- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
thanks, ulti and turq.
I just watched the interview – and was really touched by his obvious discomfort as he talked about it – no eye contact, looking away, fiddling with a shoe – and that underscored how much he wanted to say it even though it wasn’t comfortable, Adam is always open to a fault and this clearly had hurt him. It is always hard to relive those painful high school days…so many emotional hits are taken in the lunchrooms of our schools, and the after-effects last for years and decades in some form or another.
(My school year starts after labor day…still getting ready!)
Here is a “first look” promo ad pic of Adam for Pretty Little Liars:
And a fun little gif from that Queen video that was just posted:
LOL cwm It looks like he has on the Seinfeld Puffy Shirt
Adam could probably reach into his closet and provide an outfit for virtually any role he would ever be asked to play…!

So true Kradamour
Would someone please post the link to the interview that Kradamour was just mentioning. I missed it somewhere along the way. Thanks.
ceddies, here it is from turquoisewaters:
jlurksacto How kind and generous of you to match donations! especially when you’ve already spent so much making and mailing the DVDs to us. Am so happy to be able to “pay you back” as you asked and will donate to “one n ten”.
Will send you an email shortly. Thanks so much.
Who in their right mind would think this looks like Adam?
That made me smile for an unnecessary reason,

What is an integrity toy???
Luval, I think I would recognize that Adam
Off to sleep now… Waiting for the next surreal twitter party
I agree, luval…. My right mind thinks NOT!
Home now and catching up — always read backwards. I have to admit that I began by getting my “Is This Love” video fix for the evening. OMG, I am totally addicted to this song sung by Adam. It brings me to a happy place EVERY SINGLE TIME. In Paula’s words, I do experience a visceral reaction each and every time I watch. Ha, I hope there is someone out there like me, so I don’t feel totally cray cray.
Adam’s tweet about his mom…..
OMG! How adorable is this man?!?! I tend to think that his tweet is a combination of truth and fabrication. I have a feeling that his mom did not approve of those tweets as he said. On the other hand, Adam most likely actually deleted them for another reason (whatever that is) and decided that “Mom” would make a good excuse. I’m not so sure that he would have deleted them just from Mom’s disapproval. Ha, I speak from experience as I have a 30 year old son myself! Just my theory…
Do you mean from the waist down?
Yes, I noticed that wrinkle.
Do I dare say this is a better representation?….NOT!!!!
How funny that they make Adam dolls. and such detail. I wanna see whats under de pants. BAD GIRL

Yeah, luval… It is almost a caricature.
New gig:
Thank you jlurksacto. I received my Kiev video today. That was very fast. Only took 3 days. I can’t wait to watch it tonight.
Since we live in the same state, we have probably unknowingly attended many concerts together.
Many many thanks,
The doll looks like a barbie with Adam hair, the face is just too feminine. But you gotta love that wrinkle in just the right place.
And a new gig for you Texas people!
Once again, this promises to be a good show for all of you Texans out there!!
Dallas, Oct 29th.
Adam’s Godson is so adorable!!
Good, and you are welcome. Three days to Manhattan Beach, I’d sue!
Any Canadians besides Ron (thank you turtle dear!) get the DVD?
Yay! A Texas concert! TexasWHE and I will be there. Anyone want to join us? Please!
jlurksacto, cher and whoever else was waiting on their Fault magazines, have you received yours yet?
nkd…. I knew that you and Texas would be jumping up and down with joy!!

How about you, aely? Lucky peeps!!!
When did aely say she was leaving the country? She’ll be gone when tickets go on sale, so I wonder if we should get tickets for her. aely, if you see this, let me know. Tickets on sale Sept 7.
ETA Heard from her!
Delighted for Texas peeps! Woot!
In one of the interviews in OZ, Adam talked again about a Trespassing tour, but it seemed to me with a lot less conviction and a very general “someday” vibe. Maybe I read too much into his response, but honestly after going all over the country with these radio concerts, there is probably less urgency to actually make a Trespassing tour.
Was it jlurk who urged everyone to go to a radio concert, because it may be all we get? I am thinking that is very good advice.

And of course there would be no need to regret having gone to a radio show even if there is a tour. More Adam is better than less Adam!
nkd, I had ordered 5 Faults, got NONE. Emailed them, and in order to send me replacements they wanted another 30 pounds. Also wanted “proof” I didn’t get them (?) and then accused me of getting them and putting them on eBay, and trying to get free replacements. I then asked if they could just send me ONE at no cost, and they wanted 7 pounds to do that. Mind you, five magazines plus postage was over US$100. I basically told them to go f**k themselves, blocked the stupid free digital and also their email. Sent me a copy of a stamp/address label “proving” the mags were sent from Poland.
Don’t believe I’m the only one who didn’t get them…..I know @kinkykeidis in the UK never got hers either.
Btw, I have two extra UK Trespassing CDs, if anyone wants, will gladly mail to you AT NO COST (don’t want to be confused with Fault a-holes).
nkd…Happy for you & TexasWHE! Nice that Gavin DeGraw will meet Adam. He’s one of those rare people who tweeted to Adam his love of Trespassing album.
I never got mine either riskylady. How do you prove that you didn’t get them?????
I responded to their email, I requested 2, which is what I originally ordered, for which I agreed to pay the postage, but never heard anything back from them.
luval, you should come too!
conflicting callback tweets:
Never got my two Fault mags. Think the turtle was sidetracked delivering DVDs
to Finland, Hong Kong, and Canada. He could have made a side trip to Sacto.
At the present time, a radio station sponsored concert is about all that is going on, so better than nothing.
I read some blogs through Google Reader, I also have Adam’s twitter on there. I just checked and noticed all of his tweets from the Ambian twitter party are still there.
Exactly, nkd! Very disappointing. I think over here they would have gotten in trouble. Wonder how many people really never got them worldwide….
Anyway, moving on. Fortunately, there have been no problems with other Adam-related stuff from anywhere, that I know of.
Hi guys, I’ve been mostly lurking lately, real life has been wild and busy. Became an empty nester and lots of other “stuff” going on too. Just letting you all know I’ll be away for almost a week. Thanks to father-in-law and a nice gift. So hubby and I are going to our beloved Door County, Wisconsin. Gonna learn how to be together without kidz. And get my mind off the politics lately. I’m not feeling very proud of my home state lately. We have spawned some real evil here by the name of Paul Ryan. He is not universally loved here, by any means.
Not to worry. I’ll be bringing Kiev with me to exercise to!! And UK TSP for the car. Methinks hubby will like By The Rules and Map.
See you all late next week.
jlurksacto I wonder if both judging and producer auditions are happening, producer auditions a few days beforehand in each city. One of the contestants apparently lives in NYC and there are supposed to be judging auditions in Newark, if the info on MJ’s is correct.
Have a great, relaxing time mils, we will miss you.
I agree. Adam also reciprocated with a tweet of his love for “Sweeter” — not sure which happened first. Doesn’t matter — they seem to have a mutual admiration society going on between the two of them. This should really be a great show!
Enjoy Door County, mils! My sister loves it there.
I got my Adam Fault but I also ordered the new one with Sauli in it and it hasn’t come yet. A gal I follow on twitter lives in Chicago and she’s gotten hers. I’m not worried yet but maybe after next week. I’ve use Paypal to pay for mine so I wonder if it doesn’t come if I could file a complaint with them to retrive the payment. Have any of you who haven’t rec’d yours tried this?
I’d love to go to that concert but I’m organizing a professional convention for November 2nd and I will be up to my eyeballs in work.
Speaking of conventions, Queen will be having one in Toronto next year. A Glambert who keeps in touch with the lady who manages Queenonline received an email yesterday. We are all planning to go (all of us are members of the fan club.)I don’t think you have to be a member. It might be a nice chance for a Glambert get-together.
We’ll have to wait and see what the date is first.
A brief message from Adam to his Australian fans…..
Post from Atop by LA person that follows AI
OK, here comes my past Idol experience. Between the arena rounds and the judges rounds, there are producer rounds. I had been thinking those were already done. But, “Duh!” if Nigel hasn’t been signed, of course, they weren’t done. The producer rounds have to come before the judges rounds.
Now, in the past, very few times, they have done the producer rounds and judges rounds at the same time. One I know about, for sure, is Las Vegas, Season 5. It requires 3 days, instead of just 2.
My thinking is they will do this for all 7 cities:
Charlotte, Newark(NYC), Los Angeles, San Antonio, OK City, Chicago, New Orleans.
If they are going to need 3 days for each city, I don’t see how they can start later than next week. I don’t. Maybe announcement for judges on Tuesday and they start in LA next week?
Adam in OZ, OK mag
I used paypal also. That may be the next step.
It might be starting next week but Adam hadn’t heard anything as of Tuesday morning, so it’s unlikely he will be part of the panel, if this is the case.
I can’t believe they would start producer callbacks next week if contestants are only hearing about them now. (There haven’t been any tweets about next week, either. So far it’s the 14th.) Since contestants have to travel, this would be very short notice. Not to mention that a lot of them are school age and first week is a bit much to miss.
It must be the week of the 14th. The auditions weeks don’t need to be consecutive. Also, I believe Nicki has something mid-Oct.
BTW – Enrique Iglesias has 3 concerts in the last half of September so, hopefully he’s out. On the other hand he cancelled his second Orlando concert this weekend (Sunday night.)
Good evening folks! Thank you for the birthday wishes. Kradamour and I had a wonderful few days together. At the end of each day she would read to me from the blog as I lazily petted her sweet, sweet, cat.
cgesq, so sorry to hear your news. Thank you for letting us know so we can actively send you positive and loving thoughts. Adam has seen many of us through challenging times and more often than not, he can make us forget our RL for awhile. Please keep us posted.
Mils, enjoy your vacation with your hubby.
Lady North happy b-day
Never got my Adam Fault mag. Ordered via Paypal but in all honesty don’t know if I was actually charged for it since I think I just made the deposit.
Night everyone.