- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Mils has my e-mail, she’s welcome to pass it on and jlurksacto can e-mail me.
Wow! http://lilybop.smugmug.com/Other-31/Detroit/i-NxGVh8V/0/M/GIF%20OPENING%20LG%20Detroit%20DRRwine%20lilybop-M.gif
Kiwi Love that train scene – so cute, yes, I can see how easily it could happen with that iconic Queen music.
Today I wore my concert tee with the list of venues and dates on the back, to the grocery store and a young guy about 20-ish came up to me to ask if I had been to a Queen concert recently. Why yes, I told him with a big smile. Then he asked if it was good and how did Adam Lambert do………so I gushed about how great it was and Adam was, and that, considering how old I was he could imagine how many rock concerts I’d been to in my life since the 60’s, this Queen show was THE best I’d ever seen and that most venues sold out. He said he was sorry that he’d missed seeing it…..seemed like a sweet guy
Probably thought I was some crazy old bird, hehe!
Kiwi says:
08/02/2014 at 1:29 am
Lol, Kiwi…
That’s awesome! Not sure what was funnier…the QAL fans singing or that poor kid’s expression wondering what the heck was going on.
Someone should tweet that to Adam. He’d probably love it.
Is that Lynne from Glitter tribe? As far as I know everyone from there got tickets. A few managed spares so they were offered around until everyone was happy. Message to Jlurks sent. Thanks.
I’m sure the confused dude didn’t have any idea what was going on. It wasn’t rap or hip hop so he’d probably never heard it before. He was the funniest part.
jlurksacto says:
08/01/2014 at 11:17 am
Thank you, jlurks!
I’d love a copy. I’ll be emailing ya.
Kiwi I don’t know where Lynne was from but now I got it.. glittertribe. She and a friend joined our group at the Tick Tock diner pre MSG concert dinner
like I said before. Northernspirit was sitting at a table with them. Glad to hear you all got tix.
I just posted a link to my photos from the New Jersey, Maryland, Philadelphia and NYC concerts on the Queen and Adam planning thread. I hope you enjoy them!
Cher … my Dad had a saying. “Confusion reigned and we all got wet” That’s about how I feel but I’m sure it will all be clear soon. PS my Dad was Irish!
riskylady says:
08/01/2014 at 1:56 pm
Comforting, indeed riskylady!
Great to know you’re a colleague. So nice to interact with you!
I do hope you have the absolute best eye surgery experience. And that the recovery is lightening quick and discomfort-free.
smalls That Fantasy Springs concert was very soon after the Idol Tour ended and I had, to my eternal regret,turned down an opportunity to be there
. WLL was mesmerizing on video; can you imagine experiencing THAT live? He said afterwards that he practiced the new acoustic version in his car while driving alone to the resort from his home in LA. Such astounding talent and creativity and we’ve only scratched the surface, I do believe! I could watch it endlessly and it never gets old
rs says:
08/01/2014 at 1:38 pm
rs, my heart and thoughts go out to you with all that’s going on around you.
My prayers are with you for for your continued comfort and safety.
And, thank you for your really sweet and uplifting words about my Adam story. I’m happy that you could relate and that others can as well. I wholeheartedly agree, it’s really wonderful to have this little place full of kindred spirits!
(All brought about due to this Adam Gene. Who da thought?;-D).
AL says:
08/01/2014 at 12:33 pm
Hey, AL! That was very sweet of you to take the time. Thank you.
hi asmallworld! I sure do love TFM! I play it all the time. So happy you got back into the Glambert playing field here.
We’ve all been there! I remember waiting up until the wee hours for the videos to surface after FS, and I saw our dear suz’s video. Of course she knew what we wanted and posted WLL first.

I don’t think I moved from my chair for over an hour, melting into it!
Wonder what else we can find to help you out?!!!
BTW, I think we’re getting a new fainting couch for the corner!

angelowal says:
08/01/2014 at 1:37 pm
Hi angelowal! Thank you for your welcome, me dear bonnie burd .
Loving all the Scottish stock in this little gathering place. Wonderful to read about you and your use of the Motherland accent. It will be a pleasure to meet you some day soon, hear you speak and create “Mr.Longlegs&sexybum” memories.
Yeah Kiwi hope jlurks cleared up the nuttiness.
Silly subterfuge really. 
Just posting something non Adam related for a look see at the fastest man in the world’s first appearance for 2014. Let’s see he remains that way in the next few days.
angelowal says:
08/02/2014 at 2:18 am
Sorry you missed it, angelowal! (That makes the two of us
). Yes, I heard him speak of that “practice” event in his car. Simply stellar…. Our boy never ceases to amaze. I’m excited to see what is in store for Adam. And his continued development will be fun to watch. His future is brilliant!
… A timeless performance if there ever was one.
cher says:
08/02/2014 at 2:36 am
Hi cher! It’s a pleasure to meet my fellow TFM aficionado.

Happy to be here.
Thank you for your warm welcome!
I love that at the start of this ,while Adam is behind the curtain it looks like he has wings! Fly boy fly
milwlovesadam says:
08/01/2014 at 6:29 pm
Thank you, very much mils! I appreciate your kind words.

The show I attended was at WinStar in Thackerville, OK.
Adam sounded fantastic, the band was sharp and on their game (TJ sounded especially good that night), and the crowd was crazy excited & into it.
Adam seemed to really enjoy us… our adoring excitement, energy and reactions. He seemed genuinely energized by it. I had not experienced that type of connection before in a concert. In my experience, most artists/bands are on stage and perform their music FOR you. Adam sings his songs… his message… TO you. And he shares parts of his exquisite essence… WITH you. It’s as though we all – Adam and Us, his audience – experienced his concert symbiotically, together. I left feeling satisfied…but wanting more. (though this concert seemed a bit short to me.)
And I also felt a little down because I knew I had become spoiled at that point. Adam ruined us, you see. I knew that I wasn’t going to get the same level of concert experience unless I attended another Adam event!
Alas, my well has long run dry…
(Must attend one again soon!)
Oh, and a special mention about Adam’s delectable attire:
The Man made red pants look like the sexiest thing on earth.
He was very, err…active in them. Ample thrusts, “swivels”, “pows”.
In fact, I recall very convincing moves within the first 2 minutes – in Trespassing.
I remember feeling an urge to squeal like nut. And I don’t even squeal.
I do believe those hot red numbers were very happy to be worn by him that night. (Along with his mic stand that got plenty of “attention”)…
I certainly know we were happy about it.
(Can’t say quite the same about the back up singers’ choir robe thingies? Or Tommy’s pink hair.?? ;D)
He changed later for the down set in what appeared to be the same skin-tight black/gold pants he now pairs with the leather Versace on tour with QAL.
I love those.
I also remember Adam being very funny in his adorable, goofy way and I recall being very impressed with his dancing ability. He is naturally a good dancer.
(This also was the first real encounter I’d had with Adam’s “flexibility” up close. Hard to keep clean thoughts, let me just tell ya.) We managed to get fairly good seats, so I was close enough to see him well. And no mere video can adequately capture his striking looks in person, in living color.
But, then mils, these things you already know… and know quite well!
And then some.
glambotgram says:
08/01/2014 at 6:52 pm
Very well said, glambot and thank you!
It IS quite profound, isn’t it? How we each have our story…our corners of the the world… but relate with remarkable similarity in the same places.
Honestly, I’ve been a bit surprised that others questioned themselves like I did and progressed so similarly.
I’m delighted that we’ve all found each other. Kindred spirits.
“Home away from home”. Love it.

Good Morning asmallworld (smalls)
I think that it might be time to consider a proper avatar for you unless, of course, you’re fine leaving it the way it is now.
I used to encourage peeps to use their own photos because it’s always nice to put a face to a username but, you might have noticed, that didn’t go over too well.
This seems rather appropriate. What do you think of this one for you?
Great “how I became a Glambert”, smalls! I think you have quite a bit to catch up on. There are so many performances & videos pre-Idol. Here is one that I first heard and couldn’t believe it. When he was 22 years old. From Brigadoon, “Come to Me, Bend to Me”. (audio) It’s haunting. I still shed a tear when I listen to it…which is right now!!.He has this sustained note at about 3:23. Magnificent. We have been looking for some kind of video but guess it didn’t exist then!
New backstage robe pictures.
Who are these women?
Hi luval!
smalls, here is my favorite vid of Adam pre-Idol singing “Crazy” at the Upright Cafe.
I had to ask myself why, with all of the thousands of videos to choose from today, is this 5 year old clip my favorite?
It’s simple. That’s it – it’s simple, it’s plain, it’s pure.
It’s just Adam, a piano, and THE VOICE and he’s just belting the song out and having a great time.
I got a real shock when I saw the people on the train singing Bohemian Rhapsody. It looked like a local GO train and one of the guys in the foreground was the spitting image of my brother. I called him right away and it wasn’t him, so I enlarged the video and checked the rolling script announcing the stations: Shudehill and Picadilly. It is a London train. The singers must have come out of a performance of WWRY or QE. Perhaps a Hammersmith 2012 performance?
Ya beat me with your”hi luval”, Ron! Hi Ron!!!
Not sure what my favorite pre idol song is. There are so many. But smalls have you seen Adam singing at his high school graduation? There is one wonky note near the end but whatever!!
Off to do errands.
Hi, TLKC…From your post yesterday…how could I forget about our plans for Wembley! Maybe it will happen. lol!!
now off…
Hope it happens in 2015, luval because a lot of us are minus the funds and the necessary days off work for this year.
The Wembley flight list and job assignments are intact and ready to be posted when the moment is right. We have to get Ron’s passport sorted. Also, we have lost a few people along the way (like baebae ) and some interesting jobs are up for grabs.
Which Queen Member Are You?
Damn it I am trying to get out of the house & Ron you post that!
I am Brian May!
Just read your post on the Glambert and Recap thread smalls. Thanks for the story of your gradual awakening – a lot of nice moments remembered from ROF through to TFM. Also, a lot of recognition. Thanks for joining our small but mighty group. And WELCOME!!!
I am Brian May, too, luval. Do you think it was the answer to: If I wasn’t a rock star I would be “working with computers” that put us in that category?
Asif told me the other night that she wouldn’t be on the blog for a while due to travels with hubby and real life but she asked me to tell everyone that she will recap the two concerts she attended as soon as she has a moment.
She was apparently very disappointed in Chicago because she was quite far back on the floor and too short to see anything but the shoulder blades of the people in front of her. The DC concert was a fantastic experience though: she could see everything and she LOVED it. Recap to follow.
tlkc…no it wasn’t the computers…I hate computers.
Ha, Ron I’m Brian May – that’s OK with me – luv him
By the way Ron, I think your choice of Avi for smalls is perfect
– you’re a genius!!!!
About the other night: M, P and I met up with asif her hubby plus two of their friends in Chinatown and, boy, did we need cher with us!
The restaurant offered us an all-you-can-eat dim sum opportunity for $15.99, which seemed “too-good-to-be-true” and it kind-of was.
The waitresses could barely speak English and our collective prior experience of dim sum was a brunchy- lunchy arrangement involving little carts full of dishes which you pick from and pay for later (or hide the dishes under the table.
We asked for 5 separate order sheets and proceeded to tick all sorts of boxes. Whenever one of us wondered if we were ordering too much, someone would say “It’s all you can eat! Go for it!”
The first big clue that we were doing it wrong was when the waitress looked at my sheet and assumed that I had ordered for the whole table. When I told her it was only for me, her eyes bugged out. She cut back my quantities (it was dishes not dumplings we were ordering) and told me that I could re-order if I was indeed that hungry.
The others weren’t so lucky. They ordered two dishes of everything.
Then the plates started coming.
Then the owner came to see how we were doing.
Then he told us that there were rules to all-you-can-eat dim sum !!!!!:
– no sharing with non-dim summers (we had two non-dim summers with us)
– no doggie bags
– you are charged extra for everything you don’t eat.
We said: “WUT?”
Lucky for asif, all of her orders hadn’t come out and there was a frantic run to the kitchen to cancel the remaining dishes. The rest of us weren’t so lucky.
What to do? We were close to the bathroom so a mad dash-and-flush operation was discussed. Then someone produced a plastic bag for surreptitious removal from the premises. M thought that this was a bad idea because they might have cameras. Careful inspection indicated that, if there were cameras, they were smaller than the eye could see.
In the end we decided to eat ourselves silly and own up to the leftovers. The owner, who had spent the last 30 minutes delivering a tough-love version of dim-sum ettiquette, relented at bill time and gave us advice about ordering for the group the next time we come back.
And yes, there will be a next time. The owner was a very nice and funny guy and the food was excellent.
Ah very true, so I give you the origin of the Red Pants and another “Crazy” offering
By the way when he wore those pants at Winstar a bunch of us were watching the stream and we went nuts when we say the red pants. I believe Nkd, TexasWannaHoldEm, Ceddies and aely were there too.
Can anyone find the video of the New York concert with Kris, Allison and Adam, where he unleashed his uber sexy self and women were trying to grab him when he moved to the edge of the stage? He wore makeup that was quite heavy and when he got to WLL, he smeared it all down his face………sounds gross but it was at that time THE rawest, sexiest performance evah!!!
I think smalls would enjoy it
I know I’d love to see it again
Ron perfect avatar for smalls just beautiful. How are you today? I wish we were meeting for coffee or tea this morning.
AwwwTLKC Sounds like you all had a mad, fun time with the dim sum, LOL. Lots of good memories for asif to take home. I’m so disappointed that I couldn’t get into the city to join you all
TLKC OMG that is hilarious
By the way, a shout out to all the Outlander fans here. I have read all the books and most of the Lord John series too. I love the Outlander series and can hardly wait for the newest one. I actually listen to them on audiobook so I get the proper pronunciation of the Gaelic. It is so lovely to listen to.
Here is Jamie http://www.tvguide.com/celebrities/sam-heughan/photos/268532
glambotgram I have never seen that “Crazy”.
OMG – perfection! Still, to this day. Wow.