- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Nile on the red carpet
More info about the shoes …
They are called “Transformer Creepers Plain Mens” by Depression
Sociallife gave good reviews of the shoes and clothes ..
OOOps … Sorry! .. aely. You already posted about the shoes on the previous page.
Anyway … more talk about the shoes.
Happy Birthday Adamized!!!
Have a wonderful day!!!
And May all your wishes come true!!!
QueenBertLinda @GlamPimpLinda 20m
best thing about VMA’s last nite tweets I saw saying where has @adamlambert been glad to see Adam Lambert there etc.
These appearances do matter.
Jadelle1: (15 vids so far) Adam Lambert V M A, Aug 25, 2013 (playlist): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6Yx9dcZ36qrlvyFKowc9Qx8YAnuAYQWa …
Fav [post about this:
• 2 hours ago
LMAO.. come on people… Adam fans are being trolled! Recognize it for what it is! Its called “Lets diss Adam Lambert cuz we know we will get tons of defensive hits to our lowly little blog” LOL.. come on peeps. Adam was the best dressed male there. Period. I think T & L just cant handle so much fabulosity that they just dont know how to handle it. Its a defense mechanism….LOLOL
A very Happy Birthday Adamized! Make a wish! Remember, each candle counts as one!
I’m downloading this wonderful fan made video about Adam’s journey.
It’s really well-done with all the best of songs, concerts, interviews, awards, funny clips, heartwarming clips, … etc. A lot of dedication in making this video.
I love it. If you have time give it a try.
Happy Birthday adamized Hope it is a great one!
Tom and Lorenzo must be fools, there was no one there that looked better.
Love all the photos and videos that have been brought today.
I was wondering if Adam ever thinks back, to when he wanted to dress up in a full suit, & a fake mustache as a young one???
Does anyone have that photo? I can not for the life of me find it, and was sure I did have it?
Adam Lambert ✔ @adamlambert
was out last night w friends after awards and we left one bar and randomly rolled up on another and who was performing l?! MFing PRINCE!!!
9:14 AM – 26 Aug 2013
<blocKquote> Adam Lambert ✔ @adamlambert
What a fabulous night for Adam, and lookin so fine too, in that Lanvin suit.
His confidence was surely up, for Prince would have appreciated his fine attire, and of course those hottie tottie shoes!!
Any lead on those shoes?
Nile/Adam/Avicii mention
From this review:
Very strange comment. He doesn’t know Adam very well if he comments on his ability to “pull off some dignity”.
Stars in the award ceremony MTV Video Music Awards 2013 delighted beautiful creations on the red carpet. It is not surprising that each of them wanted to look their best – the competition fierce and pictures go to the world!
There were, therefore, both elegant dresses and tight muscles. Went up a few styling totally crazy!
Selena Gomez put on the classics with some diversion – her long, dark blue dress decorated with corset was seen through. The whole look really good, and some suspect that Sel was inspired by the styles of Lana Del Rey! Similarly, Taylor Swift was up to, given the narrow, long dress with straps. Really smart and like the old movie!
Well presented itself as Snooki. Star ‘teams from New Jersey, “established a long black gown with a train and silver applications. The new, slimmed down very alluring shapes presented themselves in this outfit!
Interestingly fell Miley Cyrus in tight, black leggings and top, decorated with multi-colored stones. In conjunction with its mines outfit looked really good!
As for the guys, it’s a very sexy look Adam Lambert in his shiny suit. Robin Thicke, as always, give advice, but it swept Justin Timberlake – tuxedo with a black and white shirt plus old-school shoes and hat outfit worthy of a gentleman!
asif, I am about 30minutes into the 125 more reasons video. How great! Thanks for posting this.
And I’ve watched the youtube of Adam in the talent lounge twice.
Here’s a review of someone who was at the bar where Prince appeared last night. Adam stumbled upon it after the VMA’s. Sounds like an amazing show.
I guess this is what the reviewer was talking about when he said he was glad Adam could pull off some dignity during the kid’s acceptance speech
talent prep cam
CHANANDLER BONG @chunkeymonkey81 6m
Did I just see a RT of a ga ga Stan making a fake tweet about Adam praising ga ga’s perf last night? Lmfao oh deer
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 6m
@chunkeymonkey81 Yup! And I called her on it and she told me to fuck off! Classy!!!
Updated – 111 pics
Thanks for that article, luval – just verifies what we pretty much know.
Want to thank, I think it’s lurker – for putting up that short vid/gif of Adam’s laughing while waiting for JHud to toddle off on those heels. He’s such a charmer.
Eileen @monalee62 5m
ADAM ON E!!!! Smaal interview about Glee!
Whew!! I think I’m caught up, here, there and everywhere!!
Sheesh! I got home from work, thought I would pop in for a bit, get some homey thingzes done, but, nooooooo. It’s the same old thing, getting lost in Adam.
Okay. So.
LOL No research needed. Plenty to find. ((( Yayayay )))
-Adam looked beautiful. I didn’t even mind his shoes. They are very Hollywood. Maybe the all black would have been better though. I’m soooo over the painted nails, whatevs.
-He was a very talented presenter. Heck, he could host. We know he could.
-So happy for the Prince coincidence.
-So happy for all the great press. Including the Nile support.
-Gaga was just Gaga to me. Nothing new or different. Trying too hard. And I am a fan. Sigh.
-Miley? Too crude. Too crass. Too vulgar. Just too. I am not offended. It was just too much. Robin Thicke though should be embarrassed, he is more than twice her age and was pitchy.
-Adam’s face while Austin Mahone was funny to me too. You could practically read his mind
” I’m Adam F. Lambert, standing next to Emilie F. Sande. We could both out-sing this little shit in 2 seconds flat. And they give HIM an award? Where’s mine? Why am I always presenting and not sanging? Gahhhh. I need a drink. Gonna go out clubbing tonight and wipe this episode off my memory banks. I hear Prince is in town, nah. What are the odds?”
I managed to catch a bit of the VMA’s last night, saw Adam ‘bit’ on my big screen
Saw JT’s section, thought it was never going to end, didn’t really like any of the songs, they all sounded the same.
Thought JHUD’s appearance in Macklemores song seemed strange and out of place.
Have that Tom and Lorenzo pair ever liked any of Adams outfits???
Although I’m not keen on the shoes…..
Saw Adam on E…youtube should probably come soon.
Tommy interview about Adam and new album
Fashion Police tonight is about the VMA’s. Taking bets on what a bitch Guiliana will be….She is not someone I would ever care to talk to or meet
E clip
mils – that last paragraph about what Adam was probably thinking standing behind Mahone is really funny – I’m sure you read his mind perfectly – lol.
I’m interested to see what Guiliana says too. She does not like Adam. Besides what she says on camera, her body language says the most. I would be shocked if she says anything nice. Thanks for the reminder of the Fashion Police tonight, aely.
Is there a particular reason Guiliana doesn’t like him? Don’t know who she is.
Just saw YT where there was a dating game thing.
Guiliana was really harsh saying things like “ugh” when Adam was in his makeup/glitter/glam phase. It was the way she said it. The faces she made. It’s one thing for Joan Rivers to joke but Guiliana was very serious.
I almost never tweet to ANYONE…except Adam
but I tweeted her this:
“@GiulianaRancic You should be ashamed of yourself how you described Adam Lambert. Shows you don’t do your homework He is qualified to do AI”
I went back to find her tweet and what she said but it was over a year ago and twitter doesn’t seem to let me go back that far.
Maybe I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt right now. Who knows, Adam may not even be mentioned! We’ll see.
Fashion Police is on now. Guiliana is not there! LOL!
Better and longer Adam on E! Adam is at 1:23
Darren Criss and Naya Rivera Talk “Glee” Tribute
Thanks .. guys. I’m watching Fashion Police now.
HAPPY (almost shared) BIRTHDAY to adamized and Kradamour!!! Have a wonderful time!
Much love to both of you very special ladies.
Yeah .. Bebe … Lose more buttons.
It must be because of the silk shirt.
Adam’s tweet
Adam Lambert ✔ @adamlambert
@KellyOsbourne @e_FashionPolice me!!!!