- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I think there is always a chance until they say No. I don’t think that will happen at this point though. I also don’t believe the availability excuse. That was just a nice way to say Thanks but no Thanks.
Not sure if this has been talked about but it looks like Brian may go down the knee replacement surgery road. If that happens, he is looking at at least 6 months of rehab.
I am a bundle of positive outlook today…The ride is fun but it also sucks sometimes.
luval Interesting thought on the Katy Perry possible tour….could be….Shoshanna just tweeted about her again.
Glad someone is checking, Soccermom! It’s added now.
That was just to make things easier to navigate to older threads. I did add the August thread too since if you wander off to a concert thread, it will make it easier to find your back here.
Thanks for the heads up!
Someone on Adamtopia (might have been Q3 actually) was also saying that Adam could probably provide a lot of info about the whole process but never would because he doesn’t burn bridges.
Also, in case anyone was thinking about Avicii as a possible love interest for Adam, I checked and it seems he has a girlfriend. When asked his sexual preference specifically in an interview he said “its complicated”, but fans and friends say that he was just joking around to cause buzz, but that he is not gay. Of course, perhaps the eyebeams could convert him.
I am a little confused. Does this mean Cindi Lauper is having another gig which includes Adam or are they talking about the past one?
Scan via @BorneoBert: Cyndi Lauper’s benefit feat. “pals including… Adam Lambert.” Foxtel Oz mag, p64, Aug… http://fb.me/1qoGBVuNo
Past one from what I can decifer from the blurry scan. Under the heading “She has famous friends”, they talk about her “Cyndi Lauper & Friends benefit which included appearances from pals including [Whoopi, Rosie] and Adam Lambert”
lol, I had to go to google about the knee replacement down time. You are correct, aely! My friends mom had one but it didn’t seem like it took that long. Everyone’s different I guess
Thanks, AL.
It looks an article about a bio TV show about her life. Premires Aug.4th.
Ha! It took me an entire year to get back to playing competitive tennis after I ripped apart my ACL and tore my meniscus and I have heard knee replacement is just as bad. Some of my rehab partners had that done and were struggling. I think 6 months is optimistic.
I could walk after 2 weeks but to play tennis competitively or embark on a tour no way. Think about all the pro athletes that hurt their knee, they are out at least a year.
Oh well. We have 2014 to look forward to.
I wonder is Brian May going to the surgery immediately of after September festival…
About Glee, if there’s someone else outside US who is missing Glee episodes, I found this site and successfully watched the last one
But I don’t know the characters yet, so have to watch more and read about them in advance.
aely et al – I had a knee replacement. I went to a party a week later (that was a bit tough). At 7 weeks I flew to a friend’s funeral and stood through several hours of receptions ( a few scotches helped). At 12 weeks I was doing great but didn’t get on my bike til 4 months. Travelled to Italy and walked a lot at 5 months. Luckily I didn’t have a full-time job. I had fabulous physio, was back in the pool for daily aqua aerobics at 6 weeks. “Full recovery” means as good as you will ever be and probably does take a year (swelling can take a long time to disappear), but the first few weeks/months are when most of the recovery takes place.
Really like what they say here.
LadyNorth, I clicked on the Glee link you posted and was amazed by the random junk that got installed on my computer when I upgraded my media player as instructed to view the program. It took a fair while to clean it up, and I am not at all sure that the media player even needed upgrading, it was likely all a scam.
Back to Amazon for me! (except for season 4)
If anyone else decides to go this route, after you install the upgrade to the media player, go open control pane, then add/remove programs, click on “date installed” and uninstall everything except the uPlayer that was installed at the same time.
I also uninstalled some random adware.
Yes, Krad, see those “upgrade” windows pop up (sometimes when I’m dling a YT to iTunes) – another will say upgrading computer, click here to finish or something like that. Always ignore them and things process fine. (Is this what you meant?)
Diddo Calgary! Two years ago I had knee replacement in late April and went to Hawaii in July and I am significantly older than Dr. May! I think that is pretty average for that surgery now days.
yes, ulti, I always ignore them, I know better, but I’m tired today and clicked without thinking and oh well, the rest was history until I uninstalled the whole mess. Ugh.
The site is full of junk that wants to be loaded/installed/whatever. Takes a little while to navigate around it all to get to the Glee program. Caveat!
There is always a box to unclick (opt out) before the
programs download. I think a person should have to “opt in”
but that isn’t the way it works.
Thanks, twilight – asked a couple. Where do you see answers to these questions? Is there a “feed” or something? Not sure how that works.
Sorta figured it out – answers are incorporated in question (if he does answer).
Actually, there wasn’t. This was a very sketchy install…about 8 random things were snuck onto my computer without notice.
Yay, twitter party! It’s been a while!

I started the download process for that media player and my
anti-virus protection program gave me a warning. So stopped. If I had really wanted the program would have gone ahead, with care.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Twitter party!!!
Ask me stuff!
“@alexanderenrico: how did the Avicii collab came about?” @nilerodgers invited me to a studio to write to a track he and @avicii composed.
“@larisjackie: give us the deets on the new album!” don’t have Any! have been writing songs but it’s very early to know what album will be.
“ovationimpact: Shady…r u and Sam singing duet or is he singing alone?” He sings the bridge. “I throw more shade than a cloudy day….”
“@nadiainklover: Favorite movie of all times?” Can’t choose a favorite but Velvet Goldmine is one.
Henry Gleekbert xD @idontneedamap
@adamlambert what’s your fav song atm?
@idontneedamap I love “Loose Yourself to Dance” by Daft Punk
“@lambertfever111:when songwriting, do you imagine visuals as much as sounds and lyrics?”I like to write lyrics that are visual themselves.
Eowyn Rohan @eowynrohan
@adamlambert can you sat anything about Glee? When do you start shooting? When will your episodes air? How many will you be in? Can’t wait!
@eowynrohan Cant share…. Sorry love. It’s all just gonna have to be a surprise!
“4evrmomof4: You rocked hosting VH1 Divas,would you consider another hosting gig?” I had so much fun doing that. Yeah hosting is very me.
“@nadiiagg: @adamlambert can you draw?” I used to draw more in high school during classes that bored me.
“@glambulgegirl: when should we expect a new song? Note: if you say soon i’ll die, but i’ll patiently wait for u” I honestly have NO idea
“@haniyahania: @adamlambert did you like school?” Parts of it.
“@gabealfassy: @adamlambert what are your views on premarital sex?” Hahaha really? Just be SAFE!
“@kasandrajang: If you were to sing another genre, what would you sing?” I sorta sing a few different ones already. genres are blending.
“@borneobert: Is it reassuring to know how much you are loved by us?” Everyday! Y’all are the fuel to my fire!
“@eyesbbeyes: @adamlambert what is your current favorite cologne?” OUD / WOOD By Tom Ford
“@mysticxcryptic: @adamlambert coffee or smoothies in the morning?” Coffee.
“@alexandergold: @adamlambert Who is your favorite member of One Direction?” Hhaha they’re all cuties.
“@myheartisonmars: @adamlambert do you like Paramore?
” yeah! Haley had a great voice.
“@kelsbarlow: @adamlambert did you get on with your brother when you were younger?” Haha we fought a lot. We are a-ok now though.
“cherry_Horror: @adamlambert are you going to do trespassing tour in US?” No ;( on to the next projects.
“@quin_Mendoker: @adamlambert Twilight, Harry Potter, or The Hunger Games?” I liked the Hunger Games books a lot.
“@coldplay_Antics: @adamlambert What’s your favorite food?” I like Thai food a lot. Also vegan cuisine is usually pretty tasty.
Love u guys!! Gotta run
Nice twitter party! Missed it. At dinner with a friend that I have not seen in a couple of years. We started talking music and he wants to go to the next Adam concert with me! YES!! He really really wants to go to the next Queen concert. He said he would even travel….Love it….dang it, this is the third time I could have given away DVD’s.
About the knee surgery, my surgery they had to remove one of my hamstring muscles to rebuild my ACL so I know that is different. My doctor told me that knee replacement rehab is about 6 months and rehab on what I had done took a year. My surgery was July 16th and I was on a three week European vacation August 30th. No way was I going to miss that. I got around fine, slow but fine. All my point was that it would be hard to get into shape to go on a world tour before 6 months. I have never felt quite as strong as before which sucks.
Trespassing still in Pop top 300 on iTunes, #288.
I just knew Brian would need to replace that knee after he kept saying it wasn’t healing well. My sister had hers done 18 mos. ago (10 yrs younger than me btw) and I stayed with her for a month. She was in pretty good shape when I left, just started driving. If he did it right away, he might be OK for a 40-min set by Sept. 20 with no complications. Or, decide to wait….
RedRoseQueen speaks out – interesting stuff
Liked Rose’s comments, ulti. Thanks for finding them
And ESPECIALLY for the yummy photo at the top of that page! Def a keeper.
Has anyone else noticed that the twitter and youtube and other names of posters and tweeters that post on Websites such as magazine articles or other are no longer quite as berty? It used to be that they were all -bert or -bulge or something that was obviously a play on Adam’s name. And many of what I assume to be new fans even have “names” that reference other performers, like luvpink or mydirection.

The ripples go out farther each day!
“Whataya want from me” playing on my Honolulu radio station right now
Seems to me they thought they should play some Adam Lambert song since mentioning the iheart festival with Queen featuring Adam Lambert all day long. There may be more to come…
I think it’s very possible that Adam decided he didn’t want to do Idol after all.
Sooooo adorable!!!

Thanks riskylady, it looks so squeezable. That is a mighty f-i-n-e tush!

Ain’t that the truth, twilight!
Look what Adam sees during his Twitter parties! He gets about 10,000 tweets per hour per some Twitter stat thingy.
Sorry kradamour you got so much s**t from the glee link I posted
There was nothing for me, I just watched! I hope that doesn’t mean all that crab is already on my lap top
That’s why I usually don’t download any programs, I don’t understand enough what I get… I’ve been told that many free programs come with a load of other programs, unless you click off some options…
jlurk, do you think it’s safe to watch shows through that site if I don’t download anything?
Next heat wave (I know, it’s nothing compared to yours
) is gonna hit the town today, so tomorrow I head to the countryside again. But today is going to be fun, meeting old pals from the past, based on the fun we had yesterday evening online. We shared old pics and memories (over 25 years ago) and laughed so hard… Nothing has changed 
You shouldn’t have a problem, especially since you’ve already
watched some shows at that site.
LadyNorth, that is what I like about the link that I use. There are many choices, Some want you to download a link and some just have the shows. I just watch the show when I want to. Some links are slower than others and some times of the day (morning for us) are faster. Anyway, when you are interested, email me and I will give you a more detailed tutorial. Meanwhile, enjoy your reunion with old friends.
Thanks jlurk
And rs too, I’ll get back to you when I return from the bushes. Too slow to watch anything there… There were 4 options to watch on your site, 2 free, two cost something. All of them said “not available outside US or US military areas…” But I’m still gonna try that signing up.
On my site?
But I am outside the US or US military. HUH
. Well, we will figure it out later.
Looks like a gig w/Nile!!!
(Not sure if this was the gig Avicii said he would be preforming)???
To early for me to dig around.
ETA: Avicii will be there! Wish I could go!! What could they possibly be introducing?? HA!
Ticket info. http://s.shr.lc/13KdheB or
Memories of London. I love the interviews with long-time Queen fans who were skeptical at first and then loved Adam (newly updated video)
Good morning. 2 weeks until the CHIC gig. Reserve Table for 10 ($6500) sold out Never enough lead time for me, especially on a Monday night!I imagine Nile already had this and invited Adam and Avicii just recently. I am thinking guest could be Pharrell and/or of course Daft Punk. 6 hour drive for me. Probably not going to happen.
Had an interesting dinner last night with some friends including this guy…grammy nominated, world renowned guitar player
Gifted him the Adam/Queen dvd (thanks jlurk). Of course talked about Adam non stop. He didn’t seem to mind. His view of the “biz” today is exactly what we talk about here. I mean he has a resume a yard long, has sold millions of records with several people yet still is a “poor musician” trying his best to get gigs. Illegal downloading, flavor of the month, so so many artists out there that can be seen on youtube and social media, rarely any that make it. Very hard to weed through to find the good stuff. He’s been around for a long time but still keeps up with current music. Loves rock, dance, many different genres. Still plays clubs and solo events quite a bit though.
He loves to collab and asked me to “tell Adam I’d love to collab with him”.
Explained I don’t know him but will tell him if I ever get the chance. Am going to send him Adam covering Bob Marley.
Talked about so much more but won’t bore you. Off to breakfast with a friend!
Here is the article announcing Avicii. It was back the first of June.
posted this back in July and dated June 6
So, there was a twitter party and our friend ovationimpact got a response? She must be floating out there somewhere in the universe…with Glee! Muhahaha! Congrats to you!
TeeHeee, I am going to hell in a handbasket someday, I just know it:
Something tells me that if Adam shows up the name of SAG Harbor will need to be changed.