
As July ends, so does a fantastic series of concerts by Queen and Adam across North America. It will be a summer that many ALLers will never forget! Q+AL take a few weeks break before heading off to Asia and then for concerts Down Under. If the reception there is anything like it was here, Q+AL can expect to get some major loving!

Enjoy the chat!


3,043 Responses to August 2014 Chat

  1. floridagirl says:

    I got John Deacon. Seem to be alone with this one.

  2. luval says:

    Ron got John Deacon, floridagirl !!

  3. riskylady says:

    Guys, I just don’t have the concentration for any recaps right now. So, DITTO to everyone else’s – they are all wonderful and I so enjoyed reading them and reliving the 3 concerts I attended.
    Just one thing: like floridagirl, when I saw our seats for Toronto#2 I freaked too!!!! And seeing Adam the closest I ever did (and the whole concert) was just a totally different experience. And the – ermmm – gift on a platter he brazenly presented to us at the end of KQ – at our end of the couch – was just sooo Adam and so cheeky and sexy, I nearly lost it. That devil knows us so well. And we were in eyebeam heaven in that spot.
    I will forever be grateful to my feet for not failing me for those two+ hours at that crazy wonderful last NA concert.
    Well done, Toronto audience!
    Of course, it was huge fun to see everyone for both me and hubby. He sends warm regards and is ready for the next round!
    Very impressed with the hospitality of the Canadian contingent. Amazing. And I have to add cher and her ADORABLE sisters and family who were so generous and sweet. I do believe I may be a little Chinese/Jamaican now, to add to my honorary Canadian status from a few years ago.
    NY was amazing too. Kept up the traditional gallery/museum jaunt with lovely rs (only now she has me so well trained she can leave and we stayed the rest of the day on our own) and added a play. MSG was EPIC, a real EVENT for Adam and Queen and us. Ahhhh, such a grand time with so many of our group there!!! May there be many many more!

  4. rs says:

    luval, loved that LMD choreography vimeo. It reminded me of the dancers in Kinky Boots, which I saw an age just a few weeks ago the night after the MSG concert with dear cwm and nkd

    And thanks everyone for the Crazy vids I love every one of Adam’s versions of that song. And of course Come To Me, Bend to Me. Melts my heart every time I hear that one. That was the song I used when I wanted to introduce people to Adam’s voice.

  5. riskylady says:

    HAPPY to say I am Roger Taylor. I love that guy too.

  6. nkd says:

    rs says:
    08/02/2014 at 1:44 pm
    luval, loved that LMD choreography vimeo. It remindedme of the dancers in Kinky Boots

    I thought the exact same. Reminded me of Kinky Boots.

  7. luval says:

    Hi rs! I use Come to Me Bend to Me as well to introduce Adam. 10 years ago! That choreography didn’t look too hard for LMD. If any of you guys were around here we could learn it. Laugh ROTFL

  8. luval says:

    New article I believe

    eta: I posted this before I read it. Just read it. Great!

  9. cher says:

    I got Freddie Mercury!! Whut??? ROTFL

  10. rs says:

    lol risky, you are a great student! When I thought it might be time to leave the French Impressionist rooms, you wanted to stay and look at more. I love nothing more than sharing my love of art with willing participants.

    Rumor has it that things here are winding down. HopefullyFingers Crossed

    I will have a clear head to finish going through my 700+ photos and try and write some kind of a recap of the whole trip.

    Does someone have a suggestion for a site where I can post my photos? Picasa lowers the quality of the pictures and also allows access to the rest of my albums, and snapfish, my other site, asks viewers to register.

  11. floridagirl says:

    luval says:
    08/02/2014 at 1:34 pm
    Ron got John Deacon, floridagirl !!

    luval Thanks! I guess I missed his post from earlier. Went backwards and saw it now. Smile

  12. glambotgram says:

    I got John Deacon too

  13. milwlovesadam says:

    luval, that article is fantastic. Nicely researched, well written.

    Loved that truck picture too. Wonder if it is going to a port or airport for shipping.

    Kiwi: just sent you a package in the real mail.

    Just back from the grocery store. Gonna have some sushi on my patio. It is gorgeous here today.

  14. retjenny says:

    riskylady and ALL of the ALLers at Toronto – Wow, what great experiences you all had. I guess I will just be jealous forever.
    I feel so fortunate to attend as many concerts as I have. The only ones that I really blew it are: which ever one is the last concert (always feel like we should have gone; and the Fantasy Springs 2. We went to the Fantasy Springs 1 and that can never be replace in my memory. One thing that really amazed me was how many fans came for all over to see the beginning of what became a world wide tour. I met a lady that came from Australia all by herself to see him. I hope she is still around and gets to see him with Queen in her country.

    F.S. 2. We had been to Costa Mesa. We went early and had a tailgate party in the parking lot. We were parked about 20 feet from the band bus. The VJ’s came over to visit.
    They wouldn’t take a glass of wine but did enjoy some of our cookies. Also I got my picture with Tommy. That was the concert where Adam was sound checking to WWL but changed the words to I want to Laid, I need to get Laid. Someone caught it on video but it has since been taken down. Anyway I digress. Since we were going to C.M the night before we had not gotten tickets to F.S. 2 There were still a few tickets left and I tried to talk Mr. ret. into going. We only live about 2 hours from there. But, it was extremely hot, there was a family BBQ planned for that day, etc. etc. etc. After seeing the vids. I think that might have been one of the hottest, most personal concerts of the bunch. He and Sauli were eye ball to eye ball the whole concert. Then he came out into the audience. Ugh. Family BBQ, Ugh lol

    Back to the real reason I started this post

    riskylady Don’t be worried about your surgery. I think you will find that it is the LEAST traumatic event with the MOST dramatic results. You will definitely wonder why you put it off. You won’t believe how bright and beautiful colors will be. Good luck my friend Clover Heart Rose

  15. luval says:

    hahahamils. I got you hooked on the trucks! Maybe I should set up a twitter account for them. Smile There would be one tweet … by me…”I miss you trucks”! Frown

  16. Ron says:

    rs says:
    08/02/2014 at 2:03 pm

    Does someone have a suggestion for a site where I can post my photos? Picasa lowers the quality of the pictures and also allows access to the rest of my albums, and snapfish, my other site, asks viewers to register.

    Hi dear rs Hug Right

    I highly recommend

    Both P and I have been using Flickr (that is the correct spelling) for years.

  17. milwlovesadam says:

    risky, good luck to you. You’ll be fine. My mom had both eyes done, one at a time a couple of years ago, and now doesn’t need glasses anymore. It was “nothing” to recover. Her words.

    By the way, thanks for being such a good sport next to me at Toronto 2. I nearly fell on you when he started Dragon Attack.

    I can barely stand up right now just thinking about it.

  18. cher says:

    Kiwi: just sent you a package in the real mail

    yeah Kiwi, that’s what the subterfuge was all about! Blame Mils!!! Handshake

  19. cher says:
  20. rs says:

    ron, just sent you an email

  21. luval says:

    RIP Michael JOhns former American idol contestant. Anyone remember him?

  22. luval says:

    Personal review from someone who has never heard of Adam Lambert

    eta: she writes erotic vampire romances.

  23. cher says:

    I am shocked about Michael Johns!! So sorry to hear that.

  24. cher says:

    Glambert piggy bank! Sooooo true!!

  25. Kiwi says:

    Thanks Mils (and Cher)…I laughed when I worked out what it was. I knew a couple of days ago but you all had me totally befuddled.
    I was really sad about Michael Johns. I still have a few of the songs he did on idol in my music folder. I thought he was really good and I had seen him as a guest on a couple of TV shows. I think one was a Real Housewives.

  26. rs says:

    Oh, how terrible about Michael Johns! A blood clot in his ankle! Must have broken away and gone to his heart. So young, very talented.

  27. milwlovesadam says:

    OMG Michael Johns, I have posted here and other places over the years how he was one of my top faves. He was so talented, so young, so sexy, and had kids. Sooo sad. OMG.

  28. retjenny says:

    How very shocking and sad about Michael Johns. He was one of my very favorites.

    I Found this audition vid of his. Kind of ironic.

  29. Kiwi says:

    I had to go and do a little research. I watched a few episodes of Real Housewives (of B H I think) because one of the women was married to David Foster (composer, musician and producer) in one episode he had a musical party and Michael Johns was the singer. I remember being shocked that the “ladies” in the show, talked loudly all the way through it. David threw them out…Yea!

  30. milwlovesadam says:

    I simply cannot believe how saddened I am by this.

    Lÿndsey Parker ‏@lyndseyparker 29m
    THIS ABSOLUTELY BREAKS MY HEART. I can’t believe @Michael_Johns has died. #RIPMichaelJohns

  31. cher says:
  32. milwlovesadam says:

    Cher, that was lovely, did he write about seeing the show?

    Was reading my new Rolling Stone earlier today, and in the Katy Perry article, they write about how she played MSG the night after QAL, and Brian May stops in to gab with her, and how they both have body aches and pains, especially their knees, and how Brian said that they played for 2 hours and 20 minutes, and KP was impressed. No Adam mention though.

  33. cher says:

    No Mils That’s all I got.

  34. milwlovesadam says:

    Wow. MJ has turned the untimely and sad death of Michael Johns into a brouhaha.

    Not enjoying this at all.

    Think I’ll go get some more sun on my patio.

    And enjoy life. Life is good. Travel. Friends. Music. Children. Beauty.

    And being nice to one another.

  35. luval says:
  36. cher says:
  37. angelowal says:

    Thanks so much luval and nkd for the Rock My Town videos – yay, been searching for those for ages. That WLL is so overtly naughty, LOL, and I luv it!!!!

    One thing I notice; wow, point and shoot videos have come a looong way since 2009. The sound is awful and the video grainy but the content remains first class Heh Heh Heh .

  38. Calgary says:


    There’s just something about Adam rocking hard that gets me. I love the hard rock side of him. He absolutely owns it.

    Me too. If there was anything more I would have wished for on the QAL tour it was that edge.

  39. angelowal says:

    Duh, major fail with the bold again – so sorry, No No

  40. nkd says:

    So sad about Michael Johns. He was one of my AI faves.
    So young and with a young family.
    I’m in shock.

  41. twilightmagic8 says:

    RIP Michael JOhns former American idol contestant. Anyone remember him?

    This is so heartbreaking. Such an unexpected death from a blood clot, & only 35 years old. This is such a tragedy.
    Such an all around talented & nice guy. The fact that he came from Perth, Australia, to try to have success in the music industry, is ballsy.
    There was some talk, but it faded away, that he was related to Heath Ledger, who was also from Perth. Never heard any more about that.

  42. milwlovesadam says:

    nkd, it is soooo sad. He was one of my top all time faves, I used to catch up with him from time to time, and am so sad that I’ll never hear him sing live. He was simply wonderful.

    The news is saying he went to the hospital with a pain in his legs, wonder if he ended up with a pulmonary embolism or, even a stroke or heart attack or sepsis? Time will tell. Wonder also if he had recently been on a long flight.

    Remember peeps, when flying more than a couple of hours, rotate your ankles and get up to walk.

  43. glambotgram says:

    So sad about Michael Johns, I knew immediately who he was. I didn’t really follow him but can remember liking him. He sang WWRY/WATC too.

  44. milwlovesadam says:

    Pretty sure he sang at the Season 8 finale, all in white, with Adam and Kris and Queen.

  45. milwlovesadam says:
  46. ultimathule says:
  47. jlurksacto says:

    mlg ‏@mlg621 4m
    What a shame! Someone is using my poster design as a cover for QAL DVD and selling them on #ebay That’s wrong on so many levels! Please RT

    ♥ Adam Lambert is ♔! ‏foxvegas 1h
    @olliebbommel @mlg621 Exactly. @tattoojo & I sent emails to the seller & the DVDs are gone…deleted, withdrawn, whatever. They’re gone!

    mlg ‏@mlg621 49m
    Thank you ALL amazing Adam fans for helping to solve the #ebay issue!!!

  48. luval says:


  49. luval says:

    Here’s the email…twit longer…about mlg’s issue.

  50. glambotgram says:

    There are still a ton of DVD’s for sale on ebay. Not sure if the covers are mlg’s but they look like the type of image collages she does. Queen & Adam should file a complaint with ebay, they are all pirated.

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