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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
Anti-gay rumor mill. I don’t think I have ever heard anything negative about Target and the LGBT community, but I’ll keep an eye on this. Wouldn’t mind having a reason to boycott another big-box store.
LadyNorth, are you Finnish? I knew that you are northern European, didn’t know the specifics. Because of Sauli, I have learned a lot about your country – he is an excellent ambassador!
That’s too bad about Adam and the Olympics but it was all just wishful thinking, at least on my part. It was fun to speculate. Get those olympics overwith and get Queen and Adam over here. Choose the Idol judges and Trespassing tour planning can begin!
Hi guys. Just stopped in for a moment to read most recent comments. There has been something going on with Target at least over the past 3-4 months. As you may recall, I listen to OutQ radio on XM/Sirius–I think it is America’s only LGBT radio station. I particularly like the Michaelangelo Signorile show which is the newsy, current events, weekday call-in show. There has been plenty of discussion about boycotting Target, and about Target even printing “rainbow” shirts as an apology of sorts (my take on this). I came in on the middle of the discussion, so I never found out what had happened to start the discussion. Just keep you ear to the ground and maybe find out what happened.
I was in Target this morning and looked for Trespassing. Could not even find Adam’s name anymore in any musical category.
As posted on link, I bought Trespassing twice from local Target and, when it was #1, it was displayed prominently on top shelf.
I’m not into boycotting stores like Chick-fil-A just because the guy believes in traditional marriage – it’s his opinion that’s all – not denying gays jobs or refusing to sell to them. All these tacky pols jumping on this to make some points. Shoot, it was Obama’s opinion about two minutes ago – until he got pushed into doing a 180.
The way Adam’s going will have more influence, IMO, than beating people over the head.
Have no problem if anyone disagrees with me – that’s life – remember Adam’s words – “freedom of expression, people, freedom of expression.” All should have it.
I remember Target’s big Trespassing display, but I don’t understand why it just disappears.
There was a comment on 24/7 that Trespassing is back on itunes at number 92 and sales on Amazon up 132%. Anyone hear this?
Ulti, I probably shouldn’t go here because everyone can have their opinion, and that’s one thing I like about this blog.
The Chik-fil-a thing goes deeper than just an opinion. They donated over $5 million dollars last year alone to organizations that are fighting to deny rights for gay people. I’ve been following this also on OUTQ radio. An opinion is just an opinion, but these organizations that received CFA’s money are influencing politicians and hurting our friends who want to be treated just like everyone else. That’s why I WOULD boycott if I ate there as I’d like for CFA to have less money for their cause. But I already don’t eat there.
I fully agree here. I don’t like the kiss-in that’s going on today at CFA’s. Just more fodder for the haters to say “They’re trying to push their agenda down our throats, just a bunch of people standing around kissing”. Way too much PDA (public display of affection) for my taste. A random public hug/kiss is fine to me regardless of who’s kissing whom.
I haven’t ate at a Chic-fil-a for years but I would be staying away now. I don’t need my fast food restaurant to have a political agenda, and would not want any of my money to go towards that agenda.
Adam + Olympics would have been great publicity… Televised all over the world! But the good thing was that it was very well explained that Adam was asked, it was not his or Queen’s decision this didn’t happen.
Kradamour yes, I am a Finn. And I guess many glamberts have already found a lot of info about this country people usually don’t know outside Europe… It’s funny, I did know before (after BB07) who Sauli was but I didn’t follow him at all until I fell for Adam. Now I am researching sometimes what he does. But I am not one of those Sauli fans who became Adam fans because of him. Sauli is very cute and nice guy and they are soooo adorable couple but mostly I am obsessed with Adam and his talent
I don’t know any other finnberts (except another newbie from another site), maybe I am just too… 29 years? I don’t know, maybe many worldberts are younger, I think they more probably have watched American Idol.
Most people I’ve talked about Adam haven’t seen him performing live, on Idol or later. Their image of him comes from headlines and pictures what tabloids write and show – fancy famous pop star (with make up) and bf Sauli
I have done my best to educate them lately… I knew based on Idol that Adam was a great singer and performer, but I guess after I started watching his interviews (what a warm charming intelligent personality!) and after-idol live performances I was totally sold. And he attracts me physically so much more than during Idol, I don’t know why the difference! He’s more matured, a man instead of a boy? His style now is a killer!! Sleepwalker, Soaked and Broken open performances hit me hard, so beautiful and emotional! And new Outlaws of love. I also liked very much BTIKM and it’s beautiful video, I don’t understand why it’s so banned. Then I found GNT Fever vids… WLL vids… Fan made “best movements” vids… Hot Adam! And Adam with Queen at EMA’s, perfection! There was no return! I had to buy FYE and GNT DVD. Then came the new album, Runnin’, Nirvana, Shady and many more. Trespassing on NNN awards was wonderful, so was NCOE at the Jimmy Kimmel show. The rest of it you already know.
I’ve been very active today, sorry… Time to shut this mouth now
For me, it also comes down to the money – anyone can have any opinion they choose and I don’t need to put on my boycott hat or beat my drum.
But I draw the line at significant financial contributions that presumably include some of my money, no matter how infinitesimal.
Fortunately, I don’t like ChikFilA, so the choice is easier!

Entirely true. He is a charming and eloquent ambassador.
I feel the same way, LadyNorth. I know that Adam tires of things fairly easily and loves to make changes. I am totally loving his look right now and hoping we can enjoy it for a while to come.
ITA, Lady North.

And as the mother of two sons, one of them not so much younger than Adam, it has been interesting and very gratifying to see him grow up while we watch/flail.
Adam has had quite a few curves thrown at him, and he has almost always dealt with them with grace and dignity.
Adam just tweeted:
Vacation probably started and he’ll be indisposed.
This seems to be the official “I’m on vacation” message.
Have fun, Adam.
High five, luval!
On the backside! (is that what people say? lol)
Yes indeed dcglam! I love this look too. Especially hair is perfect. It suits him and his face so much better (IMO) than the hair that was pulled to sides of his face… And the style is more sophisticated, also when he wears glitter and leather.
Whole this chicken company whatever -gate feels very strange to me. I can’t imagine any company or organization in my country that would put money in preventing LGBT rights. Some individuals or movements may think what they think, but I don’t believe they would use any money on that. I could find millions of more important targets (charity) to use that money. Live and let live!
Krad, I agree. But I am not hmm… “mature” enough to be Adam’s mom, so my feelings have never been motherlike. During Idol he was for me a talented “boy”. Ok he’s still cuckoo sometimes, but so am I! The difference is that he knows when to be cuckoo and when to take things seriously.
One piece of info before I REALLY go to my beauty sleep. Sauli told somewhere (I think it was his recent video show) he’s going to videotape something (for public purposes?!?) wherever he’s going for a trip!!! This is getting interesting.
LadyNorth, thanks for your wonderful comments.
And, no, I didn’t teach her the word “crotch.” But, when I first met my husband, he had only been in the states for a year, at college, an hadn’t learned “real English” yet. Hah! I taught him all the “good” stuff ASAP! Now, he can swear like a sailor, but still doesn’t know the difference between “this” and “that.” Drives me out of my mind!
What did we do during down times? In hindsight, there has never been a “down” time with Adam.
….I’m going to the corner now….
For the record, I don’t eat fast food, haven’t for at least 12 years. So, I can’t boycott Chick-fila, but, I do in spirit.
I guess I have a hard time with those folks who advocate hatred and bigotry and cover themselves with religious rhetoric. It gets under my skin. I don’t care which religion it is. To me, loving all people and celebrating diversity and accepting people’s differences is the true religion. To me, “God” loves all people. Period.
I believe in freedom of speech. I don’t believe in freedom of hatred/bigotry. And, I love what someone said upthread, “I’m not gay, but I’d go kiss a lady in Chick-fila to make a point.”
If anybody is here, I’m having a terrific conversation via e-mail with the radio station manager from Des Moines. I’ll post it when we’re done.
Mils, am anxious to read your post!
I’m so sorry! A warning for anyone attending an Adam concert with me, I get excited!
IIRC asif said they were leaving Saudi in July, then travelling for a while, returning to the US in September. She will be in the midwest I believe.
Oh really?!!!!
Me too!
I gave him some feedback positive and negative about the festival, and he responded, then we went back and forth a couple of times. He’s a real fan of Adam’s.
My theory on WhereInTheWorldAreAdamAndSauli: Holing up at Brian May’s estate to chill, practice for Olympics closing ceremony, and brainstorm new Queen/Adam songs!
Hi goatie! A week ago at this time we were getting ready to go to the restaurant. Where does time go?
I posted my email chain with the Des Moines radio station manger on the Des Moines thread. I’m still waiting for one more response.
I still think they are in my Malibu Barbie Dreamhouse with Ken, Skipper/Ke$ha.
They’re off the grid. ( So we can count out Gridlock).
Very interested in that conversation, mils – I left a polite comment on their facebook page about the promised hour and the disappointed fans. Glad to hear the station manager is responding to you.
Thanks for posting your email exchange. And thanks for taking the time to email them your observations. You made some very good points. The excuse he repeats several times started to aggravate me–“subject to change.” I’d like to know why Adam seems to be the only one who was subject to change?
mils, I just went to check out your penpal correspondence with STAR 102.5.
Loved it! Respectful but firm.
And honestly, mils, what could he say about Adam’s being cut except what he did say? subject to yada yada… But I’m sure he got the point.
Thanks, ellesay and Kradamour, agreed, why is it only Adam that’s subject to change? And, yes, he had to state all the “yada” kind of stuff. I was just glad to see that Adam was there because of him. I do have one more message out to him, but he probably won’t answer it. I asked about Adam and the radio. I’m sure he can’t answer it for business politics reasons.
mils, at first I didn’t know where your chat was but then figured it out on the Des Moines thread. Very good questions mils. The VIP waiting with GA really would have pissed me off. And I really don’t buy the subject to change thing. How many shows like this have we seen in the past 3 yrs (livestream, live) and haven’t had this problem? The Adam & radio thing would have been very interesting to discuss. But I think this is one area we will never get an explanation. From anyone.
For no other reason than “I told you so” I would so love Adam to get the judging job on Idol. Didn’t get the Olympics closing and I’m afraid Idol will go country. IMO
Okay, so the rumor mill is cray right now. The latest ( from 24/7) is that Adam and Sauli are on an island off Italy. After their vacay he will go to London to record the soundtrack song for the new James Bond movie with Queen, then do the closing ceremony.
Oh, if only….
Bringing this here. A wish list of Idol Hosts. This guy is all kinds of hilarious and I think a rising star. He won the contest to co-host with Kelly Ripa and was on last week. He did a great job, and kinda stole the show from her. And he loves our boy. No surprise. He’s like a warm fuzzy nice version of Perez. I’d take this guy any day.
Yeah, I like that rumor. I’m hoping Adam has some kind of surprise for us. It sure seems like he’s got something he’s busting to tell us, but can’t right now.
Hahaha — love that vid, mils. My favorite part….
“Look who’s getting paid to touch hearts now, b***h!!”
This is why the Chick fi a thing really is a big deal. I have not eaten there in over a year. And I love their food. Just my opinion of course!
Thanks for posting that advocate link, aely. One of my friends on FB (we worked together back in the 1990’s) has been having the same issues as the author of this article. She and her partner have been together for 10 years, and they thought many of their friends and family members understood their “plight” (for lack of a better word). She has been really distraught for the past few days and was considering shutting down her FB page because of ugly messages she was receiving there as well as her phone. We told her to just delete the suckers who have hurt her–but don’t shut down her FB because she really enjoys it and is on there a lot. She just felt devastated that her people would disrespect her over this.
Yes, Ceddies, it is hatred hidden behind free speech. It makes it seem like it is okay to discriminate as long as you link it to free speech and not religion. Sorry, but I see through that and quite frankly think it is utter bulls*+#t.
On a lighter note I really loved meeting you at WinStar!! Wish it could have been longer. Next time
aely, it was great meeting you too. Yes, I’m hopeful that there will be quite a few next times. We all will keep the roadways and airways busy when Adam tours. I haven’t done a recap for Winstar, but I have written down a list of things to discuss. Hopefully I can get that done next week. We need a few comments to keep us going during Adam Slow Times.
Statistically, CFA is swimming against the tide. Each year acceptance grows. One of my six is gay and has been with her partner for over fifteen years so am familiar with the obstacles they’ve faced. Very hopeful that times are changing fairly rapidly.
Yup. Looks like nothing from our boy for a little while now while he takes a well-deserved vacation.

What to do, what to post, what to flail over?
So…which of the radio shows was the best, peeps? I think I would still vote for Wilkes Barre. What others?
Have we talked about the Paul McCartney on Acid vid that he twatted about on August 1?

Just type in “Paul McCartney on acid” on you tube. Can’t find the link.