- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
cqesq – I am so sorry to hear of your health challenges. That’s wonderful that you are through the first hurdle, and I’m sending you all good wishes for strength and renewed health as you enter this next phase of treatment. I think about having met you in London, and it pains me to think that you knew of your diagnosis and impending surgery then, and how that must have weighed on you during your trip. I’m so glad that Adam and his music bring you joy, strength, and happiness, and may he always do so. Please keep us posted on how you’re doing. You’re among friends here!
cqesq, I am sorry that you have that kind of health problems to face. I think we didn’t meet but I was in London too. I wish you a fast recovery helped by all the Adam goodies!
I had fun reading Adam’s twitter party yesterday (even though many people in 24/7 thought it was the end of the world). But when I tried to find them in his twitter, there were a few I couldn’t find. Maybe he deleted some? I couldn’t find the tweet about Idol or the one about Sauli sleeping…
I am supposed to have a special dinner today with my nearest ones. It’s a restaurant that is on the top of a narrow, high tower, the top is slowly turning around so the great view over the town and a lake changes during your dinner. But I just don’t feel like celebrating – maybe that changes when I get there. Never dined there before.
I think that Idol is having a “chemistry” moment. If so-and-so signs then we go with Adam over Nick or vice versa. That’s why I keep praying for a “Nicki has signed” story. They don’t need Kanye if Nicki is in – Nicki is Kanye and Nick Jonas all-in-one. She’s a rapper with a 20-something audience.
Also glad that Keith has apparently signed because he’s pretty self-affacing and they will want a very outgoing, articulate “uncowboy” to round out the panel, especially with those ladies.
I don’t see Enrique and Keith (two non-Americans) on the same panel. Think of how very American the Voice panel is.
Two pieces of good news imho: Adam’s statement last week suggests that his managment had been told very recently that he’s still in the running; and Nick Jonas has been moved to an X Factor assignment on another Fox show.
Nicki was rumoured to be signing on Sunday/Monday at the earliest so we will see.
No news for 10 days, I suspect, due to GOP Convention this week and Democratic Party convention next.
cqueq I don’t know if we met in London or not. Were you at Cher’s party? I would imagine the trip was a big “forget all about it” moment but it must have been tough from time-to-time.
I don’t want to dwell on it here ‘cos this is a “forget-all-about-it” place unless you want to talk but would love to know if we did meet. (Everyone was using their real names.)
Ron, thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for – by ‘saveable’ I just meant easy to copy and paste.

Is it me, or it seems that Adam fans abandoned MJs?? She has 2 posts about Adam and no comments. Crikets. Maybe fans had enough of their posts being deleted and being banned and moved to other sites??
And detractors lost their interest?? Who knows..
Few minutes later: One person commented – yksaks – well known Claymate and Adam hater. I’m not going to answer her.
cgesq I enjoyed meeting you in WB. I was actually thinking about you the other day and wondering why we hadn’t heard from you since London. I’m glad to see you back at ALL but am sorry to hear about all you’ve been through in the past few weeks. As you know, you have many friends here. I hope that the chatter and links to all things Adam at ALL will distract you and keep a smile on your face as you continue your treatment and recovery over the next few months. We look forward to seeing a fully recovered you at the (hopefully many) shows in 2013
I noticed this also. I believe that MJ May have noticed that her hit count is dwindling recently. The Idol concert threads are not generating much enthusiasm,the Kelly/Carrie threads have very few comments despite their sales power, people are tired of the Idol judge rumors, and the last Headlines threads were 4 or 5 Durbin followers discussing his career and his band endlessly. At first I thought MJ might have some insider info about the Judge situation and was trying to ease back into Adam coverage. Now I think its plain dollars and cents. You can’t have a blog if no one is contributing. I think that MJ is realizing that alienating Adam fans has cost her and she’s thinking she needs to woo some back. Just speculating of course.
I got such a kick out of Adam’s ambien-induced twitter party. Best twitter party ever!
Lady North – apparently twitter was wonky about some of the tweets – I couldn’t see some of them either (and still can’t) but others on twitter say that they can still see them. So he hasn’t deleted anything. Nor should he. He got a little racy, but it was all innuendo and in good fun. I loved it – so funny.
As I tweeted to Adam after the party, I hope that the filter he was hoping to buy online is out of stock or discontinued by the manufacturer, cuz unfiltered Adam is da best. LOL
Did you guys see this? A montage of Adam’s various duck face expressions from the Melbourne club he went to last Sunday night. He’s such a crack up.
Love this one with Brian: http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/551659_498295433531079_438748869_n.jpg
And then there’s this, of course — courtesy of chunkeymonkey81. PERFECT!
And a few more photographic treats:
From the Take40 interview: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/424586_10151061079419091_1867148317_n.jpg
From the Melbourne CD signing: https://twitter.com/TheWonderPigs/status/240662795685867522/photo/1
New interviews on youtube!
Take40 interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jih8gdM-vmg&feature=youtu.be
Take40 interview (celebrity love advice): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GToo_uWEQak&sns=tw
And another very cute little treat – a bird trying to sing the intro to Naked Love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHNtBfmSuPQ
Here is more information about the Live in the Vineyard gig in Napa in early November. Sounds great! Too bad you have to win your way in. It does look like there are participating radio stations all around the country though, if I’m reading it correctly.
Which reminds me. jlurksacto – are you going to the LAMatinee bash this weekend? You should!! It looks like a blast!! (And then you can come back and give the rest of us a report!)
And a tiny picture??? (Is it to much to ask?? Don’t make us beg..)
apal123,you might be on the right track, or maybe people moved on, now we have lenghty discussions about Scotty and P2 how wonderful they both are.
IMO P2 will go directly David Cook route – great coronation song and boring album afterward. During his run on Idol P2 managed to make any cover he sang unrecognizable and basically he sang the same song over and over.Creative he ain’t.
Scotty is a lovable kid with a voice much older than him, and I wonder what will happen when his age will catch up with his voice.
After all excitement of current Idol will die we gonna get brand new crop of “stars”.
Oksana– I think that many Adam fans have left MJ’s for friendlier sites. I followed MJ’s faithfully for 3 years. This spring I lost interest. Following Adam makes me happy and helps me relax and escape from RL when I need to. Reading contentious posts on MJ’s and seeing her delete posts from fans trying to defend Adam is just plain unpleasant. I can get all of the news and links I need to all things Adam here and the company is delightful, so why go elsewhere and get needlessly annoyed. That said, I occasionally will look at the headlines on MJ’s about Adam or Glee but will avoid the posts.
Have theories about the lack of posts at MJs – one is that the Kris fans were the most vocal about dislike of Adam and, since Kris has pretty much disappeared from the scene, what’s to say. Plus Adam has solidified his performing credentials with the Queen concerts, and one’d look pretty silly saying he can’t sing. Adam has been a catalyst for years in inciting disagreement (thus, posts), but now, unless he becomes a judge, what’s to make a fuss about.
And, yes, think MJ’s deleting rampages have discouraged fans, as well – gave up and went elsewhere.
ultima, but you still post at MJ’s, right?
I agree on Kris fans being the most negative,but I detected negative posts from fans of Clay and Cook as well.
BTW, what happened to Kris? Is he going Cook route? (Lee Dewyze didn’t happen).
Queen concerts brought comments, that yes,Adam can sing, but not in the right way.LOL.
Let me count the ways how many times my posts were deleted and I was banned…
Haha well I may have spoken too soon about Adam not deleting his twitter party tweets. According to some folks on twitter who could actually see the original tweets in question, Adam has deleted some of the juicier, racier tweets this morning. *sniff* (For some reason, I could never see the original tweets to begin with, so I can’t tell whether they’re gone or not.)
cwm, nothing was deleted. When you look at his tweets, click on “all”, and you will see all the juice. Adam usually owns what he says..
Sorry, I take it back. He removed some tweets in the past hour. Maybe AI wants him to keep clean image????
Interesting stats here on celebrities’ twitter followers, and the extent to which they are fake, inactive, or “real.” Guess what? Adam has “real fans”! His percentage of fake and inactive fans is one of the lowest among the celebs they looked at. Of course, we already knew that Adam’s fans are VERY active on twitter!
Adam is #9.
Nope, not going to LA this weekend (sorri Ron) BUT – – – – – – –
A number of people have wanted to pay for the Queenbert Kiev DVD and I always have said “NO PAYMENT.” For those that still want to pay, how about this. Make a donation
to one of these charities, or a charity of your choice. Do some real good in honor of Adam
and Queen. Any money that I have received (check or paypal) is going to selection #3.
1.. http://mycharitywater.org/p/campaign?campaign_id=22963
2. http://www.donorschoose.org/
3 People extraordinaire are donating $$ to support 1n10 youth to attend Adam’s upcoming concert at the Arizona State Fair on October 17. It would be great if Molly at 1n10 could receive donations by September 12. The tickets go on sale on September 15.
The tickets are $20.00 each for reserved seating. We are hoping to sponsor 30-35 youth. You can send a check/cash to the address below, with a note indicating that this is a donation for the AZ State Fair ticket purchase.
one n ten
c/o Molly Stump
2700 North 3rd Street
Suite #2011
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 400-2601 (this is the office phone #)
Office Manager/Molly Stump
You can also send the donation online through PayPal at http://onenten.org/ If you do this, send Molly an email molly@onenten.org to let her know that the donation is for the tickets.
Some fans may decide to send $5.00 for the light rail or bus tickets, if they are not able to purchase a ticket.
It will mean so much to the youth to see the most precious and amazing Adam in concert. Thanks to those who can contribute a little or who just send their kind thoughts to the youth. It’s all welcomed!
mmm222, I checked MJ’s daily for news however lately she started branching so much, that I’m losing interest in her posts.
I was on MJs since Season 5 when Daughtry was voted off. I posted there all the time. Read every damn thread, when Adam came on I engrossed myself in his song threads and concert threads. I loved everyones opinions about the tour. I loved the Glamnation threads. Then somewhere down the line it got ugly, and I stuck with it, trying to add nice posts but state my opinion about the negative stuff. I never got warned or banned, but having to watch.every.single.word.I posted made me so stressed, even tho I got tons of Liked for my posts. I told myself it wasnt worth it, and I quit posting, because MJ let all the awful stuff that she should have deleted stay, I was pissed. I continue to go there everyday to read news, but the threads are getting bare (hehe) and it looks like all the Adam hard core fans even dont post on his threads. YOUR LOSS MJ HAHA!
Anyhow thanks for this home where anything goes, and rarely does! My first click in the morning before I get up is here and always will, MJs is a side attraction!
Good health wishes to all with sick or medical problems.
cwm and oksana2000, I compared what I found in Adam’s twitter and what other people reported here or some other sites earlier after the actual tweets. Last time I checked, there was at least two missing, don’t know about now.
I have never been to MJ’s and I suppose I won’t. On 24/7 people are suppose to be fans, but very often the comments get very hostile and negative. I really like this site, because even when people disagree, they express it nice, polite way. Thanks everyone for that!
I am much better mood after the wonderful birthday dinner with my guy, mom and brother. Rolling restaurant at the top of the city was really an experience! And the food was one of the best I’ve ever tasted
At the moment I don’t mind turning to the next decade of my life…
To me it was always like walking on egg shells over there.
IMO, glad racy tweets were deleted. Don’t need that right now. Probably his management, although too late I think.
Lol – think I may know without looking which tweets were deleted.
Yes, Oksana – still post over there – positive posts of people/performances I like. Then, occasionally . . . .
I still take a peek over there. But it’s always Kelly, Carrie, Kelly, Carrie, Kelly, Carrie, Kelly, Carrie……………
luval, well.. Kelly and Carrie are the most successful, so MJ’s always brings their stuff. She also brings every bit of info about anyone associated with Idol. The problem with Carrie is that for me she is incredible boring and on the top of that I’m not into country music. I like Kelly, she has lots of spunk and is a great singer.
Adam threads were always bringing ton of comments until his fans get discouraged and moved away. This site (thank you eywflyer) is my safe heaven and I get all the info I ever need and nobody tells me what to say.
And peeps are great!!!
For laughs I go to TheHomePlanet and for Sauli info I check Adamtopia.
I used to check 24/7 but due to the fact that one can post without registering is now infested with TROLLS. And cray cray’s. And they steal their stuff from AdamQuoteDaily.
Now..what do I need MJ’s for????
P.S. Selection #3 I copied directly from here:
New episode:
They are already out there, I am actually surprised we haven’t seen more about it. He didn’t say anything all that bad, just being honest. I would rather he just own it.
Happy Birthday LadyNorth! Hoping that you had a fabulous day and dinner!

I agree with you 100%, luval!
Unfiltered Adam may be fine with all of us. However, it may not always be fine for the Twitter universe. Adam seems to be gaining new fans all the time. Some of his fans and followers are very young. In my opinion, there is a time and place for unfiltered Adam — during his own adult concerts, perhaps.
I don’t feel that Twitter is the place, no matter the time.
ETA: Have to add that most of his tweets from yesterday were perfectly fine. I would have deleted two of them.
#3 for me, jlurksacto – thanks for this.
Eh, I can’t get too excited about potential negative repercussions from Adam’s racy tweets. The tweets in question were so innuendoed (is that a word?) that truly young fans would not likely get most of those references anyway. And they weren’t offensive, IMO, just a little racy. I’m sure that many celebrities have said far more explicit things on twitter without so much as a ripple. I haven’t detected any ripple effects from his tweets beyond fan reactions, which were either (a) highly amused (me!) or (b) nervous about potential fallout.
So I think it’s fine – and probably prudent – that he deleted them, but I really don’t think they’ll ever come back to bite him. I mean, he had already previously publicly stated that he’s a top, that he sleeps in the nude, etc., so the info wasn’t exactly shocking anyway!
Happy Birthday LadyNorth! I hope that you have a wonderful day! Your celebration with loved ones in the rotating restaurant sounds lovely.

Ha, but these weren’t the two that I would have deleted. The naked part was actually hilarious!
I am hoping you are right, cwm, in that there won’t be any negative repercussions. You probably are right. Count me as one of those who was/is “nervous about potential fallout”, especially now.
The one that cracked me up was the “overpriced accessories” tweet.
dcglam – which ones are you nervous about? The ones about oral sex and masturbation? (Haha Gawd, Adam you crack me up.) I’m not worried. The “head” one is veiled (and quite clever, I might add, LOL) and the jerking off one is a toss-away line about what he used to do.
The deletion I think is interesting is that he apparently deleted the tweet about the next single and the “promotional strategic reasons” for the delay, the one ending in #trustabitch. Maybe he thought that gave away a bit too much behind-the-scenes info.
I’m just picturing Adam looking through his tweets a day later with a clearer head and thinking, “Eh, maybe that one is a bit TMI and should go…,” rather than his management coming down on him and demanding/suggesting that they be deleted.
I think the news cycle on twitter “controversies” is very immediate. If there hasn’t been a public/media brouhaha about it yet, I seriously doubt that there will be. And the longer it goes without creating a ripple, the less the likelihood. Especially since the tweets in question are no longer in his timeline. People – and the media – move on quickly.
A new little goodie — this is a cute out-take from backstage in Poland:
From Atop:
How about a sweetener. If you let me know how much was donated to 1in10
for tickets via email (same as DVD address), I’ll equal that; effectively doubling your donation. Love challenges!
Yah, that was a good one ultimathule! Adam may have been feeling a little dopey yesterday morning, but his wit was definitely in fine form. So many great one-liners.
jlurksacto:#3 for me too. That was a great and generous idea. Win-win-win all around.
oh jlurks, that could get expensive…sorry… They will have their ticket money in no time.
cwm: Thanks for finding this. So hilarious, I watched it 5 times in a row. http://walkinheaven.tumblr.com/post/30480571819/adam-lambert-at-polish-channel-eska-tv-backstage
eta: of course I thought he slipped and said “It’s amazing to be a Queen” and then realized it. But I guess it was just the camera freaking him out.
I missed the overpriced accessories tweet. What was it about?
Hi @adamlambert will you come in France for the Trespassing tour?
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
I sure hope so. I need a crepe, cafe, and some overpriced accessories.