- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Mad World RT @_coma_berenices : montana facebook.com/photo.php?v=10…
Tom J Williams
Amazing show! Gonna miss this guy, can’t wait for New York hangs!
(just noticed this)
Happy birthday, adamized!!!
Have an adamtastic year filled with love, joy, friendship and music!!
What a present from Q+AL Sydney for your birthday!
And tomorrow … Sydney 2 … birthday present for sistakrads.
Two ALLers in a row.
I am buried so far back in the corner, pretty sure mils has walled me in during the construction.
Here goes!
29 Better Than Wedding Night Champagne Baptism, Adam’s Closet, Glam Kingdom, USA
cher, you get us into so much trouble!
nkd that is perfect. I am in that corner with you
Hoopla Magnet @hooplamagnet
Possible Label Info?
Read: tl.gd/n_1s67061
I know you are!
I’m gonna post that twitlonger from ulti above in case some can’t open it.
nkd– I just love your address! Some thoughts are just too good to be kept in the closet. Here’s to our group baptism in the Church of Glam Rock! Best night ever!!!
Hey nkd…I’m a gonna tell Mr. Nkd about your address.

Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I am especially grateful to Adam today. If it weren’t for him I would not know any of you. I can’t even comprehend that. Luckily I won’t have to.

That’s what I’m saying! The best everrrr!
So much fun. I’m glad we did that!
Shhh luval!
Richard Wilkins interview transcript –
Happy Birthday adamized! So glad I got to meet you in Chicago!
I’m a little under the weather, but, still happily ensconced in the corner. I’ll just keep trying to breathe, in and out, and use my inhalers and whatever works.
It’s not easy though, boy keeps taking my breath away…
Nice pics from OZ.
Gotta say, still…nothing beats STL from Toronto 2. Not yet.
OT: I’m watching AGT and one act is using the song “Are You Gonna Go My Way”
Think of Adam ..
asif, so many things remind me of Adam, it’s funny how uncanny and carefully plotted out it was that he chose his classic songs on Idol. I hear most of them on a regular basis , plus Queen, on my local classic rock stations. And, whenever I hear anything he has covered, I just can only hear Adam’s voice in comparison.
In just the last few days, I have heard STL, AOBTD, One, Stay, Tracks of My Tears, Killer Queen,and Play That Funky Music.
The problem I am having, is that I feel disloyal to Freddie. I really do. I have always just adored his voice, his charisma, his talent. I always considered his the best voice I had ever heard in rock.
And now, there’s Adam. And he’s killing it so hard. His voice, his range, his lack of effort, his ease, his joy and charisma and his sex appeal, it is just over the top.
Maybe because I never found Freddie sexy, maybe because he trashed his voice so often, I don’t know, I just see that Adam respects his voice more, and treats it as his instrument.
I just can’t get over this vague feeling I have. I’m sharing this here. I just think Adam is so far surpassing Freddie in voice. In terms of musicianship, Freddie wins, he wrote some of the most iconic music in rock history, and played several instruments.
I’m also concerned about the stupid and immature fan-warring posted above. Queen die-hards won’t take well to it. IMHO. And it will come to bite Glamberts back.
We know that Adam is unreal. We know his talent is above anything out there, by far. But, some fans need to play nicer in the sandbox of fandom. I am not talking about anyone here. Just some on Twitter.
Oh. And one more thing, I love me some Gaga, but, I don’t want her onstage with them. A shout-out to her in the audience, sure, but stay off my boo’s stage missy. The only person I was hoping for was Bowie in NY. And that didn’t happen, as we all know.
Rant over. Gonna take my sore throat to bed…hot tea, here I come…
Where is the fan-warring, mils, on the YT’s?
Gee – hope you feel better – sounds miserable whatever you have – ?
ulti, maybe I’m mixing my threads, but, there was some posting of tweets about Adam fans getting into a “my guy sings better than your guy” thing about Adam vs Freddie.
Now I really need to go Lay Me Down. Thanks. I’m OK. I’m Alright.
(( Egads, my whole life has become lyrics and song titles…)))
Happy Birthday Adamized Hope you are having a great one.
mils … sweetheart … take good care of yourself. Wish I can make chicken soup for you.
No fan-warring at our playground here. (I think it’s at atop about Freddie vs Adam)
Here we are just naughty, funny and jolly as usual.

G’night ALL.
OH Oh …. AGT … A gal is singing WWTLF
“I’m not wearing those white pants again and you can’t make me.”
Just came back about AGT and WWTLF.
She was actually quite good.
But, not quite our guy!
I just knew that these songs were going to start being covered on the TV talent shows.
( BTW. Skipped the meds and hot tea. I’m finding a big glass of red wine is doing it for me right now! )
Warner is picking up some interesting talent. They recently picked up AJR, the opening act for Lindsey Stirling. Fun and quirky and smart and decidedly out of the box. Bodes well for Adam, methinks!

ETA: that is, if it is true that he signed with Warner. Twitter is the devil, after all…
mils, you pulled a kradamour!

Hope you feel better soon, chérie.
Thanks. I just took a trip to WWTLF, Toronto 2. I know I am perseverating on Toronto 2, but, it was a month ago today that we were all gathering, dining, and waiting for the rest of us to come on the 27th. Bruno on 27th and our guys on the 28th.
Daughter emailed and said she liked Miguel Dakota – checked him out and see he sang White Stripes, “Seven Nation Army.”
No vid yet – whoops – just found one at mjs – cute guy – nice voice
Emily West – Who Wants To Live Forever – AGT 2014 (Semi Finals)
mils…. I completely get it.
Earlier this morning I posted about my intense admiration and respect for Freddie…the countless hours studying his voice and stage technique. And then… along comes Adam. From then on, he captivated my attention and study.
I Do know that vague feeling you mentioned., and I’m glad you brought it up, because I’ve felt it, too.
I think I’ve come to terms with it because now that Adam and Queen have formed alliance, I can happily retain my profound fascination for Adam… his immense talent, etc (and his sex appeal. Lawd, yes – his sex appeal)… and at the same time, have re-experienced a resurgence of such admiration and respect for Freddie (even more so, perhaps) & have been spending time revisiting so many Queen/Freddie era videos, biographies, interviews that I’ve enjoyed from the past and new ones as well. Each song that QAL is currently performing, I’ve been reacquainting myself with the original – the source, and appreciating the legend that is Freddie and what has made him so great – all over again.. I sense that you have been, too.
I feel as though I am paying homage & respect to Freddie and I believe QAL is fostering that for me.
BTW, so sorry you’re under the weather….
Hope you’re resting, getting the relaxation you need, breathing a little better tonight and been enjoying good chicken soup. This group certainly knows how to brighten one’s spirits! Good night, lovely mils.

Happiest of Birthdays to you, adamized!!
(I’m sorry that I’m late – I hope I haven’t missed your day)
Hope you’ve had an amazing time celebrating YOU with people that you love.

I’m easy – love Freddie – but LOVE Adam – all things being equal, beauty rules (shallow that way – lol).
This has made the rounds before – but wth – it’s great –
DianaKat @DianaKat1
@Klddsml This is my pic from Las Vegas 1, but watermark was cropped off. Here is the original
Sweet Sparkly Birthday to adamized and everyone at ALL!!
Certainly hope this is true… That would be fantastic!!
Perfect caption!

Let me join in:
Happy Birthday, kradamour!
And happy belated birthday, adamized!
I wish you both a lovely year.
Krad – a birthday! Hey – don’t forget to stop by for a drink when you’re heading north sometime – we can celebrate then! Nice French wine – vouvray/sancerre,
(not a wine glass, but will have to do).
*** HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kradamour !! ***
Hope you have a beautiful day! A fresh new year for you.
26 minutes ago
Off to a royal affair
Oh dear lawdy! . . .
Don’t even remember how I found this… but, I did.
I’ve long enjoyed the original of this by Jessie Ware…
Yet, this is just so Beautiful, I can barely stand it.
Honestly?? This stripped down, low-key set up is a favorite of mine with Adam.
Lilting… passionate, & oh so gentle…
it’s just all about him and his exquisite vocal magic.
It’s a vocal caress.
And it just turns my heart to mush.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DSx93ifIYI (wish I could find the full rehearsal)
w/lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCHXIWFhXno
3x’s longer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwVaJX9pKWg
My suggestion? Pour your favorite wine… Dim the lights…
start up the fireplace …. hug your computer close…
And let Mr. Man serenade you. . . .
Gelly @14gelly
His latest follow
Transformational media to awaken the mind, body and soul
Adam’s latest follow? – no surprise here – lol
Happy Birthday Kradamour joyeux anniversaire! (Had to search google for that, lol)

Have a lovely day
smalls I know that you are a singer and you have been analyzing Adam’s voice, so I am wondering if you have seen the articles posted by Angelina Kalahari, the South African born, British opera singer who is adores Adam and has written extensively about his voice and her experiences at his concerts. Since you are a relative newbie to Adam, I don’t know what you have already read and what you haven’t, so forgive me if you already know her stuff. Your posts about his voice got me thinking about her and I went back and found some things I hadn’t read before, including this lovely piece about one of my all time favorites, Broken Open. She wrote it during the GNT, but it is still so relevant today. http://soundbath.wordpress.com/2011/05/30/broken-open-adam-lambert-the-agony-and-ecstasy-of-singing/
And what she writes about a singer’s need to sing as well as our reaction to his voice is so correct. The one thing I disagree with is her last comment about the lyrics to Broken Open. She relates it to Adam’s voice, but I always relate it to Adam’s alter ego as a therapist. He always said that if he hadn’t become a singer he would have become a therapist or social worker, and he said that he wrote Broken Open after a number of times when people let themselves “break open” with him, let down their defenses, cry, and completely open up. If that isn’t a therapy situation, I don’t know what is. When I met Adam I told him that he is a natural therapist. He just smiled and nodded.
Another wonderful article by Angelina is her recap of the London QAL shows in Hammersmith. Still relevant to today’s shows.
You can find more of her stuff, including a review of Trespassing on her Sound Bath site http://soundbath.wordpress.com/2012/09/16/queen-and-adam-lambert-in-london-july-2012/
I have seen other technical analyses that she did of his voice, but I can’t find them now.
I haven’t seen any recent articles (after 2012), but I am sure that she will get active again as soon as there is a new album out or when QAL tour the UK again
Adam Lambert liked Sauli’s Instagram photo (SCREEN CAP) https://twitter.com/LAMBERTLUST/status/503928611997368321/photo/1
Not surprising.
How long can he resist vanilla Cupcake with sprinkles?
Sydney show #2 thread is posted:
Hi, rs!
Yes – I have read it before, and I agree – it’s fantastic!
I recall years ago when I kept wondering, “When is a bona-fide singer going to finally step up and speak to this greatness? This enormous talent that has gifted the world with such extraordinary vocal prowess and just why it is so extraordinary?
When will members of the singing community acknowledge his flawless legato lines… his improvised arpeggios… his perfected backphrase… the weighty fullness & luminescent texture to his resonance… the astonishing fluidity of his chest to head transitions (no register breaks) coupled with stunningly bright, clear diction… in stratospheric ranges that even master countertenors fear to tread?”
The silence from other singers, vocal experts & colleagues – the ones who should be speaking up – was just grossly wrong.
So finally… when Angelina Kalahari released her article I was ecstatic.
It seemed others publicly followed her not too long after as well. She does a premium job in this article, imo. VERY well-written. Her readers can tell that she is an Adam fan (making the mistake of assuming bias as her motive), and yet… when reading this piece it becomes quite clear that it is Adam’s vocal virtues first that are the impetus behind her acclaim. I have mega respect for that.
(quickly following is her appreciation of the rest of his lip-smacking goodness, of course. lol)
Thank you for bringing it here. I’ll enjoy reading it again & again. And this time saving it to my files. I’d lost all my hard-drive info back then from a storm…
so, feels like you’ve given me a long-lost gift & great links for all of us to read.
I haven’t had the pleasure of reading her other reviews, however, so those will be a treat to look into as well. I’m checking out your links. Thanks & big hugs, rs!