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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Ron Glad to see you here, young fella, I was missing you
I too remember Liza – she was a big star back in the day when there were “real” stars, not profane, plastic egos-on-legs. I agree with y’all that the Liza with a “G” was a gracious compliment from Adam (even though I wasn’t much impressed with her performance – she’s starting to bore me a bit).
The acoustic OOL is tear inducing too, it’s so very beautiful
Thanks to aely for that insightful article. Now I really want to weep over the injustices going on in that Music Biz
Love that article mils Who knew Tommy could talk so much lol
After reading that TJR interview, I just keep thinking of two performances, one was when they played Sandman, and his love of Metallica, the other is that iconic acoustic performance of WLL at Fantasy Springs. That was just blues. Pure blues. And sweet sweet Adam in all his glory.
I’m looking forward to hearing his album with Brian. Should be suh-weeet.
RS article on WMU and Aloe Blocc
Didn’t know this:
Most of @Avicii ‘s Album #TRUE was recorded in Westlake Studios in L.A. where Michael Jackson recorded the Off the Wall and Thriller albums!
AVICII NEWS: @Avicii has been Asked & is Playing at the Official iTunes Festival on the 13th of September! #TRUE pic.twitter.com/MPq1XzAoH2
What does it mean – if anything – that Interscope is no longer affiliated with AI?
So will Adam be playing with Aviici? Or showing up and walking the red carpet and there to represent LMD, but Aviici will do his thing and just spin the song????
Turn this up to 11 and let the blues wash over you.
Okay, I will be in London on the 13th. I wonder if I could pull off going? HMMMMM – My dad at a EDM music event – that makes me laugh! Going to research…..
Leaving tomorrow and will be gone until the 16th. I will check in but being on a ship I probably won’t get much time to play. Honestly, I hope I miss a ton of good news!!
nkd HA! I would just throw things at annoying people.
I really enjoyed that article as well. It was so heartfelt and real. Adam is getting there, slowly but he is on his way.
On a HUGELY shallow note Adam and Jared would make an extremely HOT couple..DAMN…Everyone speculates he is bi. Yes, I know he is old and taller than he likes but I am sticking with DAMN!!
Ummm, guys, Adam retweeted Sutan’s message about London!!
Yup. He’ll be there. AND he could rehearse with Queen. Two birds with one stone, as it were.
Did something change for the festival? I thought Shoshanna made it clear it was a NO about them all performing together in London. Sutan tweeted? I wouldn’t mind seeing Avicii, though.
Some pics from AFTEE going up here
Love this one
And this
This too
Pretty much loved them all!
Listened to that YT, mils – on iTunes, it’s the only track you have to buy the entire album for.
Ran across TJ’s interview in different format a few days ago and had same reaction – Buddy Guy – know that name – not like you do, though. Checked iTunes and dl’d a number of tracks – he does one with Beth Hart – “What You Gonna Do About Me” – great stuff.
I could see that aely! And some…”oh hell no!”
But you would be entertaining!
That’s some lineup at that Festival.
This is for Mils and Ron. Last week one day I turned on my computer and there in my e-mail list was the name Barbra Streisand. For a fleeting moment I was elated. Barbra was e-mailing me. Then reality set in and I realized, she doesn’t know I’m a fan, I’ve never written to her, e-mailed or joined any fan groups. I knew then it might be political. Thanks to my political daughter, the one who got invited to the White House last December, I’ve been receiving lots of e-mails for various causes. Barbra did address me by my first name and then asked me to support a cause dear to her. How could I not. I remember hearing her for the first time when Gary Moore introduced her on his TV show as a young unknown talent that he thought America should hear. If Adam were to duet with and older legend I’d rather it be her than Cher as not a fan of Cher.
Fun to read even if four years old
You mean, this?
Talk about raw talent!
She wasn’t B-A-R-B-R-A S-T-R-E-I-S-A-N-D yet.
Help me JOSJOSIE! I think that the last person in the clip is Vic Damone?! I’m not sure though.
Is that Durwood Kirby singing?!
I think so.
Vic Damone – great voice, but sorta boring.
Kirby sang? Remember him from Candid Camera, I think.
Looked him up on Wiki – it’s actually Durward –
Kirby’s name was spoofed in the animated series The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, where a man’s hat (size 7-5/32) was called the “Kirward Derby”. It supposedly had magic powers that made its wearer the smartest person in the world.
The kids and I used to watch that show – they all wanted to go to Whassamatta U when they grew up.
Ron, the first time she sang on that show she was 19yrs old and sang “when the sun comes up”. I must have missed a Jack Parr show or two as her first TV appearance I heard was on his show. It’s hard to believe as I was a real fan of his show. Oh the memories.
Durward makes much more sense, ulti
I can’t imagine why I’d think that it would be spelled “wood”.
But upon further reflection …
Ulti, Vic Damone boring?!
His voice was so beautiful that he could sing anything and I’d just marvel at his talent. Kind of similar to someone else that we know here.
As you say though, which is true, to each their own.
But, except for Adam, I don’t like “your own”. I think that “my own” is better than “your own”.
Damone had a set of the best pipes in the business, Ron – but not the most exciting personality around. Sometimes, of course, that’s enough.
(I thought it was Durwood, too.)
Ron, Jojosie Do you remember when Liza Minelli made her TV debut on Jack Paar? She had her leg in a cast. Jack intro’d her as “Dijou Landgar” so noone would know who she really was. I can’t find the clip on YT.
In my day – lol – Ron – it was to each “his” own. Made things simpler, of course, like using “mankind” instead of “humankind.” But, really, “man” encompasses “woman” in the true sense.
I think Joni Mitchell and Adam have a lot in common. If you can check out the CBC “Q” interview with Joni, you’ll hear her say a lot of the same things as we’ve heard from Adam over time. Iconic, indeed.
Loved Jack Paar – short stay on late-night TV – but memorable – why did he walk off?
Ah, Joni Mitchell, Calgary – her sublime album, “Blue.”
Do you have a link? Would love to see/hear the interview.
Joni Mitchell
Thanks, aely – you’re a gem.
Listening to “Blue.”
Immediate association with the name Jodi Mitchell is the song “Michael From Mountains”.
Joni Mitchell or Judy Collins? Apparently there are two of them, Ron
Adam tweeted this.
(tongue – you may not want to look at this – lol)
Ulti, you’re right.
I was thinking of the Judy Collins version of “Michael From Mountains”.
I’d forgotten about that song and I’m listening to it now and loving it all over again.
Ah, memories.
Ah, memories…..is right! Judy Collins was my girl!
“Suzanne takes you down to her place by the river…..”
Isn’t technology great – remember a song and pick it up right away from the vast, to me inexplicable, internet.
More a Joni fan than a Judy one – but the Crosby/Stills/Nash Judy Blue Eyes Suite remains in my memory bank of wonderful times.
ulti: thanks for the tongue warning LOL.
I can’t get too worked up about Miley, even if the performance was talentless, pointless, and tasteless. Have seen worse supervising high school dances (and trying to stop it is like whack-a-mole). I do wonder if all the outraged parents have any idea about their own kids’ “moves”.
I still think Robin Thicke was at least as tasteless. How exactly is it that he gets a free pass? Wasn’t he the (married) adult in the room and happily went along with it?
I’ll say, Ulti!
You’re also right about Vic Damone.
Great voice but not very exciting to watch. But this clip makes me cry (it really does) because I’m listening to true talent and I can’t help but be moved by it.
The same way that I’m moved about someone else here on this blog.
Something tells me that this isn’t going to be your cuppa, Ulti
You might recognize who he is singing with.
This is much closer to the kind of Broadway music I like – it has melody and great voices. But, aside from “And this is my beloved,” there’s not a lot of great music in Kismet (and most of it was derived from Alexander Borodin). Went to Wiki and saw so many names associated with the music – Alfred Drake, Doretta Morrow, Ann Jeffreys – and, of course, the movie – Howard Keel, Ann Blyth, Dolores Gray, and, yes, Damone, that I remember from those years.
Thanks, Ron – run more by me – love to see your pics.
These are the musicals I love, Ron – don’t see Pal Joey listed here though – Rodgers and Hart such an incredible collab.
Silly of me UltiI know, but it was a juxtaposition of this video with that of Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke as far as what’s considered to be talent today.
Scary thing is … I’m sounding more and more like my father.
Adam tweeted a video promo by Natalia Kills. She is with Interscope.
@socialitelife: Adam Lambert Enjoys A Night Of Fun At Hooray Henry’s http://t.co/4ipemlL2J6