
As July ends, so does a fantastic series of concerts by Queen and Adam across North America. It will be a summer that many ALLers will never forget! Q+AL take a few weeks break before heading off to Asia and then for concerts Down Under. If the reception there is anything like it was here, Q+AL can expect to get some major loving!

Enjoy the chat!


3,043 Responses to August 2014 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:
  2. luval says:

    Over 3000 posts!

  3. ultimathule says:

    Excellent! I’ll drink to that – actually, I already am – lol Drink Beer

  4. ultimathule says:

    hahahaha – so true

    TATTOOJO @tattoojo
    nudes? wut?

    mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
    @tattoojo Sadly, not who you think… LOL!

    @mmadamimadamm him in shorts is nude to us

  5. ultimathule says:
  6. ultimathule says:

    TALCvids @TALCvids
    Queen + Adam Lambert Brisbane show preview, appearing in The Courier-Mail, Aug 30, 2014 . thanks to @keribear55

  7. Calgary says:

    It just occurred to me today, as I read the nth reference to Adam being AI runner up/star/contestant – that AI should be paying him for all the free publicity!

  8. ultimathule says:
  9. HK fan says:
  10. HK fan says:

    SiriusXM Classic Vinyl “Queen Forever album will include some new songs with Adam Lambert.” …

  11. little dutchess says:

    riskylady says:

    asif, been meaning to thank you for this acoustic TYMD by Brian May & band back in 2008. What a performance!! And what a charmer too

    Thanks asif and risky for posting this again. I must’ve missed the original. So glad not to have missed this time. The duke and I absolutely loved it…almost jaw-dropping. What joy it brings! What a guy, what a talent and so much fun. Already love Brian and this just adds more to the mix! Notice not much of his British accent here!
    asif, wherever did you find this?

  12. luval says:

    Wonder if Adam is developing a bit of a British accent after hanging around with so many Brits!

    If he has another twitter party I’ll ask him. Smile

  13. ultimathule says:

    Hmmm – “new songs,” HK fan – wonder what that means – “new” in the sense never recorded before? And wonder if this is just a rumor.

  14. ultimathule says:

    @adamlambert always a gentleman xx thank you for being so polite to me Smile

  15. riskylady says:

    I think Sirius was referring to that interview Roger did with some Welsh publication. He said nothing there about any Adam songs going on that record – it’s Freddie, Michael and some reworked or never heard Freddie stuff. Someone posted it on here somewhere but it would take me hours to find it lolol.

  16. luval says:


    He then proceeded to tell me how he works for Warner and was at the show tonight because Linkin Park is one of their artists, and that he got excited about my Adam shirt because he’s never seen anyone with his shirt on before and they recently signed him with Warner.

    From here. Scroll down

  17. luval says:


  18. ultimathule says:

    mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
    ICYMI: One place for ALL venues and the lists of videos by videographer / set list.


  19. ultimathule says:

    Thinking of you Joan. Sending Light

  20. ultimathule says:
  21. ultimathule says:
  22. riskylady says:

    New to me

  23. ultimathule says:

    Classic rock stations are playing adam singing with queen…i have allll the feelsss

  24. ultimathule says:

    That pic, once again, riskylady, reminds me of that dialogue in Charade – Audrey Hepburn to Cary Grant – “You know what’s wrong with you?” ———– “Nothing!”

  25. luval says:

    Stunning picture, Riskylady.

  26. ultimathule says:

    That all venues/video list is daunting – how many vids are there? Where to start?

  27. ultimathule says:

    Matt Cappeluti @mattcappa
    AFL should’ve booked Queen & Adam Lambert at the start of the year. Having seen them, they would’ve got the crowd going!

    (@murdochuni. Radio: @TheKitchenFM (Radio Fremantle & @synnation) + @mixedbagfm. Sport and music geek, my views. Professional Mr Bean doppelgänger.)

    damn right, Matt –

  28. ultimathule says:

    Wow – this is terrific!

  29. asifclueless says:

    LOL … chunkey Laugh


  30. Tothebeat says:

    One stunning picture after another. One stunning poster – using some of these same stunning pictures – after another. I can’t keep up! Laugh What a terrible problem to have, lol. Thanks to all involved.

  31. asifclueless says:

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

    brianfriedman’s video

  32. angelowal says:

    OMG, ulti this concert video list is fantastic and seems intact! Thank you so much for finding it Smile.

  33. ultimathule says:

    Can vote for Adam in bottom category – Social Media Master – but look at the bulk of the comments – where is QAL in tour of the summer?

  34. ultimathule says:

    Yes – love that list, angelowal – can’t tear myself away from it – so many I haven’t seen – a wealth of riches!

  35. ultimathule says:

    Dainty Group @DaintyGroup
    We’ve released an EXTRA 100 tickets for @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert TONIGHT at @BrisbaneEntCent! @Ticketek_AU

  36. sparkle says:

    ulti – That kind of information is dangerous to post. Makes me want to pack my thingses and take the first flight to Brisbane!

  37. AL says:
  38. ultimathule says:

    So withya, sparkle

  39. sparkle says:

    Sweet Fantastic Wealth of Riches Dreams, ALL!!

  40. ultimathule says:

    ) RT @brianfriedman: @adamlambert thanks 4 sharing this Adam! I know @yanismarshall is as thrilled as I am! Drinks soon! X

    Ahh – so sweet –

  41. sparkle says:

    Cheers to an oh so memorable and record-breaking(?) August!! Thanks everyone for doing your part in keeping this site going, especially eywflyer and AL! It is a wonderful, magical place!

  42. sparkle says:

    And here’s to a spectacular and spellbinding September!!

  43. angelowal says:

    Sparkle I watched Outlander last night for the first time – not bad Yes – I think I will have to keep watching Wink. Thanks so much for the tip that it was coming Grin .

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