.
Speaking of loud smoky clubs (mils’ post on the Sydney thread), does anyone follow GiGi Gorgeous, the transsexual woman who was once Gregory?

Her videos have millions and millions of views, she has been doing vids since she was Greg in high school, now she is in her mid-twenties. Very, very intelligent, but annoying to listen to, IMHO, I have a very low threshold for overly affected speech…but she is in fact gorgeous and kind and thoughtful and funny. Apparently her family is very understanding and accepting and wealthy enough to pay for the surgery and Louboutins…
Anyway, she is a regular at Bootsie Bellows, wondered if Adam was a friend.
It was me that posted that video of Joan with Bianca Del Rio. Something seemed off.
Am watching Extra right now and they keep saying “as soon as she gets back to work”…things like that. Guillana Rancic is being interviewed and is saying Joan repeatedly said she was very healthy for her age and very lucky.
They are saying it’s a complication of surgery on her vocal cords at an Endoscopy center…just an in and out type of surgery. goes to show you never know. Maybe the anesthesia? I believe this is a pretty common surgery. Will have to see what happens.
We miss you here. Hope your PC is fixed and you are in good health.
Oh. KIWI. Have a ball.
I’m going to have to wait a long time to catch up. I’ll be off-line for several days, and will be missing several shows.
On day two of antibiotics, hoping TLKC is feeling better, and I’m off to one of my favorite places for a small vacay. Door County, WI.
Ta-ta, ya’all. I might end up pulling a Kradamour, and be back later after packing.
Sad about Joan Rivers.
Wish she has a speedy recovery.
Sometimes people are pre-approved for surgery, and show up with a mild change in their health, and proceed with the surgery because they are pre-approved, cleared by their doctor.
This happens a lot. I have seen it at my hospital, and it happened to my own mother. She was all set for hip replacement surgery, and instead, the night before she had a stroke. If her daughter ( me ) hadn’t been a therapist who works with stroke patients, anybody else would ignored her subtle signs, and her recovered speech and would have said ” okay mom, let’s go to the hospital for your surgery “, but, instead, I said, “Okay mom, let’s go to the hospital for a CT scan.” Needless to say, she had to wait a year for her hip.
And my luck, it was scheduled the night of the GN finale in LA. Couldn’t go. But, mom pulled through very well.
I could be way off-base, but, it looked like Joan had a mild stroke in that video. Maybe her speech recovered, and they all thought, “oh, she’s OK now.” Then she had the surgery.
Time will tell, and who knows what will be reported.
ETA: Also, they are reporting to the media that it was vocal cord surgery at an endoscopy clinic. That’s just what they are reporting to the public. As far as I’m concerned, colonscopies, EGD’s, and GI procedures are performed at Endoscopy clinics. Maybe out east they do vocal cord procedures at endoscopy clinics, it just strikes me as odd. Just saying.
Will post this on the Sydney 2 thread. As of yesterday afternoon, list of media that picked up on the GaGa thing. Never seen anything like it. And there are more & more on twitter today.
mils I Love You!! That is all.
mils … Have a wonderful vacay.
Hope you come back with lists of fun time at Door County, WI.
glambot : right back atcha!!
I’ll simply never forget how we had to hold each other up at the Chicago show. Lordy, when he rode his bike, and when he came up on that big screen with those fringes for the very first time, and when the fringes fell off his shoulders,and when the couch happened for the very first time, and when he came out in those white pants, I simply do not know how anybody could even hear the concert over our audible groans.
Oh. And let’s not forget back in my suite when we saw that couch pic for the first time. Us four corner ladies falling apart at the seams.

Full Q+AL – Sydney Night 1 (8-26-2014) soundcloud for dodwnload and Full Concert video (audio only) but great are posted on Sydney Night 1 Thread.
Toronto 2.
One month ago tonight.
Getting nostalgic…
For some reason, I’m starting to suspect that mils and glambotgram might have enjoyed the Chicago concert.
Awww, mils! You just made me realize that it was one month ago tonight!!
What a wonderful time to remember!
You … and me … and nkd.
How wonderful. How very wonderful.
I will never forget the Chicago concert. Like Ste Agathe and Wilkes Barre, First QAL, first Adam live concert after GN and First GN concert!!!!!!!!!! Can’t imagine what the next “first” may be but I will be there!
I was over to the Sidney 2 thread just now and watched BoRap that was posted up top. It’s videoed from way way up and back. At about 3:20 this guy stands up in front of the camera and head bangs, waving his heavy metal arms…just really really cool!
AAwww Ron. Miss you. So much.
I’m thinking my memory of Joan’s response to Adam was for another outfit and red carpet? Which one?
Ron, the only thing, and I mean ONLY thing that could have made Chicago any better would be if you had been there with us.
Everyone who has met you, and will have the good fortune to meet you in the future, knows of your kind and generous heart.
Agree on this!
I second this, or third it. Ron you would have been the cherry on top of a very luscious sundae!
Chicago was unbelievable and made more so because I had my one of my corner buddies right behind me. I think my husband saw a whole different side of me that night as I virtually ignored him and squeed and fangirled with mils. I will say he does ask about Queen and Adam now, wants to know where they are and how they are doing.
So wish I could have been there with you two! Two? I was going to list all of the other ALLer’s who were at the Chicago opening night but the list is too long.
Thank you though, very much, mils and luval for thinking about me.
Poster for Melbourne show
luval I was going to post that too! I love it.
nkd The Melbourne poster is tailor made for you!!!
double post
Glambotgram, for someone who’s lived with countless put downs for all of his life, please know how very much this means to me.
This was on my Yahoo Homepage when I turned on my PC.
Adam Lambert, Lady Gaga perform ‘Another One Bites the Dust’ with Queen
I was able to “chop” that head banger here! will post on Sydney thread.
Possible audio stream and other information on tomorrow’s show.
A Day In The Life of A Glambert (33)
I just had to give this another listen or three before leaving…
Majestic vocal. His transitions, his glides, so in control. I think this song is very hard to sing, and he makes it so effortless sounding.
I’ll post it on concert thread too.
Love this collage … There are so many stunning, breathtaking, gorgeous and sensual black and white photos of Adam.
Gotta post this here for now. Katie is such an Adam fan, you probably remember her interview on Joy 94.9 radio, 2012. Read from bottom up.
Katie Purvis @katiemelb · 9h
Nearly 3 months of avoiding Q+AL concert videos so I can retain some element of surprise. You have no idea of the self-control needed! lol
Katie Purvis @katiemelb · 9h
It’s 3.38am. My sleep is f’ed up as I’ve been sick the past couple of days – but it’s Q+AL concert day. Fianlly!
Katie Purvis @katiemelb · Aug 27
One more sleep till @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert in Melbourne. One more sleep!
Katie Purvis @katiemelb · Aug 26
WORD. “@pomegranate02: You know, I think @adamlambert fills his own shoes pretty damn well.”
View conversation
LOL calgary. I would have had to have been put in restraints to not watch vids. I mean, I can’t go 12 hours without hearing his voice. I know. I have tried.
Dainty Group @DaintyGroup
FINAL RELEASE OF TICKETS for tonight’s SOLD OUT @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert at @Rod_Laver_Arena: ticketek.com.au/queen @Ticketek_AU
muahahahahaha I haven’t!

Sweet Heavenly Voice Dreams, ALL!!
Happy Birthday, LadyNorth! Hope you had a wonderful day!
… I don’t know when you will see this, but I’ll bet you are sooo excited!! We’re happy for you.
Not too long now… and you’ll be basking in the QAL glow…
We hope you get copious fills of chestberts, thrustberts, floorberts, sweatberts…
eye beams… mic licks… counting stitches … Sherwins up close ….
and being fiercely Dragon Attacked!
We know you want it all… and we want it for you.
Enjoy the magic.
Can hardly wait to hear your recaps!

Have the best vacay ever, mils!
(well, okay it’s not Chicago… but hope it’s still amazing)
You’ll be very missed.
….. We’ll hold down the corner till you get back.

This B&W collage…. leaves me Speechless.
Adore… Adore… Adore.

LOL – That’s just Awesome!! Love that guy.
This just popped up on twitter, smalls, in case you haven’t seen it.
Extended 5 Min ADAM LAMBERT Majors & Minors Preview Behind The Scenes
July 21 pic – very nice –
Good night ALL!
Sweet Heavenly Voice Dreams!!!
Hey ulti – yeah, thanks!
I saw these (it has parts 1, 2 & 3) a long time ago. Loved watching them again! These are just So good.
Adam’s “dont be intimidated, I’m really friendly!” makes me chuckle.
“Friendly” was the last thing on their minds with Adam standing right there with them! How could they even contain themselves… and while he’s watching them sing?? Honestly, I would have been beside myself at that age if Adam walked in the room, told me “I’m friendly”, watched me sing, and coached me on pointers, and gave us advice as a group. I would have been hanging on every single word… recording every detail in my brain for years to come.
Bless their hearts. Talented & sweet kids! I just want to hug them all.
Think we’ll hear from at least one of those kids who makes it big & is interviewed saying, “I’m here because of Adam Lambert. He inspired me & told me I could do it.”
(seems like I recognize the blond girl with long hair from AI or Xfactor a couple yrs. later? I may be mistaken)
It always strikes me how Adam just fills up a room with his presence….
he’s simply unavoidable. “ignore me like I’m not here.” ….lolol. Right.
His soul lights up the room through his eyes and his smile. You can even see it in his childhood pictures as a boy…
And that “precocious” boy is now so articulate with exhortation and so giving with his time & wisdom. He genuinely cares about people….
and the lives of these kids.
He has fantastic things to offer in this whole little video series, and covers so much about singing & performing (from the inside out) and their individuality as budding artists in a “Box” driven industry, as he talked about. Who better to share these gold nuggets than him? He knows.
The respect and recognition he gives them is exceptional.
What other major recording artist would speak into their individual lives in this incredibly meaningful and uplifiting way, and make it ALL about them?
(maybe Brian May takes the second spot).
Their parents had to be ecstatic & and busting their buttons with pride as Adam put focus on each one.
– Just great, ulti – thank you.
PS. Looking back now at this again, I realize the youtuber who posted it is that devoted FB Adam fan gentleman who passed away a while ago ….
He did so much to promote Adam among fellow fans. RIP Gale CW.