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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Agree with you on “middle America,” Ellessay.
well, not jumping up and down with that news. I don’t know anything about Harry Connick jnr apart from what I’ve seen on Idol when he’s mentored……and while I didn’t dislike him thought that I would tire of him pretty quickly, ok in small doses, but not twice a week for months.
And I was hoping Idol would steer away from the old songs and themes…will probably get even more with him on board.
Don’t feel anything much about JLO….I can see why Idol likes her, they think she fits the Idol demographic, she’s pretty to look at, and says what they want her to say.
Wheres the judge thats going to bring in the younger demographic?????
Thought your reply was good Ron.
TALCvids @TALCvids 44m
o/ RT @The_Carrot: Hey #glamberts @avicci just closed out electric zoo with Lay Me Down @adamlambert, awesome closing. Took video. #ezoo5
Melinda @melirose89
Now I feel like Idol is something my parents would want to watch. This sounds supremely boring to me. I’ll be petting my cat in that time slot.
Think Adam is different, Ron – he’s young, extremely handsome, has an air of danger, and, as one other writer said, looks as though he really likes sex. The other three are from the past – Adam is here and now and unashamedly and proudly gay.
Was this posted? Good for Terrance.
I actually like the judging panel. No big personalities with no substance except sort of Jlo, but can’t deny she is a performer and knows how to stage a performance. So focus not on the judges, but back on contestants. I also think Harry will be a better Simon Cowell type judge and will have rapport with Keith and Jlo. They are all nice to look at. If Harry is honest as well as musically technical in his judging, then maybe Jlo will up her game, but she will at least do the Paula smooth over if Harry knocks them down. Harry has said a judge should be honest, but not mean. I think each of them will have different favorites among the contestants, which could be interesting. The two guys can both safely flirt with Jlo because they are married, and it pull focus away from contestants due to flirting ala Simon and Paula. But mostly we can now look forward to focusing on the contestants and no need to try to ensure a female winner causing all the cute male singers to be cut. Plus, I still expect Adam as a mentor, which will work with his Glee schedule. Maybe an Adam/Niles/Avicci performance, or if far enough into 2014, a new Adam single. I have to believe he will be on as a mentor or even a guest 4th judge, because how could Idol resist the cross pollenation to promote Glee? In fact, I could totally see a rotating former Idol as a 4th judge for live shows that then performs on results night. Kelly and Carrie might even do that, since low time commitment and still a large audience to perform for. Audience has declined but still in top 10. At very least, I think this panel will stop the audience bleeding. I think the audience loss last year was both young and old. The young because there was no cute boy to spazzing over, except Lazaro, who did have a large young fan base that kept him in the game long past his expiration date. The older idol fans left last year because of Nicki and the tension among judges. I think the older will come back because new judging panel is inoffensive. Show might not have the demo it wants for advertising tho, unless it gets the family tv thing going again, which gets the young there too.
I do think they were scared of Adam as a judge, but not because he was gay, but because he oozes sex and like it or not, he is very polarizing. He would again make the focus the judges( he would not be able help it) instead of the contestants.
American Blues Scene interview with Brian London
Soccermom I like your post and agree with most of it. I just think JLO is an all consuming, suck the life out of the show, put all the attention on me, kind of person. LOL I do like the guys though.
Avicci closing Electric Zoo with LMD
Yes, soccermom, peeps say Adam is polarizing – maybe as a performer – but just sitting there at a panel? He’s a charmer as everyone knows – including the producers after seeing him on the Diva thing.
As far as this panel is concerned, after all this hullabaloo, it’s like the mountain labored and brought forth a mouse.
Here’s Brian and Tommy’s Woman Across the River
Great blues guitar from Tommy!
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone 2h
@igobymanynames it’s just silly. We’ve been very clear that Adam and queen is about moments and events not full tours.
Thanks for the YT, glambotgram – got my RS – so great to see that #1 for Avicii and LMD.
This week’s crossword is now available. We all know “What A Tweet!” Adam can be when he shares his contrarian opinions on twitter.
Adam retweeted –
AL, there are so many amazing photo’s to choose from. I am sure your pick will make us all happy.
September holds much excitement ahead & expectaions.
Many thanks to your endless work, to provide a stimulating place for us to be crazy, with our love for Adam.
I’m surprised Adam hasn’t tweeted about Tommy and Brian’s Soundcloud recording.
Hi ALL… NZ The Flea’s Adam hour should be on in about 2,5 hrs… not sure if it has been reported here but UK Energy Music Radio’s Adam hour on Mondays changed to a monthly program
… http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rm76h8
ulti: Thanks for the link to all the beauties. I find that this one makes a great computer background, (if you don’t mind getting nothing done.) http://tinyurl.com/nvosg2c
Totally agree re the mountain and the mouse. I see others have a much more positive reaction to the Idol panel, who knows, maybe I spoke too soon. Given my lack of willpower, I’m sure I will check it out at some point. Maybe there will be some spiffy young talent to spark my interest.
turquoise, thanks for the link… oh my gosh… now I really won’t get anything done here! Can’t imagine you playing this background slide show at your home computer with your family around. Wishing you and everyone else a nice Labor Day weekend!
Sauli’s tumblr – stuff about his skating, and lots of other things – http://sauli-koskinen.tumblr.com/
New Adam pics (kinda): https://twitter.com/GlambertHU/status/373920764149256193/photo/1
Congrats Liam
Enjoying Brian and TJR’s collaboration. Nice job. Is that Brian singing? And Rick on drums?
Hey everybody – good to be back! What a week.
AL – I’m gonna miss seeing that absolutely wonderful pic at the top of the August thread everyday. Always makes me smile and lifts my spirits. Thank you for that.
I hope I’m not too late to nominate pics for the September thread; here are my favorite pics from the VMAs:
(Sorry it’s so big. Well, not really.
(this is an edit of this pic: https://twitter.com/ScorpioBert/status/372083880536199169/photo/1
Gah he looked so gorgeous that night!
September chat thread is posted at:
Many thanks AL!!