- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Ron, I just made Adamized a kir royale and we toasted you! Hope you heard the clink of the glasses!
Hi there, cgesq~

I am so happy to finally hear from you, but unhappy to hear about the trying time you have had during these past couple of months. The fact that you are on the road to recovery is very, very good news! Please remember that you have many friends right here who care and are thinking about you with love. We want you to hang out here with us as often as you can as there is rarely a dull moment in Glambertville. Adam is truly the best medicine!
Let me make sure I have this straight…

While I was working today, Adam was across the country having a Twitter party while lying nekkid in bed next to Sauli.
Yep, I thought I had it correct!!
LOL, you gotta love that boy…..
Dear Kradamour and adamized,
I wasn’t sure what it was but I thought I heard something and so I came here.
A lovely gesture by two lovely ladies!
Have a wonderful time as you continue to celebrate and thank you for thinking of me.
A votre bonne santé
cgesq: I met you just briefly at the dinner in WB. I am so sorry you have to live through this nightmare, but live through it you will and come out a stronger person on the other side. Stay positive and take care of yourself. You have all my best wishes.
Hi. Waving!! I’m just popping in after being away for a few days emptying my nest.
What have I missed? I haven’t caught up at all.
Did dcglam just mention a naked twitter party?
Did that include all of you? LOL
I need to catch up. I have a feeling I missed a lot…
Hello cgesq. I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been going through troubling times but it is so good to hear from you and I imagine that Adam is a wonderful distraction. All good wishes and thoughts going you way. Please keep in touch and we will, too.
Apologies nkd, I didn’t realize you had posted the Nick Jonas news last night. I just trotted over here with it this morning and didn’t check back. Another judge down, anyway.
Now all we have to do is take turns distracting Nigel from Twitter so he doesn’t see any of Adam’s wacky tweets from last night and decide he’s too, too much for American Idol.
That video of the weekend event sure looks fun. I somehow doubt that Adam will be wearing skimpy bathing suits or jumping into pools but it would be great to see him perform. Does anyone else think that this might be a cabaret-style performance with a couple of entertainer friends?
Congrats to dcglam! She now joins Ron (and a few others) as a member of the 2000th post club!
Welcome dcglam!
I’m honored to be in such wonderful company!
AL, you are too clever for words: 2000 Post on Toast?!
I am looking at the glamfansinfo twitterfeed to the right, and it cracks me up how hard they try to ensure that the glamily stay away from the sept 1 gig (except of course the target audience). The things we do for him: even NOT go to a gig. But now who will get video? Or is it better if there is no video?
ALthough if I was Adam I would not trust it!
Okay, I’ve only gone back a page, but, cgesq, HT&P are with you. I have a couple of friends who have gone through this, and they have weathered the storm quite well. It was hard, but, they are both clear now. Keeping positive helped them a both a lot. I’m hoping that Adam’s lovely voice should help smooth over a lot for you.
You took the words right out of my mouth TLKC!
I am almost hoping no video so Adam can be himself. He’ll have Sauli with him so I doubt he’ll be too crazy but still. Guy should be allowed to do his own thing without a huge window being opened on his world every time he turns around.
ETA: Just saw your post Ron. I just think Adam should sit still for a few days and behave. He has too much at stake.
cqesq, love and light to you to help you heal and cope!!! Happy belated to Kradamour and adamized, many more healthy happy B-Days to you both!!!
I have a thought about Adam and Idol. Let me stir the pot, shall I? Is it possible, that he might take a spot on Idol doing the coaching role similar to what Tommy Hilfiger did, but even better. Adam can not only advise them on fashion and style, but on real stage presence. He would be amazing at this. It was his claim to fame when he was a contestant for God’s sake. Any thoughts???
Wow, they certainly add up quickly!! I had no idea I posted that often, but I do feel honored to receive such recognition. LOL, I suppose I need to thank Adam and his naked Twitter party for the winning post….

Anything less than judge is a waste of time. Look how Hilfiger was barely shown – always cut. The producer, the mentor and the stylists work all week and get minimal camera time. Adam should say no. It will prevent him from touring and promoting his cd and give him no decent exposure as a respected music person to make up for it.
I’ll repeat my mantra. Adam is a judge. Adam is a judge. Adam is a judge.
(still have DVDs)
Adam on PLL Halloween show teaser.
ETA A better version
The spot would be what Adam would make it! It could be a combination of music coach and style coach. I submit they have never had anyone in either role that would do it better. That being said, I would prefer he judge but he would definitely be a standout in that role and has the skill set to do it like no one else IMHO
Damn smartphones…oops on the double post!
HMMM You could pass them out at an event on Saturday Night.

Frankly, my heart will not be broken if Adam does not get the Idol gig. I’d take it as a sign that he needs to move on to other opportunities. I know that would sound better if we knew of a bunch of opportunities on the table, but still. Idol is somewhat stuffy by now. Especially if they don’t get Adam to polish it back up to high-shine glitter. And he would have to be super behaved to not get scolded. (Can you imagine the uproar if Adam had made Steven Tylor’s “F#$% a duck” comment??)So my only reasons to hope for a yes are that 1. Adam seems to want it 2. I could watch him on my TV every week (completely selfish).
I watch Idol regularly and contestants like Philip and Colton simply disregarded and disrespected the advisors. I read a column about Tommy Hilfiger and how bad he looked and how he disappeared after a few shows. That stuff generally ends up as an outake. Adam has an amazing skill set for that job but he can’t make anything of it if it’s edited down and out. Above all, judging is live and Adam is best live.
Judging is a position of respect. Jimmy Iovine’s position is a position of the respect. The rest are “fluffers.” (Yes, I know what that means.) Adam is too good for that.
If he can’t be respected a someone with an amazing talent and a right to judge, he might as well work on his career so that he can get to that position.
Sorry to sound so adamant but I don’t think we should sell Adam short just yet.
“You could pass them out at an event on Saturday Night”
My disguise could be a vendor’s uniform. Done! On my way. A friend
has tickets and asked if I wanted to go. I’m in!
You saw the pictures, it must be a shirtless vendors uniform.
I agree with turquoisewaters. I mostly want this because I can’t bear to see Adam disappointed. He was so happy at Fantasy Springs. If he doesn’t get it, his best scenario is to move on to other opportunities. He can tour with his band and I doubt that Queen is finished with him.
I would just prefer to see him performing if he can’t have an Idol judgeship.
Okay, but I get to keep the mask!!
You wouldn’t mind swinging by Toronto first and picking me up would you, jlurksacto? It isn’t as if you don’t know the way. You should leave your place … well, right about now would be a good time.
You be the Vendor and I’ll be your monkey.
jlurksacto, are you really going? The promo video you posted looked like a lot of fun. Don’t forget your bathing suit.
Ron, be outside waiting Wed at 0
ark thirty. We have a lot of miles to cover.
(where did the smiley come from?)
It’s true, Adam is good for your health. This older adult (I use that term as it won a poll, it seems we don’t like being seniors or elders). When I met up with my fan friends at Des Moines, who I hadn’t seen for some time they all thought I looked better and younger. My acquaintances all think I’m having more fun than they are and truly I think I am. Fanning some one who fills you heart with his music and makes you smile just to see his face, has to have a good effect on your health. cqesqlots of Adam may be just the best medicine.
Ron just go catch that turtle. You could save him at least a couple of miles by Wed.
See you then, jlurksacto! Oh, boy!!
Let’s hope they don’t open your trunk at the border because, without a Passport, that’s where I’ll be
hidingriding.If you get caught, Ron, we’ll have to come and bail you out of the impoundment at customs. And jlurkscato will be charged with human trafficking. Unless you have a very, very good monkey suit.
I have the turtle, glambotgram!
The Post Office fired him so I told him he could stay with me. He’s really no trouble. Just sits in the living room staring.
I’ll have to bring him with me to California. He’s my ride home! With luck, I should make it back by Christmas.
Phfft, I’ll just take my shirt off.
OMG. Home Planet.
Just went on twitter and most glamberts are complaining about the GOP convention. We do have a serious side.
Well, jlurksacto I hope you go. That video looked like Beach Blanket Bingo without the girls – and a great way to spend a Labour Day weekend. Maybe next year Ron. Just another reason to get that darned passport.
check out the promo for pretty little liars: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzyeZ-JyGOY&feature=player_embedded
Does anyone know if there is an “all in one place saveable” version of Adam’s twitter party this morning?
24/7 has a transcript, Kradamour
Scroll down past the photos
It just really concerns me that they are taking so long to either select him or cut him loose. It seems the longer it takes the slimmer his chances are. He has always been a fan and supporter of Idol…get on with it already!
Oh, sorry. I guess the 24/7 transcript isn’t what you’re looking for, Kradamour. I skipped over the word “saveable”.
I should go to bed!
Good night.

I agree Jlurksacto Would be so exciting. Fingers crossed, recrossed and doublecrossed.
Idol has only announced the selection of one judge. How has their silence
since then helped or hurt the chances of anyone else? Curious.
part of the Take40 interview from Oz
another part