- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Adam is so funny. Even though he tries, he can’t stay away from us! After 8 hours he is back tweeting us again!
The Paul McCartney link is on Adam’s twitter August 1.
Great remix – says Beatport has it – gonna look it up.
Best radio concerts? I’ll forever love Wilkes-Barre. Best Adam concert I have been to. It was just a perfect day full of joy and excitement and celebration. Adam was in great voice, and the sound was wonderful. Meanwhile I have downloaded lots of videos from the other recent concerts. I think Costa Mesa was outstanding. Six Flags San Antonio was really fun, low key and wonderfully relaxed with some beautiful singing. In a similar way I like the Six Flags Show in PA, even though I originally skipped even looking at videos (and there are some great TALC videos). I really wish there was better video from Winstar as well. Moves and pants are great and all, but I want to hear him sing loud and clear!
Sounds just like Adam.
Wow, a new rumor mill – holiday at Brian resort
I am excited in seeing where we are on Monday. And I am waiting for that video Sauli was talking about – if it’s public… He also commented his London experience, said it was the best trip he ever had!
To me, loving all people and celebrating diversity and accepting people’s differences is the true religion
Mils, I totally agree. Freedom of expression, but it should not be harming or hate towards other people. Hate is often a cover for person’s lack of knowledge, and own uncertainties and fears. It’s easier to hate someone than explore your own mind. Adam has explored his very well, so he has no need to hate anyone, not even the haters. But hate for no reason makes me sad – and angry too.
Aely, thanks for the very touching article!
Now I will be off for the weekend, or should I express it as Adam did, that was new expression to me… Have fun (or fan
Ha, did y’all notice the wink face after Adam’s tweet? Hmmm, I suppose I could be over analyzing things, but I am looking forward to “next week”. I’m on my way out of town in just a few minutes, so you guys will need to take good notes for me while I’m MIA. Have fun flailing together, and it sounds as though there may just be plenty of that in the cards for next week!
Mornin’ everyone. Wouldn’t it be cool if this was Sauli’s promo, including a free vacation, and Adam was along for the ride. It would be nice for Sauli to be able to treat Adam to something, since Adam is always taking Sauli places. We will see.
Interesting thought, TLKC.
btw…I am “in” for the Trespassing tour bus!
I am a political junkie and, to me, the whole Chik-Fila issue has blown up, in part, because it is an election year. The political Left and Right will exploit and expand every issue as far as they can to energize their bases. It is very sad that LGBTQ people are opening up their facebook or signing on to their favourite site and finding unexpected hate.
The US is changing, though, and things are slowly getting better. Recent court decisions on extension of benefits to same-sex partners are chipping away at the DOMA and the anti-SSM factions know they are on their last legs.
I especially love the California situation, where a 3-panel judge not only ruled in support of extending SS benefits but got 19 out of 25 judges on the circuit to voluntarily sign the ruling as well. Call me a conspiracy theorist but it’s interesting that the anti-DOMA crowd asked for their appeal to be heard by a panel of 11 judges – ‘cos they hope to get the 6 that didn’t voluntarily sign. LOL!!!!
Hate will always be with us but the Constitution is a robust and wonderful piece of work and it will triumph.
Okey dokey luval I am also thinking about a Queenbert bus or caravan when they come to the US. Nothing beats the sheer exhilaration of standing with thousands of people engaged in a massive sing-along of those amazing songs, led by our Adam!!!! We really need to make a road trip out of that, too. North Eastern seaboard trip: NYC, TO, MTL, Phila…
Who’s driving?
Northern Spirit! I elected her when we first talked about the bus. I think you can book a driver, though, or shre the duties.
Buses that sleep 12 are $4,000 a week – $400 a week each would cover that plus taxes. It would be a very economical trip ‘cos no hotel. The other option is regular bus and book hotel rooms along the way – we would all smell better.
Before anyone gets sniffy about “no showers” let me tell you about two fans who walked out of the first Queenbert UK concert and immediately got in line for the second one. According to a friend of mine, they smelled “really interesting” on the 12th. Apparently, managment took pity on the early line-standers and issued stamps so that they could get a bit of rest. So glad they rewarded such dedication.
ultimathule I saw the Paul McCartney video on Adam’s twitter that day and was a little dismayed when I saw the title. Then I watched it. He is always so gracious to the media but gets in his digs when he wants to. It was definitely directed at them.
TLKC…we’ll have to discuss all the details when the time comes. Depending on how many peeps, I like the hotel along the way idea. Actually…motels! They can be pretty cheap. Guess we have to wait for some news, though!
Reading the tweets from London we saw several that talked about the “interesting odors” as you said! LOL!
Ah…turquoisewaters…Wilkes Barre was just the best! And of course I love Fantasy Springs because I was there, it’s “history” with Adam, a very different experience…Adam was deliriously happy, as I mentioned. My brother’s fantastic time seeing Adam for the first time & just the whole Adam/band interaction at the resort. So much fun!!!! Actually except for my brother part, but with my “sista’s” with me in WB, it was very similar!
hahaha…Adam pulled a “kradamour” with his off the grid my ass last night.
It’s going to be soooo hot and high humidity here in Syracuse today. I took a run at 7:00am and almost couldn’t breathe already. I’m not going to leave the house until evening so I’ll be around throughout the day if anyone else is.
Yes, TLKC, my daughter and her partner are very hopeful at the way things are going nationwide. People are changing and I believe that equal rights for these two wonderful women are definitely on the horizon.
There is a big editorial today in my paper in which the editors of our paper took a stand in favor of equal rights for ss marriage, and also said that the greatness of our country lies in our freedom to express our beliefs either way. There is only one Chick fila in our state, in Racine, and over 1,0000 people drove from all over to buy sandwiches the other day. There have also been counter protests.
I’m just relieved that our usually conservative paper is on-board for ss marriage. We have a ss registry here, but it isn’t enough.
So, is he having a staycation?
I wouldn’t think so. BB loves a tropical destination. A lot of LA people go to Hawaii, it’s only 4 hours away.
And the California case was interesting, TKLC, as it had two lawyers – David Boies and Theodore Olson – who were pretty much on opposite sides of the political spectrum – challenging the ban. (You may remember Olson’s wife Barbara was on the plane that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11.)
I am so loving the idea of a Magic Bus. Now, we just need to cross our fingers, toes, and whatsis and hold hands and sing Kumbaya and appease the Muses and burn potpourri and chant a mantra and smoke a hooka and shake a tambourine and fling a chicken around our heads and kiss the Blarney Stone and make a prayer shawl and burn a candle and do a dance to the heavens to make Queenbert and the Trespassing Tour happen!!
(Either that or we find out who exactly TPTB really are and seduce them. I volunteer. I have been practicing my “glammoring” a la True Blood. Now, just gaze into my eyes…” You want Adam to travel. You know he needs to travel and perform. You will book Queenbert in many key cities in the USA. You will book Adam’s Trespassing Tour in many many cities, you know you will do it. Or, you will suffer the wrath of the Glamberts.” ” You will also do so in due time so as to allow our Glamberts time off from work, and to schedule their needs of a bus, and make travel arrangements.” “One more duty, you will schedule these concerts in geographical order. You will not have the Glamberts in New York one day and California the next. You will have care and concern for the Glamberts. Now, go and make it so.”
“Keep looking in my eyes…Alcide is mine.”
(( Good gravy, did anyone see True Blood from last Sunday? Alcide. OMG. Lucky Beeyatch. )).
Anyone been able to find that NCOE re-mix on Beatport as Drippy FM posted? Would like to buy it.
mils…I don’t want to sit next to you on the bus.
Just got HBO last week & saw True Blood for the first time. Wow.
Luval, now you’ll need to catch up with it on demand. Or at least look it up on Wikipedia to get the plot lines. Sookie, Bill and Eric have a lot of history. And a lot of sex, and blood. There’s also Vampire politics, which seem like LGBT issues. The Vampires came “out.” Lawdy, I love this show.
Aww. You can sit next to me on the bus. I won’t bite.
yes, mils…I have about 4 years of homework to do!
So….I came out of a store yesterday and Boy Scouts were selling popcorn.
An older scout (teen) and his mother were staffing the table.
I stopped, and very politely said that even though my husband had been an Eagle Scout, we would no longer support a homophobic organization.
The boy immediately turned to his mother and said “Told you.”
He and I exchanged smiles and I went on my way.
It is truly only a matter of time.

Queen update from Brian
aely…thanks for that…this is what I’ll keep hope alive for:
Love this:
I want more Adam stuff and I want it now.
Get back on the grid, baby, life’s not the same when you’re gone.
I have such mixed feelings about the scouts. My mom was a Cub and Boy Scout leader, and a Brownie and Girl Scout leader. I was a Girl Scout until I discovered boys. I was in until I was 15, and learned so much, I can’t measure it.
When I had my boys, I knew I would “give back” to scouting by becoming involved, and by being involved in an activity that we all enjoyed. Scouting is so much more than “fun.”
I was a Den Leader, member of the Pack and Troop leadership for 8 years. I helped the boys learn to cook, sew, clean and how to build a fire safely, pitch a tent, cook over a fire, whittle, fish, give first aid,and overall to respect each other and to not be afraid of trying something new. My boys and I have so many fond memories I can’t even begin to talk about it. Yes, I , Mils, am short of words to describe what scouting has meant to my family.
My sons have been working at a day camp ( oddly,not scouts ) for the last two summers as counselors. They come home after their hot and tiring days filled with stories of the boys and their various behavioral problems and situations. We talk about them at length, and if they want advice from dear old mom, I offer it. It usually helps.
They have often said ” none of these kids have ever been scouts. It should be required for all kids to be in scouts for 5 years.” They complain that the kids are wimps, that they have no sense of adventure, that they are scared of a mess, of wind, of rain, of fire, of dirt, of a boo-boo,etc. And, that they have no respect for authority.
They are camping this weekend, I can’t wait to hear how it went!!
So, what’s my point? I am having a very hard time with this new ruling. I wasn’t allowed to share a tent with any boys while camping after 3rd grade, even with my own boys. As a woman, they were afraid of sexual encounters. We had leader training that was OTT about sexual abuse, etc. When I say OTT, it’s because as a health care provider, the education mandated by the scouts about sexual abuse was way beyond anything I have ever received in health care. But, the male leaders were allowed to share tents with boys. Interesting, hunh? I think they have now expanded the rules so that men can’t share tents with boys after 3rd grade also. So what about before 3rd grade? I’m just shaking my head.
Like in any situation where youth interact with adults, there can be abuse. Scouting is held to a high standard because it is so involved in teaching boys to become ethical leaders and honest people who do the right thing. The leaders are held to a high standard of conduct.
So, what does this have to do with “gay?” I don’t get it. Aren’t gay men also moral, ethical and capable of teaching boys to be fine young men? If adults in scouts aren’t allowed to be alone with boys, if adults in scouts aren’t allowed to sleep in the same tents with boys, if adults in scouts have codes of conduct in regards to safe touching, then these rules apply to everyone. Gay, straight, everyone.
But, to pass a ruling, or a new standard of admission to scouting by outlawing a specific group of people is the polar opposite of what scouting teaches.
Believe me, if a person is a pedophile, they can be straight too. With Sandusky in the news, so what’s next? No gay/bi football coaches? Give me a break. If “Billy” has two dads, why can’t he be a scout? Who is supposed to take him camping?
If “Susie” has two moms, they can all be in Girl Scouts.
Like the kids say “It’s not fair.” I say, it’s not right.
But, the next time my nephew wants me to buy popcorn from him, I’m still buying it. Over 90% of popcorn money goes right back to the Pack. He loves the scouts, his dad is a leader. And a darn good one too. I’m not going to tell him my feelings. I probably will discuss it with his dad though. And, I’ll probably be firing off a letter to the Scout Council of our area one of these days.
Thanks kradamour for reminding me. Sorry for the rant.
Can understand Krad’s comment, but still contributing to the BSofA. My grandson is an Eagle Scout and the organization does so much good for kids of all races and economic circumstances. The kids are the ones who lose when cities and towns close parks and camping grounds to them. I believe the Scouts will change eventually and, until then, will aim at the organization itself, not the kids.
ultimathule, ITA. Who knows, maybe this next generation with their more open embrace of diversity will change the policy from the inside out? We can only hope.
Just got an email that the next Queen magazine(very small, like 15 pages) will contain lots of pictures of Queen+ Adam. It is part of the fan club. It is $50 per year and you get 3 mags per year plus all updates and pre sale ticket options. Or $40 if you just want down load only magazines. Queenonline.com. just if anyone is interested.
Talk on twitter that Nick Jonas tweeted that he has the Idol job “in the bag”. But I couldn’t find anything.
Adam needs to do a twitter party this week. You can still twat when yer off the grid, right?
MJ’s has a whole thread about Nick Jonas.
thanks, mils. No wonder there is twitter talk.
Now this is what I call a fan.
Jonas? Guess I’ll be saving a lot of time not watching Idol.
I didn’t watch this past season either until May. Can hope for a guest appearance by Adam.
funny tweet:
Nick jonas????? I haven’t been over to MJ’s yet, but on the last thread that mentioned him as a judge I couldn’t get over the comments, all the comments in favour of him cited things like Broadway success, were the same things they were slamming Adam for.
I mentioned it to my 10yo the other day (who used to love the jonas brothers from her camp rock days), and she wasn’t impressed with the idea of him being a judge.
I haven’t enjoyed Idol as much the last 3 seasons, in fact Scottys season I tuned out before the end, and only really watched for Haley, and last year I only watched it if I was in.
So far, not getting excited for the new season….unless Adams on of course.
This is a lovely photo, just love that smile,
and a new pic of Adam and Sauli
Adam Lambert Help ♥ @AdamLambertHelp
Has Adam Lambert Delayed His ‘Trespassing’ Tour So He Can Judge American Idol? – myportiswaspsays http://www.myportiswaspsays.com/2012/08/has-adam-lambert-delayed-his.html http://twitter.com/AdamLambertHelp/status/231859720527437825/photo/1
This actually worked…I’m normally crap at things like this!!
Beaver’s restaurant promotes “Hot Lesbian Sandwich”
Ted Olsen’s participation in this case is all about Proposition 8. Proposition 8 is the biggest mistake the anti-SSM faction ever made. The idea that legislative or judicial decisions can be overturned by public referenda makes a mockery of the constitution. SSM activists in California suddenly found themselves with a lot of unexpected supporters.
Seriously bummed about that Jonas brother being on Idol. Unlike a lot of you I have watched Idol on-and-off since season 8 and I actually liked Stephen Tyler. I have zero curiosity about this kid (I saw him on Smash for 20 minutes and he’s cute but no firecracker) and I was never excited about Mariah Carey.
From the sublime to the ridiculous, I know…
Yes, waiting to see if the Supremes will hear on the case (the one from Massachusetts, as well).
I’m thinking that if Adam had not been in the running for judge, he would have denied the rumors. Adam is very good at setting things straight on twitter. He’s also pretty good at keeping a secret. So, until he says something, I’m considering him still in the running.
This is Nick Jonas’ tweet
There has been no announcement from AI.
I remember this stuff going on 2 years ago when they signed JLo and StevenT. Theirs were the first names thrown out, then a zillion other names were mentioned, and we all know who was on the judging panel.
I’ll wait for official word.
ETA Wouldn’t Nick Jonas be so boring?