- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Wow – the mind boggles at the thought of Adam’s singing with a choir like this.
Wondering if he may have sung Mad World for the Glee tribute to Cory with the choir? Or, Who Wants to Live Forever?
Mils, that thought gives me chills.
That’s so funny, aely! I used to go to Elaine’s on the Upper East Side all the time in hopes of seeing Chris Noth there. He was supposed to be a Monday night regular. (The only famous person I ever saw there was Geraldo Rivera!#*!??:<!)
He's a hottie. Love him in The Good Wife.
I loved Nile's interview. He clearly thinks very highly of Adam.
That Mississippi Choir tweet is very interesting. How did they meet Adam today and where are they at the moment? The tweeted yesterday that they would be recording today. OTOH, they didn’t say “nice working with you” but interesting.
Another interesting thing is that when I googled their twitter account – twitter suggested I follow Spike Edney. He is Queen’s keyboardist. Hmmmmmm….
Is anybody we know going to the AFTEE event?
Besides Adam, that is!
I think mils is right about Glee. They might travel to NYC for outside scenes a few times a season and shoot them for several episodes at a time.
Trespassing at #296, iTunes Pop – hangin’ in there.
Thanks for the update, riskylady – good knowing that.
Adam’s hour is on
On now 3:00 p.m. EDT
Great minds think alike, asif!
ulti … I know .. Right?
Is it blasphemous to say that I much prefer Wake Me Up to Lay Me Down, and I wish Adam had been singing on the former one (I know it isn’t his usual style, but think what he could have done with it). If these preview tracks are the real thing, I am very disappointed. Adam’s voice is like background music to the dance beat. I can’t understand any of the lyrics and I can’t catch a melody. I can feel the driving beat and understand how great it is to dance to, but Adam’s voice seems wasted here. I know that it is Avicii’s album and not his, but there are other voices on it that are given pride of place. Why not Adam’s? Sorry for he sour grapes. It will be interesting to hear how it sounds when he sings it live with Nile on the 17th.
Listening to http://energymusicradio.co.uk/ for the ‘Adam Lambert Hour’… Music Again… way to start a Monday morning here in Hawaii… Aloha!
Did energy just play Strut twice?
Yes luval
I am loving Energy radio’s Adam Lambert hour. An hour of pure Adam with no inferences
. YAY!
lol, thought so, 808glam.
Hope Brian May had an uneventful knee replacement today!
I never get sick of If I Had You.
And now Queen. Very appropriate
Me neither luval and I love it the way Adam starts the shows with. Looks it will be longer than one hour
Love that they now throw some Queen in. What a combination! Don’t stop this great music!
They can’t stop the music!
No, they can’t rs!
Here I am back again on about the CBC radio series Twilight of the Gods. I have listened to about half of Part 4, which is the 80s to the present – and fascinating – and I tried to transcribe it. But I’m sure you don’t want to read all that stuff, so I just excerpted a few paragraphs to give you the flavour. I also wrote to CBC and asked if there was any way for Americans to hear the shows. Part 4 is fascinating as it explains the mess the biz is in right now. Here’s a tiny bit:
“The record business today lies in tatters. Sales are declining, layoffs are rampant, distribution models trashed. Money is leaking out of the industry like a sieve.
It’s hard 2 believe only a few yrs ago, the record biz was on top of world. Hauling in record profits, drunk with power. When the crash came it was sudden and violent like a greek tragedy. And as the Greeks called it 3000 years ago, “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.”
Record cos began to turn their backs on all the strategies that worked in the 60s and 70s. The business was increasingly being run by the money people. Billions of dollars, what could possibly be wrong with that? Heidi Robinson: “The money became more important than the art.”
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone 4m
There is a band called ‘the melvins’? You couldn’t make it up…
Hmmmm “Wake me Up” versus “Lay me Down”. I’ll take Adam either way, rs.
Joking aside, I agree with you. The LMD track is very muddy, though. The sound quality is so bad it’s hard to tell. If I were Aviici, I’d take it down. It’s doing the song no favours.
Thanks for the link ulti. I played several of them. Listened to all the Audra Mae tracks. Addicted is the best of the three.
Energy Radio throwing in another AL song… Time for Miracles!
That’s really interesting stuff, Calgary – validates all the rumors we’ve been hearing.
rs – You may already have heard this partial of LMD – it starts at 3:20 on this vid – but it’s MUCH clearer with Adam’s vocals and Nile’s input.
WaPo sold to Amazon’s Bezos for $250 mil.
Colfer interview up at MJ’s.
What is WaPo?
Sorry, luval – Washington Post
Not only the record business that’s changing.
Thanks, ulti. Wasn’t the Boston Globe just sold? Turns out it was a very bad deal. Subscribers way way down. I still like reading the paper, though.
Background article if interested.
Jason Linkins @dceiver 38m
“People who purchased the Washington Post also liked these products”
The thing about “Lay Me Down” versus the other tracks on #True is that all we have are audience captures. Some of his recent gigs were broadcast on radio and tracks recorded from there are clear, but he didn’t play LMD at those gigs. I suspect he might be holding back to create buzz/demand. I went through a few of the radio ones (loooonnng) and no LMD. I reserve judgement until hearing a clear version, but the short one ulti posted is the best indication, and it sounds good – his voice unmistakeable with lovely tone especially the verses (lower register). And if the lyrics are really “taste me up” and “take a little bit and baby don’t give up” – hot, hot, hot!
Plus, can’t believe Nile would be OK with any track where Adam didn’t sound great.
No new info, but nice to see.
Prince in New York
Yes, ulti, that little bit at the end did sound much better. risky, I trust your analysis of the situation and think you must be right about Nile. He loves Adam and his voice too much not to let it shine on anything he is involved with. I would just really like to hear the final version already
Nile on Jimmy Fallon tomorrow night?
I get the feeling that the way Aviici has blown up this year has taken him and his PR people by surprise. He is a worldwide phenomenon right now.
At work the other day I asked some of my cooler and younger co-workers if they had heard of him. YES was the answer. Asked them what they thought about Pharrel, YES was the answer. Did they know who Nile Rogers was? Oh, that old dude who plays with Daft Punk. He must be cool.
Some of them know me too well. The question they asked me was ” Does this have something to do with Adam?”
I just nodded and calmly informed them of the connections, the upcoming Aviici song and album, The Queen plus Adam show in Vegas, and the show out east this month.
They all actually thought it was cool. For Adam.
I of course kept my aqueeeing silent.
I was at work after all.
Oh please universe, let Nile talk about Adam on Fallon. Let Nile talk about Adam on Fallon. Keeping my fingers and whatsis crossed…